string indices must be integers - Python 3.6 - string

I am learning python and doing some practice on the titanic statistics data. The file can be found here. While running this simple code i am always getting this error message 'string indices must be integers'.
I want to find the total number of unique data entries in my .csv file according to PassengerId'. When i checked my 'test_data' variable it has 'PassengerId' in it but still i am getting error. How can i solve it?
import pandas as pd
titanic_df = pd.read_csv("file.csv")
unique_number_df = set()
for test_data in titanic_df:

titanic_df = pd.read_csv("titanic_data.csv")
unique_number_df = set()
for test_data in titanic_df["PassengerId"]: #here you should pass the column name.


Is there a way to store dynamic Cypher query into python variable?

Is there a way to put my cypher query into a python variable? I am able to put the non-parameter of the cypher into a variable but getting the error [![enter image description here][1]][1]
[1]: on trying to put the parameter part into a variable.
I am using pandas and py2neo to load a CSV into neo4j. df_data is my pandas dataframe with 2 columns and 3 rows.
for index,row in df_data.iterrows():
tx.evaluate('''MERGE (x:PATIENT_ID {property:$PATIENT_ID})
MERGE(y:GLB_ID {property:$GLB_ID})
MERGE (x)-[r:R_TYPE]->(y) ''', parameters = {'PATIENT_ID': int(row['PATIENT_ID']), 'GLB_ID': int(row['GLB_ID'])})
My code runs without issues if I run the following code storing non-parameter part into cq:
for index,row in df_data.iterrows():
tx.evaluate(cq, parameters = {'PATIENT_ID': int(row['PATIENT_ID']), 'GLB_ID': int(row['GLB_ID'])})
I am looking for a way to store the parameter part into a python variable
I used dictionary to get this resolved. I used dictionary over the cypher query to get it resolved:
for index,row in df_data.iterrows():
t_dict = {}
for k in p_dict.keys():
t_dict[k] = int(row[k])
except TypeError:
t_dict[k] = row[k]

Dask: Add list to a column value like pandas does

I am bit new to dask. I have large csv file and large list. Length of row of csv are equal to length of the list. I am trying to create a new column in the Dask dataframe from a list. In pandas, it pretty straight forward, however in Dask I am having hard time creating new column for it. I am avoiding to use pandas because my data is 15GB+.
Please see my tries below.
csv Data
john,some text here,MD
tim,some text here too,WA
Code tried
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
ls = ['one','two']
ddf = dd.read_csv('../data/test.csv')
Try #1:
ddf['new'] = ls # TypeError: Column assignment doesn't support type list
Try #2: What should be passed here for condlist?
ddf['new'] = # TypeError: _select_dispatcher() missing 1 required positional argument: 'condlist'
Looking for this output:
name text address new
0 john some text here MD one
1 tim some text here too WA two
Try creating a dask dataframe and then appending it like this -
#ls = dd.from_array(np.array(['one','two']))
#ddf['new'] = ls
# As tested by OP
import dask.array as da
ls = da.array(['one','two','three'])
ddf['new'] = ls

Stuck using pandas to build RPG item generator

I am trying to build a simple random item generator for a game I am working on.
So far I am stuck trying to figure out how to store and access all of the data. I went with pandas using .csv files to store the data sets.
I want to add weighted probabilities to what items are generated so I tried to read the csv files and compile each list into a new set.
I got the program to pick a random set but got stuck when trying to pull a random row from that set.
I am getting an error when I use .sample() to pull the item row which makes me think I don't understand how pandas works. I think I need to be creating new lists so I can later index and access the various statistics of the items once one is selected.
Once I pull the item I was intending on adding effects that would change the damage and armor and such displayed. So I was thinking of having the new item be its own list then use damage = item[2] + 3 or whatever I need
error is: AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'sample'
Can anyone help with this problem? Maybe there is a better way to set up the data?
here is my code so far:
import pandas as pd
import random
df = [pd.read_csv('weapons.csv'), pd.read_csv('armor.csv'), pd.read_csv('aether_infused.csv')]
def get_item():
item_class = [random.choices(df, weights=(45,40,15), k=1)] #this part seemed to work. When I printed item_class it printed one of the entire lists at the correct odds
item = item_class.sample()
print (item) #to see if the program is working
I think you are getting slightly confused with lists vs list elements. This should work. I stubbed your dfs with simple ones
import pandas as pd
import random
# Actual data. Comment it out if you do not have the csv files
df = [pd.read_csv('weapons.csv'), pd.read_csv('armor.csv'), pd.read_csv('aether_infused.csv')]
# My stubs -- uncomment and use this instead of the line above if you want to run this specific example
# df = [pd.DataFrame({'weapons' : ['w1','w2']}), pd.DataFrame({'armor' : ['a1','a2', 'a3']}), pd.DataFrame({'aether' : ['e1','e2', 'e3', 'e4']})]
def get_item():
# I removed [] from the line below -- choices() already returns a list of length 1
item_class = random.choices(df, weights=(45,40,15), k=1)
# I added [0] to choose the first element of item_class which is a list of length 1 from the line above
item = item_class[0].sample()
print (item) #to see if the program is working
prints random rows from random dataframes that I setup such as
1 w2

Adding numerical values from dict to a new column in a Pandas DataFrame

I am practicing machine learning and working with a movie/rating dataset. I am trying to create a new column in the dataframe which numerically identifies each genre (around 1300 of them). My logic was to create a dictionary of the unique genres and label with a integer. Then create a for loop to iterate through each row of the dataframe, checking the genre of each, then assigning its appropriate value to a new column named "genre_Id". However this has been causing a infinite loop in which I can not even break with ctrl-c. Same issue when working in Jupyter ( Interrupt Kernel fails to stop it). Below is a summarized version of my approach.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
movies_data = pd.read_csv("C://mypython/moviedata/movies.csv")
ratings_data = pd.read_csv("C://mypython/moviedata/ratings.csv")
joined = pd.merge(movies_data,ratings_data, how = 'inner', on=['movieId'])
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
genres = joined['genres'].unique()
genre_dict = {}
Id = 1
for i in genres:
genre_dict[i] = Id
Id += 1
joined['genre_id'] = 0
increment = 0
for i in joined['genres']:
if i in genre_dict:
joined['genre_id'][increment] = genre_dict[i]
increment += 1
I know I should probably be taking a smaller sample to work with as there is about 20,000,000 rows in the dataset but I figured I'd try this as a exercise.
I also recieve the "setting values from copy warning" though this hasn't caused me issues in the past for my other projects. Any thoughts on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT Found a solution using the Series map feature.
joined['genre_id'] =
I have no permission to just comment. This is a suggestion and right procedure to handle categorical values in a dataset. You can use inbuilt sklearn.preprocessing.OneHotEncoder function which do the work you wanted to do.
For better understanding with examples check this One Hot Encode Sequence Data in Python. Let me know if this works for you.

How to use Pandas to display specific columns from csv file?

I have a csv file with a number of columns in it. It is for students. I want to display only male students and their names. I used 1 for male students and 0 for female students. My code is:
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('normalizedDataset.csv')
results = pd.concat([data['name'], ['students']==1])
print results
I have got this error:
TypeError: cannot concatenate a non-NDFrame object
Can anyone help please. Thanks.
You can specify to read only certain column names of your data when you load your csv. Then use loc to locate all values where students equals 1.
data = pd.read_csv('normalizedDataset.csv', usecols=['name', 'students'])
data = data.loc[data.students == 1, :]
BTW, your original error is because you are trying to concatenate a dataframe with False.
>>> ['students']==1
No need to concat, you're stripping things away, not building.
To provide clarity on why you were getting the error:
The second thing you were trying to concat was:
Which is not an NDFrame object. You'd want to replace that with.
