I've been playing around with AudioUnit via Rust and the Rust library coreaudio-rs. Their example seems to work well:
extern crate coreaudio;
use coreaudio::audio_unit::{AudioUnit, IOType};
use coreaudio::audio_unit::render_callback::{self, data};
use std::f32::consts::PI;
struct Iter {
value: f32,
impl Iterator for Iter {
type Item = [f32; 2];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<[f32; 2]> {
self.value += 440.0 / 44_100.0;
let amp = (self.value * PI * 2.0).sin() as f32 * 0.15;
Some([amp, amp])
fn main() {
fn run() -> Result<(), coreaudio::Error> {
// 440hz sine wave generator.
let mut samples = Iter { value: 0.0 };
//let buf: Vec<[f32; 2]> = vec![[0.0, 0.0]];
//let mut samples = buf.iter();
// Construct an Output audio unit that delivers audio to the default output device.
let mut audio_unit = try!(AudioUnit::new(IOType::DefaultOutput));
// Q: What is this type?
let callback = move |args| {
let Args { num_frames, mut data, .. } = args;
for i in 0..num_frames {
let sample = samples.next().unwrap();
for (channel_idx, channel) in data.channels_mut().enumerate() {
channel[i] = sample[channel_idx];
type Args = render_callback::Args<data::NonInterleaved<f32>>;
However, changing it up a little bit to load via a buffer doesn't work as well:
extern crate coreaudio;
use coreaudio::audio_unit::{AudioUnit, IOType};
use coreaudio::audio_unit::render_callback::{self, data};
fn main() {
fn run() -> Result<(), coreaudio::Error> {
let buf: Vec<[f32; 2]> = vec![[0.0, 0.0]];
let mut samples = buf.iter();
// Construct an Output audio unit that delivers audio to the default output device.
let mut audio_unit = try!(AudioUnit::new(IOType::DefaultOutput));
// Q: What is this type?
let callback = move |args| {
let Args { num_frames, mut data, .. } = args;
for i in 0..num_frames {
let sample = samples.next().unwrap();
for (channel_idx, channel) in data.channels_mut().enumerate() {
channel[i] = sample[channel_idx];
type Args = render_callback::Args<data::NonInterleaved<f32>>;
It says, correctly so, that buf only lives until the end of run and does not live long enough for the audio unit—which makes sense, because "borrowed value must be valid for the static lifetime...".
In any case, that doesn't bother me; I can modify the iterator to load and read from the buffer just fine. However, it does raise some questions:
Why does the Iter { value: 0.0 } have the 'static lifetime?
If it doesn't have the 'static lifetime, why does it say the borrowed value must be valid for the 'static lifetime?
If it does have the 'static lifetime, why? It seems like it would be on the heap and closed on by callback.
I understand that the move keyword allows moving inside the closure, which doesn't help me understand why it interacts with lifetimes. Why can't it move the buffer? Do I have to move both the buffer and the iterator into the closure? How would I do that?
Over all this, how do I figure out the expected lifetime without trying to be a compiler myself? It doesn't seem like guessing and compiling is always a straightforward method to resolving these issues.
Why does the Iter { value: 0.0 } have the 'static lifetime?
It doesn't; only references have lifetimes.
why does it say the borrowed value must be valid for the 'static lifetime
how do I figure out the expected lifetime without trying to be a compiler myself
Read the documentation; it tells you the restriction:
fn set_render_callback<F, D>(&mut self, f: F) -> Result<(), Error>
F: FnMut(Args<D>) -> Result<(), ()> + 'static, // <====
D: Data
This restriction means that any references inside of F must live at least as long as the 'static lifetime. Having no references is also acceptable.
All type and lifetime restrictions are expressed at the function boundary — this is a hard rule of Rust.
I understand that the move keyword allows moving inside the closure, which doesn't help me understand why it interacts with lifetimes.
The only thing that the move keyword does is force every variable directly used in the closure to be moved into the closure. Otherwise, the compiler tries to be conservative and move in references/mutable references/values based on the usage inside the closure.
Why can't it move the buffer?
The variable buf is never used inside the closure.
Do I have to move both the buffer and the iterator into the closure? How would I do that?
By creating the iterator inside the closure. Now buf is used inside the closure and will be moved:
let callback = move |args| {
let mut samples = buf.iter();
// ...
