Inserting a string into a file with Puppet with iteration - puppet

I'm running a .each iteration with Puppet:
$extensions_list = ["RT::Extension::ActivityReports",
$extensions_list.each |$extls| {
cpan { $extls:
ensure => present,
require => Class['::cpan'],
As you can see I'm just installing two Perl modules with a cpan module from Puppet Forge. This part works just as expected.
What I would like to happen is each time a new Perl module is installed in this way it will be added to added to the config line of RT (Request Tracker). That file lives here:
and the format of the line is:
So, in the end I would like it to look like this:
Plugins('RT::Extension::ActivityReports RT::Extension::JSGantt');
Having Puppet add each new module in turn to that line as they are installed. As in if I decided to install RT::Authen::ExternalAuth a month from now I can just add it to my above iteration and after Puppet runs this:
Plugins('RT::Extension::ActivityReports RT::Extension::JSGantt');
would become this:
Plugins('RT::Extension::ActivityReports RT::Extension::JSGantt RT::Authen::ExternalAuth');
With no other intervention on my part then to add it to the iteration statement.

Assuming that you don't have any other Puppet code managing /opt/rt4/etc/, then you have a few options for making sure that you have the correct Plugins line in that file.
If you only want to manage just that one line then I would recommend using join and a file_line resource from stdlib.
For example:
include stdlib
$ext_string = join($extensions_list, ' ')
file_line { 'rt extensions':
ensure => present,
path => '/opt/rt4/etc/',
line => "Plugins('${ext_string}');",
match => '^\s*Plugins\(',
This will add a line containing the list of plugins and will replace any existing plugin line.
If there are several settings that you want to manage then it might make sense to just templatize the entire file. In that case you could simply have the line
Plugins('<%= #extensions_list.join(' ') %>');
in your template.


How to include multiple values under a section in inifile

I am trying to create a puppet manifest using inifile. This would be for a configuration file where I need to have the following format.
directory = /home/foo
directory = /home/test
directory = /home/something
I know that there is a way to use directory1, and directory2 but I was wondering if there is a way to do it without changing the directory since it needs that specific attribute. This implementation is meant for puppet manifest.
Also, I was thinking puppetlabs/inifile module but if there is another option to achieve this would be great too.
Thanks for the help in advance
So far, I have an implementation like:
ini_setting { 'procedure cache size':
ensure => present,
path => '/var/lib/somethning/test.config',
section => 'safe',
setting => 'directory',
value => '/home/foo',
indent_char => "\t",
This is for each directory. The purpose for this implementation is to address the new git configuration for safe.repository in the recent update. My understanding is that for multiple directories, it adds a new value as directory = <directory> I don't believe that it likes directories separate by commas.
First I thought about file_line, but this is not idempotent for multi-line settings (you get problems when you run again). You can try:
Sample puppet code dir.pp
$safe_directories="directory = /home/foo
directory = /home/test
directory = /home/something"
notice "Testing\n${safe_directories}"
file { "/tmp/result.ini":
ensure => present,
content => template('/tmp/layout.erb'),
notice "Check /tmp/result.ini"
Sample template /tmp/layout.erb
nothing = here
Now run command from commandline
puppet apply dir.pp

Puppet: how to add a line to an existing file

I am trying to add a line to an existing file /etc/fuse.conf. I tried this
added a folder two folders under modules directory
sudo mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/test
sudo mkdir /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests
Then created a test.pp file and added following lines
sudo vim /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/test.pp
file { '/etc/fuse.conf':
ensure => present,
file_line { 'Append a line to /etc/fuse.conf':
path => '/etc/fuse.conf',
line => 'Want to add this line as a test',
After that I ran this command
puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/test.pp
Then I opened this file /etc/fuse.conf and there was no change in the file. The line was not added to the file. I don't understand what I am missing here. How can I do this?
Interesting. I ran the same test you did without an issue, and as long as you have stdlib installed in your environment you should be fine.
The results of running the same steps you outlined were successful for me:
[root#foreman-staging tmp]# puppet apply /etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/test.pp
Notice: Compiled catalog for foreman-staging.kapsch.local in environment production in 0.18 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/etc/fuse.conf]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File_line[Append a line to /etc/fuse.conf]/ensure: created
Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.24 seconds
What did your puppet run output?
You should use templates (ERB) to handle file configuration. Its easier and cleaner.
Check the puppet docs for it in :
There are other options though. e.g. Augeas which is an API for file configuration and integrate very well with Puppet.
There are a few ways to handle this. If it's ini file you can use ini_setting. If it's supported by augeas you can use that. Otherwise try specifying the after parameter to file_line

