making objects constantly in a while loop - vpython

I'm doing a project for a year 11 physics class and I'm trying to make a battery that generates electrons. This is the code:
electron = sphere(radius = 1, color = color.yellow, vel = vec(-1,0,0));
while battery.voltage > 0:
eb = electron.clone(pos=vec(0,0,0), vel = vec(-1,0,0));
I'm trying to make "eb" constantly, but it only applies eb.pos = eb.pos + eb.vel * deltat; apply to a the first electron. Is there any way to do this without making 600 different electron objects?

You could change the attribute that is modified directly to the electron object instead of creating it all the time. Apply the modifications to electron and add the computing action in the while. Is it what you meant?

You definitely need to make and move 600 sphere objects in order to have 600 sphere objects move. Your variable "eb" is just the name of the most recently made clone of the original sphere.
I'll advertise that a better place to pose VPython questions is in the VPython forum at!forum/vpython-users


How do I dynamically add elements to the Roassal RTGrapher instance?

Object subclass: #MultiData
instanceVariableNames: 'b'
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'CFR-Extensions'
b := RTGrapher new.
b add: (self makeD: #('hello' 1 2 1)).
b add: (self makeD: #('test' 1 2 11)).
makeD: first
| d |
d := RTVerticalMultipleData new.
d barShape color: Color blue.
points := OrderedCollection new.
points add: first.
d points: points.
d addMetric: #second.
d addMetric: #third.
d addMetric: #fourth.
"Rotated text"
d barChartWithBarTitle: #first rotation: -30.
The above is essentially the Several metrics per data point example from the Roassal book factored into two methods. Rather than just visualizing a static dataset I've been looking into ways of trying to add data as the program runs. I want to visualize the trace of the parameters for a tabular RL agent.
What happens when I display the graph in the inspector is that only the latest element shows up as a chart. There is some overlaying in the labels though that should not be there.
Originally I wanted to do something like pass an OrderedCollection of points, but the way RTVerticalMultipleData compiles them into Trachel elements makes such a scheme invalid, so I've thought to batch the data instead before adding it as an element.
The fact that the above does not work strikes me as a bug. Apart from fixing this, I am wondering if there is a better way to visualize dynamic data?
I don't know roassal enough to answer to your problem, but for dynamic visualizations, Pharo also has the Telescope project. (
Currently, Telescope only works with Seaside via web visualization (With the Cytoscape connector: See a demo at:
I don't know if web visualizations are fine with you but I share just in case.

Vuforia video playback with fixed dimension

I am using vuforia video playback demo with cloud recognition.
I have combined both projects and it is working properly. But currently video dimension is according to detected object. But i need fixed width and height when video plays.
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance.
Well apparently Vuforia fixes the width and height at the start of the game no matter what the size of the object is. I could not find when exactly this operation is conducted but it is done at beginning of your game. When you change the size of the ImageTarget in runtime it is not fixed anymore. Add these lines to your OnTrackingFound function of DefaultTrackableEventHandler.cs
if ( == "WhateverTheNameOfYourRelatedImageTarget"&& !isScaled)
//Increase the size however you want i just added 1 to each dimension
this.transform.localScale +=;
// make isScaled true not to scale every time it is found initially it shoud be false
isScaled = true;
Good luck!
What i usually do is , instead of Videoplayback , i play the video on canvas object and hook this object to Defaulttrackableeventhandler script. So when target is found, gameobject.setactive(true) and gameobject.setactive(false) when target is lost. By this method the size of the gameobject is fixed and it stays in a fixed location .
I just made an example you can get here (have to import it to any project and open the scene Assets/VideoExample/Examples). You can see there a bit clearer what the ScreenSpace - Overlay does ... it might be better to just switch to ScreenSpace - Camera in general

Specify the specific heat of a material with Revit 2017 Python API

With Revit 2017 Python API, I am trying to create new materials, and then assembling some of these to create new type of walls.
It goes pretty well for all properties, except for the specific heat!
Basically, what I do is:
create a thermalAsset:
themalA = ThermalAsset('Test', ThermalMaterialType.Solid)
Set the different thermal properties for that thermal asset (dummy values):
thermalA.ThermalConductivity = 0.01
thermalA.SpecificHeat = 0.001
thermalA.Density = 1000.0
Then I create a PropertySetElement with that thermal asset:
pse = PropertySetElement.Create(doc, thermalA)
Then I assign it to my material (that I previously created):
mat.SetMaterialAspectByPropertySet(MaterialAspect.Thermal, pse)
Afetr that, I take a look in my materials list in Revit, and look at the thermal properties. Everything seems ok, except the Specific Heat, which remains at 0.0239 btu/(lb. F), whatever the value I input when I assign the specific heat. Density is ok, thermal conductivity is ok, but not specific heat.
I got no error message.
What am I missing?
Thanks a lot for any help.
Is the value you specify in the expected unit? Feet per Kelvin, squared-second. Cf., > ThermalAsset.SpecificHeat.
I submitted this to the development team for further analysis as issue REVIT-111206 [API: setting ThermalAsset SpecificHeat fails]. Can you please provide a full reproducible case for them to test, e.g., a minimal RVT model with an embedded macro to run, cf., Thank you!

