How to use --since option with docker logs command - linux

I want to look at last 1 hour of docker container log using docker logs --since option. Which value I should provide for --since parameter?

as the help says
--since string Show logs since timestamp (e.g. 2013-01-02T13:23:37) or relative (e.g. 42m for 42 minutes
I would do
docker logs mycontainer_or_id --since 60m
This syntax is correct according to my active container

Please refer to the Docker docs.
docker logs --since 1h
The --since option shows only the container logs generated after a given date. You can specify the date as an RFC 3339 date, a UNIX timestamp, or a Go duration string (e.g. 1m30s, 3h). Besides RFC3339 date format you may also use RFC3339Nano, 2006-01-02T15:04:05, 2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999, 2006-01-02Z07:00, and 2006-01-02.

You may want logs from a specific date, but docker might not like your date's format.
In such cases, check whether the UNIX date command parse it:
$ date -d "your date here"
Wed Oct 5 12:46:17 GMT 2022
If date's output looks right, then you can use date -I to produce a format that docker understands.
$ docker logs my_container --since "$(date -I -d "your date here")" | less -RX


How to get start value with Year in Unix/Linux command or any other way python also fine?

i need output with Year in start field, below command i am using in Linux to get the License details but i am getting date like(start Tue 1/7 9:54) , so want to know the year for this:
lmutil lmstat -a -c user#server_name -f abcd -t
Output : start Tue 1/7 9:54
Looking for start Tue 1/7(with year) 9:54
Please help.

Linux Time Zone Warning

I'd like to know the meaning of the alert message that occurs in the Linux time zone.
Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time zone setting only.
Local time: Mon 2019-11-18 12:12:50 JST
Universal time: Mon 2019-11-18 03:12:50 UTC
RTC time: Mon 2019-11-18 03:12:50
Time zone: Asia/Tokyo (JST, +0900)
Tell me the cause of the warning message and how to resolve it.
This command, hwclock --localtime, returns UTC time listed by timedatectl, instead to local.
First run
sudo timedatectl
if it showed the right timezone then skip ahead to ls -al /etc/localtime, otherwise correct it using
sudo timedatectl set-timezone <your region>/<your location>
as an example if you lived in Sweden you would run:
sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Stockholm
then after running this check the output of
ls -al /etc/localtime
if this points to the wrong timezone then run
sudo rm /etc/localtime
followed by
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/<your region>/<your location> /etc/localtime
substituting your region and your location with the same ones used in the last command.
That should fix it, though you might need to reboot for the changes to take affect.

See user id in linux journalctl

I use journalctl -f to see the logs written by the processes, but it does not print the user who initiated the process writing to syslog.
Is there any option we can provide to journalctl in order to print the user id?
If you run journalctl -o verbose you will see the complete log record for each entry, which will look something like:
Fri 2019-08-02 20:02:11.307673 EDT [s=e328b42f9ccd4ef28cc946dba525b34c;i=12377a1;b=299ec3a7a9e545f3ab77225c045aee0c;m=7a7d1960ef;t=58f2b2fc43900;x=ceff52112a8146ae]
MESSAGE=Starting GNOME Terminal Server...
_CMDLINE=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
Take a look at man journalctl for more information. E.g., there is a -o json if you want to programtically process log lines in some fashion.

how to set timezone of 'docker logs -t'?

My local timezone and docker container's timezone are all set to 'GMT+8:00'. But the 'docker logs -t' still shows timestamp of 'GMT+0:00'.
the picture below is a part of output of 'docker logs -t'. The left timestamp is printed by docker, and the right timestamp is printed by application in container.
After some research, I found out that the docker logs -t command prints out timestamps in UTC and there is no config to change that. However, you could use a little script referenced in, where you could just pipe the output and change the given timestamp.

Linux: journalctl

I would like to view only log messages created within a specified time range (08:00 - 11:00) for ALL days.
If I use:
journalctl --since 08:00 --until 11:00
It displays logs from current day only.
Any ideas?
First of all - where is your journalctl log file? Default journalctl collect logs since the launch of the system.
By default, the log file is in /var/log/journal. If this dir isn't exist set Storage=persistent in /etc/systemd/journald.conf and run systemctl restart systemd-journald.
And when journalctl saves all messages/events on all the days or when the system collects logs from a few days of the save settings day You can draw some interesting informations from journalctl in this way:
# Define year
# Defines the month in which you want to search
months=(08 09 10)
for i in "${months[#]}" ; do
# To set a range of days: 14 - 20
for j in `seq 14 20` ; do
journalctl --since "${year}-${i}-${j} 08:00:00" --until "${year}-${i}-${j} 11:00:00" >> /tmp/journal.${year}-${i}-${j}.log
If you want to check days from 1 to 9 will probably need to add a mechanism for adding 0 (01, 02, 03, ..., 09).
This is an example so you have to adjust it to your needs.
