Does Azure Storage Data Movement Library support Azure Tables? - azure

I want to create blob from Azure Table. AzCopy supports this functionality but I couldn't find any document stating that Data movement API also supports it.
IS this option available ?

Currently, Azure Storage Data Movement Library doesn't support Azure Storage Table.


Migrate Qlik reports to azure

I did some research and found that there are some options to migrate on-premises QlikView reports to Azure data lake , using the IaaS approach.
Is there an PaaS component for QlikView in Azure ?
As of today , there is no PaaS component in Azure for QlikView . We have to go for the IaaS option, while migrating.
I can't find any Azure PaaS component to bind Qlik and ADLS, except using REST API from this link. The details of authentication of REST API could be referred in that case.
Here are some third-party tools to implement the transmission:
1.Dremio:, which supports ADLS connector.
2.Panoply:, which supports Azure Blob Storage connector. Next step, you could move data from Azure Blob Storage into ADLS with ADF copy activity.

Uploading Data(csv file) using Azure Functions(Nodejs) To Azure DataLakeGen2

I am currently trying to send a csv file using Azure Function with NodeJs to Azure Data Lake gen2 but unable to do the same, Any suggestions regarding the same would be really helpful.
I have tried to use Credentials of blob storage present in ADLS gen2 using the Blob storage API's but i am getting an error.
For now this could not be implemented with SDK. Please check this known issue:
Blob storage APIs are disabled to prevent feature operability issues that could arise because Blob Storage APIs aren't yet interoperable with Azure Data Lake Gen2 APIs.
And in the table of features, you could find the information about APIs for Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage accounts:
multi-protocol access on Data Lake Storage is currently in public preview. This preview enables you to use Blob APIs in the .NET, Java, Python SDKs with accounts that have a hierarchical namespace. The SDKs don't yet contain APIs that enable you to interact with directories or set access control lists (ACLs). To perform those functions, you can use Data Lake Storage Gen2 REST APIs.
So if you want to implement it, you have to use the REST API:Azure Data Lake Store REST API.

How to trigger a pipeline in Azure Data Factory v2 or a Azure Databricks Notebook by a new file in Azure Data Lake Store gen1

I am using a Azure Data Lake Store gen1 for storing JSON files. Based on these files i have Notebooks in Azure Databricks for processing them. Now i want to trigger such a Azure Databricks Notebook when a new file is creating in Azure Data Lake Store gen1. I couldnt find any Trigger which could do this. do you know any way?
Currently, this is not yet implemented/Supported by Microsoft. But it is on their Roadmap(I believe).
You can do this in 2 ways,
Azure Functions(through Event Grid)
Logic Apps
Option #1
Currently, Microsoft is building on #1.
You can track the issue here.
As per this
This feature is not a high priority for us right now, but I will note
that the announcement for Azure Event Grid listed Data Lake as one of
the integrations they are building. Once you can subscribe to Data
Lake updates through Event Grid, running an Azure Function would be
trivial (see here for some info).
You can vote your voice to support the event grid (provider) in DataLake.
Option #2
This is also not yet implemented, but you can Upvote your voice here to support this feature

Could any one help me how to perform Azure table storage deployment through VSTS?

I am a new to azure.Could any one help me what is table storage in Azure and how can I do table storage deployment through VSTS?Please share your thoughts and what steps involved in this and which plugin/task I can use in VSTS to perform this?
About Azure Table storage, you can refer to this article: Azure Table storage overview.
Regarding Azure table storage with VSTS, you can manage azure tables and table entities through Azure PowerShell task.
Azure Table storage stores large amounts of structured data. The service is a NoSQL datastore which accepts authenticated calls from inside and outside the Azure cloud. Azure tables are ideal for storing structured, non-relational data. Common uses of Table storage include:
Storing TBs of structured data capable of serving web scale
Storing datasets that don't require complex joins, foreign keys, or
stored procedures and can be denormalized for fast access
Quickly querying data using a clustered index
Accessing data using the OData protocol and LINQ queries with WCF
Data Service .NET Libraries
You can use Table storage to store and query huge sets of structured, non-relational data, and your tables will scale as demand increases.
You’ll have to install Azure Storage Client Library for .NET to work with Azure Storage.
For more details, refer to the documentations Get started with Azure Table storage using .NET and Get started with Azure table storage and Visual Studio Connected Services (ASP.NET) incase if you haven't checked earlier.

Does the Azure Data Lake Store offer any encryption?

I am under the impression that the Azure Data Lake Store does not currently offer any encryption at rest (the way Azure Blob Storage does). I managed to found some vague mention of this on the official website, suggesting this is coming soon.
Is this your understanding as well? Does this cover the databases stored under the Azure Data Lake Analytics as well?
Actually encryption is available in preview on ADL Storage right now. If you contact us we can give you access to the preview.
Azure Data Lake Store Encryption is currently Generally Available, not in preview any more. You can specify encryption at rest when creating ADLS in portal. Options are these:
