Service Fabric reverse proxy port configurability - azure

I'm trying to write an encapsulation to get the uri for a local reverse proxy for service fabric and I'm having a hard time deciding how I want to approach configurability for the port (known as "HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint" in the service manifest or "reverseProxyEndpointPort" in the arm template). The best way I've thought to do it would be to call "GetClusterManifestAsync" from the fabric client and parse it from there, but I'm also not a fan of that for a few reasons. For one, the call returns a string xml blob, which isn't guarded against changes to the manifest schema. I've also not yet found a way to query the cluster manager to find out which node type I'm currently on, so if for some silly reason the cluster has multiple node types and each one has a different reverse proxy port (just being a defensive coder here), that could potentially fail. It seems like an awful lot of effort to go through to dynamically discover that port number, and I've definitely missed things in the fabric api before, so any suggestions on how to approach this issue?
I'm seeing from the example project that it's getting the port number from a config package in the service. I would rather not have to do it that way as then I'm going to have to write a ton of boilerplate for every service that'll need to use this to read configs and pass this around. Since this is more or less a constant at runtime then it seems to me like this could be treated as such and fetched somewhere from the fabric client?

After some time spent in the object browser I was able to find the various pieces I needed to make this properly.
public class ReverseProxyPortResolver
/// <summary>
/// Represents the port that the current fabric node is configured
/// to use when using a reverse proxy on localhost
/// </summary>
public static AsyncLazy<int> ReverseProxyPort = new AsyncLazy<int>(async ()=>
//Get the cluster manifest from the fabric client & deserialize it into a hardened object
ClusterManifestType deserializedManifest;
using (var cl = new FabricClient())
var manifestStr = await cl.ClusterManager.GetClusterManifestAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ClusterManifestType));
using (var reader = new StringReader(manifestStr))
deserializedManifest = (ClusterManifestType)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
//Fetch the setting from the correct node type
var nodeType = GetNodeType();
var nodeTypeSettings = deserializedManifest.NodeTypes.Single(x => x.Name.Equals(nodeType));
return int.Parse(nodeTypeSettings.Endpoints.HttpApplicationGatewayEndpoint.Port);
private static string GetNodeType()
return FabricRuntime.GetNodeContext().NodeType;
catch (FabricConnectionDeniedException)
//this code was invoked from a non-fabric started application
//likely a unit test
return "NodeType0";
News to me in this investigation was that all of the schemas for any of the service fabric xml is squirreled away in an assembly named System.Fabric.Management.ServiceModel.


Servicestack Multitenancy dynamic plugins

We are moving from an on premise-like application to a multi tenant cloud application.
for my web application we made a very simple interface based on IPlugin, to create a plugin architecture. (customers can have/install different plugins)
public interface IWebPlugin : IPlugin
string ContentBaseUrl { set; get; }
We have some plugins that would normally be loaded in on startup. Now i'm migrating the code to load at the beginning of a request (the Register function is called on request start), and scope everything inside this request.
It's not ideal but it would bring the least impact on the plugin system for now.
I could scope the Container by making an AppHost child container which would stick to the request:
Container IHasContainer.Container
if (HasStarted)
return ChildContainer;
return base.Container;
public Container ChildContainer
get { return HttpContext.Current.Items.GetOrAdd<Container>("ChildContainer", c => Container.CreateChildContainer()); }
problem case
Now im trying to make plugins work that actually add API services.
appHost.Routes.Add<GetTranslations>("/Localizations/translations", ApplyTo.Get);
But this service is unreachable (and not visible in metadata). How do i make it reachable?
I see you execute the following in ServiceController AfterInit. Re-executing this still wouldnt make it work.
//Copied from servicestack repo
public void AfterInit()
//Register any routes configured on Metadata.Routes
foreach (var restPath in appHost.RestPaths)
//Auto add Route Attributes so they're available in T.ToUrl() extension methods
.AddAttributes(new RouteAttribute(restPath.Path, restPath.AllowedVerbs)
Priority = restPath.Priority,
Summary = restPath.Summary,
Notes = restPath.Notes,
//Sync the RestPaths collections
appHost.RestPaths.AddRange(RestPathMap.Values.SelectMany(x => x));
solution directions
Is there a way i could override the route finding? like extending RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
Or could i restart the path compilation/caching? (would be enough for now that the service would be reachable tenant wide )
All configuration in ServiceStack should be contained within AppHost.Configure() and remain immutable thereafter. It's not ThreadSafe to modify ServiceStack's Static Configuration at runtime like trying to modify registered routes or Service Metadata which needs to be registered once at StartUp in AppHost.Configure().
It looks as though you'll need to re-architect your solution so all Routes are registered on Startup. If it helps Plugins can implement IPreInitPlugin and IPostInitPlugin interfaces to execute custom logic before and after Plugins are registered. They can also register a appHost.AfterInitCallbacks to register custom logic after ServiceStack's AppHost has been initialized.
Not sure if it's applicable but at runtime you can "hi-jack Requests" in ServiceStack by registering a RawHttpHandler or a PreRequestFilter, e.g:
appHost.RawHttpHandlers.Add(httpReq =>
? new CustomActionHandler((req, res) => {
//Handle Route
: null);
Simple answer seems to be, no. The framework wasn't build to be a run-time plugable system.
You will have to make this architecture yourself on top of ServiceStack.
Routing solution
To make it route to these run-time loaded services/routes it is needed to make your own implementation.
The ServiceStack.HttpHandlerFactory checks if a route exist (one that is registered on init). so here is where you will have to start extending. The method GetHandlerForPathInfo checks if it can find the (service)route and otherwise return a NotFoundHandler or StaticFileHandler.
My solution consists of the following code:
string contentType;
var restPath = RestHandler.FindMatchingRestPath(httpMethod, pathInfo, out contentType);
//Added part
if (restPath == null)
restPath = AppHost.Instance.FindPluginServiceForRoute(httpMethod, pathInfo);
//End added part
if (restPath != null)
return new RestHandler { RestPath = restPath, RequestName = restPath.RequestType.GetOperationName(), ResponseContentType = contentType };
technically speaking IAppHost.IServiceRoutes should be the one doing the routing. Probably in the future this will be extensible.
Resolving services
The second problem is resolving the services. After the route has been found and the right Message/Dto Type has been resolved. The IAppHost.ServiceController will attempt to find the right service and make it execute the message.
This class also has init functions which are called on startup to reflect all the services in servicestack. I didn't found a work around yet, but ill by working on it to make it possible in ServiceStack coming weeks.
Current version on nuget its not possible to make it work. I added some extensibility in servicestack to make it +- possible.
Ioc Solution out of the box
For ioc ServiceStack.Funq gives us a solution. Funq allows making child containers where you can register your ioc on. On resolve a child container will, if it can't resolve the interface, ask its parent to resolve it.

