Using same jar with Spark-submit - apache-spark

I deploy a job on yarn cluster mode by spark-submit with my jar file. The job deployed every time I submitted with 'same jar file', but It upload to hadoop everytime it's submitted. I think it's unnecessary routine to upload same jar every time. Is there any way to upload once and do yarn jobs with the jar?

You can put your spark jar in hdfs and then use --master yarn-cluster mode, this way you could save the time required to upload the jar to hdfs everytime.
Other alternatives is put your jar in spark classpath on every node which has the following drawbacks:
If you have more than 30 nodes it would be very tedious to scp your jar in each node.
If you hadoop cluster upgrades and there is a new installation of spark, you would have to reploy.


Local file upload failed in spark application

In my code, I am trying to load a file which is in my local machine into spark application,
When I submit the job on the command line
Scenario 1: spark submit --class … master local
Job ran successfully with out any issues.
Scenario 2 : spark submit --class …. —master yarn —deploy-mode cluster
Job failed by throwing file:///home/testpath/file1 file not found Exception.
But when I tested file1.... File exists on my local.
Scenario 3 : spark submit —class … —master yarn —deploy-mode client
Job failed by throwing file:///home/testpath/file1 file not found Exception.
But when I tested file1,, File exists on my local.
Scenario 4: spark-shell —master=yarn
Val file1 = sc.textFile("file:///home/testpath/file1“).
Job failed by throwing file:///home/testpath/file1 file not found Exception.
In core-site.xml, property set to hdfs://mynamenode:9000
Could you please help how can I load local file in my spark application( Using spark 2.X version)
Any Ideas? Thanks in advance.
When spark execution mode is local, spark executor jobs are scheduled on the same local node and hence, it is able to find the file. But, when in yarn mode, executor jobs are scheduled randomly on any of the cluster nodes. So, you may either move your file to HDFS or maintain a copy of this file on each node

Submitting application on Spark Cluster using spark submit

I am new to Spark.
I want to run a Spark Structured Streaming application on cluster.
Master and workers has same configuration.
I have few queries for submitting app on cluster using spark-submit:
You may find them comical or strange.
How can I give path for 3rd party jars like lib/*? ( Application has 30+ jars)
Will Spark automatically distribute application and required jars to workers?
Does it require to host application on all the workers?
How can i know status of my application as I am working on console.
I am using following script for Spark-submit.
--class <class-name>
--master spark://master:7077
--deploy-mode cluster
--conf spark.driver.extraClassPath <jar1, jar2..jarn>
--executor-memory 4G
--total-executor-cores 8
But code is not running as per expectation.
Am i missing something?
To pass multiple jar file to Spark-submit you can set the following attributes in file SPARK_HOME_PATH/conf/spark-defaults.conf (create if not exists):
Don't forget to use * at the end of the paths
spark.driver.extraClassPath /fullpath/to/jar/folder/*
spark.executor.extraClassPath /fullpathto/jar/folder/*
Spark will set the attributes in the file spark-defaults.conf when you use the spark-submit command.
Copy your jar file on that directory and when you submit your Spark App on the cluster, the jar files in the specified paths will be loaded, too.
spark.driver.extraClassPath: Extra classpath entries to prepend
to the classpath of the driver. Note: In client mode, this config
must not be set through the SparkConf directly in your application,
because the driver JVM has already started at that point. Instead,
please set this through the --driver-class-path command line option or
in your default properties file.
--jars will transfer your jar files to worker nodes, and become available in both driver and executors' classpaths.
Please refer below link to see more details.
You can make a fat jar containing all dependencies. Below link helps you understand that.

Running Spark Job on Zeppelin

I have written a custom spark library in scala. I am able to run this successfully as a spark-submit step by spawning the cluster and running the following commands. Here I first get my 2 jars by -
aws s3 cp s3://jars/RedshiftJDBC42- .
aws s3 cp s3://jars/CustomJar .
and then i run my spark job as
spark-submit --deploy-mode client --jars RedshiftJDBC42- --packages com.databricks:spark-redshift_2.11:3.0.0-preview1,com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.2.0 --class com.activities.CustomObject CustomJar.jar
This runs my CustomObject successfully. I want to run the similar thing in Zeppelin, But I do not know how to add jars and then run a spark-submit step?
You can add these dependencies to the Spark interpreter within Zeppelin:
Go to "Interpreter"
Choose edit and add the jar file
Restart the interpreter
More info here
You might also want to use the %dep paragraph in order to access the zvariable (which is an implicit Zeppeling context) in order to do something like this:
It depend how you run Spark. Most of the time, the Zeppelin interpreter will embed the Spark driver.
The solution is to configure the Zeppelin interpreter instead:
ZEPPELIN_INTP_JAVA_OPTS will configure java options
SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS will configure spark options

