jack audio application routing - audio

I am quite new to the jack audio software.
I was wondering, whether it is possible to specific applications to specific outputs.
I know could make a virtual device that I can connect anyway I want. But that only works if I am able to select the virtual device as output device within the application, right?
But not all applications have the option to chose outputs.
So the question is whether I can select an application in jack audio and route it the a device of my choice.

Being able to do this is the main reason why Jack exists. You can connect anything to anything with an external patch bay, you don't need to use the UI of the application.
Examples of graphical patch bays you can use are (my) Patchage, Catia, and qjackctl. You can also use jack_connect on the command line.


Stream audio from place 1 to place 2 over the internet

So I'm kinda stuck here.
I have a radio station, but we are mobile. So I have a studio on wheels. The problem is, we have an antenna, but we always have to place that really close to our studio. Now I want to make an device that can stream the audio from the audio mixer to the internet and can be received by another device in another network and send that signal to the antenna (audio output).
to make this clear, I made a schema with raspberry pi's;
I want this to be plug and play So I only have to plug in the device in the modem (or network we have) on both sides and the devices should find each other.
I don't know HOW I can do this, so I need to know a couple of things:
What hardware should I use?
What software should I use?
What is the best configuration to accomplish this?
Can I use 2 raspberry pi's?
How can I let the devices find each other over the internet?
There need to be some features;
The system needs to be able to buffer the audio for 5-10 seconds
It needs to be direct, so it's live and not a file that needs to be played
The system must be failless (beside the fact the internet can die).
Plug and play is a must, I don't want to have a really messy configuration to do. (if possible, without any kind of portforwarding).
I would really appreciate help and a decent explaination.
Well, it depends on your capabilities as a programmer.
If you're really fixated on the RPi for it's convenient form factor, there's a ton of community support, so I'd start with something like this project to kick start you in the right direction. If you already know python pretty well, modify away and have fun.
If you have no programming experience, you'll probably want to put a desktop in place of the RPi and launch some instances of VLC. It's not necessarily plug n play, but you can get close enough by getting a command line VLC to launch at startup.
Either way, the more difficult problem here is the "over the internet" part. This would really need to be a server-client model, but who is your server depends on who is more stationary (I'm guessing Location 2?) because the client will need to know the IP address of the server somehow. There are dozens of ways to make this happen, but at the end of the day, you'll want to use sockets accomplish the
It needs to be direct, so it's live and not a file
... which unfortunately gets complicated. See this answer for confirmation. Would love to help with some tips on implementation, but we need more information about your willingness to "dig into the code", the necessity of the RPi, and whether the stationary location has a static web address.

How to send sound of certain applications over chat programs (win OS)

I have 5 requirements:
I want to send sounds that are output of other programs over voice chat programs(e.g. TeamSpeak, Skype etc.)
I only want to send the sounds of certain programs. Not all my system sounds
I must still be able to talk to them (mice input should still be used).
I still want to hear the sounds of what I send.
It must be a software solution.
My scenario:
I am playing LoL/DoTA/CoD/BF (whichever makes you happy), I am on Teamspeak with some friends. Something happens and I want to play a fitting sound (e.g from http://www.myinstants.com/). So I want to send the sound from my browser over the chat.
What I tried:
I installed CheVolume (http://www.chevolume.com/Infos.aspx). This is for handling output devices, not sound input.
I set Stereo Mix as my default communication device. This works mostly, but then I also send my game sounds over chat.
I have installed VB-AUDIO (http://vb-audio.pagesperso-orange.fr/Voicemeeter/). It can be useful, but it is not what I want. I get similar results as using Stereo Mix.
I installed Jack (http://jackaudio.org/) shame to say it is to technical for me.
I tryed using Virtual Audio Cable (http://software.muzychenko.net/eng/vac.htm). Again, this only enables me to send all my system sounds.
but Voicemeeter allows to do that:
Exactly : See User Manual Case study #1
it is possible only if the application allow settings its playback device, then you will be able to route an application Voicemeeter virtual input or physical input through a VB-CABLE (Voicemeeter Banana version is better for that since it provide more I/O)
3,4,5: of course.

iOS external accessory power

I'm trying to create an app which powers an external accessory but I am not sure how to do it. Any hints or ideas?
All i plan on doing right now is have a UIView app that sends power to an external accessory.
Is this something that you would even code?
I would have thought that you just have a small amount of power to the device, regardless of the software running on the iphone/ipad/itouch.
That's going to be tricky and probably not in the scope of coding. First, you'd probably need to be a member of the Apple Made For iPhone (MFi) program and have to build your device to work in those specs.
Then you'd need to have the iOS device become the master USB device and your device become a slave (if I remember my USB controller configurations correctly - it's been 6 years).
But your first step is to get into the MFi program.

