How safe is this behavior of GTK-rs Builder::get_object? - rust

In The Rust Programming Language, it says something like:
Move semantics
There’s some more subtlety here, though: Rust ensures that there is
exactly one binding to any given resource. For example, if we have a
vector, we can assign it to another binding:
But I found that I can do this using gtk-rs:
let label1: gtk::Label = builder.get_object("label1").unwrap();
let label1_test: gtk::Label = builder.get_object("label1").unwrap();
Both now point to the same resource "or something happens to me."
Builder::get_object is defined as:
pub fn get_object<T: IsA<Object>>(&self, name: &str) -> Option<T> {
unsafe {
ffi::gtk_builder_get_object(self.to_glib_none().0, name.to_glib_none().0))
.and_then(|obj| obj.downcast().ok())
Although this is not really something from Rust directly, just from gtk-rs, I was wondering if I am right and how sure is this.
Maybe it could use Rc?

GTK/GLib objects (GObject) implement reference counting directly, similar to the Arc type in Rust. You can safely have multiple references to the same object, and once the last one goes out of scope the object will be destroyed.
For mutability, in Rust, gtk-rs uses interior mutability (conceptually). So you can mutate every reference to the same object, even if there are multiple of them. The implementation of the objects has to handle that (and has to anyway because that's how things work in GTK/GLib in C).


Tell the Rust compiler that the lifetime of a parameter is always identical to a struct's lifetime

Sorry if this is obvious, I'm starting out with Rust.
I'm trying to implement a simple Composition relationship (one object is the single owner of another one, and the inner object is destroyed automatically when the outer object dies).
I originally thought it would be as simple as declaring a struct like this:
struct Outer {
inner: Inner
To my knowledge, that does exactly what I want: the inner attribute is owned by the outer struct, and will be destroyed whenever the outer object disappears.
However, in my case, the Inner type is from a library, and has a lifetime parameter.
// This is illegal
struct Outer {
inner: Inner<'a>
// I understand why, I'm using an undeclared lifetime parameter
I have read a bit on lifetime parameters (but I'm not yet completely used to them), and I'm unsure whether there is some syntax to tell the Rust compiler that “the lifetime this field expects is its owner's“, or whether it's just not possible (in which case, what would be the proper way to architecture this code?).
Edit: more detailed situation
I'm writing a project with Vulkano. I want to bundle multiple structures into a single structure so I can pass all at once to functions throughout the project.
Here, I have:
The Engine struct, which should hold everything
The Instance struct, which represents the Vulkan API
The PhysicalDevice struct, which represents a specific GPU, and can only be used as long as its matching Instance exists
The struct I'm struggling with is PhysicalDevice:
pub struct PhysicalDevice<'a> {
instance: &'a Arc<Instance>,
device: usize,
I want to create a struct that looks like:
pub struct Engine {
instance: Arc<Instance>,
device: PhysicalDevice,
Because the Engine struct owns PhysicalDevice as well as Arc<Instance>, and the instance referenced by PhysicalDevice is the same as the one referenced by the Engine, the PhysicalDevice's lifetime requirement should always be valid (since the contained instance cannot be freed before the Engine is freed).
I don't have very good reason of using this architecture, apart from the fact that this is the standard way of bundling related data in other languages. If this not proper "good practices" in Rust, I'm curious as to what the recommended approach would be.
“the lifetime this field expects is its owner's“,
This is impossible.
Generally, you should understand any type with a lifetime parameter (whether it is a reference &'a T or a struct Foo<'a> or anything else) as pointing to something elsewhere and which lives independently.
In your case, whatever Inner borrows (whatever its lifetime is about) cannot be a part of Outer. This is because if it was, Outer would be borrowing parts of itself, which makes Outer impossible to use normally. (Doing so requires pinning, preventing the struct from moving and thereby invalidating the references, which is not currently possible to set up without resorting to unsafe code.)
So, there are three cases you might have:
Your full situation is
struct Outer {
some_data: SomeOtherType,
inner: Inner<'I_want_to_borrow_the_some_data_field>,
This is not possible in basic Rust; you need to either
put some_data somewhere other than Outer,
use the ouroboros library which provides mechanisms to build sound self-referential structs (at the price of heap allocations and a complex interface),
or design your data structures differently in some other way.
The data Inner borrows is already independent. In that case, the correct solution is to propagate the lifetime parameter.
struct Outer<'a> {
inner: Inner<'a>,
There is not actually any borrowed data; Inner provides for the possibility but isn't actually using it in this case (or the borrowed data is a compile-time constant). In this case, you can use the 'static lifetime.
struct Outer {
inner: Inner<'static>,
You can use a bound on Self:
struct Outer<'a> where Self: 'a {
inner: Inner<'a>

