Shell command from custom puppet fact? - puppet

I'm reading that a shell command can be executed from custom facts with Facter::Core::Execution.exec. I've made a fact with the following code:
Facter.add(:controller_id) do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.exec('/usr/bin/jq -r .device._id /var/lib/mylib/system.json')
When I run the command stand alone like /usr/bin/jq -r .device._id /var/lib/mylib/system.json on an agent it returns a string. But when I run the fact on my agent with puppet agent -t PuppetDb doesn't contain the new fact.
I can see that the agent sees the new fact code because it tells me my code has changed:
content changed '{md5}c3567db500497e3586617bfed072ca6d' to
But no error is returned telling me why the fact wasn't saved. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue?


Checking if a directory exists before copying in Puppet

I am trying to get a backup of a subdirectory before deleting the parent directory by copying the subdirectory into a different location.
This is how I have done this:
exec { "install_path_exists":
command => "/bin/true",
onlyif => "/usr/bin/test -d ${install_path}",
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
file { "server_backup_dir" :
ensure => 'directory',
path => "${distribution_path}/backup/server",
recurse => true,
source => "file:///${install_path}/repository/deployment/server",
require => Exec["install_path_exists"],
Exec checks if the directory exists, and returns true if so. The "server_backup_dir" file resource requires the "install_path_exists" exec to return true if the directory exists.
When the directory does not exist, and "install_path_exists" returns false, "server_backup_dir" executes anyway, and produces the following error.
Error: /Stage[main]/Is/File[server_backup_dir]: Could not evaluate:
Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s)
What is wrong with my approach, and how can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
I'll break this up into two parts, what is wrong, and how to fix it.
What is wrong with my approach ...
You are misunderstanding the 'require' line and the nature of relationships in Puppet, and also how Puppet uses the return code of the command executed in an Exec.
When you use any of the four so-called metaparameters for relationships in Puppet - those being: require, before, subscribe & notify - you tell Puppet that you want the application of one resource to be ordered in time in relation to another. (Additionally, the 'subscribe' and 'notify' respond to refresh events but that's not relevant here.)
So, when Puppet applies a catalog built from your code, it will firstly apply the Exec resource, i.e. execute the /bin/true command, if and only if the install path exists; and then it will secondly manage the server_backup_dir File resource. Note also that it will apply the File resource irrespective of whether the Exec command actually was executed; the only guarantee being that /bin/true will never be run after the File resource.
Furthermore, the return code of the command in the Exec functions differently to what you're expecting. An exit status of 0 as the /bin/true command returns only tells Puppet to allow configuration to continue; compare that to an Exec command returning a non-zero exit status, which would cause Puppet to halt execution with an error.
Here's a simple demonstration of that:
▶ puppet apply -e "exec { '/usr/bin/false': }"
Notice: Compiled catalog for alexs-macbook-pro.local in environment production in 0.08 seconds
Error: '/usr/bin/false' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Exec[/usr/bin/false]/returns: change from 'notrun' to ['0'] failed: '/usr/bin/false' returned 1 instead of one of [0]
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.02 seconds
For more info, read the page I linked above carefully. It generally takes a bit of time to get your head around relationships and ordering in Puppet.
how can I fix this?
You would normally use a custom fact like this:
# install_path.rb
Facter.add('install_path') do
setcode do
Facter::Core::Execution.execute('/usr/bin/test -d /my/install/path')
And then in your manifests:
if $facts['install_path'] {
file { "server_backup_dir" :
ensure => 'directory',
path => "${distribution_path}/backup/server",
recurse => true,
source => "file:///my/install/path/repository/deployment/server",
Consults docs for more info on writing and including custom facts in your code base.
I notice at the end that you reuse $install_path in the source parameter. If your requirement is to have a map of install paths to distribution paths, you can also build a structured fact. Without knowing exactly what you're trying to do, however, I can't be sure how you would write that piece.

