Excel SumProduct with if Statement in a cell. - excel

I have a basic problem in Excel. I have a row with names and one with numbers. I try to find what is the sum of these numbers for a special name.
Apple 12
Apple 12
Kiwi 9
Apple 4
Banana 51
Kiwi 12
Banana 4
So far I just use a basic sumproduct which works well. Like
This formula gives me back my total number of Apples
The problem is, if a cell contain some formula, then I have #VALUE! result.
Let say the last cell called Kiwi contain a code like
=if(A64="", "", 12)
Then it makes Kiwi empty if A64 is empty. Great.
But sumproduct don't work anymore.
I can't sort the name... any ideas?
Thank you

You can simply use =SUMIF() formula to get sum of these numbers for a special name.
You can change these ranges based on your list. (You can even define dynamic name in Name Manager and then you can use that Name as your range.)

It's not the fact that your cell is calculated (contains a formula), it's because the result of the formula is a text.
Maybe you could use à 0 instead of the 0-length text and apply conditional formatting to your cells (font colour white if 0 value)
=if(A64="", 0, 12)


Return first row number in range where string matches any part of cell contents

Say I have three cells (one in each row):
Apple Pear Lime Grape
Tom Bob Cliff Steve
Pi Rho Sigma Theta
There is a string of text in each single cell. Is there a formula I can write that will return the first row in which a given value appears?
For example, say I had cells like this:
Pear 1
Cliff 2
Steve 2
Pi 3
I would like to return the row where that value is a match for the original array of strings. I have experimented with SEARCH, FIND, and others, but these are good for comparing one row to another single row. I'm looking for something that will examine a whole array of rows and return the first reference row.
use MATCH with wildcards:

How can I check against a cell and it's opposite cell?

I'm trying to check if my cells contain a specific text, and if so, if the cell opposite my 'specific text' contains another specific text.
A| B
1, Banana
2, Orange
3, Banana
1, Banana
I want to count the number of occurrences a specific text has the word banana in the cell opposite.
My thought process is something along the lines of =IF(A:A=1,=COUNTIF(B:B,"Banana"),"")
I'm constantly adding in new cells aswell.
I only want the count the number of times a specific text has banana next to it.
How can I do this?
Use COUNTIFS() formula for matching multiple criteria in multiple ranges.
This will count the number of time a cell in column A has 1 and Column B in the same row has Banana
if you are checking for a string instead of "1", make sure to put it in quotes

Excel conditional SUMPRODUCT / SUMIFS / Array Formula for optional dimension

I have a sheet of data with multiple dimensions like this:
2 Japan Strawberry 100ml 10/12/14 100
3 Japan Banana 100ml 10/03/15 100
4 China Orange 200ml 14/04/15 30
5 France Strawberry 200ml 11/04/15 400
6 UK 200ml 23/04/15 250
7 ....
I want to aggregate this data over a date range, where the summary sheet has each dimension (country & flavour), and if I do not specify a dimension it sums all rows for that dimension.
2 Japan Strawberry 100
3 Japan 200
4 Strawberry 500
I can do this if all the dimensions are present (i.e. row 2 above) using a SUMPRODUCT or SUMIFS:
However I have not been able to figure out how to include all rows for a dimension if that input cell is empty (e.g. row 3 above). I tried:
Adding an IF statement or OR statement within the criteria (e.g. OR(data!A$2:A$100=A1,isblank(A1))).
Using a + in a SUMPRODUCT as an OR statement, (per this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/27536131/1450420)
One solution is to have different branches of the formula depending on which summary dimensions are present, but that would quickly get out of control if I extend this same behaviour to further dimensions like Size.
Any help appreciated!
(I'm running Excel Mac 2011).
Per #BrakNicku's comment one of the formulas I tried was =SUMPRODUCT(((data!A$2:A$100=A2)+ISBLANK(A2))*((data!B$2:B$100=B2)+ISBLANK(B2))*(data!E$2:E$100))
The reason this doesn't work is that sometimes my data has blank attributes (edited above). For some reason this formula double-counts rows where the attribute present matches (e.g. data!A6) but the other attribute is missing (e.g. data!B6).
I can see why this double-counting is happening, because the + is summing the match because data!A$2:A$100=A2 (they match because they are both blank) and the match because ISBLANK(A2) (it is indeed blank). The question would remain how to achieve this without double counting. If needed a workaround could be to fill all blank cells on my data with some placeholder value.
The reason for double-counting values is here:
If a cell in A column is blank, both parts of this sum are equal 1. To get rid of this problem you can change it to:
Try this (I only included the first two, I left the dates out):

Delete row if column contains value from to-remove-list with wildcard

How do I make a wildcard so that I can find something that's not an exact match? I've tried taking out the 1, and also adding &"*" after A1 (the lookup value).
In other words, if I had app in the blacklist, how do I make it match apple so that it returns "Delete"?
Given sheet 2:
You can flag the rows in sheet 1 where a value exists in sheet 2:
ColumnA ColumnB
------- --------------
pear =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A1,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
apple =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
cherry =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A3,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
orange =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A4,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
plum =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A5,Sheet2!A:A,1,FALSE)),"Keep","Delete")
The resulting data looks like this:
ColumnA ColumnB
------- --------------
pear Keep
apple Delete
cherry Keep
orange Delete
plum Keep
Use SEARCH Function but you will need to enter it as Array Formula.
Something like:
Enter using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
This will check app or apple and all that's listed on Sheet2.
SEARCH Function also accepts wildcards (eg. ?- for single character, * - for 0 or more)
Important: I didn't use the overkill search range Sheet2!A:A since it will eat up significant calculation time.
To expand on L42's answer:
If the number of entries in Sheet1!A and Sheet2!A are unknown, the following formula will work with a maximum number of entries in Sheet2!A limited to 256.
Change the value 256 in all three instances above to suit your needs.

Return value of last match

I need a formula to return the value of Data for the last match of "Text". Row number is also acceptable. Macro is NOT acceptable. Name column is unsorted and cannot be sorted!
Only column "Name" is used as lookup value. I would rather use a/multiple helper column(s) instead of an array formula.
Row Name Data
1 Joe 10
2 Tom 20
3 Eva 30
4 Adam 40
5 Tom 21
LARGE only works with numbers, and VLOOKUP only returns the first match. LOOKUP only works sometimes, so its out too.
So if I wanted the last match for "Tom" then it should return "21".
Array formulas could be avoided with a helper column.
Suppose to have in F1 the name to match (i.e. Tom)
In the helper column row C2 enter
Then copy the formulas along your data.
Now the column C contains 0 for the unmatched names and the row number for the matched ones. Maxing the column yield the row of the solution.
Now the result is simple a matter of using the correct offset with the function offset:
PS: my copy of excel is in italian, so I can't test this english translaction of the formulas.
I think it's the easiest way to make it.
Create a column with an array formula (enter it with Ctrl+Shift+Enter):
=VLOOKUP(MAX(IF($B$2:$B$6=B2, $A$2:A$6, 0)), $A$2:$C$6, 3, FALSE)
To make sure you did it right, click on the cell, and the formula should be shown encased in curly brackets ({}).
Note: This assumes that "Row" is in A1.
I have come up with a solution, but it requires that numbers in Data are concurrent, like so
Name Data
Joe 1
Tom 1
Eva 1
Adam 1
Tom 2
Tom 3
Eva 2
But thats okay, since that my data looks like that anyway. So if Name is used before then it must be the old highest +1 aka concurrent.
Name is A1 and Data is B1, and this formula goes into C2:
