Removing negative values in pandas column keeping NaN - python-3.x

I was wondering how I can remove rows which have a negative value but keep the NaNs. At the moment I am using:
DF = DF.ix[DF['RAF01Time'] >= 0]
But this removes the NaNs.
Thanks in advance.

You need boolean indexing with another condition with isnull:
DF = DF[(DF['RAF01Time'] >= 0) | (DF['RAF01Time'].isnull())]
DF = pd.DataFrame({'RAF01Time':[-1,2,3,np.nan]})
print (DF)
0 -1.0
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 NaN
DF = DF[(DF['RAF01Time'] >= 0) | (DF['RAF01Time'].isnull())]
print (DF)
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 NaN
Another solution with query:
DF = DF.query("~(RAF01Time < 0)")
print (DF)
1 2.0
2 3.0
3 NaN

You can just use < 0 and then take the inverse of the condition.
DF = DF[~(DF['RAF01Time'] < 0)]


How to correspondence of unique values ​between 2 tables?

I am fairly new to Python and I am trying to create a new function to work on my project.
The function will aim to detect which unique value is present in another column of another table.
At first, the function seeks to keep only the unique values ​​of the two tables, then merges them into a new dataframe
It's the rest that gets complicated because I would like to return which row and on which table my value is missing
If you have any other leads or thought patterns, I'm also interested.
Here is my code :
def correspondance_cle(df1, df2, col):
df11 = pd.DataFrame(df1[col].unique())
df11.columns= [col]
df11['test1'] = 1
df21 = pd.DataFrame(df2[col].unique())
df21.columns= [col]
df21['test2'] = 1
df3 = pd.merge(df11, df21, on=col, how='outer')
df3 = df3.loc[(fk['test1'].isna() == True) | (fk['test2'].isna() == True),:]
for row in df3[col]:
if df3['test1'].isna() == True:
print(row, "is not in df1")
print(row, 'is not in df2')
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read the post.
First use outer join with remove duplicates by Series.drop_duplicates and Series.reset_index for avoid removed original indices:
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,5,5]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'a':[2,20,5,8]})
col = 'a'
df = (df1[col].drop_duplicates().reset_index()
print (df)
index_x a index_y _merge
0 0.0 1 NaN left_only
1 1.0 2 0.0 both
2 2.0 5 2.0 both
3 NaN 20 1.0 right_only
4 NaN 8 3.0 right_only
Then filter rows by helper column _merge:
print (df[df['_merge'].eq('left_only')])
index_x a index_y _merge
0 0.0 1 NaN left_only
print (df[df['_merge'].eq('right_only')])
index_x a index_y _merge
3 NaN 20 1.0 right_only
4 NaN 8 3.0 right_only

How to sum the column value seperated with semicolon in python

I have a dataframe with the values as below:
df = pd.DataFrame({'Column4': ['NaN;NaN;1;4','4;8','nan']} )
print (df)
0 NaN;NaN;1;4
1 4;8
2 nan
I tried with the code below to get the sum.
df['Sum'] = df['Column4'].apply(lambda x: sum(map(int, x.split(';'))))
I am getting the error message as
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'NaN'
Use Series.str.split with expand=True for DataFrame, convert to floats and sum per rows - pandas by default exclude missing values:
df['Sum'] = df['Column4'].str.split(';', expand=True).astype(float).sum(axis=1)
print (df)
Column4 Sum
0 NaN;NaN;1;4 5.0
1 4;8 12.0
2 nan 0.0
Your solution should be changed:
f = lambda x: sum(int(y) for y in x.split(';') if not y in ('nan','NaN'))
df['Sum'] = df['Column4'].apply(f)
because if convert to float get mssing values for NaNs with another numeric:
df['Sum'] = df['Column4'].apply(lambda x: sum(map(float, x.split(';'))))
print (df)
Column4 Sum
0 NaN;NaN;1;4 NaN
1 4;8 12.0
2 nan NaN

Delete row from dataframe having "None" value in all the columns - Python

I need to delete the row completely in a dataframe having "None" value in all the columns. I am using the following code -
This does not bring any difference to the dataframe. The rows with "None" value are still there.
How to achieve this?
There Nones should be strings, so use replace first:
df = df.replace('None', np.nan).dropna(how='all')
df = pd.DataFrame({
'a':['None','a', 'None'],
'b':['None','g', 'None'],
'c':['None','v', 'b'],
print (df)
a b c
0 None None None
1 a g v
2 None None b
df1 = df.replace('None', np.nan).dropna(how='all')
print (df1)
a b c
1 a g v
2 NaN NaN b
Or test values None with not equal and DataFrame.any:
df1 = df['None').any(axis=1)]
print (df1)
a b c
1 a g v
2 None None b
You should be dropping in the axis 1. Use the how keyword to drop columns with any or all NaN values. Check the docs
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[-1, 0, np.nan], 'c':[np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]})
a b c
0 1 -1.0 NaN
1 2 0.0 NaN
2 3 NaN 5.0
df.dropna(axis=1, how='any')
0 1
1 2
2 3
df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
a b
0 1 -1.0
1 2 0.0
2 3 NaN

