Determine Process ID with VBA - excel

Situation - I have a macro where I need to send keystrokes to two Firefox windows in order. Unfortunately both windows have the same title. To handle this I have activated the window, sent my keystrokes, then used F6 to load the URL of the second window and then send the keystrokes then use F6 to return it to the original page.
The issue is that loading the webpages is unreliable. Page load speeds vary so much that using a wait command is not consistent or reliable to ensure the keystroke makes it to the second window.
Question -
I've read a scattering of posts that mentioned that app activate will work with Process ID's. Since each window would have its own PID that would be an ideal way to handle 2 windows with the same title. I am unable to find information specifically how to determine the PID of each window with a given name.

You can use something like the following. You'll have to tinker about with the different info available in the Win32_Process class to figure out which window is which. It's also important to keep in mind that one window could mean many processes.
Public Sub getPID()
Dim objServices As Object, objProcessSet As Object, Process As Object
Set objServices = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
Set objProcessSet = objServices.ExecQuery("SELECT ProcessID, name FROM Win32_Process WHERE name = ""firefox.exe""", , 48)
'you may find more than one processid depending on your search/program
For Each Process In objProcessSet
Debug.Print Process.ProcessID, Process.Name
Set objProcessSet = Nothing
End Sub
Since you'll probably want to explore the options with WMI a bit, you may want to add a Tools>>References to the Microsoft WMI library so you don't have to deal with Dim bla as Object. Then you can add breakpoints and see what's going on in the Locals pane.
After adding the reference:
Public Sub getDetailsByAppName()
Dim objProcessSet As WbemScripting.SWbemObjectSet
Dim objProcess As WbemScripting.SWbemObject
Dim objServices As WbemScripting.SWbemServices
Dim objLocator As WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
'set up wmi for local computer querying
Set objLocator = New WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
Set objServices = objLocator.ConnectServer(".") 'local
'Get all the gory details for a name of a running application
Set objProcessSet = objServices.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE name = ""firefox.exe""", , 48)
RecordCount = 1
'Loop through each process returned
For Each objProcess In objProcessSet
'Loop through each property/field
For Each Field In objProcess.Properties_
Debug.Print RecordCount, Field.Name, Field.Value
RecordCount = RecordCount + 1
Set objProcessSet = Nothing
Set objServices = Nothing
Set objLocator = Nothing
End Sub
That will print out every property of every process found for the name 'firefox.exe'.


