Uber API to integrate mobile app where app will make uber payment - payment

Is there any API or Service from Uber to integrate with my mobile app so that app users can make travelling expenses along with app services. Then the app can make corresponding amount to uber account in the background. This will help app users to avoid multiple payments.


Whats the difference / connection between Azure App Service and Web App Bot?

I would like to understand what Azure does while creating a Web App Bot in Portal.
An Azure Bot Service Bot deployed to an Azure App Service Web App...
After creating a bot with Azure Bot Service i got the following ressources:
What's the difference or the connection between the resources (Web App Bot and App Service)?
The code should be located in Web App Bot right? Here the magic happens, development, channels, etc.
The user is interacting with the App Service throw an HTTP call. What happens if App Service receives the call?
And why I could configure CD on the App Service instead of Web App Bot?
From my understanding, the Web App Bot is the "locale" Bot I'm publishing to App Service to make him available?
Can anyone help me out to get a clear understanding?
Let us break down the different components involved.
The Web Bot (which is a web application) needs a web site to be deployed to. That is the App Service. That web site needs a web server to run on. That is the App Service Plan.
The Web Bot is the main part which you configure. The other components are infrastructure components and you don't need to worry about them much.
Your bot is actually an API, which will be hosted on App Service. So in case your bot receives many requests, You'll scale App Service to handle that.
Web App Bot is where you enable and configure the channels your bot will work with (e.g. Direct Line for voice)

Azure web and mobile app (shared API)

I'm currently in the planning process for a mobile app I'd like to build, with a companion web app. The Mobile app and the Web app will share common data (for example, users can take a questionnaire in the mobile app or take the same questionnaire on the web app).
I've used Azure a couple of years ago to create and host a web app, but this is my first venture in mobile development. I'm trying to wrap my head around the architecture in Azure for hosting the API.
I've searched high and low, but either can't find a definitive answer to my question, or am not quite understanding what I am reading on the subject.
Basically: Where would my API live in Azure? Would I create a Mobile App in my App Service, which hosts the shared web API? Then create a Web App in the app service, and use something like RESTSharp to access the API from the web app?
AFAIK, Web Apps and Mobile Apps are just different types of Azure App Service Apps which use to host the relevant applications (e.g. WebApps host website,webapi and MobileApps serve as the mobile backend service). Basically, they are the same and the difference between them is the app type and the Quickstart tutorial for them.
For mobile development, you could leverage the relevant SDKs (server-side and client-side) provided by Mobile Apps. You could also deploy your mobile backend application to Azure Web Apps to get the Mobile Functionality.
For Web Apps, you could follow here to build your web application and deploy to web app. For Mobile Apps, you could follow here to build your mobile backend and the tutorials for building your mobile client project.
Basically: Where would my API live in Azure? Would I create a Mobile App in my App Service, which hosts the shared web API? Then create a Web App in the app service, and use something like RESTSharp to access the API from the web app?
AFAIK, for Azure Mobile Apps backend, you could choose Node.js or C#. The relevant server SDKs provide out-of-the-box CRUD operations against the table. I would use the Mobile Apps SDKs to build my backend project and provide the ability to do operations on the specific table and the custom Web API to handle other operations. For your web app, you could use RESTSharp or just leverage the client SDKs provided by Azure Mobile Apps to communicate with your mobile backend endpoint (hosting on a web app or a mobile app).
For C# mobile app backend and mobile client side tutorials, you could follow adrian hall's book here.
For Node.js related mobile backend development, you could follow 30 DAYS OF AZURE MOBILE APPS.

Azure API App how to use single hosted api for both Mobile and Web

This question is related to following questions but not the same question
How can i integrate Azure Mobile App win Azure API app
How to combine azure AppServices API, Mobile and Web apps
I have been trying to setup an API to use with my mobile app(Xamarin) and Web app(Angular or ASP.NET MVC). I wanted to use "Azure App Service".
As i understand there are three things in Azure app service
Web Apps
Mobile Apps
API Apps
I wanted to select the "API APPS" as i wanted to use my Existing ASP.Net Web Api and wanted to expose the Api to swagger. Also I wanted to share this api with Mobile app as well as Web App.
Based on the documentation "API APPS" can be consumed by Mobile and Web clients.Web client is OK but i need to use Azure Mobile features(such as Single Authentications,Notifications,Offline Sync with Sql lite and etc ) to make things easy in Mobile app.
As per answers for above questions and the documentation, i can install mobile app back-end packages to ASP.Web API and host it as "Mobile APPS". So i can use all the features related to mobile.
My problem if i install the mobile back-end, can i use the same API
for Web Front end? Because I am hosting it as "Mobile APPS" service
not the "API APPS" service.
How can I share a single API host with mobile client (With Mobile back end feature) and Web client?
Is it possible to install the Mobile back-end packages and host the
API as "API APPS" , then use Mobile SDK in Xamarin app and the HTTP client or other client in Web APP to consume the same API?
If you want to use the Azure Mobile client SDK, especially features like offline sync, then you need to use the Azure Mobile server SDK. It's a set of NuGet packages that simply extend ASP.NET Web API.
If you want to roll your own mobile client, or just use the authentication feature, then you don't need to use the Azure Mobile server SDK and you can use just Web API.
If you do want to use the server SDK, we have samples that show how to consume this TableController API from a web client:
Azure App Service field engineer sample with web admin portal and offline-sync-enabled Xamarin.Forms client

Azure Mobile App Service

I would like to create a mobile app with Xamarin Forms and would like to use the new Azure Mobile App PaaS service. This mobile app shall be available also to users which uses my services from a web site and not only from a mobile device.
In regards to Authentication how can I have a single authentication point available either from a web site as well as from the mobile app?
Does anyone have suggestions on how to design this architecture?
The Azure App Service, the Mobile Apps backend service is really just a Web API running in Web Apps (think web site + mobile goodness), with all features of App Service sharing the same authentication endpoint. This means that any authentication you setup for mobile device clients can also be used by a web site. This topic should point you in the right direction: https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/articles/app-service-mobile-auth/

How can i integrate Azure Mobile App win Azure API app

We are building a mobile cross platform solution with Xamarin (Xamarin.Forms).
We developed a backend API in Azure with Azure API Apps.
Now we want to integrate and use Mobile Apps (Mobile Services) but using Azure API Apps we created previously.
I see this BUILD presentation https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2014/3-623
and the idea i think is to use ApiController and call to Azure API Apps there.
Is this correct? Some sample? How can i do? I must have 2 projects API Apps + Mobile Apps? or I must integrate in one (only one API)?
You could potentially have your mobile clients connect to your API app, but you'll have an easier time if you convert your API App to use the Mobile App backend packages. Another option is to have your Mobile App backend connect to the API app, but that's a lot of hops without much benefit.
For details on these packages, see How to work with the .NET backend server SDK for Azure Mobile Apps.
For a step-by-step tutorial, start with Create a Xamarin.Forms app on Azure Mobile Apps.
