DocuSign Api - TextTab size - docusignapi

I am having trouble with creating texttabs via the docusign REST API.
The creation succeed, but when I open the DocuSign page to sign the document, the created texttabs have not the defined size.
Interestingly the created notetabs with the same size work properly.
I compare the texttab with a Textbox with the size 100 px * 100 px.
How can I fix this issue?
"textTabs": [
"height": 100,
"name": "Test1",
"width": 100,
"disableAutoSize": "true",
"documentId": "1",
"pageNumber": "1",
"xPosition": "291",
"yPosition": "244"

DocuSign adds some additional offsets based on the Tab Type that is being used.
See this answer for more information.
Troubleshooting Tip:
I suggest, you use the DocuSign Web Sending UI to tag your documents and use the lisEnvelopeRecipients to retrieve the Tab positions. You can then use the Tab positions for your subsequent API calls.


How can i specify the size of a text field in API sending

We are sending a document through API at a certain point the customer should be able to write a big block of text. Yet when putting a text field in the custom field without limitation you can only write until you get to the end of the page. and it does not continue on the line below.
if you put fixed size i do not seem to be able to actually specify the width and hight of the field that a customer can use in de custom field set-up. and i only get a small field where you can place 1 character.
fixed size
Does anyone now how to get around this?
We place the fields on the documents with predefined tags on the document and custom document fields
I tried to go to the other settings to see whether something could help me like the fixed size.
DocuSign doesn't allow you to create a text box with unlimited size or for users to input text that extends off the page. I would recommend using the height and width properties to set the size of the tab to the max area where your user can input text. If you set the height property your tab will be able to include multiple lines of text. The json would look something like the snippet below. You can also enable API request logging which allows you to try setting tabs in the web app and then you can download the logs to see what the json looks like for the tabs you created.
"textTabs": [
"pageNumber": "1",
"xPosition": "300",
"yPosition": "400",
"documentId": "1",
"width": "100",
"height": "30"

DocuSign API create envelope in XML with Recipient Custom Fields

I am trying to use recipient custom fields in xml. I have tested the solution in JSON and it works, but it needs to work in XML for the client's system.
I can find no online examples of such a payload and what the translated value should be. I have tried a few different versions, with none of them working. Please see below for details.
Working JSON version:
"recipients": {
"signers": [
"email": "",
"name": "ExternalDocuSign",
"roleName": "External Signer 1",
"routingOrder": "1",
"recipientId": "External Signer 1",
"customFields": [ "Rolename: External Signer 1" ], - Recipient Custom Field
However, it does not work in XML. To be clear, everything else but recipient custom fields works as expected.
XML version with Recipient Custom Fields not working:
<recipientId>External Signer 1</recipientId>
<roleName>External Signer 1</roleName>
<CustomFields><CustomField>Rolename: External Signer 1</CustomFields></CustomFields> - One example of a failed attempt
Note the DocuSign eSignature REST API uses camelCase and not PascalCase, so it should be:
<recipientId>External Signer 1</recipientId>
<roleName>External Signer 1</roleName>
<customFields><customField>Rolename: External Signer 1</customFields></customFields> - One example of a failed attempt

Is it possible to use custom icons for a custom resourceType in an Azure Managed Application?

Looking at the schema I can see some options but nothing that hints at custom icons. A way to view all compatible icons would also be helpful. The provided icons in the schema aren't cutting it for me :)
"icon": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The icon of the view.",
"x-ms-enum": { "name": "icon", "modelAsString": false },
"examples": [
It is not currently possible. This is not addressed in any documentation that I can find. I was told during Marketplace publishing the branding logo would automatically replace the Rubik's cube, however this is not the case.

Docusign - Setting tabs in HTML documents - concealValueOnDocument

Need help with using the attribute ConcealValueOnDocument. Document in the envelope is a html document
Following syntax was tried and it did not work.
<input name="color" data-ds-type="text" data-ds-role="Signer1" style="width:120px;" concealValueOnDocument="true" />");
And in the developer console the option is "Hide text with asterisks". I am looking for examples or directions on how to conceal a value when uploading as HTML.
Also is it possible to hide the text box completely when value is entered?
Edited to show how the document is submitted
Document document = new Document();
envelopesApi.createEnvelope(accountId, envelopeDefinition);
And the html has appropriate tags for different fields.
You are setting the tab via inline HTML. Inline HTML can be used to set many tab properties, but not all of them. concealValueOnDocument cannot be set via inline HTML. The list is on page Setting tabs in HTML documents in section Configuring HTML tabs.
Use an Inline JSON marker for the tab. See page Setting tabs in HTML documents.
API request:
"textTabs": [
"name": "color",
"tabLabel": "signer1Color",
"width": "120",
"concealValueOnDocument: "true"
Within the HTML:
{{ "tabLabel": "signer1Color" }}

Dynamic Company Name on PDF

I have a place on my pdf that says, I authorize .....
I would like to dynamicly put in the Company Name here that will be use in the same template
is there a way like how I pass recipientName, I can also pass company Name so that it can display here.
Please research the DocuSign Developer Center, as it answers this question and many more you may have. If you look at the Explore -> Features section you'll see in the Stick-eTabs section an area that describes Tab Positioning. Here it explains the two main ways of placing tabs on your documents.
The Tab Positioning in the above page describes how you can place tags using Absolute positioning (i.e. 100 pixels to the left, 50 pixels down), or you can use Relative (aka Anchor) positioning. With anchor tabs you can place tabs based on document content. For your example of placing a company tab at or near the text "I authorize...", you can use the following (partial) JSON:
"tabs": {
"companyTabs": [
"anchorString": "I authorize...",
"anchorXOffset": "1",
"anchorYOffset": "0",
"anchorIgnoreIfNotPresent": "false",
"anchorUnits": "inches"
This would in turn place a companyName tab 1-inch to the right of the text "I authorize..." in your document. You can place any DocuSign tab using the Anchor Tagging method, but one thing to note is that it will place those tags at ANY and EVERY location it finds the anchorString text in the envelope.
