Promise chain not executing in expected order - nodejs - node.js

I have a chain of 4 promises, and 1 function at the end. The final function is executing before the previous promises in the chain have resolved.
Can someone explain to me why this might be happening?
Here is the promise chain:
.then(addRates(db)); //this function is executing after the first promise in the chain.
I would like each function to execute after the one listed before it, so addRates(db) should be executed last.
I can post the code from the promise functions if needed for further analyses, but I really just want to understand WHY this would happen, as my understanding is that functions in a promise chain won't execute unless the previous promise in the chain has resolved.

Unless those update functions in the then calls are partially applied (unless they return a function), they are being executed before the then is called. You need to wrap them in an anonymous function to have them executed in order. Do what the other answer says or use fat arrows:
If your update functions could be rewritten to return the db after completing, then you could rewrite the calls like so, point free style:
Each function, would then look something like this:
function updateGdax(db) {
return db.doSomething().then(()=> db)
Follow that pattern, and you have yourself some nice looking javascript.

And have a look at the new async/await, included in nodejs 8. It is much more intuitive:
async function main() {
await updateGdax(db)
await updateBitstamp(db)
await updateBitfinex(db)
await updatePoloniex(db)
await coinMarketData.updateCoinMarketData(db)
await addRates(db)
main().catch(e => console.error(e))

Try below approach,
return updateBitstamp(db)
}).then(function (){
return updateBitfinex(db);
}).then(function() {
return updatePoloniex(db);
return coinMarketData.updateCoinMarketData(db)
return addRates(db);
Hope this will work. If any of the function is returning any value and if you want to use it in subsequent function the pass that value in following function() used inside then. Refer :


Retrieving a value in a function in Node.js

I'm struggling with callbacks in Node.js. I simply want playerNumber to be set to the number of players in my collection of Players. The console.log works, but I can't get the variable out of the function and into the playerNumber variable.
And if there's a simpler way get this value for use in the rest of my backend code, I'm all ears. I'm clearly new at Node.js, but the code always seems more involved than I'm expecting.
Thanks in advance!
var playerNumber = function countPlayers(callback){
Player.count(function(err, numOfDocs) {
console.log('I have '+numOfDocs+' documents in my collection');
callback(err, numOfDocs);
It's probably async, and it's a typical first-timer experience to want to "get back to normal" on the call chain on the way back from async call. This can't be done, but it's not so bad to live with it. Here's how...
Step 1: Promises are better than callbacks. I'll leave the long story
to others.
Step 2: Callbacks can be made into promises
In the OP case...
// The promise constructor takes a function that has two functions as params
// one to call on success, and one to call on error. Instead of a callback
// call the 'resolve' param with the data and the 'reject' param with any error
// mark the function 'async' so callers know it can be 'await'-ed
const playerNumber = async function countPlayers() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Player.count(function(err, numOfDocs) {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(numOfDocs);
Step 3: Yes, the callers must deal with this, and the callers of the callers, and so on. It's not so bad.
In the OP case (in the most modern syntax)...
// this has to be async because it 'awaits' the first function
// think of await as stopping serial execution until the async function finishes
// (it's not that at all, but that's an okay starting simplification)
async function printPlayerCount() {
const count = await playerNumber();
// as long as we're calling something async (something that must be awaited)
// we mark the function as async
async function printPlayerCountAndPrintSomethingElse() {
await printPlayerCount();
console.log('do something else');
Step 4: Enjoy it, and do some further study. It's actually great that we can do such a complex thing so simply. Here's good reading to start with: MDN on Promises.

What return this function in typescript?