Custom fact should run after a package is installed

I have a small custom fact in a my php module
Facter.add('php_extension_version') do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.exec("php -i | awk '/^PHP Extension =>/ { print $4}'") || nil
This obviously requires the php binary to be installed. However, I noticed that all facts are run once before applying the catalog, so this fact is invalid before php installed.
Is there any way of gathering the information after the module is installed? Is there perhaps another way of exposing this information except facter?
I'm using the two facts to determine which of multiple .so files is the right one to install:
if $php_zts_enabled {
$so_name = "newrelic-$"
} else {
$so_name = "newrelic-$"
file {"/usr/lib64/php5/extensions/":
source => "file:///opt/newrelic-php5-$version-linux/agent/x64/$so_name",
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0644,
notify => Service['apache'],
require => Exec["extract-php-agent-$version"]
The files that are located in the agent/x64 directory can be
You essentially have only two opportunities to execute code on the node:
As part of a Facter fact. As you are aware, this happens before puppet applies a catalog, so any facts dependent on the results of the puppet run will not be useful until the next run.
As part of a custom provider. You can create a custom type and provider for installing the extensions that checks the node state before deciding what to do. Providers execute on the node, and as long as you know the overall provider lifecycle you can make this happen after the PHP install. However, this is incredibly complex compared to normal puppet modules.
Outside of those options, the normal way of doing this would be to enforce the version and configuration of php within your own manifests, and then pass that information to here. You should already know the version of PHP and its extensions based on what packages you have installed.
I would modify the fact so that it's present only when the binary is present (hence it won't be present at the very first run).
Facter.add('php_extension_version') do
setcode do
if system("which php > /dev/null 2>&1")
Facter::Core::Execution.exec("php -i | awk '/^PHP Extension =>/ { print $4}'") || nil
and then in your manifest you'd wrap the original code in the if
if $php_extension_version {
if $php_zts_enabled {
$so_name = "newrelic-$"
} else {
$so_name = "newrelic-$"
file {"/usr/lib64/php5/extensions/":
source => "file:///opt/newrelic-php5-$version-linux/agent/x64/$so_name",
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0644,
notify => Service['apache'],
require => Exec["extract-php-agent-$version"]

How can I refer to the current puppet module's files directory?

This is most likely an anti-pattern, but I'd like to know nonetheless:
I need to extract a tgz which is in puppet and then move the contents somewhere else. Is it possible, in a puppet exec { }, to refer to the file where it is stored on disk?
For example, puppet is available at /usr/local/puppet, and the tgz file I need it in /usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz. In the exec { } can I do something like command => "/bin/cp $modules/components/files/file.tgz /somewhere_else" ? Or do I have to declare a file { source => "..." } block first?
Both approaches are correct if you run puppet with puppet apply.
In master-agent architecture using exec to copy file probably will not work at all.
In my opinion using file resource is more "puppet-like" but is has one significant drawback.
You can use:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => '/usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz',
This will create file /some_path/somewhere_else with the same content as /usr/local/puppet/modules/components/files/file.tgz (it will make a copy of the original file).
But if /some_path doesn't not exist in the file system, the command will fail.
If you are working with tgz files you can also consider using some of the archive puppet modules e.g gini.
I can propose two approaches:
Use puppet file server to serve files (or define module path for old puppet versions). Next just use it e.g:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => "puppet:///modules/components/file.tgz',
Define custom facter fact 1, 2 that points path in your filesystem containing required files. E.g:
file { '/some_path/somewhere_else':
source => "${::my_custom_fact}/some_path/file.tgz',
I do not think that any of the core facts might be useful for you.

Is this the correct way to change a config file using puppet?

I have a rails app and I'd like to change the ./config/environment/production.rb file to have a different config based on what I want that server to do.
So, I'm going into the .rb file from the .pp file and changing some strings then restarting the service. This just seems really poor form to me. Is there a better way to do this? I've been asked to deliver 1 RPM and change the config via puppet, so...
class Cloud-widget($MServer, $GoogleEarthServer, $CSever) {
package { "Cloud-widget":
ensure => installed
service { "Cloud-widget":
ensure => running,
file_names = ['./config/environment/production.rb']
file_names.each do |file_name|
puts text.gsub(/.*config.mserver(.*)/, "config.mserver_root = \"#{$Merver}\"")
puts text.gsub(/.*config.google_earth_url(.*)/, "config.google_earth_url( = \"#{$GoogleEarthServer}\"")
puts text.gsub(/.*config.cserver_base_url(.*)/, "config.cserver_base_url = \"#{$CServer}\"")
end, "w") {|file| file.puts output_of_gsub}
service { Cloud-widget:
ensure => running,
subscribe => File["./config/environment/production.rb"],
No, that is not a good way to achieve what you need.
You could look at templates and generate the config files that way. That way, you can use variables in the config file.
If you need create conf from pattern you should use INI-file module from Puppetlabs
ini_setting { "sample setting":
path => '/tmp/foo.ini',
section => 'foo',
setting => 'foosetting',
value => 'FOO!',
ensure => present,
install this module from puppet:
puppet module install cprice404-inifile
