Spotfire Ordered Row Identification with RowID - calculated-columns

I have a large data table and am wanting to use the RowID function to use a sequencer.
However, I realized that when I do this, the RowID() is not tied to any specific order. Is there a way to use the RowID function OVER one of my filtering variables, or is there a way to have a ranked RowId ranked by Variable A, then Var B, then VarC?

Yes, you can add a calculated column as RANK([varA],[varB],[varC]). This will do the same as "RowID() OVER ([varA],[varB],[varC])" would have done.


How do I create a measure in Power Pivot that pulls a value from another table?

I have two tables that use a unique concatenated column for their relationship. I simply want to make a measure that uses the values from C4 of Table1. I thought I could use a simple formula like =values(Table1[C4]) but I get an error of "A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected."
Side note: I realize the concatenation is unnecessary here in this simple example, but it is necessary in the full data I am working with which is why I added it into this example.
Here's a simplified set of tables for what I am trying to do:
First you should think. Do I really need a Calculated column? Can't this be calculated at runtime?
But if you still want to do it, you can use RELATED or RELATEDTABLE.
Keep in mind if you are pulling from RELATEDTABLE, returns many values. So you should apply some type of aggregation like SUMX or MAXX.
You can use context transition to retrieve the value.

How to retrieve data from child cells EXCEL

I want to retrieve all items within a specific column of a table.
In this scenario, I have 2 tables, The first table contains a primary key, and the second table contains a foreign key. a 1 to many relationship is set up for the tables respectively.
I want a function/way of retrieving all items within a column in table 2 that has a foreign key that matches the primary key in table 1.
One way of doing this is through a VLOOKUP, though surely through using DAX, or some other function set, I can exploit the relationship I have made in the DataModel to make this easier for me to do.
Why don't you just get the required data from the DB with a proper SELECT statement? Something like
SELECT column
FROM t1, t2
WHERE t1.key = t2.fkey
AND t1.key = 'whatever you search for';
Then you should get the data you want.

PivotTable Average of group columns

I wonder if it's possible to create a table like this:
I have calculated the equity ratio for two companies shown in the column "Calculated field 1". Now I would like to create the average and the minimum value of this column for each company! as shown in the table (red numbers).
For clarification, the column C, row C5 to C26 show the average for company 1.
The row C28 to C49 show the average for company 2.
Any ideas how to proceed this?
,[Calculated field 1] // Seriously? Come up with a better name.
,[Calculated field 1]
*X() functions take a table expression as their first argument. They step row by row through this table, evaluating the expression in the second argument for each row, and accumulate it. AVERAGEX() accumulates with an average, MINX() with a minimum.
ALL() returns unique elements of a table, column, or set of columns stripped of context. Since we are only calling ALL() on the [Year] column, that is the only column whose context we remove. The context from [Stock Ticker] remains in place.
These two measures are unreasonable in the grand total level.
Ninja edit: There's likely a better way to write the measures, but with no insight into what [Calculated field 1] is doing, I can't make suggestions toward that. *X() functions force single threaded evaluation in the formula engine. It's not a bad thing, but you take a performance hit over queries which can utilize only the storage engine. If you could rewrite it to a CALCULATE(SUM(),ALL(Datasrc[Year])) / ALL(Datasrc[Year]), you'd get faster evaluation for sure, but I have no clue what your data looks like.

How do I SUMIF one PowerPivot table according to the rows of a second PowerPivot table?

I have two tables: one of customers ("Donor"), and one of transactions ("Trans"). In Donor, I want a "Total" column that sums all the transactions by a particular Donor ID, which I would calculate in a standard Excel table thus:
=SUMIF(Trans[Donor ID],[#ID],Trans[Amt])
Simple! How do I do the same thing with a DAX formula? I thought
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]),Trans[Donor ID]=[ID])
would do it, but I get the error
Column "ID" cannot be found or may not be used in this expression.
Strangely, when I use
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]),Trans[Donor ID]=3893)
I do get the total for ID 3893.
Eschewing CALCULATE, I did find that this works:
=SUMX(FILTER(Trans, Trans[Donor ID]=[ID]),[Amt])
...but it only allows the one filter, and I'll need to be able to add more filters, but:
=SUMX(CALCULATETABLE(Trans, Trans[Donor ID]=[ID]),[Amt])
...(which I understand is like FILTER but allows for multiples) does not work.
Can you identify what I'm doing wrong?
After putting together a quick model that looks like this:
I've confirmed that this DAX forumla works as a Calculated Column in the Donor table:
=CALCULATE(SUM(Trans[Amt]), FILTER(Trans, Trans[Donor] = Donor[DonorKey]))
The key here is to make sure that the relationship between the two tables is correctly configured, and then make sure to use the combination of CALCULATE() and FILTER() -- filtering the trans table based on the current donor context.

How to get Excel Pivot 'Summarize by' to return actual data values not sum, avg, etc?

I am using Excel Powerpivot with data in two separate tables. Table 1 has ITEM level data with a BRAND characteristic. Table 2 has BRAND level data. The two tables are linked by the BRAND key. The measure I am using is non addable. i.e. the sum of the ITEMS does not equal the BRAND. The pivot is set up with ITEMS nested under BRANDS in the rows and the Measure in the column.
Excel assumes that I want to summarize ITEM to a BRAND level by applying SUM, MAX, MIN, AVG, etc. I would like to return the actual values from the appropriate ITEM or BRAND level table and not apply any calculations to the values. Is this possible?
If what you are effectively trying to do is produce a different result for the Brand rows (e.g. blank()) then the answer is to write a further measure that does a logic check to determine whether or not the row in question is an ITEM or a BRAND.
= IF (HASONEVALUE(table1[Item]), [Measure], Blank() )
Bear in mind that this will work for your current pivot but may not be adaptable to all pivots.
This assumes that you have explicitly created a measure called [Measure] and you are not just dragging the numeric column into the values box. If not you can create the initial [Measure] something like this:
= Sum(table1[Value])
Where Value is the column you want to use in the measure. Although you have used a sum, if it relates to a single item which has a single row in the table it will give the desired result.