How does Arc access the underlying object without an extra field? [duplicate]

I often use the newtype pattern, but I am tired of writing my_type.0.call_to_whatever(...). I am tempted to implement the Deref trait because it permits writing simpler code since I can use my newtype as if it were the underlying type in some situations, e.g.:
use std::ops::Deref;
type Underlying = [i32; 256];
struct MyArray(Underlying);
impl Deref for MyArray {
type Target = Underlying;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn main() {
let my_array = MyArray([0; 256]);
println!("{}", my_array[0]); // I can use my_array just like a regular array
Is this a good or bad practice? Why? What can be the downsides?
the rules regarding Deref and DerefMut were designed specifically to accommodate smart pointers. Because of this, Deref should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion.
— std::ops::Deref
I think it's a bad practice.
since I can use my newtype as if it were the underlying type in some situations
That's the problem — it can be implicitly used as the underlying type whenever a reference is. If you implement DerefMut, then it also applies when a mutable reference is needed.
You don't have any control over what is and what is not available from the underlying type; everything is. In your example, do you want to allow people to call as_ptr? What about sort? I sure hope you do, because they can!
About all you can do is attempt to overwrite methods, but they still have to exist:
impl MyArray {
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const i32 {
panic!("No, you don't!")
Even then, they can still be called explicitly (<[i32]>::as_ptr(&*my_array);).
I consider it bad practice for the same reason I believe that using inheritance for code reuse is bad practice. In your example, you are essentially inheriting from an array. I'd never write something like the following Ruby:
class MyArray < Array
# ...
This comes back to the is-a and has-a concepts from object-oriented modeling. Is MyArray an array? Should it be able to be used anywhere an array can? Does it have preconditions that the object should uphold that a consumer shouldn't be able to break?
but I am tired of writing my_type.0.call_to_whatever(...)
Like in other languages, I believe the correct solution is composition over inheritance. If you need to forward a call, create a method on the newtype:
impl MyArray {
fn call_to_whatever(&self) { self.0.call_to_whatever() }
The main thing that makes this painful in Rust is the lack of delegation. A hypothetical delegation syntax could be something like
impl MyArray {
delegate call_to_whatever -> self.0;
While waiting for first-class delegation, we can use crates like delegate or ambassador to help fill in some of the gaps.
So when should you use Deref / DerefMut? I'd advocate that the only time it makes sense is when you are implementing a smart pointer.
Speaking practically, I do use Deref / DerefMut for newtypes that are not exposed publicly on projects where I am the sole or majority contributor. This is because I trust myself and have good knowledge of what I mean. If delegation syntax existed, I wouldn't.
Contrary to the accepted answer, I found out that some popular crates implement Deref for types which are newtypes and aren't smart pointers:
actix_web::web::Json<T> is a tuple struct of (T,) and it implements Deref<Target=T>.
bstr::BString has one field typed Vec<u8> and it implements Deref<Target=Vec<u8>>.
So, maybe it's fine as long as it's not abused, e.g. to simulate multi-level inheritance hierarchies. I also noticed that the two examples above have either zero public methods or only one into_inner method which returns the inner value. It seems then a good idea to keep the number of methods of a wrapper type minimal.

Is my understanding of a Rust vector that supports Rc or Box wrapped types correct?

