Two Names in Field - excel

Currently, I am working with a scenario where I have 0 to 6 names in the field. For example, A2 has Bob Smith and Jone Random. Below is an example how they look in a check.
Effi Liu
<- (enter/gap)
Kevin Xing
Basically, I want to generate a 1 column that counts how many people in A2. For example, two people and then create a function that will separate. Each of the names into different columns.

If you have the names separated by the Enter Key in Column A, use the below formula in Column B and drag it to the right upto 6 or more cells and then drag down,
=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE($A1,CHAR(10),"#"),"#",REPT(" ",999)),(COLUMN(A:A)-1)*999+1,999))
This formula splits your name strings with the Enter Key as the delimiter into multiple columns as you drag. You could then use COUNTA function to find the non-blank cells (number of names). I leave that part to you to google and find it. Hope this helped you.


How can I find rows in Excel that have matching cells in the same rows as well as cells in these rows that do not match each other?

Say I have a list of peoples' addresses, names, and genders and I want to find the heterosexual couples that live together. Each person represents a row in Excel. I first want to find people whose addresses match each other. Then I need to filter by male and female "rows" with the same addresses.
I can filter for duplicates, and get the matching addresses lined up, but how can I perform the second goal of matching only different-gender couples? Thank you!
insert a column named id and a column named id_match, like the image. put this formula in E2 and fill down formula to all cells:
=IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:A1;MATCH(A2;$E$1:E1;0));IFERROR(INDEX($A$2:$A$11;MATCH(1;INDEX(($A$2:$A$11<>A2)*($C$2:$C$11<>C2)*($D$2:$D$11=D2);0;1);0));"match not found"))
also you can set this formula in cell F2 to find match name:

Excel - How to locate and sum adjacent cells and over multiple columns based on criteria of other columns cells

Formula to add all occurrences where a name pops up in a column (multiple columns) and return the summed value of all adjacent cells. For more clarification see
Example Attached
In this circumstance I want it to find all of Jim's adding to 5, all of George adding to 4, and all of Terry adding to 7. The challenge is each column will have the names randomly assorted and some times the name may not show up for that day.
Is it possible to search all days for the month (for this example) and add the total of the adjacent column for each person if I input their name?
I was looking into SUMIF functions but I can only get that to work if its all in 2 columns, with the way this one is approached I can only work through multiple columns.
Thank you for any assistance!
Use SUMIF, You will need to provide the list of names:
Note the offset but same size ranges. Also change "Jim" to a cell that contains the name you want to sum.

MS Excel - Match 3 columns between two sheets. When matches are found, copy a 4th column from each to a third sheet

When the all three columns "Last Name, First Name and DOB" match on any rows between the 2 sheets, I need to have the account numbers from the matching rows listed on a third sheet. There are thousands of rows in each sheet. There will likely be multiple matches for some accounts. I prefer to put the functions on the 3rd sheet so that I can change out the lists in the first 2 sheets without needing to update them.
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
89158 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
124578 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Sheet1 Acct # Sheet2 Acct#
89158 124578
Thank you in advance!
This works with duplicate values
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) and the range adjusted to fit your total values.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$2:$D$50,MATCH(1,($C2=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$50)*($D2=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$50)*($E2=Sheet1!$D$2:$D$50),0),1),"No match found")
The exact same formula can be used again changing Sheet1! to Sheet2!.
This will search for the last name that is in Sheet3!C2, first name that is in Sheet3!D2 and the DOB that is in Sheet3!E2.
I have only locked off the column in case you are looking to use this for a large volume of data and wish to drag it down.
If you want to display the additional account numbers that meet the search criteria and are only using sheet 3 to search for one person, then you will need to look at using INDEX(), MATCH() and SMALL().
I had looked to include this alternative in my answer too but I am now leaving the office. It won't take me long to conjure if you struggle so drop me a comment and I will be happy to explain how it all works.
EDIT: To list all ID's found for the search criteria - Leave blanks where not found
Again, replace sheet 1 for sheet 2 and update the ranges to match what you are searching through, use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in the formula bar to make the formula an array then you can drag it down to cover all the potential matches, best to aim for what you believe would be the highest number of duplicate IDs.
Let me know how you get on, if this answers your question, please mark this as an answer using the tick to the left, thank you.
I ended up putting list A and List B into a sheet and then using this formula: =ISNA(MATCH(B2&C2&D2,I:I&J:J&K:K,0)) Then I created another sheet where I added list B and then list A and used the same formula. Once the calculation was complete for each sheet, I used filters to only list the matches for the first lists in each spreadsheet.
I then took the matches for each sheet and listed them side by side in the third sheet. I made sure the sort was matched between the two lists and then was able to scroll through a page at a time and identify a few users with multiple account numbers in each system.
It's not as automated as I would like, but it is done for now. Thank you Stack Overflow!

