Get all meeting rooms from outlook API - outlook-restapi

I'm trying to use the outlook API to return all meeting rooms from an account in a list.
Is this possible? I can't find it anywhere in the documentation.
Which api call do I have to make?

No, the Outlook API itself does not have this ability currently. However, we are planning to release a beta API for this in the coming weeks. We'll announce it on our blog.


Get a list of envelopes that are close to expiration via DocuSign API

My company uses DocuSign API to automate document-related tasks.
Via the API, I need to retrieve all envelopes that are expiring soon. Similar to what the DocuSign UI has in the screen below but for all users:
Can somebody point me in the right direction -- which API endpoint/method I need to use to get all envelopes that are about to expire? Is there any way to use DocuSign Connect to trigger a callback from DocuSign for each document that is about to expire?
Thank you!
Add the following to your API call (GET to /envelopes endpoint)
Remember to also have from_date and to_date parameters
Also, the way I found this out for you was by trying it from the web app and recording API logs, Suggest you try that too as it will mean you can find it yourself.

Can't find Docusign Connector function anywhere

I can't find the Docusign Connector thing anywhere; what little info I could find in writing seemed to state it could be found under Admin, but not where. Please don't refer me to a video unless it's only about what I'm asking; it's an accessibility issue for me.
I'm trying to get a google doc signed by someone; apparently I either need to set up the Connector thing or convert to a pdf? I'm very confused by the videos in lieu of an actual how-to with links and words and stuff.
You need DocuSign for Google Drive.
That would enable you to sign a Google Doc directly.
DocuSign has an off the shelf product for using DocuSign from Google Office apps.
DocuSign also has the Connect feature which provides webhook notifications to your API program when various events occur with your DocuSign envelopes. For example, you can ask to have your software program notified when envelopes are completed (completely signed and finalized). To use DocuSign Connect, goto the eSignature Administration tool and look for Connect in the Integrations section of the righthand navigation column.
Some DocuSign account plans don't include the Connect feature, so it isn't always there. Talk to DocuSign sales if need be. Remember that the Connect webhook system is for developers.

DocuSign API - I want API for Reports

I am using DocuSign Open API'S to generate a report. Can anyone suggest which API I should use, if any?
I have tried to execute the API from DocuSign but a report API is not available.
Thanks in advance.
DocuSign does not have an API that allows you to access the web console's Reporting function.
Depending on what you're looking for, you can pull data from the Envelopes API.
DocuSign is developing a Data Feed API that will allow much more in-depth access to information. Data Feed is currently in limited, early access - I would recommend reaching out to your Account Manager or the Sales team if that is of interest to you.
Tirnuagari, these APIs are not yet public, but we hope to make them public soon. I can't promise an exact time frame, but I'll update this thread when I hear something from the team working on this. Thanks for your patience!

Docusign and Dynamics 365 integration

We have installed docusign solution in Dynamics 365 and can create documents that are signed correct.
The issue we currently have is that we don't get status updates to Docusign transactions in Dynamics 365 unless we manually click "update statuses" in Docusign.
It says it should do this automatically in the documentation but it doesn't seem to work. This is btw. only a trial at the moment untill we are sure we can use it with responses back to Dynamics 365.
Does anyone know what could be missing. If we can publish the status messages by clicking "update statuses" the "link" between Dynamics 365 and Docusign should be ok.
Hope someone can point us in the right direction here, thanks :)
I found that the DocuSign built solution for Dynamics integration just wasn't good enough, and ultimately we built a custom integration to the DocuSign API running in Workflow, and then launched an azure hosted web service to listen for the call backs and automatically update our CRM records. Also wasn't impressed with Docusign pricing, and honest would recommend finding an alternative provider.

Accessing Google Inbox reminders using API

Is there any way to access Google Inbox reminders via Gmail API or another way? I know that Google Inbox can show reminders from Google Keep, but can't find any information about how this communication is done.
You cannot get the reminders via the Gmail API at this time.
Google Keep, Now and Inbox have no APIs either sadly.
So if you are making an application, your cannot get the reminders of your users as of yet.
To get your own reminders though, simply type "What are my reminders?" into Google.
It seems that reminders have been integrated into the Calendar API, although I'm not sure whether these are the same kind of reminders.
There is a Google Tasks API that is available which has some reminder functionality built into GMail.
Comparrison of Google Keep, Google Inbox Reminders and Google Tasks as well as info found at The Google Tasks Guide: How to Get the Most Out of the Simplest To-Do App