add file to spark driver classpath file on dataproc

I need to add a config file to driver spark classpath on google dataproc.
I have try to use --files option of gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark but this not work.
Is there a way to do it on google dataproc?
In Dataproc, anything listed as a --jar will be added to the classpath and anything listed as a --file will be made available in each spark executor's working directory. Even though the flag is --jars, it should be safe to put non-jar entries in this list if you require the file to be on the classpath.
I know, I am answering too late. Posting for new visitors.
One can execute this using cloud shell. Have tested this.
gcloud dataproc jobs submit spark --properties spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled=false --cluster=<cluster_name> --class com.test.PropertiesFileAccess --region=<CLUSTER_REGION> --files gs://<BUCKET>/ --jars gs://<BUCKET>/snowflake-common-3.1.34.jar

Apache Spark Multi Node Clustering

I am currently working on logger analyse by using apache spark. I am new for Apache Spark. I have tried to use apache spark standalone mode. I can run my code by submitting jar with deploy-mode on the client. But I can not run with multi node cluster. I have used worker nodes are different machine.
sh spark-submit --class Spark.LogAnalyzer.App --deploy-mode cluster --master spark://rishon.server21:7077 /home/rishon/loganalyzer.jar "/home/rishon/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/LogAnalysisBackup/"
when i Run this command, it shows following error
15/10/20 18:04:23 ERROR ClientEndpoint: Exception from cluster was: /home/rishon/loganalyzer.jar (No such file or directory) /home/rishon/loganalyzer.jar (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.org$apache$spark$util$Utils$$copyRecursive(Utils.scala:514)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.copyFile(Utils.scala:485)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.doFetchFile(Utils.scala:562)
at org.apache.spark.util.Utils$.fetchFile(Utils.scala:369)
at org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.DriverRunner$$anon$
As my understanding, The driver program sends the data and application code to worker node. I don't know my understanding is correct or not. So Please help me to run application on a cluster.
I have tried to run jar on cluster and Now there is no exception but why the task is not assigned to worker node?
I have tried without clustering. Its working fine. shown in following figure
Above image shows, Task assigned to worker nodes. But I have one more problem to analyse the log file. Actually, I have log files in master node which is in a folder (ex: '/home/visva/log'). But the worker node searching the file on their own file system.
I met same problem.
My solution was that I uploaded my .jar file on the HDFS.
Enter the command line like this:
spark-submit --class com.example.RunRecommender --master spark://Hadoop-NameNode:7077 --deploy-mode cluster --executor-memory 6g --executor-cores 3 hdfs://Hadoop-NameNode:9000/spark-practise-assembly-1.0.jar
application-jar: Path to a bundled jar including your application and all dependencies. The URL must be globally visible inside of your cluster, for instance, an hdfs:// path or a file:// path that is present on all nodes.
If you use the cluster model in spark-submit , you need use the 6066 port(the default port of rest in spark) :
spark-submit --class Spark.LogAnalyzer.App --deploy-mode cluster --master spark://rishon.server21:6066 /home/rishon/loganalyzer.jar "/home/rishon/apache-tomcat-7.0.63/LogAnalysisBackup/"
In my case, i upload the jar of app to every node in cluster because i do not know how does the spark-submit to transfer the app automatically and i don't know how to specify a node as driver node .
Note: The jar path of app is a path that in the any node of cluster.
There are two deploy modes in Spark to run the script.
1.client (default): In client mode, the driver is launched directly within the spark-submit process which acts as a client to the cluster.(Master node)
2.cluster : If your application is submitted from a machine far from the worker machines, it is common to use cluster mode to minimize network latency between the drivers and the executors.
Reference Spark Documentation For Submitting JAR
