How to fix error when installing node.js on windows 7 32bit - node.js

For the Screenshot
I can't install node.js [node-v6.10.3-x86.msi], and i trying to search at stackexchange and find this one:
node.js Setup Wizard ended prematurely
After i follow the instruction and try to "running the MSI" via command prompt as Administator but fails.
I try to deleting some registry like this HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib_V2Providers but didn't take effect
And this the Logs on the installation
So what should i do? Thanks a lot


In the linked question, what does the op talk about regarding installing node.js in the working directory?

I am a complete newbie to all this.
I tried to install node.js 4 times and then again uninstalled it every time trying different things, thinking one of them would work.
The link to the question is-Cannot find runtime 'node' on PATH - Visual Studio Code and Node.js
After I typed $node --version in powershell terminal in VSCode (after installing node.js in C drive, defaulting to all recommended options in the setup) I get an error. I have uploaded the image of the error.
the error
Please tell me how to get node.js working with VSCode.
To get the version of Node, just type node --version in the terminal without the "$".

Cannot uninstall / repair / install Node.JS to my system

I installed node.js to work on a discord bot with VSCode but it didn't work.
I reinstalled it but ticked the 'install chocolatey' box this time, halfway through the installation I got 3 trojan alerts from my AV, and cancelled the installation.
Since then, I have been unable to uninstall, repair or reinstall Node.JS, through the Windows 10 uninstall function or from the Node.JS .msi file.
Each time I try, I get the same error message:
"The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed."
I've removed all instances of Node.JS from my program files and %appdata%, I've ensure the Installer Service is running, and yet the Node.JS application still shows in the Uninstall Tool and when I try to uninstall / modify / reinstall, it shows the same error, and seems to think it's still installed on my system! Not even Node.JS commands work in my CMD!
I've got no idea how to fix this, and I don't want to use glitch anymore to write my bot, so please help- or it seem's I'll have to factory reset my PC and hope that resolves the issue.
Thanks in advance, guys.
EDIT: I tried installing a newer version hoping it would overwrite old Node.JS files. Didn't work. Issue still occurring.
Do these:
Open command prompt as Administrator and run /sfc scannow. It will scan and replace corrupted files.
Restart your PC when the scan is done.

Electron build for windows shows sqlite3 error. But same build for Ubuntu Works

Packed using: Electron-Packager
Database: sqlite
The app uses Knex as a driver to query to mysqlite.
The module which it says that it cannot find is already present! But then too the error shows up.
I tried to navigate to the resource/app and then use commands like
npm run rebuild
tried installing python, node and then tried but seems like it required some CL.exe file so had to dowload Visual Studio C++ packages too but unfortunately it didn't have that file in my case.
Also tried
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source
but got error
Can anyone help me with the exact steps to take? I also need help in knowing do i have to take this steps on the package that is already build or before i build it?
The best possible fix i got is the build the system in windows and then deploy it for windows. You need to google at every step where it breaks and then fix it. There are many possibilities and hence i cannot describe it here.

Nodejs - Another installation is in progress

System - Win 7 64 bit.
Nodejs - node-v6.9.4-x64.msi
Installation error - Another installation is in progress. You must complete that installation before continuing this one.
Solutions that did NOT work - Run as admin, Run via commandline as admin, log had same error i saw in installer, don't install online docs option,
Please help me to fix this. Thank you !
This will not be an issue with your NodeJs installation, it might be because of your previous installation (might be any other software) which might be still in progress or not exit properly.
To solve your issue, please try restarting your machine once and install. This will indirectly kill your previous unstable installation and allow you to install NodeJs
I had this issue with '2017-03-21, Version 6.10.1 'Boron' (LTS)'. Restarting my PC solved the issue.
P.S. However, this issue seems to be specific to the NodeJs installer. I tried installing other programs after the NodeJs installation threw up this error and they installed fine (even before the restart).