It doesn't seem like guessing and compiling is always a straightforward method to resolving these issues.
Sometimes it is, and sometimes you have to think about why you believe the code to be correct and why the compiler states it isn't and come to an understanding.
TL;DR: I want to implement trait std::io::Write that outputs to a memory buffer, ideally String, for unit-testing purposes.
I must be missing something simple.
Similar to another question, Writing to a file or stdout in Rust, I am working on a code that can work with any std::io::Write implementation.
It operates on structure defined like this:
pub struct MyStructure {
writer: Box<dyn Write>,
Now, it's easy to create instance writing to either a file or stdout:
impl MyStructure {
pub fn use_stdout() -> Self {
let writer = Box::new(std::io::stdout());
MyStructure { writer }
pub fn use_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Self> {
let writer = Box::new(File::create(path)?);
Ok(MyStructure { writer })
pub fn printit(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
But for unit testing, I also need to have a way to run the business logic (here represented by method printit()) and trap its output, so that its content can be checked in the test.
I cannot figure out how to implement this. This playground code shows how I would like to use it, but it does not compile because it breaks borrowing rules.
// invalid code - does not compile!
fn main() {
let mut buf = Vec::new(); // This buffer should receive output
let mut x2 = MyStructure { writer: Box::new(buf) };
// now, get the collected output
let output = std::str::from_utf8(buf.as_slice()).unwrap().to_string();
// here I want to analyze the output, for instance in unit-test asserts
println!("Output to string was {}", output);
Any idea how to write the code correctly? I.e., how to implement a writer on top of a memory structure (String, Vec, ...) that can be accessed afterwards?
Something like this does work:
let mut buf = Vec::new();
// Use the buffer by a mutable reference
// Also, we're doing it inside another scope
// to help the borrow checker
let mut x2 = MyStructure { writer: Box::new(&mut buf) };
let output = std::str::from_utf8(buf.as_slice()).unwrap().to_string();
println!("Output to string was {}", output);
However, in order for this to work, you need to modify your type and add a lifetime parameter:
pub struct MyStructure<'a> {
writer: Box<dyn Write + 'a>,
Note that in your case (where you omit the + 'a part) the compiler assumes that you use 'static as the lifetime of the trait object:
// Same as your original variant
pub struct MyStructure {
writer: Box<dyn Write + 'static>
This limits the set of types which could be used here, in particular, you cannot use any kinds of borrowed references. Therefore, for maximum genericity we have to be explicit here and define a lifetime parameter.
Also note that depending on your use case, you can use generics instead of trait objects:
pub struct MyStructure<W: Write> {
writer: W
In this case the types are fully visible at any point of your program, and therefore no additional lifetime annotation is needed.
I'm trying to execute a function on chunks of a vector and then send the result back using the message passing library.
However, I get a strange error about the lifetime of the vector that isn't even participating in the thread operations:
src/lib.rs:153:27: 154:25 error: borrowed value does not live long enough
src/lib.rs:153 let extended_segments = (segment_size..max_val)
error: src/lib.rs:154 .collect::<Vec<_>>()borrowed value does not live long enough
note: reference must be valid for the static lifetime...:153
let extended_segments = (segment_size..max_val)
src/lib.rs:153:3: 155:27: 154 .collect::<Vec<_>>()
note: but borrowed value is only valid for the statement at 153:2:
reference must be valid for the static lifetime...
let extended_segments = (segment_size..max_val)
consider using a `let` binding to increase its lifetime
I tried moving around the iterator and adding lifetimes to different places, but I couldn't get the checker to pass and still stay on type.
