i installed Android Studio but in the video there was a phoneenter image description here here's the difference, mine:
and his screen:
I'm assuming you want the Design view instead of the Text view. You would want to look to the lower left of the coding window and select Design:
Also I see that you are new to StackOverflow. In the future I suggest you read this: https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask to understand how to ask a good question.
I am using Android Studio 2.3.3 . but it appears a little different from others. It look like:
But I want that it look like this:
Please suggest what to do?
Look for the red circle. It has a settings icon, click on that and select the option, "Include Device Frame (If Available)" and you will have the black overlay around the device, which you want.
However for the Palette to look the way you want, you have to downgrade your Android Studio to at least '2.1.2'. Because for your version that is the way the palette will look.
I'm trying to do the Android Developer Tutorial.
They refer to the toolbar in the layout editor, in the tutorial picture it looks like this:
But this is what I see
The toolbar with the eye is missing. As you see, there is a "Toolbar"-Icon in the menu, but clicking it has no effect.
I'm using Android Studio 2.3 and followed the previous lessons of the tutorial as demanded. How can I activate this toolbar?
This is the link for building an Android UI.
Was having this exact issue. Spent an hour looking for a solution for this, and turns out it was really easy. Note that you will need android studio version > 2.2.
In the activity_main.xml, look for the component tree. Likely there is a Linear_Layout or Relative_Layout. Just right click and then click 'Convert to
Constraint Layout'. Done.
This is the result: image.
Hope this helps. Happy coding.
The tutorial was written before the split between activity_main.xml and content_main.xml. This split was made in Android Studio 1.4. activity_main.xml is the main file, which includes content_main.xml in the line:
<include layout="#layout/content_main" />
If you follow the tutorial exactly, it's having you open activity_main.xml, which doesn't have any of the real "stuff" in it. Since activity_main doesn't have the TextView that the tutorial is trying to get you to look at, you don't get the correct toolbar icons populating to do the next few steps.
Short story: In the section "Open the Layout Editor", under Step 1, you should open content_main.xml instead of the activity_main.xml that's indicated. Things should be smooth from there.
For more information about the difference between activity_main.xml and content_main.xml, see What is the role of content_main.xml in android studio 1.4?
You have to add the v7 appcompat support library in gradle. so you can add
android.support.v7.widget.Toolbar in xml layout.
When I'm using the layout editor in Android Studio and I try to make a chain (bidirectional constraint) between a EditText View and a Button View using the constraint anchors, it doesn't make the chain.
It only makes a constraint if I try to constrain one View to the other.
I am trying to chain the right side of the EditText to the left side of the Button.
This is what my Layout Editor looks like:
I was trying to figure this out too. I've discovered that one way to do it is to select both views, then right click and select Center Horizontally. This creates the chain, but then you have to adjust any other constraints accordingly. I'm new to Android, so I'm sure there will be other ways....
I had the same issue. Solved it by going in into the XML as instructed by the tutorial:
On the tutorial, click "See the final layout XML" and compare. My XML was missing:
In Android Studio 3.0.1, choose the two objects (on the xml design tab) and right click on one of them and you will have under "chain" option two options: one to chain horizontally and second to chain vertically.
I got a solution, probably will not be the best one until someone really answer properly, but works.
I hope this helps others guys who stuck in the same place as me, so you can continuous the work.
Looks like the interface of android studio is not working properly when came to create chains. Some options from people here work for like 2 or 3 elements, but I has 5 elements.
So the answer is solve this in the code XML.
My steps are for Horizontal arrangement, if you wanna vertical just change Right/Left for Top/Bottom
I put all the elements in the place that I want and remove all connections. (Than in my case I connect the top and bottom so they can be in the middle.)
Then I connect the first element in the left and the last element in the right.
And connect the right of each element in the left side of the next element.
Image of elements connect normal, no chain yet
After that I go inside the code and put manually the connection to the left element.
And the chain was created.
Image of elements connect with chain
I hope this help, sorry for don't post the pictures, I don't have reputation enough yet XD.
i think android studio ui editor need more improvement for creating chain currently i am using Android Studio Preview 3.0 Canary 3
Sometime from editor it works perfectly but sometime it not, when linking not happen from ui editor we need to add constraint manually as per requirement Vertical or horizontal chain following are constraints
and also we declare chain style manually in XML as follow
layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle or layout_constraintVertical_chainStyle
CHAIN_SPREAD -- the elements will be spread out (default style)
Weighted chain -- in CHAIN_SPREAD mode, if some widgets are set to MATCH_CONSTRAINT, they will split the available space
CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE -- similar, but the endpoints of the chain will not be spread out
CHAIN_PACKED -- the elements of the chain will be packed together. The horizontal or vertical bias attribute of the child will then affect the positioning of the packed elements
hope android studio editor will improve this
I worked out that in Android Studio 3.2.2 you have to click on the views in the component tree, so left click first component and then holding shift click the second component and then right click and in the menu you will see chains as in my screenshot below.
Android Studio 3.2.2
Resolved by adding constraints in both edit text (app:layout_constraintRight_toLeftOf="#+id/button") and button (app:layout_constraintBaseline_toBaselineOf="#+id/editText")
Complete example as below
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
android:layout_marginLeft="16dp" />
The way I have been able to create a chain view in the blueprint layout is by drag click, select the objects to be linked. Then while they are selected right click and select "center horizontally" After doing this I can then create the other constraint and chain
This can specifically be resolved by holding the shift button and pressing both of the widgets. After this process, you can then right-click one of the widgets to be able to chain the views. Use this for the EditText View as well as the button particularly.
I solved this by creating the chain in blueprint mode. The tutorial never says you have to go back to it but if you do you can create the chain.
Just a tip when following the tutorial is to make sure that the Android Studio is upto date. I was wondering where certain buttons are when following the tutorials but found i was using an older version.
In terms of the question, the best is given by James # 6/6/17.
Add three buttons into the view
Select them all and right click
Select "Center Horizontally"
This does the trick to create the chain
I disobeyed the tutorial by turning on Autoconnect (because I was trying everything).
I selected both widgets, then selected Center Horizontally. The chain was created, I turned Autoconnect back off, then continued the tutorial.
The DESIGN tab is very prone to bugs!
Just do what you'd want to do in the design but write it via XML. No need for tutorials it's self-explanatory, connect all the lefts and rights!
I had the same problem before, and from what I can I tell, we have the same problem.
The tutorial expects you to use android studio 3 version. When I got this problem, I realized that my android studio still 2.2.3. After installing the update for the version 3 and sdk etc to the latest version it worked.
Hope this helps.
what caused the problem for me-
i duplicated one of my views in my layout (to speed things up- or so i thought).
by doing so - i caused the problem - several views had the same android:id value.
which is a big no-no.
a unique value to all my view (by changing the android:id ) helped fix this problem
I was having the same issue as well and what worked for me was selecting both views while holding the CMD button instead of the SHIFT button.
As a reference, I'm using the macOS version of Android Studio and was selecting both views using the SHIFT button which resulted in Chains being grayed-out.
I hope that helps somebody!
I'm trying to make an app which support RTL and LTR
and i'm using "android:supportsRtl" in the manifest and change layout properties to new start/end equivalents.
similar this link
My android is 4.2
but always my layout is LTR! even when i'm using RTL languages on my device
How should I fix my layout to RTL? Because I want to have RTL layout for RTL languages
Check your version of Android Studio and update it!