WSO2 Data Analytics Server - Function Logstash - logstash

Thanks for the opportunity.
I´m to configure DAS(WSO2 Data Analytics Server) in my environment but I need that appear and capture logs with the logstash.
In the DAS exist this caracteristic?
Thanks a lot.

I think what you are looking at is to publish DAS logs to Logstash. Please check this article which explains steps to setup with WSO2 ESB. You can follow the same for DAS.


How to use Azure Kusto Query Language (KQL) to query Jmeter Graph such as Active Threads Over times

If Jmeter already connect to Azure(like JMeter logs sent to a platform
like Log Analytics workspace) , you get all Jmeter data you want. You can easily use KQL to query the Jmeter data.
But you just don't know how to query Jmeter Graph - Active Threads Over times
Is there any Query code for it? Thanks
Hi I'm Charlie from the Microsoft for Founders Hub team. I'm not usually here, so may not see a follow up question, but do want help.
KQL is used to query telemetry and logs from technologies based on Azure Data Explorer (i.e,Application Insights, Logs Analytics workspace, Search in Sharepoint).
This said, you must have your JMeter logs sent to a platform like Log Analytics workspace before you can continue to query them. If you have, please follow these link to learn how to interact with that workspace in Azure:
To help you further, please include how you connected JMeter Logs to Azure.

Mulesoft CloudHub integration with Prometheus

I'm looking for some information in regards to integration of Mulesoft CloudHub and Prometheus.
Can the Log4j appender push logs ( runtime logs) to Prometheus server? is there a need for a parser tool such as Grok?
Any advise will be appreciated.
Thank you,

Azure IIS HTTP logs monitoring - NO RESULTS FOUND

I'm struggling with getting some very basic IIS HTTP log data available for querying at Azure Monitor > Logs.
Here are my settings so far:
App Service
App Service logs: Web server logging - File System
Diagnostic settings: Send to Log Analytics
log: AppServiceHTTPLogs
Log Analytics Workspace: LAWS-exitadviser
Advanced settings > Data > IIS Logs > Collect W3C format IIS log files (checked)
The problem is that it always returns "NO RESULTS FOUND".
I'm totally lost. Does anybody know how to get/set it working?
You have to query 'W3CIISLog' table if you have installed log analytics agent in the source machine. For more information, please refer this document.
In your case, you would have to query 'AppServiceHTTPLogs' table. For more information, please refer this document.
Hope this helps!

Advise on on-prem server alerts using azure log analytics

Trying to set up alerts to inform us when a server is offline using azure log analytics. I have the monitor agent installed on all machines within the business but how would I configure this. Any help would be appreciated
To answer your question, refer this document to learn regarding seting up and configuring alerts using alerts interface in Azure portal. And the query in the alert to track when server is offline can be written by leveraging tables like 'Heartbeat' or 'Perf' with 'Uptime' counter name or 'Event', etc. Hope this helps!

Application Logging into Azure Blob Storage or use log4net into SQL

I'm quite new in Development for Azure, I have a mvc 4 application in a Azure Cloud Service.
I have a application that has a considering quantity of transaction providing by API and I need to implement some applications loggings for improve the daily diagnostic, I'm looking for a tutorial that store those into a Blob Storage instead of SQL Database, but without relevant success.
Blob Storage sounds good because I don't need to increase substantially my database that also has all the business data and could compromise a business resource (Database) becoming slower because of log transactions.
If I decide to go to storage in SQL database I'm thinking in use Log4Net.
What you guys suggest and send me tutorial that I can follow, please.
Thank you.
Sorry our logging guidance is a little hard to find - something that we are currently working on resolving - but for now please take a look at the following resources:
Client logging overview - Essentially all client library operations are output using System.Diagnostics, so you intercept and write to text / xml file just using a standard TraceListener.
Analytics and Server logs - We have extensive service side logging capabilities as well - which troubleshooting distributed apps much simpler.
Let me know if you have any questions.