The offending code is below, based on the concurrency chapter in the Rust book. (Complete code is at github.)
use std::sync::mpsc;
use std::thread;
fn sieve_segment(a: &[usize], b: &[usize]) -> Vec<usize> {
fn eratosthenes_sieve(val: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
pub fn segmented_sieve_parallel(max_val: usize, mut segment_size: usize) -> Vec<usize> {
if max_val <= ((2 as i64).pow(16) as usize) {
// early return if the highest value is small enough (empirical)
return eratosthenes_sieve(max_val);
if segment_size > ((max_val as f64).sqrt() as usize) {
segment_size = (max_val as f64).sqrt() as usize;
println!("Segment size is larger than √{}. Reducing to {} to keep resource use down.",
let small_primes = eratosthenes_sieve((max_val as f64).sqrt() as usize);
let mut big_primes = small_primes.clone();
let (tx, rx): (mpsc::Sender<Vec<usize>>, mpsc::Receiver<Vec<usize>>) = mpsc::channel();
let extended_segments = (segment_size..max_val)
for this_segment in extended_segments.clone() {
let small_primes = small_primes.clone();
let tx = tx.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let sieved_segment = sieve_segment(&small_primes, this_segment);
for _ in 1..extended_segments.count() {
fn main() {}
How do I understand and avoid this error? I'm not sure how to make the lifetime of the thread closure static as in this question and still have the function be reusable (i.e., not main()). I'm not sure how to "consume all things that come into [the closure]" as mentioned in this question. And I'm not sure where to insert .map(|s| s.into()) to ensure that all references become moves, nor am I sure I want to.
When trying to reproduce a problem, I'd encourage you to create a MCVE by removing all irrelevant code. In this case, something like this seems to produce the same error:
fn segmented_sieve_parallel(max_val: usize, segment_size: usize) {
let foo = (segment_size..max_val)
fn main() {}
Let's break that down:
Create an iterator between numbers.
Collect all of them into a Vec<usize>.
Return an iterator that contains references to the vector.
Since the vector isn't bound to any variable, it's dropped at the end of the statement. This would leave the iterator pointing to an invalid region of memory, so that's disallowed.
Check out the definition of slice::chunks:
fn chunks(&self, size: usize) -> Chunks<T>
pub struct Chunks<'a, T> where T: 'a {
// some fields omitted
The lifetime marker 'a lets you know that the iterator contains a reference to something. Lifetime elision has removed the 'a from the function, which looks like this, expanded:
fn chunks<'a>(&'a self, size: usize) -> Chunks<'a, T>
Check out this line of the error message:
help: consider using a let binding to increase its lifetime
You can follow that as such:
fn segmented_sieve_parallel(max_val: usize, segment_size: usize) {
let foo = (segment_size..max_val)
let bar = foo.chunks(segment_size);
fn main() {}
Although I'd write it as
fn segmented_sieve_parallel(max_val: usize, segment_size: usize) {
let foo: Vec<_> = (segment_size..max_val).collect();
let bar = foo.chunks(segment_size);
fn main() {}
Re-inserting this code back into your original problem won't solve the problem, but it will be much easier to understand. That's because you are attempting to pass a reference to thread::spawn, which may outlive the current thread. Thus, everything passed to thread::spawn must have the 'static lifetime. There are tons of questions that detail why that must be prevented and a litany of solutions, including scoped threads and cloning the vector.
Cloning the vector is the easiest, but potentially inefficient:
for this_segment in extended_segments.clone() {
let this_segment = this_segment.to_vec();
// ...
I was under the impression that mutable references (i.e. &mut T) are always moved. That makes perfect sense, since they allow exclusive mutable access.
In the following piece of code I assign a mutable reference to another mutable reference and the original is moved. As a result I cannot use the original any more:
let mut value = 900;
let r_original = &mut value;
let r_new = r_original;
*r_original; // error: use of moved value *r_original
If I have a function like this:
fn make_move(_: &mut i32) {
and modify my original example to look like this:
let mut value = 900;
let r_original = &mut value;
*r_original; // no complain
I would expect that the mutable reference r_original is moved when I call the function make_move with it. However that does not happen. I am still able to use the reference after the call.
If I use a generic function make_move_gen:
fn make_move_gen<T>(_: T) {
and call it like this:
let mut value = 900;
let r_original = &mut value;
*r_original; // error: use of moved value *r_original
The reference is moved again and therefore the program behaves as I would expect.
Why is the reference not moved when calling the function make_move?
Code example
There might actually be a good reason for this.
&mut T isn't actually a type: all borrows are parametrized by some (potentially inexpressible) lifetime.
When one writes
fn move_try(val: &mut ()) {
{ let new = val; }
fn main() {
move_try(&mut ());
the type inference engine infers typeof new == typeof val, so they share the original lifetime. This means the borrow from new does not end until the borrow from val does.