ServiceStack versioning - how to customize the request deserialization based on versioning

I am working on a new API where we have requirement for many to many versioning.
Old Client -> New Server
Old Server -> New client
and everything in
I've read some of the other posts about defensive programming and having DTOs that evolve gracefully... and we are definitely going to use that pattern in most cases.
However, when we have a breaking change for CreateCustomer and require CreateCustomer2 DTO, I would like to be able to customize the way SS resolves the type that is used to deserialize, otherwise we will be forced to use routes like this:
Where I would much rather keep it /api/createcustomer and let the version number live in the Header / Querystring / whatever (not looking for a debate here :) ).
Are there any examples of how to resolve the deserialization type dynamically in ServiceStack, based on a parameter other than route + verb?
Many thanks in advance
The recommended approach for versioning is to take advantage for the natural forwards compatibility of message-based services and extend existing services defensively so it can support multiple client versions and avoid create multiple versions of the same service.
If you still want to expose /api/v1 routes than I'd recommend doing it at the infrastructure level by using a reverse proxy to re-route /api/v1 and /api/v2 requests to different running instances of ServiceStack.
If you want to do the proxying in code you can use base.ResolveService<T>() or base.ExecuteRequest() to execute different Services in code and ServiceStack's built-in AutoMapping to populate different DTO's which could look something like:
public class CreateCustomers {
public int Version { get; set; }
public class CreateCustomersV1 { ... }
public class CreateCustomersV2 { ... }
public class CustomerServices : Service
public object Any(CreateCustomers request)
return request.Version == 1
? base.ExecuteRequest(request.ConvertTo<CreateCustomersV1>())
: base.ExecuteRequest(request.ConvertTo<CreateCustomersV2>())

Why is data access tightly coupled to the Service base in ServiceStack

I'm curious why the decision was made to couple the Service base class in ServiceStack to data access (via the Db property)? With web services it is very popular to use a Data Repository pattern to fetch the raw data from the database. These data repositories can be used by many services without having to call a service class.
For example, let's say I am supporting a large retail chain that operates across the nation. There are a number of settings that will differ across all stores like tax rates. Each call to one of the web services will need these settings for domain logic. In a repository pattern I would simply create a data access class whose sole responsibility is to return these settings. However in ServiceStack I am exposing these settings as a Service (which it needs to be as well). In my service call the first thing I end up doing is newing up the Setting service and using it inside my other service. Is this the intention? Since the services return an object I have to cast the result to the typed service result.
ServiceStack convenience ADO.NET IDbConnection Db property allows you to quickly create Database driven services (i.e. the most popular kind) without the overhead and boilerplate of creating a repository if preferred. As ServiceStack Services are already testable and the DTO pattern provides a clean endpoint agnostic Web Service interface, there's often not a lot of value in wrapping and proxying "one-off" data-access into a separate repository.
But at the same time there's nothing forcing you to use the base.Db property, (which has no effect if unused). The Unit Testing Example on the wiki shows an example of using either base.Db or Repository pattern:
public class SimpleService : Service
public IRockstarRepository RockstarRepository { get; set; }
public List<Rockstar> Get(FindRockstars request)
return request.Aged.HasValue
? Db.Select<Rockstar>(q => q.Age == request.Aged.Value)
: Db.Select<Rockstar>();
public RockstarStatus Get(GetStatus request)
var rockstar = RockstarRepository.GetByLastName(request.LastName);
if (rockstar == null)
throw HttpError.NotFound("'{0}' is no Rockstar".Fmt(request.LastName));
var status = new RockstarStatus
Alive = RockstarRepository.IsAlive(request.LastName)
}.PopulateWith(rockstar); //Populates with matching fields
return status;
Note: Returning an object or a strong-typed DTO response like RockstarStatus have the same effect in ServiceStack, so if preferred you can return a strong typed response and avoid any casting.