Find SAP GUI session opened for given SAP system

First I want to check via VBA, before I do some transactions in SAP GUI, if a connection is already open. I am not able to login a second time, so I need to stay in the same connection.
Secondly I want to open another session. The second problem has been solved, if I assume SAP GUI is already open. But I don't know it for sure. So I need to find a way to access the current SAPGUI and Application and Connection, if they exist. If not, the standard code of If Not IsObject(SAPGUI) Then… is fine. But how do I define these variables correctly to check, if they are „filled“ Objects or not?
Thanks for help!
Based on a script by S. Schnell you can use the follwing function to find a free session
Function findGuiSession(ByVal sapSID As String, Optional tCode As String) As SAPFEWSELib.GuiSession
' this will find a free session using the systemnam resp. SID
' and optional one can also supply a transaction to
Dim CollCon As SAPFEWSELib.GuiComponentCollection
Dim CollSes As SAPFEWSELib.GuiComponentCollection
Dim guiCon As SAPFEWSELib.GuiConnection
Dim guiSes As SAPFEWSELib.GuiSession
Dim guiSesInfo As SAPFEWSELib.GuiSessionInfo
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim SID As String, transaction As String
'On Error GoTo EH
Dim guiApplication As SAPFEWSELib.guiApplication
Set guiApplication = getGuiApplication
If guiApplication Is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
Set CollCon = guiApplication.Connections
If Not IsObject(CollCon) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Loop through all existing connections
For i = 0 To CollCon.Count() - 1
Set guiCon = guiApplication.Children(CLng(i))
If Not IsObject(guiCon) Then
Exit Function
End If
Set CollSes = guiCon.Sessions
If Not IsObject(CollSes) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Now loop through all existing sessions
For j = 0 To CollSes.Count() - 1
Set guiSes = guiCon.Children(CLng(j))
If Not IsObject(guiSes) Then
Exit Function
End If
If guiSes.Busy = vbFalse Then
Set guiSesInfo = guiSes.Info
If guiSesInfo.user = "" Or guiSesInfo.user = "SAPSYS" Then
' Logon Screen - cannot be used
If IsObject(guiSesInfo) Then
SID = guiSesInfo.SystemName()
transaction = guiSesInfo.transaction()
' Take the first one - In case one could also use the transactionaction addtionally
If Len(tCode) = 0 Then
If SID = sapSID Then
Set findGuiSession = guiSes
'FindSession = True
Exit Function
End If
If SID = sapSID And transaction = tCode Then
Set findGuiSession = guiSes
'FindSession = True
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Function getGuiApplication() As SAPFEWSELib.guiApplication
On Error GoTo EH
Set getGuiApplication = GetObject("SAPGUI").GetScriptingEngine
End Function
For this code to run you need to add a reference to the SAP library, described here
The following piece of code uses the above function to connect to a system with the name P11, starts the transaction MB52 and downloads the result in a Excel file
Option Explicit
Sub getMB52_data()
Dim guiSes As SAPFEWSELib.GuiSession
Set guiSes = getGuiSession("P11")
If Not guiSes Is Nothing Then
With guiSes
.StartTransaction "MB52"
.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtMATNR-LOW").Text = "<MATNR_LOW<" ' replace with a material nr
.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtMATNR-HIGH").Text = "<MATNR_HIGH<" ' replace with a material nr
.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ctxtWERKS-LOW").Text = "<WERKS>" ' replace wiht a plant
.FindById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").Text = "&XXL"
.FindById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_PATH").Text = "<xlPath>" ' Pathname
.FindById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtDY_FILENAME").Text = "<xlFile>" ' filename
End With
MsgBox "No free SAP Session", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "SAP Verbindung"
End If
End Sub
Function getGuiSession(sapSID As String, Optional tCode As String) As SAPFEWSELib.GuiSession
Dim guiApp As SAPFEWSELib.guiApplication
Set guiApp = getGuiApplication
If Not guiApp Is Nothing Then
Set getGuiSession = findGuiSession(sapSID, tCode)
End If
End Function
Additonal remarks: (hopefully answering some questions in the comments)
Gui Connection: A GuiConnection represents the connection between SAP GUI and an application server. Connections can be opened from SAP Logon or from GuiApplication’s openConnection and openConnectionByConnectionString
So, in other words a gui connection is a kind of login to an SAP system. And usually you have more than one SAP system in your organization. If you follow the guidelines you have a DEV, QUAL and PROD for a given system environment. Each of this system is identifid by a SID
What is SID?
SID is a unique identification code for every R/3 installation (SAP system) consisting of a database server & several application servers. SID stands for SAP System Identification. SAPSID — a three-character code such as C11, PRD, E56, etc.)
An SID is unique within the organization. Usually SAP licence only allows a user to login to a productive system only once, i.e. you cannot use the same user on different computers and you cannot even login to a SAP system with the same user on the same computer twice.
Having said that: One might be tempted to use guiApplication.Children(0) instead of looping through all connections as done in findGuiSession. And this will work as long as you can make sure that you are only logged on to one SAP system and it is the right one. But in my experience this is often not the case.
The parameter SID in findGuiSession tells the function which system to look for. As written above SID is unique and therefore identfies the system you want to use.
Using tCode in findGuiSession is optional and just forces the user to have a session in place with a given tCode already started. I use this very seldom.
OpenConnection: If you open a connection with the function OpenConnection("<SYSTEM>") you can, of course, use the returned object in order to work with it. But this only does a logon to the system if you have a kind of single sign on in your organization in place. Otherwise you have to provide logon credentials. I do not use this because I do not want to take care of this. And it also can happen that a password change is requested during the logon and I sure do not want to script this.
Example code
Rem Open a connection in synchronous mode
Set Connection = Application.OpenConnection( "U9C [PUBLIC]", True)
Set Session = Connection.Children(0)
Rem Do something: Either fill out the login screen
Rem or in case of Single-Sign-On start a transaction.
Session.SendCommand( "/nbibs")