This means it's equivalent to
fn move_try<'a>(val: &'a mut ()) {
{ let new: &'a mut _ = val; }
fn main() {
move_try(&mut ());
However, when you write
fn move_try(val: &mut ()) {
{ let new: &mut _ = val; }
fn main() {
move_try(&mut ());
a cast happens - the same kind of thing that lets you cast away pointer mutability. This means that the lifetime is some (seemingly unspecifiable) 'b < 'a. This involves a cast, and thus a reborrow, and so the reborrow is able to fall out of scope.
An always-reborrow rule would probably be nicer, but explicit declaration isn't too problematic.
I asked something along those lines here.
It seems that in some (many?) cases, instead of a move, a re-borrow takes place. Memory safety is not violated, only the "moved" value is still around. I could not find any docs on that behavior either.
#Levans opened a github issue here, although I'm not entirely convinced this is just a doc issue: dependably moving out of a &mut reference seems central to Rust's approach of ownership.
It's implicit reborrow. It's a topic not well documented.
This question has already been answered pretty well:
how implicit reborrow works
how reborrow works along with borrow split
If I tweak the generic one a bit, it would not complain either
fn make_move_gen<T>(_: &mut T) {
let _ = *r_original;
I have a struct which references a value (because it is ?Sized or very big). This value has to live with the struct, of course.
However, the struct shouldn't restrict the user on how to accomplish that. Whether the user wraps the value in a Box or Rc or makes it 'static, the value just has to survive with the struct. Using named lifetimes would be complicated because the reference will be moved around and may outlive our struct. What I am looking for is a general pointer type (if it exists / can exist).
How can the struct make sure the referenced value lives as long as the struct lives, without specifying how?
Example (is.gd/Is9Av6):
type CallBack = Fn(f32) -> f32;
struct Caller {
call_back: Box<CallBack>,
impl Caller {
fn new(call_back: Box<CallBack>) -> Caller {
Caller {call_back: call_back}
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
let caller = {
// func goes out of scope
let func = |x| 2.0 * x;
Caller {call_back: Box::new(func)}
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y = caller.call(1.0);
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Compiles, all good. But if we don't want to use a Box as a pointer to our function (one can call Box a pointer, right?), but something else, like Rc, this wont be possible, since Caller restricts the pointer to be a Box.
let caller = {
// function is used by `Caller` and `main()` => shared resource
// solution: `Rc`
let func = Rc::new(|x| 2.0 * x);
let caller = Caller {call_back: func.clone()}; // ERROR Rc != Box
// we also want to use func now
let y = func(3.0);
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y = caller.call(1.0);
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Possible solution: Deref? (http://is.gd/mmY6QC)
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::ops::Deref;
type CallBack = Fn(f32) -> f32;
struct Caller<T>
where T: Deref<Target = Box<CallBack>> {
call_back: T,
impl<T> Caller<T>
where T: Deref<Target = Box<CallBack>> {
fn new(call_back: T) -> Caller<T> {
Caller {call_back: call_back}
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
fn main() {
let caller = {
// function is used by `Caller` and `main()` => shared resource
// solution: `Rc`
let func_obj = Box::new(|x: f32| 2.0 * x) as Box<CallBack>;
let func = Rc::new(func_obj);
let caller = Caller::new(func.clone());
// we also want to use func now
let y = func(3.0);
// func survives because it is referenced through a `Box` in `caller`
let y = caller.call(1.0);
assert_eq!(y, 2.0);
Is this the way to go with Rust? Using Deref? It works at least.
Am I missing something obvious?
This question did not solve my problem, since the value is practically unusable as a T.
While Deref provides the necessary functionality, AsRef and Borrow are more appropriate for this situation (Borrow more so than AsRef in the case of a struct). Both of these traits let your users use Box<T>, Rc<T> and Arc<T>, and Borrow also lets them use &T and T. Your Caller struct could be written like this:
use std::borrow::Borrow;
struct Caller<CB: Borrow<Callback>> {
callback: CB,
Then, when you want to use the callback field, you need to call the borrow() (or as_ref()) method:
impl<CB> Caller<CB>
where CB: Borrow<Callback>
fn new(callback: CB) -> Caller<CB> {
Caller { callback: callback }
fn call(&self, x: f32) -> f32 {
It crashes with the current stable compiler (1.1), but not with beta or nightly (just use your last Playpen link and change the "Channel" setting at the top). I believe that support for Rc<Trait> was only partial in 1.1; there were some changes that didn't make it in time. This is probably why your code doesn't work.
