How to connect nodeJS docker container to mongoDB - node.js

I have problems to connect a nodeJS application which is running as a docker container to a mongoDB. Let me explain what I have done so far:
$ docker ps
3a3732cc1d90 mongo:3.4 "docker-entrypoint..." 3 weeks ago Up 3 weeks 27017/tcp mongo_live
As you can see, there is already a mongo docker container running.
Now I'm running my nodeJS application docker container (which is a build from meteorJS):
$ docker run -it 0b422defbd59 /bin/bash
In this docker container I want to run the application by running:
$ node main.js
Now I'm getting the error
Error: MONGO_URL must be set in environment
I already tried to set MONGO_URL by setting:
ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://mongo_live:27017/
But this doesn't work:
MongoError: failed to connect to server [mongo_live:27017] on first connect
So my question is how to connect to a DB, which is - as far as I understand - 'outside' of the running container. Alternativly how do I set up a new DB to this container?

There are couple of ways to do it.
run your app in the same network as your mongodb:
docker run --net container:mongo_live your_app_docker_image
# then you can use mongodb in your localhost
$ ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://localhost:27017/
Also you can link two containers:
docker run --link mongo_live:mongo_live you_app_image ..
# Now mongodb is accessible via mongo_live
use mongodb container ip address:
docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' mongo_live
# you will get you container ip here
$ docker run -it 0b422defbd59 /bin/bash
# ENV MONGO_URL mongodb://[ip from previous command]:27017/
You can bind your mongodb port to your host and use host's hostname in your app
You can use docker network and run both apps in the same network
You could pass --add-host mongo_live:<ip of mongo container> to docker run for your application and then use mongo_live for mongodb url
You can also use docker compose to make your life easier ;)

When you run containers each container works in independent network. Because one container cant connect to other point to point.
The are 3 ways to connect containers
Have a little fuss with low-level docker network magic
Connect container through localhost. Each container must expose ports on localhost (as your mongo_live). But you need add to host ile on localhost mongo_live (This is the simplest way)
Use docker-compose. It convenient tool for working many containers together. (This is right way)
Add mongodb to application container is not docker way.

Please use below snippet for your docker-compose.yml file, replace comments with your actuals. Should solve your problem.
version: '2'
build: <image for mongoDB>
- "27017:27017" # whatever port u r using
#you can specify mondo db username and stuff here
- #load default config for mondodb from here
- "db-data-store:/data/db" # path depends on which image you use
- network
build: #image for node js
- # mention port for nodejs
- #mount project code on container
- network
- db
driver: bridge
Please use the below links for references :
1) NodeJs Docker
2) MongoDb docker
3) docker-compose tutorial
Best of Luck

I had problem how to connect my server.js to mongodb. And that's how i solved it hope you find it useful.
Tap For My Screenshot


Docker Multi-container connection with docker compose

I am trying to create a composition where two or more docker service can connect to each other in some way.
Here is my composition.
# docker-compose.yaml
version: "3.9"
image: "strapi-postgres:test"
restart: "always"
- "5435:5432"
image: "strapi-project:test"
command: sh -c "yarn start"
restart: always
- "1337:1337"
env_file: ".env.project"
- "database"
- "database"
This is using a Image that is made with of Official Postgres Image.
Here is Dockerfile
FROM postgres:alpine
ENV POSTGRES_DB="strapi-postgres"
and using the default exposed port 5432 and forwarding to 5435 as defined in the Composition.
So the database service starts at some IPAddress that can be found using docker inspect.
This is a Image running a node application(strapi project configured to use postgres database).
Here is Dockerfile
FROM node:lts-alpine
WORKDIR /project
ADD package*.json .
ADD yarn.lock .
RUN npm install
COPY . .
RUN npm run build
and I am builing the Image using docker build. That gives me an Image with No Foreground Process.
When I was running the composition, the strapi-project container Exits with Error Code(0).
Solution: So I added command yarn start to run the Foreground Process.
As the project Starts it could not connect to database since it is trying to connect to (5432 since it should try to connect to the container port of database service and not 5435). This is not possible since this tries to connect to port 5432 inside the container strapi-project, which is not open for any process.
Solution: So I used the IPAddress that is found from the docker inspect and used that in a .env.project and passed this file to the project service of the Composition.
For Every docker compose up there is a incremental pattern(n'th time, n+1'th time, and so on) for the IPAddress of the Composition. So Everytime I run composition I need to edit the .env.project.
All of these are some hacky way to patch them together. I want some way to Create the Postgres database service to start first and then project to configure, connect, and to the database, start automatically.
Suggest me any edits, or other ways to configure them.
You've forgotten to put the CMD in your Dockerfile, which is why you get the "exited (0)" status when you try to run the container.
FROM node:lts-alpine
CMD yarn start
Compose automatically creates a Docker network and each service is accessible using its Compose container name as a host name. You never need to know the container-internal IP addresses and you pretty much never need to run docker inspect. (Other answers might suggest manually creating networks: or overriding container_name: and these are also unnecessary.)
You don't show where you set the database host name for your application, but an environment: variable is a common choice. If your database library doesn't already honor the standard PostgreSQL environment variables then you can reference them in code like process.env.PGHOST. Note that the host name will be different running inside a container vs. in your normal plain-Node development environment.
A complete Compose file might look like
version: "3.8"
image: "strapi-postgres:test"
restart: "always"
- "5435:5432"
image: "strapi-project:test"
restart: always
- "1337:1337"
- PGHOST=database
env_file: ".env.project"
- "database"

communicating between docker instances of neo4j and express on local machine

ISSUE: I have a docker image running for neo4j and one for express.js. I cant get the docker images to communicate between eachother.
I can run neo4j desktop, start a nodemon server and they will communicate.
NEO4J official docker image
PORTS localhost:7474 localhost:7687
Version neo4j-community-4.3.3-unix.tar.gz
PORTS :::3000
Version 14.17.5
Express conf
DEV_DB_URI="neo4j://localhost" //for image purpose for local its bolt://localhost:7687
let driver = neo4j.driver(
neo4j.auth.basic(envConf.dbUserName, envConf.dbUserName)
"#babel/node": "^7.13.10",
"neo4j-driver": "^4.2.3",
I can remote into the neo4j image through http://localhost:7474/browser/ so its running.
I cannot use the server image to call a local neo4j instance.
when i call the apis in the server image i get these errors
If i use neo4j protocal:
Neo4jError: Could not perform discovery. No routing servers available. Known routing table: RoutingTable[database=default database, expirationTime=0, currentTime=1629484043610, routers=[], readers=[], writers=[]]
If i use bolt protocal:
Neo4jError: Failed to connect to server. Please ensure that your database is listening on the correct host and port and that you have compatible encryption settings both on Neo4j server and driver. Note that the default encryption setting has changed in Neo4j 4.0. Caused by: connect ECONNREFUSED
Ive been scouring the documentation for a while any ideas would be most welcome!
I was able to achieve the communication by using docker-compose. The problem is that both containers acted as separate networks and i could not find a way to allow the server to communicate with the database. Running docker-compose and building both containers within a single compose network allows communication using the service names.
take note this is tab sensitive!!
version: '3.7'
# The different services that make up our "network" of containers
# Express is our first service
container_name: exp_server
- lan
# The location of dockerfile to build this service
build: <location of dockerfile>
# Command to run once the Dockerfile completes building
command: npm run startdev
# Volumes, mounting our files to parts of the container
- .:/src
# Ports to map, mapping our port 3000, to the port 3000 on the container
- 3000:3000
# designating a file with environment variables
- ./
## Defining the Neo4j Database Service
container_name: neo4j_server
- lan
# The image to use
image: neo4j:latest
# map the ports so we can check the db server is up
- "7687:7687"
- "7474:7474"
# mounting a named volume to the container to track db data
- $HOME/neo4j/conf:/conf
- $HOME/neo4j/data:/data
- $HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs
- $HOME/neo4j/plugins:/plugins
- .env.neo4j
with this you can use docker to run both the server and database and anything else while still using change detection rebuilding to develop and even build multiple environment images at the same time. NEAT

Docker Express Node.js app container not connecting with MongoDB container giving error TransientTransactionError

