Warning : comparison between pointer and integer - string

struct smt{
char *c;
int main(){
char *w="astring";
if(smt->c == w[0])
...do something
How do I fix the warning that I get in the if and what exacly causes it?

The warning shows up because you're comparing smt->c, which is char*, to w[0], which is a character (that for this comparison gets implicitly casted to int).
You probably meant comparing the first character like this:
if(smt->c[0] == w[0]) { ... }
If you want to compare full strings, use
if(strcmp(smt->c, w) == 0) { ... }
or even better, use strncmp if you know the maximum length the strings can have.

The error comes from the fact that often (almost always), you don't want to compare an adress (pointer) with a character.
You're comparing a char* c with a char 'a'. What you want to do is this I believe:
struct smt{
char *c;
int main(){
char *w="astring";
// Here smt->c returns a char*
// w[0] gets you the first character, so 'a'
if(strcmp(smt->c, w) == 0)
...do something
If you want to compare the first characters of both strings, you have to add [0] to smt->c


How can I understand this code (string as a function parameter in c)

I have written this code but its not working but when I replace *targ and *sour by targ[] and sour[] then its working. Also it shows many error when I call the function converge like this converge(*targ, *sour). Please someone help me to understand this.
void converge(char *target, char *src);
int main()
char *targ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
char *sour = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy";
converge(targ, sour);
//printf("%s", targ);
void converge(char *target, char *src)
int i, j;
for(i=0,j=strlen(src); i<=j; i++, j--)
target[i]= src[i];
target[j]= src[j];
If you define a string like this:
char *targ = "abcd";
it is treated as read-only value, since the string "abcd" is stored in read-only memory, while the pointer targ is stored on your stack. Depending on your compiler you might get some warning unless you make this more explicit with const char *targ = "abcd";. An assignment like targ[i] = src[i]; is not allowed in this case.
If you define a string like this:
char targ[] = "abcd";
a char-array will be created on your data stack, this string can be changed, since data on your stack is readable and writable. Additionally you can access the first element of your array as pointer.

"Stack around the variable was corrupted" error

I'm trying to read a char value using fgets as follows:
int main() {
char m_cityCharCount;
// Input the number of cities
fgets(&m_cityCharCount, 4, stdin);
return 0;
Visual Studio returns this error after the code is executed - Stack around the variable m_cityCharCount was corrupted
Is there something I can do about it?
m_cityCharCount is a char, it can hold one char at the most, but you are telling fgets it is 4 bytes buffer. Even if you input nothing but hit the enter key, fgets will store the new line AND the null terminator to the buffer, which of cause is a serious problem. You need a bigger buffer to do fgets:
char str[4096];
fgets(str, sizeof str, stdin);
First parameter of fgets() is pointer on buffer (size of it should be great or equals than second parameter. But sizeof(char) == 1)
int main() {
char m_cityCharCount[4];
// Input the number of cities
fgets(m_cityCharCount, 4, stdin);
return 0;

Passing struct to device driver through IOCTL

I am trying to pass a struct from user space to kernel space. I had been trying for many hours and it isn't working. Here is what I have done so far..
int device_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){
int ret, SIZE;
SIZE = (int *)arg;
if(ret < 0){
printk("Error in PASS_STRUCT_ARRAY_SIZE\n");
return -1;
printk("Struct Array Size : %d\n",SIZE);
struct mesg{
int pIDs[SIZE];
int niceVal;
struct mesg data;
ret = copy_from_user(&data, arg, sizeof(*data));
if(ret < 0){
return -1;
printk("Message PASS_STRUCT : %d\n",data.niceVal);
default :
return -ENOTTY;
return 0;
I have trouble defining the struct. What is the correct way to define it? I want to have int pIDs[SIZE]. Will int *pIDs do it(in user space it is defined like pIDs[SIZE])?
With the above change I get this error? error: expected expression before 'struct' any ideas?
There are two variants of the structure in your question.
struct mesg1{
int *pIDs;
int niceVal;
struct mesg2{
int pIDs[SIZE];
int niceVal;
They are different; in case of mesg1 you has pointer to int array (which is outside the struct). In other case (mesg2) there is int array inside the struct.
If your SIZE is fixed (in API of your module; the same value used in user- and kernel- space), you can use second variant (mesg2).
To use first variant of structure (mesg1) you may add field size to the structure itself, like:
struct mesg1{
int pIDs_size;
int *pIDs;
int niceVal;
and fill it with count of ints, pointed by *pIDs.
PS: And please, never use structures with variable-sized arrays in the middle of the struct (aka VLAIS). This is proprietary, wierd, buggy and non-documented extension to C language by GCC compiler. Only last field of struct can be array with variable size (VLA) according to international C standard. Some examples here: 1 2
You can declare you struct with VLA (if there is only single array with variable size):
struct mesg2{
int niceVal;
int pIDs[];
but you should be careful when allocating memory for such struct with VLA

Parsing a string with varying number of whitespace characters in C

I'm pretty new to C, and trying to write a function that will parse a string such as:
"This (5 spaces here) is (1 space
here) a (2 spaces here) string."
The function header would have a pointer to the string passed in such as:
bool Class::Parse( unsigned char* string )
In the end I'd like to parse each word regardless of the number of spaces between words, and store the words in a dynamic array.
Forgive the silly questions...
But what would be the most efficient way to do this if I am iterating over each character? Is that how strings are stored? So if I was to start iterating with:
while ( (*string) != '\0' ) {
--print *string here--
Would that be printing out
i... etc?
Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
from http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strtok/
/* strtok example */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main ()
char str[] ="- This, a sample string.";
char * pch;
printf ("Splitting string \"%s\" into tokens:\n",str);
pch = strtok (str," ,.-"); /* split the string on these delimiters into "tokens" */
while (pch != NULL)
printf ("%s\n",pch);
pch = strtok (NULL, " ,.-"); /* split the string on these delimiters into "tokens" */
return 0;
Splitting string "- This, a sample string." into tokens:
First of all, C does not have classes, so in a C program you would probably define your function with a prototype more like one of the following:
char ** my_prog_parse(char * string) {
/* (returns a malloc'd array of pointers into the original string, which has had
* \0 added throughout ) */
char ** my_prog_parse(const char * string) {
/* (returns a malloc'd NULL-terminated array of pointers to malloc'd strings) */
void my_prog_parse(const char * string, char buf, size_t bufsiz,
char ** strings, size_t nstrings)
/* builds a NULL-terminated array of pointers into buf, all memory
provided by caller) */
However, it is perfectly possible to use C-style strings in C++...
You could write your loop as
while (*string) { ... ; string++; }
and it will compile to exactly the same assembler on a modern optimizing compiler. yes, that is a correct way to iterate through a C-style string.
Take a look at the functions strtok, strchr, strstr, and strspn... one of them may help you build a solution.
I wouldn't do any non-trivial parsing in C, it's too laborious, the language is not suitable for that. But if you mean C++, and it looks like you do, since you wrote Class::Parse, then writing recursive descent parsers is pretty easy, and you don't need to reinvent the wheel. You can take Spirit for example, or AXE, if you compiler supports C++0x. For example, your parser in AXE can be written in few lines:
// assuming you have 0-terminated string
bool Class::Parse(const char* str)
auto space = r_lit(' ');
auto string_rule = "This" & r_many(space, 5) & space & 'a' & r_many(space, 2)
& "string" & r_end();
return string_rule(str, str + strlen(str)).matched;

Having trouble passing array to function

I am getting all kinds of errors when passing my array to this function. The function is suppose to have the user enter a name and a score and store them in 2 seperate arrays, one for the names, one for the scores. I believe I have to use pointers but have no idea on how to use them. I don't want the answer, just a push in the right direction. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
int InputData(int &, char, int);
using namespace std;
int main()
char playerName[100][20];
int score[100];
int numPlayers = 0;
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score);
return 0;
int InputData(int &numPlayers, char playerName[][20], int score[])
while (numPlayers <= 100)
cout << "Enter Player Name (Q to quit): ";
cin.getline(playerName, 100, ā€˜\nā€™);
if ((playerName[numPlayers] = 'Q') || (playerName[numPlayers] = 'q'))
return 0;
cout << "Enter score for " << playerName[numPlayers] <<": ";
cin >> score[numPlayers];
Ok, I made some more changes and the errors are less, must be getting close, Lol!
This looks like a school assignment and I applaud you for not asking for the answer. There are several ways to do it, but you are already fairly close in the approach that you are using. When you pass an array reference, you do not want to include the length of the array. For example, the parameter int score[100] should be int score[]. The exception, especially in your scenario, is with multidimensional arrays. In this case, you want to use char playerName[][20]. Your function declaration also needs to change to match. Don't forget InputData returns an int. Your declarations and function call are correct; you just need to adjust your function signature.
Keeping the errors aside -
InputData(numPlayers, playerName, score, size);
// ^^^^ size is no where declared
// resulting Undeclared indentifier error
Prototype mentions of taking 3 arguments but calling the function passing 4 parameters.
Hint regarding errors:
An 1D array decays to a pointer pointing to first element in the array while passing to a function.
A 2D array decays to a pointer pointing to the 1D array ( i.e., T[][size] ) while passing to a function.
Return type of main() should be int.
It seems with the given hints you corrected most of the errors. But you forgot to change the prototype. So, change -
int InputData(int &, char, int);
int InputData(int &, char[][20], int[]);
Why aren't you using std::string array for player names ? Use it and remove rest of the errors. Good luck.