To address the question of using Deref for this... if dereferencing the pointer is all you need... sure. It's really just a question of whether or not the trait(s) you've chosen support the operations you need. If yes, great.
As an aside, you can always write a new trait that expresses the exact semantics you need, and implement that for existing types. From what you've said, it doesn't seem necessary in this case.
I am attempting to write a simpler unit test runner for my Rust project. I have created a TestFixture trait that my test fixture structs will implement, similar to inheriting from the unit test base class in other testing frameworks. The trait is fairly simple. This is my test fixture
pub trait TestFixture {
fn setup(&mut self) -> () {}
fn teardown(&mut self) -> () {}
fn before_each(&mut self) -> () {}
fn after_each(&mut self) -> () {}
fn tests(&mut self) -> Vec<Box<Fn(&mut Self)>>
where Self: Sized {
My test running function is as follows
pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture>(fixture: &mut T) {
let _r = fixture.tests().iter().map(|t| {
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
if let Err(_) = handle.join() {
println!("Test failed!")
I get the error
src/tests.rs:73:22: 73:35 error: the trait `core::marker::Send` is not implemented for the type `T` [E0277]
src/tests.rs:73 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
note: in expansion of closure expansion
src/tests.rs:69:41: 84:6 note: expansion site
src/tests.rs:73:22: 73:35 note: `T` cannot be sent between threads safely
src/tests.rs:73 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
note: in expansion of closure expansion
src/tests.rs:69:41: 84:6 note: expansion site
src/tests.rs:73:22: 73:35 error: the trait `core::marker::Sync` is not implemented for the type `for<'r> core::ops::Fn(&'r mut T)` [E0277]
src/tests.rs:73 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
note: in expansion of closure expansion
src/tests.rs:69:41: 84:6 note: expansion site
src/tests.rs:73:22: 73:35 note: `for<'r> core::ops::Fn(&'r mut T)` cannot be shared between threads safely
src/tests.rs:73 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
note: in expansion of closure expansion
I have tried adding Arcs around the types being sent to the thread, no dice, same error.
pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture>(fixture: &mut T) {
let fix_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(fixture));
let _r = fixture.tests().iter().map(|t| {
let test_arc = Arc::new(Mutex::new(t));
let fix_arc_clone = fix_arc.clone();
let test_arc_clone = test_arc.clone();
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let thread_test = test_arc_clone.lock().unwrap();
let thread_fix = fix_arc_clone.lock().unwrap();
if let Err(_) = handle.join() {
println!("Test failed!")
A sample test fixture would be something like
struct BuiltinTests {
pwd: PathBuf
impl TestFixture for BuiltinTests {
fn setup(&mut self) {
let mut pwd = env::temp_dir();
self.pwd = pwd;
fn teardown(&mut self) {
fn tests(&mut self) -> Vec<Box<Fn(&mut BuiltinTests)>> {
impl BuiltinTests {
fn new() -> BuiltinTests {
BuiltinTests {
pwd: PathBuf::new()
fn cd_with_no_args(&mut self) {
let home = String::from("/");
env::set_var("HOME", &home);
let mut cd = Cd::new();
assert_eq!(env::var("PWD"), Ok(home));
fn cd_tests() {
let mut builtin_tests = BuiltinTests::new();
test_fixture_runner(&mut builtin_tests);
My whole intention of using threads is isolation from the test runner. If a test fails an assertion it causes a panic which kills the runner. Thanks for any insight, I'm willing to change my design if that will fix the panic problem.
There are several problems with your code, I'll show you how to fix them one by one.
The first problem is that you're using map() to iterate over an iterator. It won't work correctly because map() is lazy - unless you consume the iterator, the closure you passed to it won't run. The correct way is to use for loop:
for t in fixture().tests().iter() {
Second, you're iterating the vector of closures by reference:
fixture.tests().iter().map(|t| {
iter() on a Vec<T> returns an iterator yielding items of type &T, so your t will be of type &Box<Fn(&mut Self)>. However, Box<Fn(&mut T)> does not implement Sync by default (it is a trait object which have no information about the underlying type except that you specified explicitly), so &Box<Fn(&mut T)> can't be used across multiple threads. That's what the second error you see is about.