Microsoft Unity - How to register connectionstring as a parameter to repository constructor when it can vary by client?

I am relatively new to IoC containers so I apologize in advance for my ignorance.
My application is a 4.0 MVC app that uses the Entity Framework with a Repository layer on top of that. It is a multi tenant application so the connection string that is used varies by the logged in client.
The connection string is determined by a 'key' that gets passed in as part of the route which indicates the client. This route data is only present on the first request of the user's session.
The route looks kind of like this: http://{host}/login/dev/
where 'dev' indicates we are using the dev database.
Currently the IoC container is registering all dependencies in the global.asax Application_Start event handler and I have the 'key' hardcoded as follows:
var cnString = CommonServices.GetDBConnection("dev");
container.RegisterType<IRequestMgmtRecipientRepository, RequestMgmtRecipientRepository>(
new InjectionConstructor(cnString));
Is there a way with Unity to dynamically register the repository based on the logged in client using the route data that is supplied initially?
Note: I am not manually resolving the repositories. They are getting constructed by the container when the controllers get instantiated.
I am stumped.
Quick assumption, you can use the host to identify your tenant.
the following article has a slightly different approach, its using NH, but it is usable.
based on the above this hacked code may work (not tried/complied the following, not much of a unity user, more of a windsor person :) )
Container.RegisterType<IRequestMgmtRecipientRepository, RequestMgmtRecipientRepository>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
//the following you can get via a static class
//HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host, if i remember correctly
var context = c.Resolve<HttpContextBase>();
var host = context.Request.Headers["Host"] ?? context.Request.Url.Host;
var connStr = CommonServices.GetDBConnection("dev_" + host); //assumed
return new RequestMgmtRecipientRepository(connStr);
Scenario 2 (i do not think this was the case)
if the client identifies the Tenant (not the host, ie http: //host1), this suggests you would already need access to a database to access the client information? in this case the database which holds client information, will also need to have enough information to identify the tenant.
the issue with senario 2 will arise around anon uses, which tenant is being accessed.
assuming senario 2, then the InjectionFactory should still work.
hope this helps

Getting Azure InstanceInput endpoint port

I'm want my client to communicate with a specific WorkerRole instance, so I'm trying to use InstanceInput endpoints.
My project is based on the example provided in this question: Azure InstanceInput endpoint usage
The problem is that I don't get the external IP address + port for the actual instance, when using RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["Endpoint1"].IPEndpoint;
I just get internal address with the local port (e.g. 10.x.x.x:10100). I know that I can get the public IP address via DNS lookup (, but I don't have a glue how to get the correct public port for each instance.
One possible solution would be: get the instance number (from RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id) and add this instance number to the FixedPortRange minimum (e.g. 10106). This would imply that the first instance will always have the port 10106, the second instance always 10107 and so on. This solution seems a bit hacky to me, since I don't know how Windows Azure assigns the instances to the ports.
Is there a better (correct) way to retrieve the public port for each instance?
Question #2:
Are there any information about the Azure Compute Emulator supporting InstanceInput endpoints? (As I already mentioned in the comments: It seems that the Azure Compute Emulator currently doesn't support InstanceInputEndpoint).
Second solution (much better):
To get the public port, the porperty PublicIPEndpoint can be used (I don't know why I didn't notice this property in the first place).
Usage: RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.InstanceEndpoints["Endpoint1"].PublicIPEndpoint;
The IP address in the property is unused (
First solution:
As 'artfulmethod' already mentioned, the REST operation Get Deployment retrieves interesting information about the current deployment. Since I encountered some small annoying 'issues', I'll will provide the code for the REST client here (in case someone else is having a similiar problem):
X509Store certificateStore = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
string footPrint = "xxx"; // enter the footprint of the certificate you use to upload the deployment (aka Management Certificate)
X509Certificate2Collection certs =
certificateStore.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, footPrint, false);
if (certs.Count != 1) {
// client certificate cannot be found - check footprint
string url = "<subscription-id>/services/hostedservices/<service-name>/deployments/<deployment-name>"; // replace <xxx> with actual values
try {
var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Headers.Add("x-ms-version", "2012-03-01"); // very important, otherwise you get an HTTP 400 error, specifies in which version the response is formatted
request.Method = "GET";
var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); // get response
string result = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd() // get response body
} catch (Exception ex) {
// handle error
The string 'result' contains all the information about the deployment (format of the XML is described in section 'Response Body' #
To get information about your deployments, including the VIPs and public ports for your role instances, use the Get Deployment operation on the Service Management API. The response body includes an InstanceInputList.