Jenkins pipeline sh step fails

I'm learning Jenkins Pipelines and I'm trying to execute anything on a Linux build server but I get errors about it being unable to create a folder.
Here is the pipeline code
node('server') {
stage("Build-Release-Linux64-${NODE_NAME}") {
def ws = pwd()
sh "ls -lha ${ws}"
This is the error I get:
sh: 1: cannot create /opt/perforce/workspace/Dels-Testing-Area/MyStream-main#tmp/durable-07c26e68/pid; jsc=durable-8c9234a2eb6c2feded950bac03c8147a;JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE=$jsc /opt/perforce/workspace/Dels-Testing-Area/MyStream-main#tmp/durable-07c26e68/ Directory nonexistent
I've checked the server while this is running and I can see that it does create
the file "/opt/perforce/workspace/Dels-Testing-Area/MyStream-main#tmp/durable-07c26e68/"
The file contains the following and is being created by Jenkins and not myself:
#!/bin/sh -xe
It does not matter what I try to execute using the sh step, I get the same error.
Can anyone shed some light on why this is happening?
-= UPDATE =-
I'm currently using Jenkins 2.46.2 LTS and there are a number of updates available. I'm going to wait for a quite period and perform a full update and try this again in case it fixes anything.
I found out that the problem was because I had a single quote in my folder name. As soon as I removed the single quote it ran perfectly. This also links to this Jenkins issue [] where I added a comment and voted for a fix.
So the fix is, only use the following characters in folder and job names [0-9a-zA-Z_-] excluding the square brackets and also don't use spaces.
I can confirm that using special characters and spaces in the "display name" field of a folder's configuration works fine.

puppet: Could not back up <file>: Got passed new contents for sum

I had a question I was hoping someone might have an answer to. Essentially what I'm doing is try to ensure I'm always using a fixed, slightly older version of phpunit, which I've placed in my module's file resources.
The manifest:
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 0755,
source => "puppet:///modules/php/phpunit"
Preparation: I download the current ('wrong') version of phpunit and place it in /usr/bin.
So the first run puppet succeeds:
Notice: Compiled catalog for <hostname> in environment production in 3.06 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Php/File[/usr/bin/phpunit]/content: content changed '{md5}9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a' to '{md}38789acbf53196e20e9b89e065cbed94'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Httpd/Service[httpd]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Notice: Finished catalog run in 15.86 seconds
Then I download the current (still 'wrong') version of phpunit and place it in /usr/bin again.
This time the puppet run fails.
Notice: Compiled catalog for <hostname> in environment production in 2.96 seconds
Error: Could not back up /usr/bin/phpunit: Got passed new contents for sum {md5}9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a
Error: Could not back up /usr/bin/phpunit: Got passed new contents for sum {md5}9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a
Error: /Stage[main]/Php/File[/usr/bin/phpunit]/content: change from {md5}9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a to {md5}38789acbf53196e20e9b89e065cbed94 failed: Could not back up /usr/bin/phpunit: Got passed new contents for sum {md5}9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a
What gives? If I delete the file ( /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket/9/f/6/1/f/7/3/2/9f61f732829f4f9e3d31e56613f1a93a/ ) from my filebucket it will work again... for the next run, but not the one after that.
What am I doing wrong?
I'd appreciate any input and thanks in advance.
Been having this error as well. I solved it with a combination of two previous answers.
Firstly I had to delete /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket on the client node by running:
sudo rm -r /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket
Just doing this will only let it run once more.
Then I had to mark the backup => false to stop it recreating the file, missing out either step failed to solve it for me. The accepted answer is incorrect by saying there is
"no solution other than upgrading".
I was able to fix the same problem by removing /var/lib/puppet/clientbucket on the client node.
This node has been running out of disk space, so puppet has probably incorrectly stored empty files there.
As a workaround, you can set backup => false in the file resource. This is a little unsafe, of course.
This has no solution other than to upgrade since there's a bug in certain versions of puppet where files containing both UTF8 and binary characters are treated wrongly, and it results in an error message.
The ridiculously overcomplicated solution I used as a workaround is to have a .tar file in the file resource which notifies an exec which untars and places the actual executable in the correct directory, making sure the timestamp for the latter is newer than the former.
It's far from ideal but it works in cases like mine where upgrading puppet to the most current version isn't an attractive option.