When I hover on the keyword 'function' the description says:
"(local function)(this: any, next: (err?: mongoose.CallbackError | undefined) => void): Promise<void>"
So does It return a Promise<void> or a simple <void>? I can't even understand what does this function returns? And to be honest I don't understand really well the concept of Promise<void>...
userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {
let user = this as UserDocument;
return next();
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(config.get<number>('saltWorkFactor'));
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
user.password = hash;
return next();
This question is really interesting. Your function returns a Promise<void>, which is compatible with the void return type that pre is expecting, but Mongoose is quietly smart enough to know what to do with your Promise so you don't even have to call next at all.
First some background:
void has a special meaning in TypeScript to mean that the return value could be any value; the value is frequently undefined (because that's what a function returns without a return statement) but it doesn't have to be. As in the TypeScript FAQ, this makes it convenient to accept or pass functions that return a value by indicating the return value is unused. If you need to supply a function with return type void, you could pass back a function that returns a string, Promise<void>, Promise<SomeObject>, null, undefined, or anything else.
All async functions return Promises, and this is no exception. A Promise<number> is a Promise that says that its then function will receive a number; a Promise<void> is a Promise that doesn't tell you anything about what its then function receives. The then function will still be called, unless it has an error to catch; you just don't know much about its argument.
In Mongoose's types, pre takes a PreSaveMiddlewareFunction<T> function, which is the type of the function you wrote. It accepts a function called next and returns void: Mongoose claims not to care what you return. Your middleware function is allowed to be asynchronous; when you're done you're expected to call next (with an error object, if you have one), and that call to next also returns void.
Your function passed to pre returns type Promise<void>: The function is async so it absolutely returns a promise, and your return next(); means that the Promise resolves to whatever next returns, which is defined as void. You don't know what next returns and shouldn't care about it. You don't even need to return next(), you just need to call it: It's just a callback so you can tell Mongoose your middleware is done and report any errors.
So your async function returns Promise<void>, but that works with the definition of pre: pre doesn't care what kind of return value your function has (void) as long as you call next to indicate you're done.
But wait! Reporting that your asynchronous function is done and whether or not there were errors is exactly the problem that Promises were designed to solve, and the next callback pattern is exactly the kind of pattern that Promises were designed to replace. If you're returning a Promise, why would you need to call next at all when Mongoose can just watch the promise you return?
In fact, in Mongoose 5.x or later, that's exactly what happens: If the function you pass into pre returns a Promise, then you can use that instead of calling next. You can still call next manually for compatibility's sake, but in your case you could delete return next() and everything would keep working. See the middleware docs:
In mongoose 5.x, instead of calling next() manually, you can use a function that returns a promise. In particular, you can use async/await.
schema.pre('save', function() {
return doStuff().
then(() => doMoreStuff());
// Or, in Node.js >= 7.6.0:
schema.pre('save', async function() {
await doStuff();
await doMoreStuff();
The docs further explain why return next() is a pattern at all:
If you use next(), the next() call does not stop the rest of the code in your middleware function from executing. Use the early return pattern to prevent the rest of your middleware function from running when you call next().
const schema = new Schema(..);
schema.pre('save', function(next) {
if (foo()) {
console.log('calling next!');
// `return next();` will make sure the rest of this function doesn't run
/*return*/ next();
// Unless you comment out the `return` above, 'after next' will print
console.log('after next');
In summary, the expected return type of void is compatible with the fact that you're returning a Promise<void>, but it hides the fact that recent versions of Mongoose are smart enough to check whether you're returning a Promise and do the right thing without needing a call to next. They're two different styles that both work.
Long answer short: It return a Promise<void>
To understand why, here are some details.
First one must understand Callbacks in node.js. Callbacks are one of the basic structure/feature of how node.js works.
You could say that node.js is basically an Event-Driven Programming "framework" (most people will frown to the framework word...). That means that you tell node that in the event of a certain thing happening, it should do a certain action/function (callback).
For node to understand us, we normally give the callback function as a parameter to another function that will do the work of "listening to the event" and executing the callback that we give it. So it is not "us" that execute the callback, it is the event listener.
In your case,
userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {
pre is the function (a method in Mongoose's userSchema), save is the event that one must react to, async function (next) { is the callback or what must be done after the event.
You will note that your callback is returning next(), but next() returns void, which mean that your callback is returning void.
So why is it returning Promise<void>?
The fact is that in your case, your callback is an async function. And every async functions will return a promise. It is an async function because it is awaiting another promise (two promises even) inside of it. They are hidden because of the await
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(config.get<number>('saltWorkFactor'));
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
Note: The bcrypt methods are very expensive in terms of CPU and time (also a security feature among other things).
It also means that normally in your code
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
user.password = hash;
you couldn't have available "right away" the hash value for the user.password and, worse, you couldn't even know when it would come. Will your program stop and wait until bcrypt finish its business?
If you have many async functions, your program will be a great favourite for the slowest champion in the Olympics.
What is going on with those promises and how can we not be labelled as a geriatric program?
Here is a quick/long comment to try to explain the concept of promises.
In "normal" code, each lines of code is executed and "finished" before the next one. Ex: (with cooking)
Combine the Butter and Sugar,
Add Eggs One at a Time, etc.
Or in your code:
let user = this as UserDocument;
return next();
A promise is a certain code that is executed but not finished before the next line of code. Ex:
while the cake is in the oven (promise),
you prepare the frosting,
but you can't put it until the cake in baked (the "then" action of promises).
Note: Your code is using await so there is no "explicit" then method.
You will have many example of "promises" things in everyday life. you may have heard of asynchronous code = not one after the other, not in sync, ...
Turning on an alarm to wake you in the morning, then you make the promise that you will not ignore it;
putting a reminder on the calendar then you make the promise that you will go to that job interview; etc.
All the while, you continue with your life after making those promises.
In code, a function that returns a promise will have a then method where you tell the computer what to do when when the "alarms goes off".
It is usually written like this
const continueWithMyLife = true
In this way the then method is very similar to the callback of node.js. It is just expressed in a different way in the code and is not specific to node (callbacks are also not specific to node...).
One very important difference between them is that callbacks are something that the listener "do" and promises is something that resolves (hopefully) to a returning value.
Nowadays it is common to use async/await. Fortunately/unfortunately it basically hides the asynchronous behaviour. Better flow of reading the code, but also much worse understanding of promises for new programmers.
After a await, there is no then method (Or you could say that the following line of code is the then action). There is no "continuing with your life". There is only "waiting until the alarms goes off", So the next line after the await is essentially the "get out of the bed action".
That is why, in your code, the hash value is available in the next line. Basically in the "old way" to write promises
user.password = hash;
would be inside the then function.
And that is also why it is returning Promise<void>
But still, all these analogies won't really help. The best is to try it in everyday code. There is nothing like experience to understand anything.

Promise function not returning results

I'm using instagram-scraping module to display all posts with a specific hash tag but I get an issue using a function to return finded items.
// in my middleware
function getInstagramPostsByHashTag(hashtag) {
return ig.scrapeTag(hashtag).then(result => {
console.log(result); // all posts are displayed in my console
return result;
// in my ejs template i send the function getInstagramPostsByHashTag()
<%=getInstagramPostsByHashTag("instagram")%> // nothing is displayed
You can't return the posts from the function because the function has already returned at this point. That's because .then() is asynchronous. It executes the provided callback when the work (fetching the posts) is done, but the function continues to run after the call to .then(), and because you return nothing, you get nothing.
If you want a function to return the result of an asynchronous operation, you have to return a promise from the function itself. To help developers with that, there's the async function that automatically returns a promise. In an async function, you can wait for other promises with the await keyword. Your function would look like this as an async function:
async function getInstagramPostsByHashTag(hashtag) {
return await ig.scrapeTag(hashtag)
But this is redundant because it returns exactly the same as a direct call to ig.scrapeTag(hashtag) would do. I don't really know ejs but I think the best thing you could do is something like this (only pseudocode, again, I don't know how rendering with ejs works):
posts = insta.scrapeTag("blablabla")
ejs.render("<%=posts%>", {posts})

