Running NodeJS/Express projects on production server - node.js

1 With different apps different website domain etc, NodeJS cannot go to production with host:*some port other than 80*, right? If I am wrong, how to deal with NodeJS apps with multiple website on the same machine? ( there is no virtualhost in NodeJS/Express server, isn't there?)
2 So the solution to go prod to me, only alternative is to use some proxy forwarding requests to the NodeJS/Express server IP:port, isn't it? If yes and if it is a different server ( proxy and NodeJS), what does express to start and listen to? (Say, server.listen('port', '') or server.listen('port', '::')?
3 Any other alternatives to go production with NodeJS/Express projects?

You can use 80 but with sudo. However, it's not recommended.
You're right you need a proxy (nginx, haproxy, etc..) to sit in front of your Node.js app in order to use port 80.
I think you can omit host from server.listen so it will accept connection from ::.

NGINX is the best option to do, what you expect and see the NGINX documentation in official web site.


Why use nginx if there is a proxy middleware for nodejs?

I'm really confused with reverse proxy. What i understood is in forward proxy the client know the destination server but the server doesn't know the client, in reverse proxy the server knows the client but the client doesn't know the "server" he's visiting is a actually proxying to some other server. And to use the reverse proxy you can use NGINX. But if we can use that, why do express framework middlewares like http-proxy-middleware
and if my understanding of proxy and reverse proxy is wrong please correct me
Lets take an abstract example:
You will agree that you must be using port 3000 or something to run NodeJS... Right?
And lets say you also use angular/react or html+css to run your frontend website which is lets say on port 4200 (default for angular).
Now what if you want to have only one server and want two different services (frontend in angular and backend in nodejs) to run on that single server only.
So you need something in between your client and server to distinguish between the requests whether to forward them to angular or nodejs or any other service as well that is running on the same server.
What reverse proxy such as NGINX will do is you will define some rules on the basis of which the administrator of the server can utilize same server to serve various services.
This is the simplest example I can think of on the top of my head.

Best practice for communicating with a NodeJS server hosted locally from a Bluehost NodeJS server?

I have a web application running on a Bluehost server. I am trying to retrieve files hosted on a local server. On the local server, I have port forwarding and NodeJS listening on port 3000. I could do 80 as well, but from what I have read, that is not safe.
The issue I am running into is mainly the SSL cert for the local Node instance. The web application requires post requests to be made to https:// sources.
What are some best practice approaches to making this work? I have heard about installing Apache and running a ProxyPass to port 3000, but I am still concerned that the port 80 will have no SSL. Any help would be appreciated!!
First its worth noting that there are many approaches to hosting a web service.
Node can handle https connection, you should read the native https module documentation for how this works.
I tend to use Nginx (although apache is great and is a battle-tested solution) as a proxy server to node as, in general, I find it speeds up the process to get a product live. It also allows you to extract potential requirements from your node server, such as caching and SSL, so your node app can just focus on business requirements.
If you go for a proxy server, Nginx (and others), have modules that will handle SSL certificates. Lots of documentation online about how to set this up.
Something to keep in mind is that PORT 80 and 3000 are connection points for traffic. You will only be able to interact with the server on these ports if you bind and expose an application to them. If nothing is exposed to PORT 80, then connect attempts will just fail.
The best practices I tend to employ are:
No excuse not to use SSL nowadays, the standard is to expose https server on port 443.
If you choose to expose port 80, redirect all traffic to 443. This guarantees a secure connection.

Is there a way to "host" an existing web service on port X as a network path of another web service on port 80?

What I'm trying to do is create an access website for my own services that run on my linux server at home.
The services I'm using are accessible through <my_domain>:<respective_port_num>.
For example there's a plex instance which is listening on port X and transmission-remote (a torrenting client) listening on port Y and another custom processing service on port Z
I've created a simple website using python flask which I can access remotely which redirects paths to ports (so <my_domain>/plex turns into <my_domain>:X), is there a way to display these services on the network paths I've assigned to them so I don't need to open ports for each service? I want to be able to channel an existing service on :X to <my_domain>/plex without having to modify it, I'm sure it's possible.
I have a bit of a hard time to understand your question.
You certainly can use e.g. nginx as a reverse proxy in front of your web application, listen to any port and then redirect it to the upstream application on any port - e.g. your Flask application.
Let's say, my domain is
I then can configure e.g. nginx to listen on port 80 (and 443 for SSL), and then proxy all requests to e.g. port 8000, where Flask is running locally.
Yes, this is called using nginx as a reverse proxy. It is well documented on the internet and even the official docs. Your nginx.conf would have something like:
location /my/flask/app/ {
# Assuming your flask app is at localhost:8000
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
From user's perspective, they will be connecting to But behind the scenes nginx will actually forward the request to your app, and serve its response back to the user.
You can deploy nginx as a Docker container, I recommend doing this as it will keep the local files and configs separate from your own work and make it easier for you to fiddle with it as you learn. Keep in mind that nginx is only HTTP though. You can't use it to proxy things like SSH or arbitrary protocols (not without a lot of hassle anyway). If the services generate their own URLs, you might also need to configure them to anticipate the nginx redirects.
BTW, usually flask is not served directly to the internet, but instead nginx talks to something like Gunicorn to handle various network related concerns:

Do I need a different server to run node.js

sorry if this is a wrong question on this forum but I am simply just stuck and need some advice. I have a shared hosting service and a cloud based hosting server with node.js installed. I want to host my website as normal but I also want to add real time chat and location tracking using node.js I am confused with what I am reading in several places because node.js is itself a server but not designed to host websites? So I have to run 2 different servers? One for the website and one to run node.js? When I setup the cloud one with a node.js script running I can no longer access the webpages.
Whats the best way for me achieve this as I am just going round in circles. Also is there a way I can set up a server on my PC and run and test both of these together before hand so I see what is needed and get it working as it will stop me ordering servers I dont need.
Many thanks for any help or advice.
Node can serve webpages using a framework like Express, but can cause conflicts if run on the same port as another webserver program (Apache, etc). One solution could be to serve your webpages through your webserver on port 80 (or 443 for HTTPS) and run your node server on a different port in order to send information back and forth.
There are a number of ways you can achieve this but here is one popular approach.
You can use NGINX as your front facing web server and proxy the requests to your backend Node service.
In NGINX, for example, you will configure your upstream service as follows:
upstream lucyservice {
keepalive 64;
The 8000 you see above is just an example, you may be running your Node service on a different port.
Further in your config (in the server config section) you will proxy the requests to your service as follows:
location / {
proxy_pass http://lucyservice;
You're Node service can be running in a process manager like forever / pm2 etc. You can have multiple Node services running in a cluster depending on how many processors your machine has etc.
So to recap - your front facing web server will be handling all traffic on port 80 (HTTP) and or 443 (HTTPS) and this will proxy the requests to your Node service running on whatever port(s) you define. All of this can happen on one single server or multiple if you need / desire.

Hosting PHP and Node.js apps on the same server with multiple domains

I have a Linode VPS, currently running lighttpd to serve up my PHP websites and listening on port 80.
I'm also running Node.js, which listens on port 81, and uses websockets and HTTP to interact with the client.
There's a couple of different domains that I would like to point to this server. Ideally, I would like the domains which host the PHP sites to all talk to the same lighttpd server, and the sites which use node.js would somehow redirect to the port node.js is listening on unbeknownst to the client (e.g. no 30x redirect). -> linodebox:80 lighttpd /var/www/example1 -> linodebox:80 lighttpd /var/www/example2 -> linodebox:81 node.js
Is there a way to do this, either by setting DNS entries or tweaking iptables? Does lighttpd need to be a proxy for node.js? The websockets feature needs to work without any fallbacks, and visiting a non node domain, e.g., should not expose the node application.
I feel the perfect solution wouldn't require changes to existing application code nor require proxying between software web servers, but I could be wrong.
What's up Tom!?
I recommend HA-Proxy, it's one of the most high performance proxies out there and should accomplish what you're trying to do there.
I'm doing something similar with nginx acting as a proxy, it's easy but not the fastest.
HA-Proxy's website is here
If you wanted a 'pure' solution, you could probably get the answer from looking at ha-proxy's source code. You can't really do it with iptables. Something has to read the HTTP header to determine where the request came from to route it locally.
I had basically the same problem and I ended up using node-http-proxy (also available in npm as http-proxy).
You just need a simple config file:
router: {
'': 'linodebox:80',
'': 'linodebox:80',
'': 'linodebox:81
Then just run node-http-proxy --config options.json and you're set. If you want to run lighttpd and node on the same machine, you'll have to start lighttpd on a different port (I use 81 for php and 3000 for node - adjusting the config is easy). I also use forever to manage my node instances.
Ya'll are gonna hate me...
I ended up going with a second IP address, then followed the Linode tutorial to setup multiple static IPs. Then, I configured lighttpd to bind to one IP address and Node.js to bind to another IP address.
This isn't a great solution as it doesn't scale.
Update: lighttpd 1.4.46 (released back in 2017) added multiple ways to accept WebSocket connections:
lighttpd mod_wstunnel
lighttpd mod_proxy
lighttpd mod_cgi