Problems with EXEC pplcd from PeopleSoft Application Engine

On a Unix server, I am running an application engine via the process scheduler.
In it, I am attempting to use a "zip" Unix command from within an "Exec" pplcode function.
However, I only get the error
PS_Exec(P): Error executing batch command with reason: No such file or directory (2)
I have tried it several ways. The most logical approach I thought was to change directory back to the root, then change to the specified directory so that I could easily use the zip command, such as the following...
Exec("cd / && cd /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT && zip INVREND INVREND.XML");
1643 12.20.34 0.000048 72: Exec("cd /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT");
1644 12.20.34 0.001343 PS_Exec(P): Error executing batch command with reason: No such file or directory (2)
I've even tried the following....just to see if anything works from within an Exec...
Sure enough, it gave the same error.
Now, some of you may be wondering, does the account that is associated with the process scheduler actually have authority on this particular directory path on the server ? Well, I was able to create the xml file given in the previous command with no problems.
I just cannot seem to be able to modify it with the Exec issuance of Unix commands.
I'm wondering if this is an error of rights and permissions from the unix server with regards to the operator id that the process scheduler is running from. However, given that it can create and write to a file there, I cannot understand why the Exec command would be met with any resistance....Just my gut shot in the dark...
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!
Not sure if you're still having an issue, but in your Exec code, adding the optional %FilePath_Absolute constant should help. When that constant is left off, PS automatically prefixes all commands with <PS_HOME>. You'll have to specify absolute paths with this flag on though. I've changed the command to something that should work.
Exec("zip /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/INVREND /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/INVREND.XML", %FilePath_Absolute);
The documentation at PeopleBooks is a little confusing sometimes, but it explains it fairly well in this case.
You can always store the absolute location in a variable and prefix that to your commands so you don't have to keep typing out /opt/psfin/pt850/dat/PSFIN1/PYMNT/.

How to print something when running Puppet client?

I want to print out messages and variables when Puppet runs.
I saw there are two functions that might help but couldn't really use them.
My site.pp file:
info "running site.pp info"
debug "running site.pp debug"
When I run on the client:
puppet -t
I don't get those prints.
Here is the puppet script with all the available puppet log functions.
node default {
notice("try to run this script with -v and -d to see difference between log levels")
notice("function documentation is available here:")
debug("this is debug. visible only with -d or --debug")
info("this is info. visible only with -v or --verbose or -d or --debug")
alert("this is alert. always visible")
crit("this is crit. always visible")
emerg("this is emerg. always visible")
err("this is err. always visible")
warning("and this is warning. always visible")
notice("this is notice. always visible")
#fail will break execution
fail("this is fail. always visible. fail will break execution process")
Script output (on puppet 2.7):
NB: puppet 3.x colours may alter (all the errors will be printed in red)!
from the Puppet function documentation
info: Log a message on the server at level info.
debug: Log a message on the server at level debug.
You have to look a your puppetmaster logfile to find your info/debug messages.
You may use
notify{"The value is: ${yourvar}": }
to produce some output to your puppet client
If you want to notify user with different type of messages like information, debug, error, warning, alerts, critical and emergency messages then use ‘loglevel’ metaparameter in puppet resources.
With the use of loglevel you can use the same resources for different type of error messages.
e.g for producing debug messages you can use it as,
notify {"debug message":
loglevel => debug,
Just as alternative you may consider using execs... (I wouldn't recommend it though)
exec { 'this will output stuff':
path => '/bin',
command => 'echo Hello World!',
logoutput => true,
So when you run puppet you should find some output like so:
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[this will output stuff]/returns: Hello World!
notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[this will output stuff]/returns: executed successfully
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.08 seconds
The first line being logged output.
You can run the client like this ...
puppet agent --test --debug --noop
with that command you get all the output you can get.
excerpt puppet agent help
* --test:
Enable the most common options used for testing. These are 'onetime',
'verbose', 'ignorecache', 'no-daemonize', 'no-usecacheonfailure',
'detailed-exitcodes', 'no-splay', and 'show_diff'.
NOTE: No need to include --verbose when you use the --test|-t switch, it implies the --verbose as well.
That does the task for me. I use that to check vars and display notifications..
notify {"hello world $var1":}
Here's the documentation on Puppet website as well:
Easier way, use notice.
notice("foo.pp works")
If, like me, you don't have access to the puppet master and need to print debug logs to inspect variables on your puppet client machine, you can try writing to a file from your puppet code itself:
file { '/tmp/puppet_debug.log':
content => inline_template('<%= #variable_x.to_s %>'),
Have you tried what is on the sample. I am new to this but here is the command: puppet --test --trace --debug. I hope this helps.
You could go a step further and break into the puppet code using a breakpoint.
This would only work with puppet apply or using a rspec test. Or you can manually type your code into the debugger console. Note: puppet still needs to know where your module code is at if you haven't set already.
gem install puppet puppet-debugger
puppet module install nwops/debug
cat > test.pp <<'EOF'
$var1 = 'test'
Should show something like.
puppet apply test.pp
From file: test.pp
1: $var1 = 'test'
2: # add 'debug::break()' where you want to stop in your code
=> 3: debug::break()
1:>> $var1
=> "test"