I'm not looking for code samples. I want to state my understanding of Box vs. Rc and have you tell me if my understanding is right or wrong.
Let's say I have some trait ChattyAnimal and a struct Cat that implements this trait, e.g.
pub trait ChattyAnimal {
fn make_sound(&self);
pub struct Cat {
pub name: String,
pub sound: String
impl ChattyAnimal for Cat {
fn make_sound(&self) {
Now let's say I have other structs (Dog, Cow, Chicken, ...) that also implement the ChattyAnimal trait, and let's say I want to store all of these in the same vector.
So step 1 is I would have to use a Box type, because the Rust compiler cannot determine the size of everything that might implement this trait. And therefore, we must store these items on the heap – viola using a Box type, which is like a smarter pointer in C++. Anything wrapped with Box is automatically deleted by Rust when it goes out of scope.
// I can alias and use my Box type that wraps the trait like this:
pub type BoxyChattyAnimal = Box<dyn ChattyAnimal>;
// and then I can use my type alias, i.e.
pub struct Container {
animals: Vec<BoxyChattyAnimal>
Meanwhile, with Box, Rust's borrow checker requires changing when I pass or reassign the instance. But if I actually want to have multiple references to the same underlying instance, I have to use Rc. And so to have a vector of ChattyAnimal instances where each instance can have multiple references, I would need to do:
pub type RcChattyAnimal = Rc<dyn ChattyAnimal>;
pub struct Container {
animals: Vec<RcChattyAnimal>
One important take away from this is that if I want to have a vector of some trait type, I need to explicitly set that vector's type to a Box or Rc that wraps my trait. And so the Rust language designers force us to think about this in advance so that a Box or Rc cannot (at least not easily or accidentally) end up in the same vector.
This feels like a very and well thought design – helping prevent me from introducing bugs in my code. Is my understanding as stated above correct?
Yes, all this is correct.
There's a second reason for this design: it allows the compiler to verify that the operations you're performing on the vector elements are using memory in a safe way, relative to how they're stored.
For example, if you had a method on ChattyAnimal that mutates the animal (i.e. takes a &mut self argument), you could call that method on elements of a Vec<Box<dyn ChattyAnimal>> as long as you had a mutable reference to the vector; the Rust compiler would know that there could only be one reference to the ChattyAnimal in question (because the only reference is inside the Box, which is inside the Vec, and you have a mutable reference to the Vec so there can't be any other references to it). If you tried to write the same code with a Vec<Rc<dyn ChattyAnimal>>, the compiler would complain; it wouldn't be able to completely eliminate the possibility that your code might be mutating the animal at the same time as the code that called it was in the middle of trying to read the animal, which might lead to some inconsistencies in the calling code.
As a consequence, the compiler needs to know that all the elements of the Vec have their memory treated in the same way, so that it can check to make sure that a reference to some arbitrary element of the Vec is being used appropriately.
(There's a third reason, too, which is performance; because the compiler knows that this is a "vector of Boxes" or "vector of Rcs", it can generate code that assumes a particular storage mechanism. For example, if you have a vector of Rcs, and clone one of the elements, the machine code that the compiler generates will work simply by going to the memory address listed in the vector and adding 1 to the reference count stored there – there's no need for any extra levels of indirection. If the vector were allowed to mix different allocation schemes, the generated code would have to be a lot more complex, because it wouldn't be able to assume things like "there is a reference count", and would instead need to (at runtime) find the appropriate piece of code for dealing with the memory allocation scheme in use, and then run it; that would be much slower.)