How to use pandas df column value in if-else expression to calculate additional columns

I am trying to calculate additional metrics from existing pandas dataframe by using an if/else condition on existing column values.
df['MarketValue'] = df.apply(lambda row: row.SharesUnits * row.CurrentPrice, axis=1).astype(float).round(2)
df['MarketValue'] = df.apply(lambda row: row.SharesUnits * row.Sold_price, axis=1).astype(float).round(2)
df['MarketValue'] = df.apply(lambda row: 0)
For the if condition the MarketValue is calculated correctly but for the elif condition, its not giving the correct value.
Can anyone point me as what wrong I am doing in this code.
I think you need, apply can be removed and multiple columns by mul:
m1 = df['Sell_Ind']=='N'
m2 = df['Sell_Ind']=='Y'
a = df.SharesUnits.mul(df.CurrentPrice).astype(float).round(2)
b = df.SharesUnits.mul(df.Sold_price).astype(float).round(2)
df['MarketValue'] =[m1, m2], [a,b], default=0)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Sold_price':[7,8,9,4,2,3],
#print (df)
m1 = df['Sell_Ind']=='N'
m2 = df['Sell_Ind']=='Y'
a = df.SharesUnits.mul(df.CurrentPrice).astype(float).round(2)
b = df.SharesUnits.mul(df.Sold_price).astype(float).round(2)
df['MarketValue'] =[m1, m2], [a,b], default=0)
print (df)
CurrentPrice Sell_Ind SharesUnits Sold_price MarketValue
0 5 N 1 7 5.0
1 3 N 3 8 9.0
2 6 Y 5 9 45.0
3 9 Y 7 4 28.0
4 2 T 1 2 0.0
5 4 T 0 3 0.0

Element-wise Maximum of Two DataFrames Ignoring NaNs

I have two dataframes (df1 and df2) that each have the same rows and columns. I would like to take the maximum of these two dataframes, element-by-element. In addition, the result of any element-wise maximum with a number and NaN should be the number. The approach I have implemented so far seems inefficient:
def element_max(df1,df2):
import pandas as pd
cond = df1 >= df2
res = pd.DataFrame(index=df1.index, columns=df1.columns)
res[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(cond)] = df1[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(cond)]
res[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)] = df2[(df1==df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)]
res[(df1==df1)&(df2!=df2)&(~cond)] = df1[(df1==df1)&(df2!=df2)]
res[(df1!=df1)&(df2==df2)&(~cond)] = df2[(df1!=df1)&(df2==df2)]
return res
Any other ideas? Thank you for your time.
A more readable way to do this in recent versions of pandas is concat-and-max:
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
A = pd.DataFrame([[1., 2., 3.]])
B = pd.DataFrame([[3., sp.nan, 1.]])
pd.concat([A, B]).max(level=0)
# 0 1 2
# 0 3.0 2.0 3.0
You can use where to test your df against another df, where the condition is True, the values from df are returned, when false the values from df1 are returned. Additionally in the case where NaN values are in df1 then an additional call to fillna(df) will use the values from df to fill those NaN and return the desired df:
In [178]:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3))
df.iloc[1,2] = np.NaN
df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3))
df1.iloc[0,0] = np.NaN
0 1 2
0 2.671118 1.412880 1.666041
1 -0.281660 1.187589 NaN
2 -0.067425 0.850808 1.461418
3 -0.447670 0.307405 1.038676
4 -0.130232 -0.171420 1.192321
0 1 2
0 NaN -0.244273 -1.963712
1 -0.043011 -1.588891 0.784695
2 1.094911 0.894044 -0.320710
3 -1.537153 0.558547 -0.317115
4 -1.713988 -0.736463 -1.030797
In [179]:
df.where(df > df1, df1).fillna(df)
0 1 2
0 2.671118 1.412880 1.666041
1 -0.043011 1.187589 0.784695
2 1.094911 0.894044 1.461418
3 -0.447670 0.558547 1.038676
4 -0.130232 -0.171420 1.192321
