Can install but can't run npm packages - node.js

I'm having trouble with my node.js/npm setup,
I freshly installed it via the website and it worked fine.
It told me to make sure /usr/local/bin/npm has to be in my path and when I run
echo $PATH it is in there, so it should be fine.
I can now install packages (tested with npm i webpack -save-dev) the installation works as expected, without any errors.
But when i run webpack all It is giving back is command not found has anyone experienced
something like this before?

I believe what you are looking for is a global package install.
Try using
npm i -g webpack
You can get help on install with
npm help i

Did you install node v8/npm v5?
In that case, it seems there's an open big-bug ticket on the npm repository.


node js npm package installation not completed

I try to install node js npm packages, but It start to install and unfortunately freezes. I also try to install angular packages and it doesn't any problem. please help to fix this issue.
node version is 12.13.1;
npm version is 6.12.1;
I tried to install packages this way
npm i html-to-xlsx
here is a result:
another installation result:
Try the following commands then re-run the command:
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
And make sure you are in a place with good internet connection. Sometimes this is the issue.
I found way to fix this issue. I add -g before package name
npm install -g html-to-xlsx
Everything looks good
After that I enter this path C:\Users{USERNAME}\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules and copy needful module into my working folder


I just upgraded to node version 9.0.0 and am now getting this error in the command line when trying to use npm install
npm ERR! Cannot find module 'internal/util/types'
I'm using:
OSX 10.10.5
Node version 9.0.0
NPM version 5.5.1
Extra information: I am also trying to do this with a Laravel 5.5 project. This is how I update my version of node: How do I update Node.js?
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm
and then re-install Node.js will work in most cases
Leaving this here for anyone using the n nodejs version manager:
$ n 6.12.0 # Go back to a stable release
$ npm install -g npm#latest # Update npm to latest
$ n lts # Get 8.9.1
$ npm install #Should work now.
The MODULE_NOT_FOUND error seems to happen when changing between node versions and some files are possibly still being cached. I am not sure exactly but the above sequence of commands work for me.
When I first got this, I solved just running "npm install" again to make sure everything was installed.
I got similar error also on Windows 8 after I have just upgraded node js. First: how I ran into the issue then the solution that worked for me.
How I ran to the issue:
When I did npm --version and node --version I discovered that I wass running npm v3.x and node 5.x. So I went to site from where I downloaded node-v8.11.3-x64.msi. After installing the msi package I confirmed that my nodejs version was now v8.11.3 via node --version command.
Then, when I ran "npm install http-server" (w/o the quotes) that's when I got the issue:
npm ERR!
node v8.11.3
npm ERR! npm v3.5.3
My resolution:
I did some research including on the internet and found out that the npm version pointed to in my path was the one in my roaming profile C:\Users[myname.hostname]\AppData\Roaming\npm. In other words, the npm being used is not the one in the updated package I have just installed which is located in C:\Program Files\nodejs.
The resolution was to delete npm and npm-cache in the roaming folder. Note, I used cygwin as I was not able to delete these folders via Windows cmd prompt. With cygwin, I navigated to
cd "C:\Users[myname.hostname]\AppData\Roaming"
Then I removed the aforementioned folders like so
rm -rf npm-cache
rm -rf npm
After that, I opened a new Windows cmd prompt and was able to now successfully install http-server like so:
npm install http-server
Hope this works for you.
For me it was package installation issue, so I just write,
npm i or npm install in the root of the application.
to open the terminal in the root of the application, if you're using VS-code right click on the package.json and click on Open in integrated terminal.
I founded this problem too, so I found that I have imported wrong module instead of express module I had imported router module after I had replaced this two my code work as well
If all the above solutions doesn’t work check for any blank spaces in your folder/file where you copied the path
Make sure you are inside the project folder.
Rename the folder "node_modules" to any other name (for example: node_modules_old).
Run command: "npm i" (the command will build new the folder node_modules).
Try running your program again.
If the problem is resolved and your program is running correct, delete the old folder node_modules.
If you are using libraries make sure to install everything with npm or yarn before starting. And in cases of you files if you are going to use them make sure to do the export.module thing everytime.
If you are working with Local modules then don't have node_modules. All things go well in a easy way.
But if you want to work with both local and node_modules then use
.mjs (extension) - For modules
.cjs (extension) - For common scripts which you want to run with node
in which you can use require statements like
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
but if using .js extension then use
import http from "http"
import fs from "fs"
And also your package.json for type
Haa well, I have spent two days on this and have done everything I can to fix this issue even tried resetting the system but none of them reloved the issue.
And accidentally found out what was causing this issue, it is because of & in my parent folder name. File hierarchy R&D>remix>blog, When I was trying to run the blog server it was throwing module not found, require stack error.
code: ←[32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'←[39m,
requireStack: []
Solution: I have changed the parent folder name to RnD and it fixed the issue. If the file name contains any special characters(even parent folders) try updating it. In my case, it is &
The MODULE_NOT_FOUND error happened to me and even running npm install the error persisted.
Try to do this
For me, what worked was deleting the node_modules folder
rm -r -f node_modules/
After that, run the command to install the package.json dependencies
npm install
What happened to me was that when I ran npm install for the first time I had a very low internet connection and therefore I believe that the packages from package.json were not downloaded correctly and due to that the MODULE_NOT_FOUND error occurred. The funny thing is that just running the npm install command has no effect because it understands that the package is already there but it isn't. Similar as a corrupted data. In my case the npm update was without effect too.
If when you are using React And getting this error message. You can use this ,
npm install #reduxjs/toolkit
yarn add #reduxjs/toolkit

NPM not working. Cannot find module 'strip ansi'