too much error correction made the code more worse

This is my first time with python and I have written this program to simulate a node trying to find mobile phones in an area.
first i am taking the distance converting them to RSS and based on that deciding the direction of the node to find all mobile phones.
the code worked fine till 2 days ago but when i expanded to area and no of nodes, some errors started to come and i kept correcting them.
now it doesn't run and I have made it more worse:
is there any hint or guidance I can get from the experts?
and yes I have overwritten the code without saving it to some other place.
Or maybe someone can really help me by having a look at it.
its really messy though.
Here is a part of the code i am having the most trouble with.
def pos_y(uav_current_cord,area,uav_step_size,flag):
detected_y = 0
detected_nodes_pos_y = 0
if flag == 1:
span = area+uav_step_size - uav_current_cord[1]
for y in range(uav_current_cord[1],area+uav_step_size,uav_step_size):
global distance_covered
distance_covered += uav_step_size
UAV_new = [uav_current_cord[0],y]
y_last_pos = UAV_new
plot((*UAV_new), marker='o', color='r', ls='')
for i in nodes:
temp_x_axis = euclid_dist(UAV_new,node_cord[i])
ss_x_axis = dist_to_ss(temp_x_axis)
if (ss_x_axis > threshold):
detected_nodes_pos_y += 1
detected_y = (detected_nodes_pos_y)
if y >= area+uav_step_size:
uav_current_cord = UAV_new
flag = 1
keep_moving = neg_x(uav_current_cord,span,uav_step_size,flag,y_last_pos)
uav_current_new = keep_moving[0]
distance_covered_back = keep_moving[1]
nodes_detected_final = keep_moving[2]
uav_current_new = keep_moving[3]
#return [uav_current_new, distance_covered, nodes_detected_final, uav_current_new]
#uav_current_new = y_last_pos
return [y_last_pos, distance_covered, detected_y, y_last_pos]
if flag == 1:
area1 = area*2
for y in range(uav_current_cord[1],area,uav_step_size):
UAV_new = [uav_current_cord[0],y]
#print('Pos_Y movement of UAV',UAV_new)
#print('ye loop chal raha hai')
y_last_pos = UAV_new
plot((*UAV_new), marker='o', color='g', ls='')
for i in nodes:
temp_x_axis = euclid_dist(UAV_new,node_cord[i])
ss_x_axis = dist_to_ss(temp_x_axis)
if (ss_x_axis > threshold):
detected_nodes_pos_y += 1
detected_y = (detected_nodes_pos_y)
#print('nodes detected in pos Y ',detected_y)
#print('last position in pos y =', y_last_pos)
for y in range(UAV_new[1],uav_current_cord[1],-uav_step_size):
# print('ab ye chala hai')
plot((*UAV_new), marker='o', color='g', ls='')
distance_covered_back = area*2
return [UAV_new, distance_covered_back, detected_y, y_last_pos]
As others have said, use git, but know the alternatives.
If you're brand new to revision control, starting with Git will either be a big help or hindrance in the time being, but learning Git will be valuable down the line regardless.
If you have an MSDN account, you can also use Visual Studio's built-in revision control. It's good for rapid prototyping, but has no real edge over git.
Another common choice that is pretty simple would be TortoiseSVN. It's very easy to use.
Alternatively, if you don't mind your code being public for a free account or a small monthly fee for private, you can do all your commits via browser using GitHub. This is hand's down the simplest option for revision control newbies. It's major downside is limited flexibility for multi-file commits.
I have little to no meaningful experience with BitBucket and some other common alternatives to GitHub.
I'm sorry, but we cannot help you... You're not the first with this problem and unfortunately not the last.
To help prevent this kind of problems, software like Git exists. It let's you do the following (image reference):
The root file is the master. This is your working script. If you want to change/add/remove something, you make a so-called branch where you do whatever you want. If you have tested it, you can commit the changes (that is, store this as a new version of the script with a comment) and merge it with the master (that is, add the changes to the master script). If something seems to be wrong, you can always go back to a previous version of your script.
The documentation of Git is very good: read it and use it wisely!