Extract file names from a File Explorer search into Excel

This has been bugging me for while as I feel I have few pieces of the puzzle but I cant put them all together
So my goal is to be able to search all .pdfs in a given location for a keyword or phrase within the content of the files, not the filename, and then use the results of the search to populate an excel spreadsheet.
Before we start, I know that this easy to do using the Acrobat Pro API, but my company are not going to pay for licences for everyone so that this one macro will work.
The windows file explorer search accepts advanced query syntax and will search inside the contents of files assuming that the correct ifilters are enabled. E.g. if you have a word document called doc1.docx and the text inside the document reads "blahblahblah", and you search for "blah" doc1.docx will appear as the result.
As far as I know, this cannot be acheived using the FileSystemObject, but if someone could confirm either way that would be really useful?
I have a simple code that opens an explorer window and searches for a string within the contents of all files in the given location. Once the search has completed I have an explorer window with all the files required listed. How do I take this list and populate an excel with the filenames of these files?
dim eSearch As String
eSearch = "explorer " & Chr$(34) & "search-ms://query=System.Generic.String:" & [search term here] & "&crumb=location:" & [Directory Here] & Chr$(34)
Call Shell (eSearch)
Assuming the location is indexed you can access the catalog directly with ADO (add a reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.x):
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
cn.Open "Provider=Search.CollatorDSO;Extended Properties='Application=Windows'"
sql = "SELECT System.ItemNameDisplay, System.ItemPathDisplay FROM SystemIndex WHERE SCOPE='file:C:\look\here' AND System.Kind <> 'folder' AND CONTAINS(System.FileName, '""*.PDF""') AND CONTAINS ('""find this text""')"
rs.Open sql, cn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
If Not rs.EOF Then
Do While Not rs.EOF
Debug.Print "File: "; rs.Collect(0)
Debug.Print "Path: "; rs.Collect(1)
End If
Try using the next function, please:
Function GetFilteredFiles(foldPath As String) As Collection
'If using a reference to `Microsoft Internet Controls (ShDocVW.dll)_____________________
'uncomment the next 2 lines and comment the following three (without any reference part)
'Dim ExpWin As SHDocVw.ShellWindows, CurrWin As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
'Set ExpWin = New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
'Without any reference:_____________________________________
Dim ExpWin As Object, CurrWin As Object, objshell As Object
Set objshell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set ExpWin = objshell.Windows
Dim Result As New Collection, oFolderItems As Object, i As Long
Dim CurrSelFile As String
For Each CurrWin In ExpWin
If Not CurrWin.Document Is Nothing Then
If Not CurrWin.Document.FocusedItem Is Nothing Then
If left(CurrWin.Document.FocusedItem.Path, _
InStrRev(CurrWin.Document.FocusedItem.Path, "\")) = foldPath Then
Set oFolderItems = CurrWin.Document.folder.Items
For i = 0 To oFolderItems.count
On Error Resume Next
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0
Result.Add oFolderItems.item(CLng(i)).Name
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
End If
End If
Next CurrWin
Set GetFilteredFiles = Result
End Function
Like it is, the function works without any reference...
The above function must be called after you executed the search query in your existing code. It can be called in the next (testing) way:
Sub testGetFilteredFiles()
Dim C As Collection, El As Variant
Set C = GetFilteredFiles("C:\Teste VBA Excel\")'use here the folder path you used for searching
For Each El In C
Debug.Print El
End Sub
The above solution iterates between all IExplorer windows and return what is visible there (after filtering) for the folder you initially used to search.
You can manually test it, searching for something in a specific folder and then call the function with that specific folder path as argument ("\" backslash at the end...).
I've forgotten everything I ever knew about VBA, but recently stumbled across an easy way to execute Explorer searches using the Shell.Application COM object. My code is PowerShell, but the COM objects & methods are what's critical. Surely someone here can translate.
This has what I think are several advantages:
The query text is identical to what you wouold type in the Search Bar in Explorer, e.g.'Ext:pdf Content:compressor'
It's easily launched from code and results are easily extracted with code, but SearchResults window is available for visual inspection/review.
With looping & pauses, you can execute a series of searches in the same window.
I think this ability has been sitting there forever, but the MS documentation of the Document object & FilterView method make no mention of how they apply to File Explorer.
I hope others find this useful.
$FolderToSearch = 'c:\Path\To\Folder'
$SearchBoxText = 'ext:pdf Content:compressor'
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject shell.application
### Get handles of currenlty open Explorer Windows
$CurrentWindows = ( $Shell.Windows() | Where FullName -match 'explorer.exe$' ).HWND
$WinCount = $Shell.Windows().Count
$Shell.Open( $FolderToSearch )
Do { Sleep -m 50 } Until ( $Shell.Windows().Count -gt $WinCount )
$WindowToSerch = ( $Shell.Windows() | Where FullName -match 'explorer.exe$' ) | Where { $_.HWND -notIn $CurrentWindows }
$WindowToSearch.Document.FilterView( $SearchBoxText )
Do { Sleep -m 50 } Until ( $WindowToSearch.ReadyState -eq 4 )
### Fully-qualified name:
$FoundFiles = ( $WindowToSearch.Document.Folder.Items() ).Path
### or just the filename:
$FoundFiles = ( $WindowToSearch.Document.Folder.Items() ).Name
### $FoundFIles is an array of strings containing the names.
### The Excel portion I leave to you! :D