Is it possible to make a computer behave as a bluetooth HID device?

Is it possible to make a computer behave as a bluetooth HID device? That is, given a local machine with a standard USB keyboard plugged into it, other devices could discover this machine and use it as a bluetooth keyboard.
I'd like to create a linux or OS X application (or use an existing one, though I've found none) which can behave as described above, but I'm not sure where to start, or if it's even possible.
Is what I'm describing possible?
Are there any existing applications that do what I describe?
If no application already exists (I'm assuming not), are there bluetooth libraries or bindings that will help? (I'm pretty comfortable using most of today's popular languages, so I'd prefer a library most directly suited to the task, so long as it's available in linux or OS X.)
Failing any of the above, the bluetooth spec looks pretty dense. Are there specific guides or other starting points applicable to the problem at hand that I can read?
I realize that such an application would most likely need to steal the normal keyboard input, possibly providing some KVM-like hotkey for switching between providing input to the host operating system and sending the input over bluetooth to the connected device, but I'm considering that problem to be outside the scope of this question.
It is definitely possible on Linux. Some time ago I found this project:
They emulate a full-blown headset with audio and keyboard controls on the Linux bluetooth stack. If they can emulate something like that, you would probably be able to emulate something simpler like a keyboard.
It is possible, however I don't think I'll be able explain it very well and I don't know the entire answer. A BT HID device works as a server and waits for connections to come to it. In linux, using the bluez stack, first you would have to advertise the HID service for other devices to see. I think you do that using the sdp.h and sdp-lib.h header files(the second header maybe called something else, I'm on a windows computer and can't check). So you would have to add the HID service record to you computer for other devices to see it. You would have to create a program that first adds this service to the record, then waits for other devices to connect, then handle the pairing process, Bluez might handle this for you, or you might have to do some things to it, I'm not quite sure. You should also read the Bluetooth HID Spec found at the http://www.bluetooth.com/English/Technology/Building/Pages/Specification.aspx site. This document contains the details of the SDP record relevant to HID. Also the book Bluetooth essentials for programmers is pretty good to introduce you into bluetooth programming
I would like to have given a more concise answer, with more detail, but that's all I know ATM. I am also trying do something similar, but spare time is so hard to find ;) I'm also not on my Linux box and can't check all the details. If your are still interested, let me know and i'll try to expand my answer.
I don't know if this is helpful, nor if it is still alive and working, but perhaps you could try this link.
Another one that might or might not be helpful in some way is remuco, but I don't know if they are using a Bluetooth HID profile.
It is indeed entirely possible with Linux and Bluez. See: https://github.com/lkundrak/virtkbd/blob/master/btkbdd.pod
Try Across, unfortuantly for me my phone was lacking support.

Auto Detect Windows Mobile Device programmatically

I am writing a windows application (written entirely in C++) which reads files from a storage card on a mobile phone running Windows Mobile. The tough part is, I don't know how to make my application detect the event that a user has connected the mobile phone to the USB of laptop. I did some reading on MSDN and have written a small code using RegisterDeviceNotification, which detects whenever a USB disk is attached/removed from the laptop. However, I am unable to tweak this to make it work for phone type devices. Please help me out through any links/tutroials which explains this(preferrably C++, as I don't know .NET or C#).
According to this article you can use RegisterDeviceNotification to get notifications when activesync detects a device has been plugged/unplugged. (See option 3 at the end of the article)
It may just be a matter of setting up the correct notification filter.
Windows Mobile devices use RNDIS, a network interface protocol behind the scenes. Hence, the RegisterDeviceNotification method still works, but you're looking for a DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE, not DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME. (i.e. dbch_devicetype==DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE)
You can use RAPI or RAPI2 to detect when a Windows Mobile device connects to a PC via Active Sync or Windows Mobile Device Center. RAPI can also be used to read the files on the storage card and much more.
RAPI is simpler to program because it is a C based API. RAPI2 has more functionality than RAPI, but is an object oriented COM API. If your needs are simple and you only care about one device/connection at a time then RAPI is good enough. There are two RAPI functions used to detect connections: CeRapiInit (blocking), and CeRapiInitEx (signals an event upon connection).