Using same reference for multiple method parameters

I'll preface by saying I'm very new to Rust, and I'm still wrapping my head around the semantics of the borrow-checker. I have some understanding of why it doesn't like my code, but I'm not sure how to resolve it in an idiomatic way.
I have a method in Rust which accepts 3 parameters with a signature that looks something like this:
fn do_something(&mut self, mem: &mut impl TraitA, bus: &mut impl TraitB, int_lines: &impl TraitC) -> ()
I also have a struct which implements all three of these traits; however, the borrow-checker is complaining when I attempt to use the same reference for multiple parameters:
cannot borrow `*self` as mutable more than once at a time
And also:
cannot borrow `*self` as immutable because it is also borrowed as mutable
My first question is whether this is a shortcoming of the borrow-checker (being unable to recognize that the same reference is being passed), or by design (I suspect this is the case, since from the perspective of the called method each reference is distinct and thus the ownership of each can be regarded separately).
My second question is what the idiomatic approach would be. The two solutions I see are:
a) Combining all three traits into one. While this is technically trivial given my library's design, it would make the code decidedly less clean since the three traits are used to interface with unrelated parts of the struct's state. Furthermore, since this is a library (the do_something method is part of a test), it hinders the possibility of separating the state out into separate structs.
b) Moving each respective part of the struct's state into separate structs, which are then owned by the main struct. This seems like the better option to me, especially since it does not require any changes to the library code itself.
Please let me know if I'm missing another solution, or if there's a way to convince the borrow-checker to accept my original design.
The borrow checker is operating as designed. It only knows you are passing three different mutable references into the same function: it does not know what the function will do with these, even if they do happen to be references to the same struct. Within the function they are three different mutable references to the same struct.
If the three different traits represent three different functional aspects, then your best approach might be to split the struct into different structs, each implementing one of the traits, as you have proposed.
If you would prefer to keep a single struct, and if the function will always be called with a single struct, then you can just pass it in once like this:
fn do_something(&mut self, proc: &mut (impl TraitA + TraitB + TraitC)) -> () { ... }

What is the standard way to call a mutable method in a Rc-wrapped object?

In the following code, I am trying to change the value of a refcounted object by calling one of its methods:
use std::rc::Rc;
fn main() {
let mut x = Rc::new(Thing { num: 50 });
x.what_to_do_to_get_mut_thing().change_num(19); //what do i do here
pub struct Thing {
pub num: u32,
impl Thing {
pub fn change_num(&mut self, newnum: u32) {
self.num = newnum;
I am using the get_mut function to achieve this, but I don't know if this is a standard way to accomplish this.
if let Some(val) = Rc::get_mut(&mut x) {
The documentation for Rc says:
See the module-level documentation for more details.
Which has this text:
This is difficult because Rc enforces memory safety by only giving out shared references to the value it wraps, and these don't allow direct mutation. We need to wrap the part of the value we wish to mutate in a RefCell, which provides interior mutability: a method to achieve mutability through a shared reference. RefCell enforces Rust's borrowing rules at runtime.
It then demonstrates how to use it.
If you didn't read the API documentation, you might have instead chosen to read the entire chapter about Rc in The Rust Programming Language. It has this to say:
Via immutable references, Rc<T> allows you to share data between multiple parts of your program for reading only. If Rc<T> allowed you to have multiple mutable references too, you might violate one of the borrowing rules discussed in Chapter 4: multiple mutable borrows to the same place can cause data races and inconsistencies. But being able to mutate data is very useful! In the next section, we’ll discuss the interior mutability pattern and the RefCell<T> type that you can use in conjunction with an Rc<T> to work with this immutability restriction.
Applying this new knowledge to your code:
use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
fn main() {
let x = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Thing { num: 50 }));
See also:
How do I share a mutable object between threads using Arc?
Situations where Cell or RefCell is the best choice
What is the difference between Rc<RefCell<T>> and RefCell<Rc<T>>?
When I can use either Cell or RefCell, which should I choose?
Need holistic explanation about Rust's cell and reference counted types
I am using the get_mut function
It's very unlikely that you want to use this.
See also:
Explain the behavior of *Rc::make_mut and why it differs compared to Mutex
This isn't necessarily the OP's question, but a huge pitfall that can lead to issues with Rc<RefCell<X>> can be tracked down to the BorrowMut trait.
If you have run into the issue where calling .borrow_mut() on an Rc<RefCell<X>> returns another Rc<RefCell<X>>, make sure that the BorrowMut trait is not being used at the top of your script.
Rust-Analyzer automatically adds it in, and it completely changes the behavior of that function. I learned about this after many hours of debugging when I stumbled upon this issue.