VBA multiple users to update same table in a shared MS-Access database using DAO

Excel crashes, VBA raises Error 3218 “Could Not Update” Record Locking Errors when multiple users try to update same table in a shared MS-Access database using DAO.
I have a special configuration like this: a MS-Access database located in shared network folder, multiple user connect to update that database using VBA DAO build on Excel file. The VBA code in each Excel file is the same. The problem happens when there are 2 users click on update button at the same time. User Excel file turn hanging, or showing error 3218 "Could not update".
Sub ExportToAccess()
Dim oSelect As Range, i As Long, j As Integer, sPath As String
Set oSelect = Application.InputBox("Range", , Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Address, , , , , 8)
Dim oDAO As DAO.DBEngine, oDB As DAO.Database, oRS As DAO.Recordset
sPath = "\\sharedfolder\Database.accdb"
Set oDAO = New DAO.DBEngine
Set oDB = oDAO.OpenDatabase(sPath)
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("tblSuppliers")
For i = 2 To oSelect.Rows.Count 'skip label row
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count 'Field(0) is Auto#
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
Next j
Next i
MsgBox ("Updated Done!")
End Sub
I know my configuration is not good for database application, however I have to stick with this for a while. Could you please advise any solutions to avoid error when multiple users update Access database in this case ? Is there a way to detect if database is being updating by others and script to wait until that process to finish first. Any technical solution for this issue is welcome!
Thank you!
You need some type of flag to tell if anyone is updating the table or not. Examples of what this flag can be:
An Excel file cell (that is probably the easiest in your case; if multiple excel files are used, just link to the one cell)
A field in an Access table (even a table with a single field and a single record dedicated just for that)
A (text) file in your shared drive (the flag can be the content of the file or even whether the file exists or not)
Then your update process would be:
- Check the flag, if set, loop until flag is cleared
- Set the flag
- Update the table
- Clear the flag
You will probably also need some way for the users (or just you) to clear the flag manually, in case something else goes wrong while updating the table and the flag gets stuck raised.
Well , this is not probably the most elegant solution
but you may create a field in a table , and ask for it before working with the table
something like this :
Set LockedStatus= oDB.OpenRecordset("mycontroltable")
if LockedStatus("lockedSuppiers")=False then
oDB.Execute"update mycontroltable set lockedSuppiers=true"
Set oRS = oDB.OpenRecordset("tblSuppliers")
For i = 2 To oSelect.Rows.Count 'skip label row
For j = 1 To oSelect.Columns.Count 'Field(0) is Auto#
oRS.Fields(j) = oSelect.Cells(i, j)
oDB.Execute"update mycontroltable set lockedSuppiers=false"
end if

