how to click cancel in prompt box? - google-chrome-extension

I am developing a chrome extension to suppress a prompt box.
The access is protected in server side and user is triggered with prompt box for username/password as shown below,
I am injecting a content_script in the url at document_start and trying to detect the presence of this prompt, if present "cancel" button need to be clicked.
Here is a test link to get the login prompt,

You technically can't close the prompt only using the javascript api... You might need to use an NPAPI plugin or other external software such as Selenium to emulate a click on the close button.
But, what you can do is prevent that dialog from popping up in the first place by intercepting an authentication request.
First add "webRequest" permission in your manifest. Then try this code:
// to listen to all urls use { urls: ["<all_urls>"] }
chrome.webRequest.onAuthRequired.addListener(function(details) {
return {cancel: true};
}, {urls: [""]}, ["blocking"]);
For better documentation, visit


Not allowed to load local resource when opening chrome:// UI page from a chrome extension

I have a MV2 Chrome extension that on the popup page I added a "Shortcut" link so that user can access chrome://extensions/shortcuts by clicking it.
However, after upgrading to MV3, the link doesn't work.
Should I simply remove this feature?
You can resolve this issue by opening the page programmatically.
add some suitable selector to the link (popup html):
Configure Commands
add an event listener to open the shortcuts page (in popup script):
// get the DOM node
const link = document.getElementById("commands-link");
// add click event handler that opens the shortcuts page
link.addEventListener('click', () => chrome.tabs.create({
url: "chrome://extensions/configureCommands"

How to fill login prompt with Webdriver IO?

I'm working on a CLI with OCLIF. In one of the commands, I need to simulate a couple of clicks on a web page (using the WebdriverIO framework for that). Before you're able to reach the desired page, there is a redirect to a page with a login prompt. When I use WebdriverIO methods related to alerts such as browser.getAlertText(), browser.sendAlertText() or browser.acceptAlert, I always get the error no such alert.
As an alternative, I tried to get the URL when I am on the page that shows the login prompt. With the URL, I wanted to do something like browser.url(https://<username>:<password>#<url>) to circumvent the prompt. However, browser.url() returns chrome-error://chromewebdata/ as URL when I'm on that page. I guess because the focus is on the prompt and that doesn't have an URL. I also don't know the URL before I land on that page. When being redirected, a query string parameter containing a token is added to the URL that I need.
A screenshot of the prompt:
Is it possible to handle this scenario with WebdriverIO? And if so, how?
You are on the right track, probably there are some fine-tunings that you need to address to get it working.
First off, regarding the chrome-error://chromewebdata errors, quoting Chrome DOCs:
If you see errors with a location like chrome-error://chromewebdata/
in the error stack, these errors are not from the extension or from
your app - they are usually a sign that Chrome was not able to load
your app.
When you see these errors, first check whether Chrome was able to load
your app. Does Chrome say "This site can't be reached" or something
similar? You must start your own server to run your app. Double-check
that your server is running, and that the url and port are configured
A lot of words that sum up to: Chrome couldn't load the URL you used inside the browser.url() command.
I tried myself on The Internet - Basic Auth page. It worked like a charm.
URL without basic auth credentials:
URL WITH basic auth credentials:
Code used:
it('Bypass HTTP basic auth', () => {
const banner = $('div.example p').getText().trim();
expect(banner).to.equal('Congratulations! You must have the proper credentials.');
What I'd do is manually go through each step, trying to emulate the same flow in the script you're using. From history I can tell you, I dealt with some HTTP web-apps that required a refresh after issuing the basic auth browser.url() call.
Another way to tackle this is to make use of some custom browser profiles (Firefox | Chrome) . I know I wrote a tutorial on it somewhere on SO, but I'm too lazy to find it. I reference a similar post here.
Short story, manually complete the basic auth flow (logging in with credentials) in an incognito window (as to isolate the configurations). Open chrome://version/ in another tab of that session and store the contents of the Profile Path. That folder in going to keep all your sessions & preserve cookies and other browser data.
Lastly, in your currentCapabilities, update the browser-specific options to start the sessions with a custom profile, via the '--user-data-dir=/path/to/your/custom/profile. It should look something like this:
'goog:chromeOptions': {
args: [
Good luck!

How to debug chrome extension with DevTools or other debugger?

Is there any way to debug chrome extension using debugger ( break points and step in/out)
beside console.log ?
Chrome 70.x debugging of chrome background scripts is broken, especially when you dynamically load them and they are not in the manifest. Have a ticket open to get it fixed; however they have not been very helpful; however found a work around...
Put a console.log("yourvariablenamehere") in your background.js script.
Hit F12 to open the dev tools, anchored to the bottom of the web page.
Load the background script via a button in your popup.html. Something like this from a button event...
var guid = CreateGuid();
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { file: "script/jquery-3.3.1.js" }, function () {
$.get("script/scrollPage.js?ver=" + guid, function (sScriptBody, textStatus, jsXHR) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, { code: sScriptBody });
}, "text");
In the dev tools console you should see your logged variable. On the same line as the logged message is a VM with a number tacked onto it, a virtual script page. Select that VM page and then you get to the background script! Now put a breakpoint in the virtual script page, click the same button in your popup.html and it gets hit. And when you reload the popup and execute the background script that breakpoint is hit!
Hope this helps.
If you want to inspecting content scripts, a great method I found is using Console by selecting your extension in javascript context:
By selecting the extension you will have access to the global objects within that extension.
Using the Developer tools to debug your extension