If a name in a column is a match, count certain text in the row

I have a column/list of duplicate names.
In the corresponding row/columns of duplicate names, some cells contain "Truant."
Another column contains the unique names off that same list.
I want a formula next to the Unique name (listed once) that shows how many "Truant" cells a name has beside it.
For example:
John Smith might be in Column A five times, and in the 9 cells in the same row "Truant" shows up sporadically. I have a column that contains John's unique name once. In the column next to his name, I want it to show how many Truants were in cells in the same rows as his duplicated name... I wish I could post my attachment!
I suggest in two steps:
1) count each row, say with:
(as in K2 and copied down) then:
2) in your table of unique names sum with say:
However there are various alternatives with other functions or a PivotTable that might prove more convenient in the long-term, specially if you did not mind indicating truancy with 1 rather than Truant.

HOWTO ad a unique id to each unique row?

I have data in two columns:
a 1
a 1
a 2
b 3
b 4
In the list there is 4 unique rows. I would like to ad a unique id to each unique row.
Like this:
1 a 1
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 b 3
4 b 4
Of course I have many more rows and columns and date are more complex than in this example.
Anyway to do this i excel?
Mvh Kresten Buch
I have the same issue, I have developed a three formula approach to this. I could probably concatenate it if I nested them, but whatevs, this works.
Assume the data you want to 'number' is in column A, and the first row of the table is row 3.
The first column (in column B) counts occurrences of the 'value' and the range expands from the top of the table downwards as the table grows:
the second column's formula also expands as the row count does, and simply adds 1 to the transaction count every time it encounters a 1 (ie first occurrence of a new unique value) in column B
This one worked for me even in the first row of the table btw - i was expecting to have to manually input a 1 to start the list. Having it work without the manual entry is a good thing, it means the formmulas all work even if you resort the table data into a different order.
The third one in column D uses a vlookup to find the value. Note that when vlookup finds more than one number, it always pulls the first occurrence.
Note that this will renumber all the data outcomes dynamically if you do resort the entire thing. ie the formulas all work, but the number 'assigned' to a praticular set of data might be different, as it all works from whatever order the list of items is in.
My use case for these formulas assumes that every month i paste a new set of data to the bottom of the table, some items of which are repeats from previous months - ie are already in the table, and some of which are new.
if the dynamic renumbering is a problem, use a 'row key' so you can resort back to the original order at the end.
Assuming your data is in B2:C6 please try =IF(AND(B1=B2,C1=C2),A1,A1+1) in A2, copied down
If your data is not sorted, it's more complicated... but you can use something like this in A2:
I'm assuming that there are no headers and you have already put 1 in cell A1 for the first record.
It basically checks the whole columns above the formula and if there's already a similar record, it'll assign the previously given unique ID and if not, it'll give a new ID.
This is an array function and as such will work if you use Ctrl+Shift+Enter and not Enter alone.
The IFERROR() is there because MATCH(B2&"-"&C2,$B$1:B1&"-"&$C$1:C1,0) would return an error if it is on row 2 (the first record to check).
Once you put that in the first cell, you can fill down the formula.
I deal with this issue all the time when structuring a data set into panel data. say you have multiple columns of data, and each are unique based on the name of someone, like:
but instead of having each column related to Anne, Rose, Frank, or Tom, you want it to look like this:
So that each name now has a unique numerical identifier that can be used in place of the name.
Make a pivot table of your data and only place the column that has the names (or whatever the identifier may be) into the Rows section. This will single out all the different names used within the dataset. Copy and paste this pivot table anywhere on the sheet so that the names are in actual cells and not off of a pivot table. To the right of the names, enter 1 next to the first name, and then =B1+1, and so on so that you number each name with a unique value; then copy and paste this column as numbers so that their formulas are erased. Finally, just go to your original dataset and perform a VLOOKUP so that the names get attached with whatever unique value was assigned off of the pivot table. Make sure to copy and paste as numbers once done to remove the VLOOKUP formula.
Takes literally 2 minutes to do, depending on size of dataset, and is very easy. It will work perfectly every time.