Determine if Window is Open Using UIAutomation

I am writing an excel plugin that outputs an edge list and a graphml sheet that are later used by the program yED to make a bitmap of the graph for the overall output of the plugin. I am using a shell command to open the appropriate file in yED, and UIAutomation to send the commands to yED.
When there is a window of yED already open, the code executes just fine. The window is found by the polling, then set active and the commands sent over. Where it goes wrong is when the shell command causes a new window of yED to be launched. There is a splash screen for yED as it is loading in that takes a few seconds to get through, and shares the same Name and Class as the window that I am looking for. The HWND is different between the two.
My code will error out whenever there is a new window of yED launching. The error reads:
Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)': Automation error Unspecified
Reference code:
Function FindyEdByClass() As IUIAutomationElement
Dim oUIAutomation As New CUIAutomation
Dim oUIADesktop As IUIAutomationElement
Dim allChilds As IUIAutomationElementArray
Dim oUIAyED As IUIAutomationElement
Dim i As Integer
Dim Timer As Date
Set oUIADesktop = oUIAutomation.GetRootElement
Set oUIAyED = oUIADesktop
Timer = Now
Set allChilds = oUIADesktop.FindAll(TreeScope_Children, oUIAutomation.CreateTrueCondition)
Debug.Print "StartLoop" & vbCrLf;
For i = 0 To allChilds.Length - 1
'EDIT: the following line is the one that errors out.
If allChilds.GetElement(i).CurrentName = "Graph.graphml - yEd" And allChilds.GetElement(i).CurrentClassName = "SunAwtFrame" Then
Debug.Print "Found Child - yED" & vbCrLf;
Set oUIAyED = allChilds.GetElement(i)
End If
If Now() > (Timer + TimeValue("00:00:10")) Then GoTo NoyED
If oUIAyED.CurrentName = "Desktop" Then GoTo RestartLoop
Debug.Print oUIAyED.CurrentName & " " & oUIAyED.CurrentClassName & vbCrLf;
Set FindyEdByClass = oUIAyED
Exit Function
MsgBox "No yED Window Found"
End Function
The line it errors out on the If statement. Through use of Debug.Print and FindWindowEx I have discovered that the object it errors out on is not the yED window I am looking for, but the yED splash screen that precedes it. I assume that the error is caused by the splash screen disappearing after its load time is up.
How do I go about finding the window I am looking for in this case? I need to be able to find the window without seeing the splash screen that will cause the error, and I need to be able to differentiate between the two by something other than class or name.
Note: I want to compare the windows by HWND but I don't know how to find it without the class/name, and it is never the same between two runs.

OLE Excel object manipulation causes run-time error '91'

I am maintaining an application that was written in Visual Basic 6.0 and makes use of the several OLE controls with Excel.Sheet.8 class objects. Several users are getting the following error when they reach a point in code that attempts to manipulate the excel objects.
Run-time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
Below are examples of the code that trigger this error. I believe that the issue happens at:
Set oExcel = oleXl.object
Here are the points in the code where it happens:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim sTempStringA As String
Dim sTempStringB As String
'Set up excel sheet
centerform Me
Set oOutGrid = oleXlOutput.object
Private Sub Form_Load()
centerform Me
Set oOtherFx = oleXlFx.object
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim iRet As Integer
Dim i As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
centerform Me
Call InitArray
Me.Caption = "TJUJ | Version " & version & " | Enter Custom Fx"
Set oBook = oleExcel.object
Is there a specific situation or environment in which this error would be generated from this line of code OR a way that I can ensure the object will always be accessible at this point in the code?
The error only happens occasionally, and I can't reproduce it on my developer machine at all. I also do not have access to the machines that it is happening on, but it seems to be encountered when there is an instance of the EXCEL.EXE process running.
When you get runtime-error 91, you can bet there's an uninitialized object somewhere in the statement. In other words, you are trying to use the properties or methods of a variable/object with a value of Nothing.
In your examples, oleXl, oleXlFx, and oleExcel are probably Nothing. So when you refer to their .object property, you trigger the RTE.
Somewhere in your code these variables have to be initialized to something. Look for statements like Set oleXl = CreateObject("Excel.Application") or Set oleXl = New Excel.Application
One suggestion; when you find the statements that actually initialize those OLE objects, check to see how the error-handling is coded. If you see things like this:
On Error Resume Next
Set oleXl = CreateObject(...
add a test to make sure the object was instantiated
On Error Resume Next
Set oleXl = CreateObject(...
If oleXl Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Hey, my object is Nothing!"
End If
Microsoft suggests that we can fix error 91 by creating a new registry key. To create a new key follow the steps below.
Click on the Windows Start menu
Type Regedit in the search box
Press Enter
Locate the following entry in the registry. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Transaction Server
Now select the transaction server and right click on it
Select New and then choose Key
Name the key as Debug
Right click on the Debug key and choose New
Now select Key and name the key as RunWithoutContext