Message listener only begins firing after browserAction has been clicked

It appears that a message from content to background only begins firing after backgroundAction has been run at least once.
In the below code example, a click on browserAction turns the page red, and a click on the page body turns the page blue (via a message sent by the content script).
If I click the page body first, nothing happens. It only begins working after I've clicked browserAction once.
Why is this happening and how can I make it so the message listener fires without having browserAction run first?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
$('body').on('click', function() {
// Send a message to background.js
chrome.runtime.sendMessage(true, function(response){
// Make background red when browserAction is cliked
chrome.tabs.executeScript( {
code: '"red"'
// Make background blue when any message is received
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, sender, sendResponse){
chrome.tabs.executeScript( {
code: '"blue"'
return true;
As always in such cases use the debugger. The error I'm seeing here in the extension's background page console which can be opened on chrome://extensions page:
Unchecked runtime.lastError while running tabs.executeScript: Cannot access contents of url "...". Extension manifest must request permission to access this host.
When runtime.onMessage is executed after a message from the content script Chrome doesn't know that executeScript was initiated by a user action so the code is blocked.
As for browserAction.onClicked, it is always invoked on user's interaction so "permissions": ["activeTab"] is sufficient for the code executed in the eventjob context of the issued click. And it creates temporary permission to modify the active tab, see the documentation:
The following user gestures enable activeTab:
Executing a browser action
Executing a page action
Executing a context menu item
Executing a keyboard shortcut from the commands API
Accepting a suggestion from the omnibox API
Solution #1 (the best) would be to avoid injecting any code from the background script and do everything in the content script based on messages from the background script.
Solution #2 would be to add the required permission to manifest.json:
"permissions": ["activeTab", "<all_urls>"]

Unable to use getBackgroundPage() api from a devtools extension

I am trying to write an extension that adds functionality to the Chrome devtools.
According to the devtools documentation, it says that the pages in devtools support very limited apis. Any API that is not supported can be access by accessing it through the background page, just as what contentscripts does.
Here is the relevant documentation snippet:
The tabId property provides the tab identifier that you can use with the chrome.tabs.* API calls. However, please note that chrome.tabs.* API is not exposed to the Developer Tools extension pages due to security considerations — you will need to pass the tab ID to the background page and invoke the chrome.tabs.* API functions from there.
Here is the source url:
However, when I try to do that, I get the following error in the console:
uncaught Error: "getBackgroundPage" can only be used in extension processes. See the content scripts documentation for more details.
Here is my code in my devtools.js script:
What am I doing wrong?
I should describe my scenario first, and show how I am implementing it.
What I want to do is to display extra data in a devtools panel related to a webpage. In order to get that data, I will need to send a HTTP request in the same session as the page being debugged, because it requires authentication.
Use Case:
User browses to a particular URL. He is authenticated to the site. He then invokes devtools. The devtools panel opens up and a new panel shows up that has extra data related to the page.
1) DevTools script finds out the url of the page being inspected. If the url matches the site base hostname, then it opens a panel. In the callback of the panel creation, it sends a message to a background page, asking it to download a JSON payload from a debug endpoint on the same site, and then sends it to the devtools extension, wh ich then displays it.
1) The background page gets the request, and downloads the URL. However the download is not using the same session as the user, so the download request fails.
2) From devtools window, I got the tabId of the inspected window. I send this tabId to the background page so that it can parse some stuff out of the url. However, chrome.tabs.get(tabId) does not return the tab.
To summarize, I need to
1) Get the background page to download data in the same session as the user's tab that is being debugged.
2) I need to have the background page be able to get access to the user's tab.
The APIs available to extension pages within the Developer Tools window include all devtools modules listed above and chrome.extension API. Other extension APIs are not available to the Developer Tools pages, but you may invoke them by sending a request to the background page of your extension, similarly to how it's done in the content scripts.
I guess the documentation is little ambiguous, By chrome.extension API they mean the Supported API's for content scripts.
So, you can use long lived communication for communication between inspected page and background page
The following code illustrate scenario where a devtools page need some information from background page, it uses messages for communication.
Ensured permissions are all available in manifest file
"name":"Inspected Windows Demo",
"description":"This demonstrates Inspected window API",
"scripts" : ["background.js"]
A trivial HTML File
<script src="devtools.js"></script>
Used Long lived Communication API's
var port = chrome.extension.connect({
name: "Sample Communication"
port.postMessage("Request Tab Data");
port.onMessage.addListener(function (msg) {
console.log("Tab Data recieved is " + msg);
Responded to communication request and passed trivial information using tab API()'s
chrome.extension.onConnect.addListener(function (port) {
port.onMessage.addListener(function (message) {
"status": "complete",
"currentWindow": true,
"active": true
}, function (tabs) {
console.log("Message recived is "+message);
Sample Output received for trivial devtools.js here
Let me know if you need more information
For your question 1)
Can you make you call(s) from browser extension HTML Page\Content Script so same session is shared, i have tried both the ways in a sample and it is working form me, instead of code in background page- make the code in content script or browser action HTML Page.
Let me know if you are still facing problems.
For your question 2)
The following code always fetches current window user is browsing
Ensure you have tabs permission in your manifest.
"name":"Inspected Windows Demo",
"description":"This demonstrates Inspected window API",
"scripts" : ["background.js"]
"status": "complete", // Window load is completed
"currentWindow": true, // It is in current window
"active": true //Window user is browsing
}, function (tabs) {
for (tab in tabs) { // It returns array so used a loop to iterate over items
console.log(tabs[tab].id); // Catch tab id
Let me know if you are still unable to get tab id of current window.
