storing standard output into list groovy - groovy

I cannot manage to store the standard output from a shell command into a list using the following code. It seems to store each character as a list element instead of the entire string produced on each line.
def implementedBranchName = []
def getImplementedBranches() {
def cmd = "/usr/bin/tool search status Pending"
Process process = cmd.execute()
def output= process .in.text;
implementedBranchName = output.each{ println it }
def size = implementedBranchName.size()
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Current Output:
Desired Output:

You could just change
implementedBranchName = output.each{ println it }
implementedBranchName = output.split()

There is also "eachLine" in Groovy.
def getImplementedBranches() {
def cmd = "/usr/bin/tool search status Pending"
Process process = cmd.execute() { line ->


How to change variables with in a string into a Map

I have let's say 100 variables in a string , my requirement is to automatically create a Map out of the string:
String str = "$$test$$ $$test2$$ $$test$$ $$test3$$"
Expected Result:
["test":test, "test2":test2, "test3":test3];
EDIT (for dsharew)
This is the last version of my code
def list = queryText.findAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/)
def map = [:]
it = it.replace("\$\$", "")
map.putAt(it, it)
queryText = queryText.replaceAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/) { k -> map[k[1]] ?: k[0] }
And the logs print the following result:
[$$test$$, $$test2$$, $$test$$, $$test3$$]
{test=test, test2=test2, test3=test3}
test test2 test test3
This should do what you want:
def queryText = "\$\$test\$\$ \$\$test2\$\$ \$\$test\$\$ \$\$test3\$\$"
def toMap(list){
def map = [:]
it = it.replace("\$\$", "")
map.putAt(it, it)
println map;
return map;
Following #dsharew answer, I've reduced it a little bit more:
​def queryText = "\$\$test\$\$ \$\$test2\$\$ \$\$test\$\$ \$\$test3\$\$"
def resultMap = queryText
.collectEntries { String next ->
[next.replace("\$\$", "")] * 2
collectEntries can be used to return a map from a collection if it returns a map or a tuple for every entry in the collection.
If you multiply a list by n, you are creating a bigger list with n times its content
BTW cool problem!
This is what I came up with
String str = '$$test$$ $$test2$$ $$test$$ $$test3$$'
str.replaceAll('\\$\\$', '').split(' ').collectEntries { [(it):it] }

How I can find the contents of inner nesting?

Lets say I have a string like this :
string = [+++[>>[--]]]abced
Now I want a someway to return a list that has: [[--],[>>],[+++]]. That is the contents of the deepest [ nesting followed by other nesting. I came up with this solution like this :
def string = "[+++[>>[--]]]"
loop = []
temp = []
string.each {
bool = false
if(it == "["){
temp = []
bool = true
else if( it != "]")
temp << it
loop << temp
println loop.reverse()
But this indeed takes the abced string after the last ] and put into the result!. But what I want is only [[--],[>>],[+++]]
Are there any groovy way of solving this?
You can use this, if you wouldn't mind using recursion
def sub(s , list){
if(!s.contains('[') && !s.contains('['))
return list
def clipped = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('[')+1, s.indexOf(']'))
s = s - "[$clipped]"
sub(s , list)
sub('''[+++[>>[--]]]abced''' , [])
returns a list of all subportions enclosed between braces.
['--', '>>', '+++']
If your brackets are symmetrical, you could just introduce a counter variable that holds the depth of the bracket nesting. Only depth levels above 0 are allowed in the output:
def string = "[+++[>>[--]]]abc"
loop = []
temp = []
depth = 0;
string.each {
bool = false
if(it == "["){
temp = []
bool = true
else if (it == "]"){
else if (depth > 0){
temp << it
loop << temp
println loop.reverse()
class Main {
private static final def pattern = ~/([^\[]*)\[(.+?)\][^\]]*/
static void main(String[] args) {
def string = "[+++[>>[--]]]abced"
def result = match(string)
println result
static def match(String val) {
def matcher = pattern.matcher(val);
if (matcher.matches()) {
return ? match( + : match(
[--, >>, +++]
The capturing of the first group in the regex pattern could probably be improved. Right now the first group is any character that is not [ and if there are nothing in front of the first [ then the first group will contain an empty string.

Groovy: indexes of substrings?

How do I find the indexes of all the occurances of a substring in a large string -
(so basically ,and extension of the "indexOf" function) . Any ideas?
Current situation:
def text = " --- --- bcd -- bcd ---"
def sub = "bcd"
// = 9
I want something like:
def text = " --- --- bcd -- bcd ---"
def sub = "bcd"
// = [9,15]
Is there such a function? How should I implement it otherwise? (in a non trivial way)
You could write a new addition to the String metaClass like so:
String.metaClass.indexesOf = { match ->
def ret = []
def idx = -1
while( ( idx = delegate.indexOf( match, idx + 1 ) ) > -1 ) {
ret << idx
def text = " --- --- bcd -- bcd ---"
def sub = "bcd"
There is nothing I know of that exists in groovy currently that gets you this for free though
This is a relatively easy approach:
String.metaClass.indexesOf = { arg ->
def result = []
int index = delegate.indexOf(arg)
while (index != -1) {
index = delegate.indexOf(arg, index+1);
return result;
Note that this will find overlapping instances (i.e. "fooo".indexesOf("oo") will return [1, 2]). If you don't want this, replace index+1 with index+arg.length().