I am under a weird dilemma. I have created a node application and this application needs to connect to MongoDB (through docker container) I created a docker-compose file as follows:
version: "3"
image: mongo
- 27017
- ./data/db:/data/db
image: "<MY_IMAGE_PATH>:latest"
replicas: 1
condition: on-failure
working_dir: /opt/app
- "2000:2000"
- ./mod:/usr/app
- webnet
command: "node app.js"
I am using mongo official image. I have ommited my docker image from the above configuration .I have set up with many configuration but i am unable to connect to mongoDB (yes i have changed the MongoDB uri inside the node.js application too). but whenever i am deploying my docker-compose my application on start up gives me always MongoNetworkError of TransientTransactionError. I am unable to understand where is the problem since many hours.
One more weird thing is when i running my docker-compose file i receive following logs:
Creating network server_default
Creating network server_webnet
Creating service server_mongo
Creating service server_feed-grabber
Could it be that both services are in a different network? If yes then how to fix that?
Other Info:
In node.js application MongoDB uri that i tried is
I am running my docker-compose with the command: docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml server
My node.js image is Ubuntu 18
Anyone can help me with this?
Ok So i have tried few things and i figured out at last after spending many many hours. There were two things i was doing wrong and they were hitting me on last point:
First thing logging of the startup of docker showed me that it was creating two networks server_default and server_webnet this is the first mistake. Both containers should be in the same network while working.
The second thing I needed to run the Mongo container first as my Node.js application depend_on the Mongo container to be run first. This is exactly what I did in my docker-compose configuration by introducing depend_on property.
For me it was:
1- get your ip by running command
docker-machine ip
2- don't go to localhost/port, go to your ip/port, example :

I can't connect to my mongo docker container by its name

I'm pretty new to docker but I'm having some issues getting a node app to connect to a mongo database running on a separate container.
I'm using the official mongo image
I run it using:
docker run --name some-mongo --network-alias some-mongo -d mongo
It's running on port 27017 by default. I can connect to it using the mongo shell:
mongo --host mongodb://
But I can't connect to it by name
mongo --host mongodb://some-mongo:27017
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.19
connecting to: mongodb://some-mongo:27017/test
2018-05-07T17:23:20.813-0400 I NETWORK [thread1] getaddrinfo("some-mongo") failed: Name or service not known
2018-05-07T17:23:20.813-0400 E QUERY [thread1] Error: couldn't initialize connection to host some-mongo, address is invalid :
exception: connect failed
Instead I get an error message about how I can't connect to the mongo host:
I'm trying some docker-compose tutorials but either they're too simple or they don't seem to work for me. I just want to connect a custom node app, (not the official node) to mongodb and some other dependencies.
Your approach is not altering your host's system configuration, so that the mongo service will not be available just like that. Agreeing with #unm4sk, you should compose you application's services into a single compose file like this:
version: '2'
image: mongo
- "27017"
- mongo:mongo
Then, your service_utilizing_mongo would have a DNS entry that'd make this service capable of accessing your mongo service via a alias mongo on a default 27017 port.
You have to run your container with passing ports to your host machine:
docker run -p 27017:27017 --name some-mongo --network-alias some-mongo -d mongo
Then you can connect to MongoDB from your host machine:
If you don't want to do this you can connect to mongo through docker container command
docker exec -it some-mongo mongo

Pass container IP across containers for config file

I'm new to Docker, and am attempting to create two containers, one for MySQL and one for my Node.js app, based on images from Docker's HUB.
I'd like to connect my node app to the MySQL host.
For this, I'm planning to store informations about this host through environment variables in my config.yaml (used by node-config) for later use.
My question is : how could I pass the IP address of the MySQL container to my node.js app?
It is dynamically attributed, I vaguely know I can retrieve it with a command as docker inspect $(docker ps -q) | grep '"IPAddress"', it may be a clue?
Docker-compose.yml :
image: mysql:5.6
- /data/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
build: .
- MYSQL_USER=^^^^^ // will mirror the value up there, and so on
- ...
- "80:3000"
- mysql
Config.yaml :
port: 3000
host: "MYSQL_HOST" // How can this be dynamic ?
database: "MYSQL_DATABASE"
user: "MYSQL_USER"
password: "MYSQL_PASSWORD"
Dockerfile :
FROM node:0.10
ADD package.json /usr/src/package.json
# Install app dependencies
RUN cd /usr/src && npm install
ADD . /usr/src
WORKDIR /usr/src
CMD npm start
When you run containers with docker-compose, it adds in every container in /etc/hosts a dynamic line with the format
<dynamic ip> container_name
Thus, when you run docker-compose up every container knows any other container by its name.
So, in your confing.yaml you have to change this line
host: "MYSQL_HOST" // How can this be dynamic ?
host: mysql
since in /etc/hosts you have the dynamic association between the hostname mysql and the dynamic ip assigned by docker the the MySQL container.
