Azure AD not showing Networks when Enabling Directory Services - azure

I am attempting to link my Azure AD to a Network to enable Azure Directory Services. I have created a network but every time I try to enable the Azure Directory Services no networks show up under the 'CONNECT DOMAIN SERVICES TO THIS VIRTUAL NETWORK' dropdown menu. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue?

According to your description, I guess you create your virtual network in Azure new portal(ARM module).
For now, Azure AD Domain Services cannot be enabled in virtual networks created using Azure Resource Manager.
In your scenario, I think we should use VNet peering or site-to-site VPN to connect classic Vnet and ARM vnet. You can connect a Resource Manager-based virtual network to the Azure classic virtual network in which you have enabled Azure AD Domain Services. This connection enables you to use the managed domain with your workloads deployed in the Resource Manager-based virtual network.
More information about select a virtual network for AD DS, please refer to the link.


Azure DevLabs include VM in the private network

Our organization is considering the deployment of testing VM's for Azure DevLabs.
To work with the internal API, we need to include the virtual machine in the private network of our organization (with Active Directory). Is there any way to do this?
Usually , we can integrate on-premises AD with Azure by Installing a replica Active Directory domain controller in an Azure virtual network.
If you want to join your VM to your On-premise AD or Integrate your on-premises directories with the DC VMs in your Devlab, You need to create a Site-to-Site VPN between your VNet in your Devlab and On-premise. The main steps for using VNet in Devlab are below:
Go to Azure portal > Select your Devlab > Configuration and policies > Virtual Networks > Add > Select a VNet in your Devlab resource group> Enable the required options > Save
Create a Devlab VM with the VNet you have created (You can use private IP for it).
Create a a Site-to-Site VPN between your VNet in your Devlab and On-premise.
Configure DNS Server for the VNet. You can use the IP of your On-premise DC for it.
Then the VMs in Devlab are integrated with your on-premise private network. You can try to download RDP file from portal and try to RDP it from its private IP address to test it.
VMs in Devlab is different from others, I didn't test this, but it should work. Because the VMs just use VNet, and the Vnet can connect your private Network.
You can also refer to this blog to find more details about Extending Active Directory to Microsoft Azure.

Cannot integrate Azure Web App to Vnet

I have Web App and SQL Server VM on Vnet running on Azure.  I would like to integrate Web App to virtual network.
I'm followings
1) I created gateway subnet and gateway.
2) I opened "App Service->Networking->VNet integration->Setup->Virtual network is visible but it is gray!
What I need to do that I can connect Web App to Vnet?
There are multiple reasons that a VNet can be grayed out including:
• the VNet is in another subscription that your account has access to
• the VNet does not have Point to Site enabled
• the VNet does not have a dynamic routing gateway
According to your steps, This issue may caused by that you might not configure a P2S address pool of your VPN gateway .
I did a test in my lab, and finally I can integrate my Web App to the Vnet.
You should to check these two point as following images:
Your VPN ponit-to-site configuration:
Your VNet connected devices:
How to Enabling Point to Site in a Resource Manager VNet:
To configure a Resource Manager VNet with a gateway and Point to Site, you can use either PowerShell as documented here, Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a virtual network using PowerShell or use the Azure portal as documented here, Configure a Point-to-Site connection to a VNet using the Azure portal. The UI to perform this capability is not yet available. Note that you need to create certificates for the Point to Site configuration. This is automatically configured when you connect your WebApp to the VNet.

How to Connect Azure Web App/ API App to Classic portals networks?

I have a Azure Web app and API App which are accessing some services from network which is connected to Client's network via old (classic) portal.This networks is already connected to client and Created in Classic portal.
While Creating Web/API App in new portal i am not able to connect to this existing network. Is there any way i can connect these apps to classic portals network?
Is there any way i can connect these apps to classic portals network?
Yes, but VNet Integration only works with apps in a Standard, Premium, or Isolated pricing plan. If your WebApp service plan is not in the Standard+ service plan, please have try to scale your App Service Plan to support it. We could get the details steps about how to enable VNet Integration from the Azure official document. The following is the snippet from the document.
If your target virtual network already exists, it must have point-to-site VPN enabled with a Dynamic routing gateway before it can be connected to an app. If your gateway is configured with Static routing, you cannot enable point-to-site Virtual Private Network (VPN).
The VNet must be in the same subscription as your App Service Plan(ASP).
The apps that integrate with a VNet use the DNS that is specified for that VNet.
By default your integrating apps only route traffic into your VNet based on the routes that are defined in your VNet.
Enabling VNet Integration with a pre-existing VNet
The VNet Integration UI allows you to select from a list of your VNets. The Classic VNets indicate that they are such with the word "Classic" in parentheses next to the VNet name. The list is sorted such that the Resource Manager VNets are listed first. In the image shown below you can see that only one VNet can be selected. There are multiple reasons that a VNet can be grayed out including:
the VNet is in another subscription that your account has access to
the VNet does not have Point to Site enabled
the VNet does not have a
dynamic routing gateway
Related link:
Create a virtual network (classic) by using the Azure portal
Connect virtual networks from different deployment models using the portal

How to protect my Azure web role from other people?

I have a Web role on Azure. I would like to allow only my people to access the web role.
I have found post to manual/code to restrict IPs to access the role. I would like to create firewall way(something like SQL Azure's firewall) to block/allow IPs.
I could not find any setting in Azure console. please help.
If you publish your endpoint on the Internet through the Windows Azure load balancer, there is no option in place to define firewall rules on Azure.
But you can secure access to VMs created using either Windows Azure’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) technology or its Platform as a Service (PaaS) technology through the Windows Azure Virtual Network service.
Windows Azure Virtual Network lets you create a logical boundary around a group of VMs, called a virtual network or VNET, in a Windows Azure datacenter. It then lets you establish an IPsec connection between this VNET and your local network.
For more information see Networking, Windows Azure Networking, Windows Azure Virtual Network, Create a Virtual Network for Cross-Premises Connectivity, Create a Virtual Network in Windows Azure.
About the cost of this service: Windows Azure Virtual Network is currently (February 2013) available in preview at no charge. Once the service becomes generally available you will be charged if you create a hardware VPN connection between a Virtual Network (VNET) and your VPN gateway. The charge will be for each hour that the VPN connection is provisioned and available (called the “VPN connection hour”). All data transferred over the VPN connection is charged at Window Azure’s standard data transfer rates. You can use the pricing calculator for a simulation.

How to Connect Azure Worker/Web role to Azure Iaas VMs without using public IP's?

We want to run MongoDB and some custom services on Azure Iaas VMs and connect to them with our roles but we do not want to have public IP exposure on the VMs.
If possible what is the best way of doing this?
If not possible is this on the roadmap?
We can add the VM's under the same cloud service and they can communicate happily, the roles are in same deployment so they communicate, but issue between the vm's and roles. We appreciate that the Iaas stuff is still in preview.
If you have your Windows Azure Web/Worker Role and Windows Azure Virtual Machine in the same DC you can access them directly using internal IP address using Virtual Networking (Vnet) using internal Endpoints. To achieve it first you would need to create a Virtual Network and then add your Virtual Machine to this VNet. VNet will give your internal IP address and your Web/Worker Role can communicate to this internal IP address.
You can not do mix mode deployment directly from Windows Azure Preview Portal (it is not supported in preview yet) however you can use PowerShell VNet cmdlets to get it configured and working. To need further assistance with VNet team you can contact them directly here.