Groovy++ error when adding #Typed

I was interested in testing performance gain for groovy++ over plain groovy.
I found the script to test
class Chain
def size
def first
def init(siz)
def last
size = siz
for(def i = 0 ; i < siz ; i++)
def current = new Person()
current.count = i
if (i == 0) first = current
if (last != null)
{ = current
current.prev = last
last = current
first.prev = last = first
def kill(nth)
def current = first
def shout = 1
while( != current)
shout = current.shout(shout,nth)
current =
first = current
class Person
def count
def prev
def next
def shout(shout,deadif)
if (shout < deadif)
return (shout + 1)
} = next
next.prev = prev
return 1
def main(args)
println "Starting"
def ITER = 100000
def start = System.nanoTime()
for(def i = 0 ; i < ITER ; i++)
def chain = new Chain()
def end = System.nanoTime()
println "Total time = " + ((end - start)/(ITER * 1000)) + " microseconds"
It works. But if I try to add
before first class name and run I'm getting error:
#groovy groovy.groovy
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/home/melco/test/groovy.groovy: 18: Cannot find property next of class Object
# line 18, column 22. = current
1 error
# groovy -version
Groovy Version: 1.7.5 JVM: 1.6.0_18
Any ideas why?
To enjoy statically typed compilation you need to provide at least some amount of type information.
Normally it is enough to define types of properties (next, prev in your case) and types of method parameters.
All the variables you declare are of type java.lang.Object (Or grovy.lang.Object in this case). So they don't have the methods "next" etc.
Try to use Person current = new Person() and Cain current = first etc.

Groovy executing shell commands

Groovy adds the execute method to String to make executing shells fairly easy;
println "ls".execute().text
but if an error happens, then there is no resulting output. Is there an easy way to get both the standard error and standard out? (other than creating a bunch of code to; create two threads to read both inputstreams, then using a parent stream to wait for them to complete then convert the strings back to text?)
It would be nice to have something like;
def x = shellDo("ls /tmp/NoFile")
println "out: ${x.out} err:${x.err}"
Ok, solved it myself;
def sout = new StringBuilder(), serr = new StringBuilder()
def proc = 'ls /badDir'.execute()
proc.consumeProcessOutput(sout, serr)
println "out> $sout\nerr> $serr"
out> err> ls: cannot access /badDir: No such file or directory
"ls".execute() returns a Process object which is why "ls".execute().text works. You should be able to just read the error stream to determine if there were any errors.
There is a extra method on Process that allow you to pass a StringBuffer to retrieve the text: consumeProcessErrorStream(StringBuffer error).
def proc = "ls".execute()
def b = new StringBuffer()
println proc.text
println b.toString()
// a wrapper closure around executing a string
// can take either a string or a list of strings (for arguments with spaces)
// prints all output, complains and halts on error
def runCommand = { strList ->
assert ( strList instanceof String ||
( strList instanceof List && strList.each{ it instanceof String } ) \
def proc = strList.execute() { line -> println line }
print "[INFO] ( "
if(strList instanceof List) {
strList.each { print "${it} " }
} else {
print strList
println " )"
if (proc.exitValue()) {
println "gave the following error: "
println "[ERROR] ${proc.getErrorStream()}"
assert !proc.exitValue()
I find this more idiomatic:
def proc = "ls foo.txt doesnotexist.txt".execute()
assert == "foo.txt\n"
assert proc.err.text == "ls: doesnotexist.txt: No such file or directory\n"
As another post mentions, these are blocking calls, but since we want to work with the output, this may be necessary.
To add one more important information to above provided answers -
For a process
def proc = command.execute();
always try to use
def outputStream = new StringBuffer();
proc.waitForProcessOutput(outputStream, System.err)
//proc.waitForProcessOutput(System.out, System.err)
rather than
def output =;
to capture the outputs after executing commands in groovy as the latter is a blocking call (SO question for reason).
def exec = { encoding, execPath, execStr, execCommands ->
def outputCatcher = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def errorCatcher = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
def proc = execStr.execute(null, new File(execPath))
def inputCatcher = proc.outputStream
execCommands.each { cm ->
proc.consumeProcessOutput(outputCatcher, errorCatcher)
return [new String(outputCatcher.toByteArray(), encoding), new String(errorCatcher.toByteArray(), encoding)]
def out = exec("cp866", "C:\\Test", "cmd", ["cd..\n", "dir\n", "exit\n"])
println "OUT:\n" + out[0]
println "ERR:\n" + out[1]
command = "ls *"
def execute_state=sh(returnStdout: true, script: command)
but if the command failure the process will terminate