Most likely you don't want to use these closures by reference; you probably want to move them to the spawned thread entirely. For this you need to use into_iter() instead of iter():
for t in fixture.tests().into_iter() {
Now t will be of type Box<Fn(&mut T)>. However, it still can't be sent across threads. Again, it is a trait object, and the compiler does not know if the type contained inside is Send. For this you need to add Send bound to the type of the closure:
fn tests(&mut self) -> Vec<Box<Fn(&mut Self)+Send>>
Now the error about Fn is gone.
The last error is about Send not being implemented for T. We need to add a Send bound on T:
pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture+Send>(fixture: &mut T) {
And now the error becomes more comprehensible:
test.rs:18:22: 18:35 error: captured variable `fixture` does not outlive the enclosing closure
test.rs:18 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
note: in expansion of closure expansion
test.rs:18:5: 28:6 note: expansion site
test.rs:15:66: 31:2 note: captured variable is valid for the anonymous lifetime #1 defined on the block at 15:65
test.rs:15 pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture+Send>(fixture: &mut T) {
test.rs:16 fixture.setup();
test.rs:18 for t in fixture.tests().into_iter() {
test.rs:19 let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
test.rs:20 fixture.before_each();
note: closure is valid for the static lifetime
This error happens because you're trying to use a reference in a spawn()ed thread. spawn() requires its closure argument to have 'static bound, that is, its captured environment must not contain references with non-'static lifetimes. But that's exactly what happens here - &mut T is not 'static. spawn() design does not prohibit avoiding joining, so it is explicitly written to disallow passing non-'static references to the spawned thread.
Note that while you're using &mut T, this error is unavoidable, even if you put &mut T in Arc, because then the lifetime of &mut T would be "stored" in Arc and so Arc<Mutex<&mut T>> also won't be 'static.
There are two ways to do what you want.
First, you can use the unstable thread::scoped() API. It is unstable because it is shown to allow memory unsafety in safe code, and the plan is to provide some kind of replacement for it in the future. However, you can use it in nightly Rust (it won't cause memory unsafety by itself, only in specifically crafted situations):
pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture+Send>(fixture: &mut T) {
let tests = fixture.lock().unwrap().tests();
for t in tests.into_iter() {
let f = &mut *fixture;
let handle = thread::scoped(move || {
This code compiles because scoped() is written in such a way that it guarantees (in most cases) that the thread won't outlive all captured references. I had to reborrow fixture because otherwise (because &mut references aren't copyable) it would be moved into the thread and fixture.teardown() would be prohibited. Also I had to extract tests variable because otherwise the mutex will be locked by the main thread for the duration of the for loop which would naturally disallow locking it in the child threads.
However, with scoped() you can't isolate the panic in the child thread. If the child thread panics, this panic will be rethrown from join() call. This may or may not be a problem in general, but I think it is a problem for your code.
Another way is to refactor your code to hold the fixture in Arc<Mutex<..>> from the beginning:
pub fn test_fixture_runner<T: TestFixture + Send + 'static>(fixture: Arc<Mutex<T>>) {
for t in fixture.lock().unwrap().tests().into_iter() {
let fixture = fixture.clone();
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut fixture = fixture.lock().unwrap();
t(&mut *fixture);
if let Err(_) = handle.join() {
println!("Test failed!")
Note that now T has also to be 'static, again, because otherwise it couldn't be used with thread::spawn() as it requires 'static. fixture inside the inner closure is not &mut T but a MutexGuard<T>, and so it has to be explicitly converted to &mut T in order to pass it to t.
This may seem overly and unnecessarily complex, however, such design of a programming language does prevent you from making many errors in multithreaded programming. Each of the above errors we have seen is valid - each of them would be a potential cause of memory unsafety or data races if it was ignored.
As stated in the Rust HandBook's Concurrency section:
When a type T implements Send, it indicates to the compiler that something of this type is able to have ownership transferred safely between threads.
If you do not implement Send, ownership cannot be transfered between threads.