Executing function when chain of promises resolves

I have written code using Q.reduce mechanism where function insertItemIntoDatabase(item) returns resolved promises.
return soFar.then(function()
return insertItemIntoDatabase(item);
Is there any possibilty to wait till chain is finished and then execute another function or I should chain those functions in some other way.
Thanks for help in advance
.reduce() will return the final value from the .reduce() loop, which in your case is a final promise. To execute something after the .reduce() chain and all its async operations are done, you just put a .then() handler on that final promise that is returned:
items.reduce(function(soFar,item) {
return soFar.then(function() {
return insertItemIntoDatabase(item);
The purpose of this pattern is exactly that: to return a promise for the result of the sequence. Written out (without reduce), it's exactly equivalent to the expression
.then(function() { return insertItemIntoDatabase(items[0]); })
.then(function() { return insertItemIntoDatabase(items[1]); })
.then(function() { return insertItemIntoDatabase(items[2]); })
You can simple add another .then() on it that will call your callbacks at the end of the chain.

should i use `return` in Promise?

function saveToTheDb(value) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.values.insert(value, function(err, user) { // remember error first ;)
if (err) {
return reject(err); // don't forget to return here
Here is the code which i see from here.
i am confused about return keyword.
For resolve(user);, do i need return?
For reject(user);, do i need return?
There is no need to use a return statement inside a new Promise() callback. The Promise constructor is not expecting any sort of return value from the callback.
So, the reason to use a return statement inside that callback is only to control the flow of execution in that function. If you want execution inside your callback to finish and not execute any more code within that callback, you can issue a return; at that point.
For example, you could have written your code like this with no return statement:
function saveToTheDb(value) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.values.insert(value, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
} else {
In this case, you used the if/else clause to make sure the flow of control in your function takes the correct path and no return was needed or used.
A common shortcut when promisifying async functions like this is:
function saveToTheDb(value) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.values.insert(value, function(err, user) {
if (err) return reject(err);
This is not functionally different than the previous code block, but it is less typing and more compact. The return statement in front of reject(err); is only for flow of control reasons to prevent from executing the resolve(user); statement in case of error since the desired flow of control is to call reject(err) and then not execute anything else in the callback.
In fact, the return statement in this last block is not actually even needed in this specific case because executing a resolve() after a reject() will not do anything since promises are latched to whichever happens first resolve or reject. But, it is generally considered poor practice to execute unnecessary code so many would argue that it is better to use flow of control structures such as if/else or return to only execute the code that is needed.
So, this would technically work too, but is not considered a best practice because it executes unnecessary code and isn't as clearly structured:
function saveToTheDb(value) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.values.insert(value, function(err, user) {
if (err) reject(err);
FYI, what you are doing here is called "promisifying" which makes a regular async function that works with a callback into a function that returns a promise. There are libraries and functions that will "promisify" a function or a whole object of functions (e.g. a whole API) for you in one function call so you don't have to do this manually. For example, I regularly use Bluebird which offers Promise.promisify() for promisifying a single function or Promise.promisifyAll() which will promisify all the methods on an object or prototype. This is very useful. For example, you could get promisified versions of the entire fs module with just this:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs'));
Then, you can use methods that return a promise such as:
fs.readFileAsync("file.txt").then(function(data) {
// do something with file.txt data here
Generally, in NodeJS, you shouldn't use the promise constructor very much.
The promise constructor is for converting APIs that don't return promises to promises. You should consider using a library that provides promisification (even if you use native promises all-around) since it provides a safe alternative that does not have subtle errors with error-handling logic.
Automatic promisification is also considerably faster.
That said, the answer to your question is "Yes".
It is perfectly safe to do so, there is nothing special about promise constructors - they are just plain JavaScript. Domenic discusses the design of the promise constructor in his blog.
It is perfectly safe (just like any other function) to return early - it is actually quite common in regular asynchronous functions.
(Also, in your example code you should just use Promise.resolve, but I assume it was that simple only because it is an example).
Copied this answer from duplicate
As #JaromandaX said in this case the return statement does not make any diference.
From the docs:
In all cases where a promise is resolved (i.e. either fulfilled or rejected), the resolution is permanent and cannot be reset. Attempting to call resolve, reject, or notify if promise is already resolved will be a no-op.