I just downloaded node but npm is not working. whenever I use a npm comman I get Error: cannot find module 'strip-ansi'.
For what it's worth, this ended up happening to me, using nvm on mac. npm cache clean didn't work. I ended up reinstalling via nvm:
$ curl -o- | bash
$ nvm install node
I was stuck on this problem too. Finally, I solved the issue by adding value '.js', '.ts' to resolve.extensions in my webpack.config.js. If you are using webpack too, this may help.
just reinstall strip using npm install strip --save this kind of error occurs because some file may be corrupt in strip library if this will not work you can try also npm install you will solve this error.
I hit this same issue. I tried to update npm after a fresh Node.js install, but cancelled in the middle because it appeared stuck. Reinstalling Node.js didn't help.
I resolved the issue by deleting the temporary npm files in my AppData folder (for me on Windows, I found it in c:\Users\Me\AppData\Roaming\npm). Then I was able to run npm normally again.
Hope that helps!
It solved for me by going to the NPM install folder at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm and running the yarn command. After running it successfully, NPM started working normally.
I had the same issue with my next js application. What i did was uninstall strip-ansi(npm uninstall strip-ansi) and then reinstall (npm install strip-ansi)
Clear your temporary paths of npm and this is solution.
if you're using linux:
go to $ cd /tmp/
search by npm-* folders
and remove all.
Solved by doing npm cache clean and then npm install

libsass bindings not found when running gulp dist

I'm trying to use a gulp project on my Linux machine. The readme for the project tells me to first run sudo npm install -g gulp bower, then in the project directory run sudo npm install and then bower install. Everything up to this point works just fine for me. However, after that I try to run gulp dist and get this error:
Error: `libsass` bindings not found in /[PROJECT DIRECTORY]/trunk/node_modules/gulp-sass/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux-x64-14/binding.node. Try reinstalling `node-sass`?
Googling that error produced this: libsass bindings not found when using node-sass in nodejs, which I tried, but that didn't fix anything. When I looked through that directory that gulp said it couldn't find the difference was the linux-x64-14, mine said linux-x64-11, so I'm assuming I have the wrong version? Just for fun I decided to try changing the name of that folder to what it wanted, and I got a different error:
Error: Module did not self-register.
The really strange thing about all this is that when I tried getting this project working on my Windows machine I didn't have any of these issues, it just worked. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, any ideas?
I've solved this by updating GCC from 4.4.x to 4.7.x.
Because GCC 4.4.x cannot compile node-sass of current version.
It worked for me using below commands. Try it
npm rebuild node-sass
rm -rf node_modules
npm i
This error usually shows up for us when we update our node or io.js version.
I would recommend deleting your node_modules folder and running npm install again.
If that doesn't work it is probably worth deleting your npm cache. There are a number of ways to do it including just a simple npm cache clean
I would also recommend deleting your ~/.npm folder as well just to be sure.
If this doesn't work let me know and we can start debugging your actual Node version and your package.json

NPM appears to do nothing on Linux Mint 15

searched, and did not see this specific problem.
Trying to get a MEAN stack built on my Linux Mint machine, and bumping into a bit of an unusual issue.
Got MongoDB installed, and finally got it running correctly (none of the instructions ANYWHERE mentioned having to create the /data/db/ directory and set permissions, go figure).... it works now.
Got NodeJS installed, and it appears to work correctly.
I had been told (apparently incorrectly) that NPM installs right alongside Node, with:
sudo apt-get install nodejs
$ npm
bash: /usr/bin/npm: No such file or directory
So I go ahead and install NPM separately.
$ sudo apt-get install npm
Seems to work, so far, no errors, and it looks like it is pulling down the NPM package and installing it...
$ nodejs -v
$ npm -v
?? It simply fails to respond without any error... so I try:
$ npm install grunt -g --save-dev
Same completely silent failure... in fact, NOTHING I could do gets a response out of NPM.
Looked all over the web, and saw nothing similar anywhere... found out that NPM holds its cache files in ~/.npm and noticed that this folder didn't exist (kinda like the mongo issue above), so I created it, and set permissions to 7777... still nothing.
Purged and re-installed both node and npm, tried installing them both together and separately (yes, desperation)... still no love.
WTF am I doing wrong?
I would love, eventually, to have a nice development environment setup, hopefully with Cloud9 as a local IDE.... but already pulling my hair out.
OK, after a few more headaches, this is up and built now... thank you all.
Would love to mark both as answers, but it won't let me.
npm does come with node. Where is apt-get pulling it from? I install the Mac OS X packages on my Mac for development and npm does in fact come with it. I compile from source on my CentOS server and npm comes with it.
Your package provider may be providing them separately as a (in)convenience to you.
As for why your npm command does not work after installation, I can't say for sure, but I am suspicious of your use of --save-dev and -g together.
-g means to install globally, which means 2 things:
It will be installed outside of your npm package's structure into a system location like /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
It requires root access to install. Did you use sudo to run it with root access?
Both of those requirements conflict with --save-dev which records the package as a dependency in your package.json file so that future npm install commands will install that package within the project space.
That said, I happen to know a lot about grunt. It has 2 parts, a globally installed tool and the package-specific tool. The correct way to install it is:
$ [sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install grunt --save-dev
This will install the grunt-cli package into a system location guaranteed to be in the $PATH, which turns around and looks for a package-specific grunt installed which is not system-wide.
When installing nodejs with npm, this one-liner worked for me.
sudo apt-get install nodejs nodejs-dev npm
I don't believe npm comes with the nodejs installation in the apt repo. Try to install npm separately using the following tutorial 'To install NPM ....'
====== Edit ====
node and npm IS separate. Follow the official wiki and everything should be fine
