Can't Manage Access Keys for Cognitive Services Resource Azure - azure

I have had trouble managing my access keys for my Cognitive Services Resource on Azure. Every time I log in any browser and click on Manage Keys... the keys don't appear. Even if I click on the cloud icon, they only appear for a split second and then disappear. Has anyone else had this problem? How did they solve it?

See Translator Speech API Keys No Longer Show in Portal & Have Stopped Working:
That error means that your Azure subscription (which is different than your F0 free tier Cognitive Services account) is not active. Typically this happens if you have a 1 month Azure free trial subscription and the free 1 month period has expired, but it can also happen to paid Azure accounts if there is a problem with the billing such as an expired credit card.
You should be able to validate this in the subscription list in the Azure portal -


How much does Azure APIM charge if I am using it for just an hour and then delete it?

If I create an Azure API Management service in my subscription (I select SKU Developer that cost 48$/month via this official website)
I used it for 1 hour. And then I deleted my Azure APIM right away.
Question is:
Do I get charged for only 1 hour using Azure APIM ?
Or Do I have to pay a total of 48$ once I created APIM in my subscription?
If you delete API Management after one hour of deployment you'll only be charged for a single hour of use. In the US that's currently $0.07 / hour for the developer SKU. The Azure Pricing Calculator is great for pricing questions like this.

Azure Subscription - Twitter sentiment analysis

So we have twitter sentiment analysis been set up using Power Automate+ Power BI + Twitter dev API. Everything was working fine till this month start. However suddenly we started getting the below error Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource" . On futher investigation found out that my Azure subcription is disabled.(free account). However the free account was set up only 2 months ago.
Questions -
How did the Subcription got disabled within 2 months.
I read few articles is it true the free azure benfits can be availed for the subcriptions which are in US West Central?
If #2 is true , there a way wherein we can change the location of the subcription to US west Central.
What would be the solution for this issue?
Your free subsctiption has quotas and probably you ran out of credits. You just need to switch to pay as you go subscription mode (with your credit card) and the solution should work again. For more information about the quotas, please read the following:

How to track user activity like who is creating what resources on azure of a specific subscription?

In my company we have one Azure subscription and there are two or three users which are added on the same subscription and have right to create any resource on Azure.
Now since three users are working on same subscription and they are independently creating resources, I want to keep track or see which user created what resource on the same subscription.
Please let me know is there any way to see this tracking/activity details corresponding to the user.
Currently all users have administrator role/permission.
You are looking for the Activity Log:
The Azure Activity Log is a log that provides insight into the
operations that were performed on resources in your subscription
The Activity Logs provides customers a Portal and REST API experience to see who performed what management operations (PUT/DELET/POST) through Azure Resource Manager (ARM) for the past 90 days.
For anything older than 90 days, you have the option to archive the data to storage account or stream the data to Event Hub if you would like to ingest this data into your own system.
The Activity Log data is also available through the Operations Management Suite.

Azure account suspended due to credit limit means cloud service instance deployments are automatically deleted - mitigation?

We deploy a mixed SaaS, PaaS, IaaS solutions on Micorosft Azure. Recently our account was suspended due to a Microsoft credit limit.
1) The account billing and technical contact received no warning of the approaching credit limit. When the account was suspended alerts were raised instantly. In response I simply lifted the credit limit and the account was accessible again.
2) All VMs could then be started again within seconds and thrid party add-ons were operational automatically.
3) Cloud Services were displayed but all the web/worker role instances in each were stopped. On attempting to start it was clear the deployments had been deleted !
Does any one know or understand why the deployment packages are removed when an Azure account subscription has been disabled ?
VM, storages accounts, add-ons are persist so why delete the cloud service instances / deployment packages ?
Anyway to mitigate this issue ?
Result is 60 min downtime to upload and deploy packages from source control. Examining enterprise accounts and invoicing.
Thank you for any advice.
Currently, subscriptions which has monthly credits such as MSDN, MPN and Bizspark plus has a feature called spending limit. This feature is enabled by default to prevent any charges on your credit card. When this sending limit is triggered, the subscription is disabled for the remaining billing cycle and will be automatically re-enabled when the credit is reset which is on the start of the new billing cycle.
When the subscription is disabled, Cloud services (web and worker role) deployments are deleted as only the deployment file is uploaded on Azure and the source file would still be available by the developer. However, Virtual machines are created within Azure platform, hence VMs are stopped de-allocated when the subscription is disabled. The web services deployments are dealt with differently i.e they are deleted it’s a legacy of how the platform was built and is scaled.
The Azure portal shows the credit utilized and remaining balance for the subscription and notifying the credit status over email is still not available. However, when the subscription is disabled, a notification is sent to the account owner.
Possible mitigation involves:
moving to standard payment terms , away from pay-as-you-go account.
remove the credit limit
possibly a continuous deployment strategy via Team Foundation Server or the like could automate redeployment (no doubt there are other automation methods too).
Unfortunately if the Azure subscription is suspended service deployments are deleted and must be uploaded again. If you have multiple large deployment packages this could take many hours.
Hope that helps someone.
Additionally, if you have shared websites, they will get suspended. There is no way to resume them until the credit period is reset, so you need to delete and recreate them.

Azure live cost monitoring

In my Azure environment I am often tinkering around, adding new services, scaling roles up and down, etc. The problem is that I am always unsure as to how I may have affected my monthly bill. I'm also scared of forgetting to kill services after I don't need them (for example, I mistakenly had a Reporting Service running for a few weeks - very expensive!).
I'm looking for an add-on or service which can give be a basic idea of how much money I am consuming in Azure. I don't need something complicated. A graph or two could be great (perhaps a burn down).
I found these but without luck:
Foglight for Azure: This didn't work for me. All my figures showed up as 0.
Active Cloud Monitoring: This has been removed from the Azure add-ons.
Does anyone know of such a solution?
thank you for the question and the feedback. The new Azure portal, which is currently in public preview, does have this feature. You can try out the new portal at . Once there, click on Billing tab on the left of the screen, which should bring up a billing summary for all your subscriptions. Click on the subscription that you need to check, and that will show you the billing details for that subscription. Details include subscription status, days left, current charges, burn down, and a breakdown of current charges by resource.
Please try this out and send your feedback using the "Give feedback" link at the top of the new portal page. You will have to click on your account name to see the "Give feedback" option in the drop down.
If you are using "Enterprise Agreement" as a billing option, the Azure portal does not provide sufficient billing information.
You could use Microsoft Power BI to import the data from Azure and use it for reporting. In Power BI you can use the Content pack "Microsoft Azure Enterprise" and connect it to your subscription. You will need the Enrollment number for your Enterprise Agreement and an API key to access the data.
A detailed explanation can be found in this blog entry.