In MATLAB, how do I plot to an image and save the result without displaying it?

This question kind of starts where this question ends up. MATLAB has a powerful and flexible image display system which lets you use the imshow and plot commands to display complex images and then save the result. For example:
im = imread('image.tif');
f = figure, imshow(im, 'Border', 'tight');
rectangle('Position', [100, 100, 10, 10]);
print(f, '-r80', '-dtiff', 'image2.tif');
This works great.
The problem is that if you are doing a lot of image processing, it starts to be real drag to show every image you create - you mostly want to just save them. I know I could start directly writing to an image and then saving the result. But using plot/rectangle/imshow is so easy, so I'm hoping there is a command that can let me call plot, imshow etc, not display the results and then save what would have been displayed. Anyone know any quick solutions for this?
Alternatively, a quick way to put a spline onto a bitmap might work...
When you create the figure you set the Visibile property to Off.
f = figure('visible','off')
Which in your case would be
im = imread('image.tif');
f = figure('visible','off'), imshow(im, 'Border', 'tight');
rectangle('Position', [100, 100, 10, 10]);
print(f, '-r80', '-dtiff', 'image2.tif');
And if you want to view it again you can do
The simple answer to your question is given by Bessi and Mr Fooz: set the 'Visible' setting for the figure to 'off'. Although it's very easy to use commands like IMSHOW and PRINT to generate figures, I'll summarize why I think it's not necessarily the best option:
As illustrated by Mr Fooz's answer, there are many other factors that come into play when trying to save figures as images. The type of output you get is going to be dependent on many figure and axes settings, thus increasing the likelihood that you will not get the output you want. This could be especially problematic if you have your figures set to be invisible, since you won't notice some discrepancy that could be caused by a change in a default setting for the figure or axes. In short, your output becomes highly sensitive to a number of settings that you would then have to add to your code to control your output, as Mr Fooz's example shows.
Even if you're not viewing the figures as they are made, you're still probably making MATLAB do more work than is really necessary. Graphics objects are still created, even if they are not rendered. If speed is a concern, generating images from figures doesn't seem like the ideal solution.
My suggestion is to actually modify the image data directly and save it using IMWRITE. It may not be as easy as using IMSHOW and other plotting solutions, but I think it is more efficient and gives more robust and consistent results that are not as sensitive to various plot settings. For the example you give, I believe the alternative code for creating a black rectangle would look something like this:
im = imread('image.tif');
[r,c,d] = size(im);
x0 = 100;
y0 = 100;
w = 10;
h = 10;
x = [x0:x0+w x0*ones(1,h+1) x0:x0+w (x0+w)*ones(1,h+1)];
y = [y0*ones(1,w+1) y0:y0+h (y0+h)*ones(1,w+1) y0:y0+h];
index = sub2ind([r c],y,x);
im(index) = 0;
im(index+r*c) = 0;
im(index+2*r*c) = 0;
I'm expanding on Bessi's solution here a bit. I've found that it's very helpful to know how to have the image take up the whole figure and to be able to tightly control the output image size.
% prevent the figure window from appearing at all
f = figure('visible','off');
% alternative way of hiding an existing figure
set(f, 'visible','off'); % can use the GCF function instead
% If you start getting odd error messages or blank images,
% add in a DRAWNOW call. Sometimes it helps fix rendering
% bugs, especially in long-running scripts on Linux.
% optional: have the axes take up the whole figure
subplot('position', [0 0 1 1]);
% show the image and rectangle
im = imread('peppers.png');
imshow(im, 'border','tight');
rectangle('Position', [100, 100, 10, 10]);
% Save the image, controlling exactly the output
% image size (in this case, making it equal to
% the input's).
[H,W,D] = size(im);
dpi = 100;
set(f, 'paperposition', [0 0 W/dpi H/dpi]);
set(f, 'papersize', [W/dpi H/dpi]);
print(f, sprintf('-r%d',dpi), '-dtiff', 'image2.tif');
If you'd like to render the figure to a matrix, type "help #avifile/addframe", then extract the subfunction called "getFrameForFigure". It's a Mathworks-supplied function that uses some (currently) undocumented ways of extracting data from figure.
Here is a completely different answer:
If you want an image file out, why not just save the image instead of the entire figure?
im = magic(10)
Then prove that it worked.
This can be done for indexed and RGB also for different output formats.
You could use -noFigureWindows to disable all figures.
