I am using express-cassandra npm package to connect to database, The below code is giving negative value while converting Long value into Integer.
var num = 13315766168394088000;
Result is:-
var valueFromInt = models.datatypes.Long.fromInt(num);
=> Long: -1152696320
var valueFromString = models.datatypes.Long.fromString(num.toString());
=> Long: -5130977905315463616
I don't understand why this is huge difference and why this is returning negative value.
13315766168394088000 is greater than Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2^53), so you should not represent it with a Number (64-bit IEEE-754 double) and you shouldn't use Long.fromInt().
You could work with either the bits or the decimal string representation of the value:
const longValue = Long.fromString('13315766168394088000');
I need to make following string:
amount = "$163,852.06"
Like this:
How can I do it, like I am following this method,:
money = "$163,852.06"
original_amount = ('').join(money[1:].split(','))
But it is returning me:
>>> int(''.join(c for c in amount if c.isdigit()))*1000
It's because you're casting a floating point to an integer value, which rounds to the nearest full number. To achieve the value 16385206000, you could use int(float(original_amount) * 100000).
Node.js is mutating the number value passed into the test function. Any idea why and how to fix? Thank you!
const val1 = 61368443939717130;
const val2 = 861368443939717130;
const val3 = 161368443939717130;
const test = (v) => {
// Output:
// 61368443939717130
// 861368443939717100
// 161368443939717120
It's because the number 161368443939717130 is bigger than the maximum safe integer that Javascript can represent, which is provided by the constant Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. When working with big numbers you should always check that the values are below the limit, or otherwise you will get unexpected results. See more info here.
Your numbers are out of range for javascript.
The max number javascript can handle is 9007199254740991 (9,007,199,254,740,991 or ~9 quadrillion).
It is represented by the MAX_SAFE_INTEGER variable. The reasoning behind that number is that JavaScript uses double-precision floating-point format numbers as specified in IEEE 754 and can only safely represent integers between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1.
Use BigInt, which has no practical upper limit. But BigInt can’t handle decimals.
This means that if you convert from a Number to a BigInt and backward again, you can lose precision.
// 9007199254740991
console.log(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 10)
// 9007199254741000
console.log(BigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) + 10n)
// 9007199254741001n
I am trying to form a number having a decimal separator from a string in order to be able to apply .toLocaleString() method , which cannot be applied on strings.
const initialString = 122; //number
const decimalStr = initialString.toFixed(initialString); //string
const formattedStr = decimalStr.toLocaleString('de-DE');//error,decimalStr is a string
If any conversion is to be applied to the decimalStr, the decimal digits would be lost ( i.e. decimalStr = +decimalStr or decimalStr = Number(decimalStr). => problem, need to keep decimal digits.
How can i keep the decimal points and make the .toLocaleString()
see calling value as a number?
The Number.toLocaleString method accepts a second argument called options.
You can use this argument to control the number of fraction digits. Therefore, your call would be:
const initialNumber = 122;
const formattedStr = initialNumber.toLocaleString('de-DE', {
minimumFractionDigits: 2,
maximumFractionDigits: 2
For more details check here.
Also, notice that both toFixed and the maximumFractionDigits have limits: 100 and 20, respectively. So the example you provide fails on the second line.
I have one variable which contains integer values in string format as given below:
strValue = "123"
I want to convert this string value to integer type so it will be helpful for mathematical operation.
How can I do that in Javascript(Rhino) Language?
You can use the parseInt function that recieves a string and returns int.
var string = "123"
var number = parseInt(string)
print(number * 2)
Code snippet:
Serial.println(sensorString); //so you can see the captured string
char carray[sensorString.length() + 1]; //determine size of the array
sensorString.toCharArray(carray, sizeof(carray)); //put sensorString into an array
float sensorStringFloat = atoi(carray); //convert the array into an Integer
Serial.println(sensorStringFloat) prints out 5.00 instead of the correct float value of 5.33. Why is that and how do I fix this issue? I would eventually like to pass sensorStringFloat over to:
aJson.addNumberToObject(sensor, "ph", sensorStringFloat);
atoi converts a numeral in ASCII to an integer. The comment on that line also says it converts to an integer. So you got an integer result, 5. To convert to floating-point, consider using atof. (Note that “f” stands for floating-point, not “float”. atof returns a double.)
you should pass another parameter which defines the format, in this case it is the number of digits after the floating point.
String temp = String (_float, 0);
say float x;
convert to String using
String _temp = String(x, 0);
The second parameter 0... says i want no trailing zeros.
Caution: However this is only suitable for whole numbers.
This solution would not work for say... 1.24
You'll get just 1.