Meteor support developing on Windows

Does Meteor support developing on Windows? I did not see any downloads or mention of Windows in the docs.
The "Quick Start" assumes you are on *Nix OS.
Meteor 1.1+: official Windows support launched on
Meteor 1.0+: there is an official Windows preview.
Meteor 0.8 and older: see
Proof, Meteor running on Windows.
Edit: See Tom's answer.
Old answer below.
No, this is not yet supported on windows. If you try to install in you will receive the following error:
Sorry, this OS is not supported yet.
As a workaround you can run a linux box in a VM and use that as a server to run meteor but still do all development from within windows. I've done this using VirtualBox to run Ubuntu with no GUI. Here's the steps:
Install VirtualBox
Grab Ubuntu ISO
Setup Ubuntu VM using VirtualBox (just follow the wizard steps)
Install samba on VM to enable file access from windows. This article was a great help.
Install ssh using Ubuntu Software Center. This was helpful.
Shutdown VM and run from a DOS prompt using vboxheadless -startvm "VM Name"
You can then use a ssh client (I'm using cygwin) to connect to the box to run commands e.g. ssh user#box_ip_address
Can browse and edit files using windows file share e.g. \\box_ip_address\share
Can run meteor apps within local browser, just replace the localhost in the address that meteor assigns with the ip address of the box.
I just tried to install it with curl on Windows 7, and got:
Sorry, this OS is not supported yet.
A substantial update as the existing answers to this question are very out of date.
Official Windows support can be found at
Unofficial Windows support for Meteor can be found on
There are 3 solutions outlined on, one native MSI installer, and 2 virtualized solutions based on Vagrant:
1) MSI Installer:
Stephen Darnell has picked up where Tom Wijsman graciously left off.
This solution is the most straight forward way to get Meteor running
on Windows with an MSI Installer provided. There are some trade-offs
because this is a fork and can lag behind the latest version as
Stephen can update to and test the latest version.
2) Vagrant Shell Provisioning
Gabriel Pugliese has posted a guide for how to provision Meteor on
Linux with Vagrant's Shell Provisioning. These may be more accessible
to users familier with Linux and Shell scripts. This solution is
easier to tweak through the straight forward shell commands than the
Chef alternative.
3) Vagrant Chef Provisioning
Matthew Sullivan is maintaining a set of Vagrant files, Chef cookbook,
and guide for provisioning Meteor on Linux with Vagrant. This Chef
solution is a slightly more automated and configurable than the shell
solution, however likely not as simple to tweak beyond the provided
configuration parameters as the Shell solution.
GitHub Repos and details can be found on The three authors are very responsive on the Meteor-talk Google Group.
A bit of history:
Unofficial Windows support for Meteor was started by Tom Wijsman, and was supported by Tom until 0.5.9. Versions 0.6.0 and later are by Stephen Darnell, Gabriel Pugliese, and Matt Sullivan.
I do not see mentioned here.
I am using together with Nitrous Desktop, which allows you to use your favourite text editor (in my case, Sublime Text).
There is a quick tutorial here and Discover Meteor also deals with this in chapter 2.
It sounds like Windows is not supported yet. If you want to play with it, I would suggest grabbing VirtualBox and installing your favorite flavor of Linux on it.
I downloaded the above .msi installer and installed to c:\Meteor
Add the c:\Meteor directory you just made to your PATH environment variable.
Run the following command: npm install Meteor-Test-Installer
Add the C:\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin directory you just made to your PATH environment variable.
Log below from my DOS screen:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\>cd meteor
C:\Meteor>cd C:\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin
C:\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin>meteor create try-meteor
try-meteor: created.
To run your new app:
cd try-meteor
‘curl’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin>cd try-meteor
[[[[[ C:\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin\try-meteor ]]]]]
Initializing mongo database… this may take a moment.
Running on: http://localhost:3000/
Open http://localhost:3000/ in broswer ... Voila !!
Hello World!
Welcome to try-meteor.
If you get error like this below :
[[[[[ D:\sms\Apps\Meteor\bin\node_modules\npm\bin\try-meteor ]]]]]
Unexpected mongo exit code 127. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 127. Restarting.
meteor is out of date. Please run:
meteor update
Unexpected mongo exit code 127. Restarting.
Can't start mongod. Check for other processes listening on port 3002 or other me
teors running in the same project.
Update the MondoDB folder with the latest mogodb files from the mongodb site.
I've found that new coders who are also new to Meteor might have installed it correctly, but are having trouble figuring out how to open and run it. So I'll just address that issue in this post.
1) I assume you went here: and downloaded the MSI installer
2) I assume you then created a newapp in meteor and then ran meteor
3) If steps 1 & 2 are complete, you should see this in your command line:
Initializing mongo database... this may take a moment.
=> Meteor server running on: http://localhost:3000/
4) Open Chrome and type in the local host address: http://localhost:3000/
5) Open your newapp folder - should be located in your Meteor folder wherever its installed on your hard drive
6) Open your newapp.html, newapp.css, and newapp.js files in your favorite editor (like Sublime Text 2)
7) Begin editing these files as you like and watch your page automatically update, as Meteor is designed to do.
Voila!! You're building with Meteor. Enjoy!!
As of two days ago, a preview version is available here:
Recent check of their site and checking their FAQ, you'll find the Meteor Development Roadmap. They host it on Trello and after the 1.0 launch, you'll see "Official Windows Support." So, it's on the map - now we wait!
Using linux in VM you probably want meteorite which isn't easy if you are as bad as I am to Linux... Here's how (thank you johntday Unable to install meteorite on Ubuntu VM):
Here are my Install Steps
Update and Upgrade your Ubuntu Depending on how up-to-date your image is, this may take a while.
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
Install curl sudo apt-get install curl
Install node
Install meteor curl | sh
Install meteorite sudo -H npm install -g meteorite
If you have problems setting a high screen resolution, here's a fix:
