Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND - node.js

I have a simple Node.js bot that makes an HTTP request each second to a rest API.
If the returned data is right then I construct an URL where I HTTP POST.
Everything works alright but after ~4-5hrs of running I got this error
0|server | error: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
0|server | at errnoException (dns.js:28:10)
0|server | at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:73:26)
Can someone explain to me why this has happened?
After I restart my server everything got working.
I'm using axios to make the http requests.

I met the same issue and solved it!
sudo vi /etc/hosts
and add: localhost
to hosts

The symptom is that the remote address cannot be resolved.
The cause could be many things. First, try to see if it's node specific by trying to resolve the address directly:
$ nslookup
$ dig
If that doesn't work, you've got a connectivity problem. It could be anything. Try looking at how long your DHCP lease lasts if you are using DHCP.
However if that does work fine but your node application still fails, you might be running into this: , which is a bug in an underlying library. You can implement the workaround mentioned in that thread, which is specifying the IP version family through the following parameter { family: 4 } as a part of your request options.

I had this issue becuase there was a typo in my URL - the path did not exist. Gotta be careful with long subdomain URLs. I discovered the issue while using the Postman Console - available by going to View > Show Postman Console.

I got this error in Postman when I didn't have the Environment I wanted to use selected. The variables I was trying to call were therefore not defined.


Installing Express in Node.js

I am getting error while installing Express to use in Node.js
I have attached screenshot of the command prompt.
I am not getting what this error is. Please let me know what this error say, so that I can fix it.
Possible problems:
no internet connection
DNS resolver misconfigured
proxy settings required
You can try the following commands to narrow down the problem:

Nodejs in Openshift MongoDB Error

This could probably be very stupid and naive question, but I have tried all my ways to find the solution, but I'm unable to solve. Hope anyone can solve my problem. Thanks in advance.
Recently, I deployed my nodejs application in Open Shift using Mongolab driver for the MongoDB. When I run the application using 'rhc app start -a nodejs', it gives me an ECONNREFUSED error in mongooose.
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at errnoException (net.js:905:11)
at Object.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:896:19)
But, when I SSH into the server, go to $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR directory and use npm start, the app works very fine.
I connect to the mongodb by defining the URI as shown
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGOLAB_URI || 'mongodb://localhost/<dbname>');
I defined the MONGOLAB_URI as an environmental variable in the server.
There would probably be something that I'm missing. But, please bare with this naive.

Unhandled rejection SequelizeConnectionError: connect ENOENT

I am stuck at a point. I am trying to start /connect using command "npm start" but unable to start npm on server.
I am getting this error:
Unhandled rejection SequelizeConnectionError: connect ENOENT
at Handshake._callback (/home/ec2-user/webapps/vactivity/node/vactivity/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mysql/connection-manager.js:63:20)
at Handshake.Sequence.end (/home/ec2-user/webapps/vactivity/node/vactivity/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/sequences/Sequence.js:96:24)
at Protocol.handleNetworkError (/home/ec2-user/webapps/vactivity/node/vactivity/node_modules/mysql/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:358:14)
at Connection._handleNetworkError (/home/ec2-user/webapps/vactivity/node/vactivity/node_modules/mysql/lib/Connection.js:382:18)
at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17)
at net.js:441:14
at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)
Apart from this my website work on nodejs & have nginx server configured on server.
Every thing started when I tried to set apache for adding a wordpress blog website. Since nginx already working on port 80. I was trying to set apache on another port so that everything work and ended up with above error. Now my website is not starting at all.
My website is running using nodejs. I needed a wordpress blog website to run along and so i checked if there is a scope for apache on my server.
I found that apache along with nginx service was already running and mysql as well.
nginx is essential to run "adminer", a database management tool
Since nginx and apache was running on same ports, i tried to set apache on another port, other than default port.
After that I restarted apache, stopped mysql, stopped nginx and also stopped node
I used pkill node command for stopping node service.
Then restarted everything but got the above error.
I tried many things, and finally reset everything.
Ever since then I am stuck on this error.
Can anyone help?
I finally figured the problem and solved it.
Connect ENOENT means that system is unable to connect to mysql because its path is not correct.
As mentioned in an approved answer from Connect MySQL with Sequelize
Update your models/index.js file with the mentioned code.
To find you mysql socket path go to file here /etc/mysql/my.cnf ( this path may depend on your server). For my case it was /etc/my.cnf. Here you will find the socket path. Now paste this path to the code above and do npm start.
Problem is resolved. :)

Error: Invalid protocol

I am facing this issue while making a request to any url using NodeJS.
FYR i have made a script in nodejs which is using request module that calls a page and then scrap that html page but the issue is when it calls i gets an error "Error: Invalid protocol:".
My .npmrc file contains following lines
and i still get following error
[Error: Invalid protocol:]
I have tried all possible combinations of following
For the above two i get "URI Malformed error"
Still no solution
FYI Versions are as follows:
>node -v
>npm -v
There is one more info i have static ip of in IPv4 and ip of with 8080 in Proxy Setting of Browser . Also i am using Windows 7 desktop and i tried with Proxy IP of & without it but no solution however i can't change the IPv4 otherwise my internet connection would be gone.
Please provide some solution i am stuck.
PS: Also tried by changing http To https for https-proxy .
Npmrc is used by npm, not (afaik) requests within your node code, so this is probably a red herring. What code are you using to make the request?

SuperAgent + Node.js Connection Refused

I'm pretty new to Node.js so this is possibly an basic understanding issue, but I'm getting ECONNREFUSED from a superagent http request when I don't think I should be:
$ curl http://localhost:5000/
{"you": "looking good"}
$ node
> var request = require("superagent");
> var req = request.get("http://localhost:5000/").on('error', function (err) {
console.log("There's an emergency is going on.", err)
}).end(function (data) {
console.log("All is well", data.body)
There's an emergency is going on. { [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
syscall: 'connect' }
What assumption have I made that is breaking this? I'm actually writing isomorphic JavaScript and the exact same code making the http query on the browser works fine!
This sounds like a firewall problem, but first run ping localhost from a terminal. You should see localhost has IP If it doesn't your hosts file is probably incorrect or not being loaded, and will need fixing.
If it's correct, try these one at a time then repeat the curl and superagent requests for comparison. If one step doesn't work, reverse it and move to the next:
disable any firewall (if this is the problem, you should add a rule for node rather than leaving the firewall disabled)
disable any anti-virus (again add permissions rather than permanently disabling)
sudo setenforce 0 if you're on a *nix (undo with sudo setenforce 1)
curl and superagent will use different user-agent strings - do you have a proxy running? Run curl http://localhost:5000/ -vvv to see exactly what curl is doing
If these still don't work you could try a packet capture tool like wireshark or tcpdump to trace the HTTP request and see where it's refused.
