When will the spark operation of join does not cause shuffle - apache-spark

In general,the join operation of Spark will cause shuffle. And when will the operation of join will not cause shuffle? And who can tell me some methods to optimize for Spark?

join will not cause shuffle directly if both data structures (either Dataset or RDD) are already co-partitioned. This means that data has been already shuffled with repartition / partitionBy or aggregation and partitioning schemes are compatible (the same partitioning key and number of partitions).
join will not cause network traffic if both structures are both co-partitioned and co-located. Since co-location happens only if data has been previously shuffled in the same actions this is a bordercase scenario.
Also shuffle doesn't occur when join is expressed as broadcast join.


How does cartesian product join transfer data internally for join in spark?

We have 2 types of nested loop join in spark
Broadcast nested loop join,
Shuffle replicate nested loop join(cartesian)
I know that in the broadcast one , the smaller table is broadcasted to all the nodes for the join.
I am not sure what happens in cartesian join.
Say we have 2 Dataframes A and B. Then each partition of A need all the partition of B for the join. So in a way B will need to be replicated in all the nodes where partition of A is present. Does it not make it same as B being broadcasted?
Please correct my understanding.Thanks!
I will have a go. I encourage edits to improve the answer if needed.
Cartesian (cross) join is a shuffle join. a shuffle is best defined as a computational realignment that results into inter/intra executor core communication or data share. Shuffle joins results into worker nodes and potentially every executor core communicating with one another during the entire join process. They are damn expensive because the network can easily give in courtesy of the traffic congestion caused by excessive communication between the worker nodes.
Note broadcast does not occur. The driver using partition properties at its disposal reads each df and distributes the data to the worker nodes.
To demonstrate there is no broadcast, lets cross join 2 dfs with 100000000 rows and review the DAG. In this case, the join keys in the2 dfs had string values and white spaces too. In this case I have a worker node with 2 cores
The two dfs are read into executor. The join keys are parallelly partitioned. These join keys are not returned to the driver. Each executor core holds the partitions in memory and stores them as shuffle files.
Next the cartesian product occurs. Partitions output above are combined before new partitions are computed.
Because this is happening within one executor core residing on a worker node, there is no further data exchange. Consequently, the partitions are zipped, and the join happens. The result is forwarded to the driver, the driver communicates the result to your application and its displayed.

How does merge-sort join work in Spark and why can it throw OOM?

I want to understand the concept of merge-sort join in Spark in depth.
I understand the overall idea: this is the same approach as in merge sort algorithm: Take 2 sorted datasets, compare first rows, write smallest one, repeat.
I also understand how I can implement distributed merge sort.
But I cannot get how it is implemented in Spark with respect to concepts of partitions and executors.
Here is my take.
Given I need to join 2 tables A and B. Tables are read from Hive via Spark SQL, if this matters.
By default Spark uses 200 partitions.
Spark then will calculate join key range (from minKey(A,B) to maxKey(A,B)
) and split it into 200 parts. Both datasets to be split by key
ranges into 200 parts: A-partitions and B-partitions.
Each A-partition and each B-partition that relate to same key are sent to same executor and are
sorted there separatelt from each other.
Now 200 executors can join 200 A-partitions with 200 B-partitions
with guarantee that they share same key range.
The join happes via merge-sort algo: take smallest key from
A-partition, compare with smallest key from B-partition, write
match, or iterate.
Finally, I have 200 partitions of my data which are joined.
Does it make sense?
Skewed keys. If some key range comprises 50% of dataset keys, some executor would suffer, because too many rows would go to the same partition.
It can even fail with OOM, while trying to sort too big A-partition or B-partition in memory (I cannot get why Spark cannot sort with disk spill, as Hadoop does?..) Or maybe it fails because it tries to read both partitions into memory for joining?
So, this was my guess. Could you please correct me and help to understand the way Spark works?
This is a common problem with joins on MPP databases and Spark is no different. As you say, to perform a join, all the data for the same join key value must be colocated so if you have a skewed distribution on the join key, you have a skewed distribution of data and one node gets overloaded.
If one side of the join is small you could use a map side join. The Spark query planner really ought to do this for you but it is tunable - not sure how current this is but it looks useful.
Did you run ANALYZE TABLE on both tables?
If you have a key on both sides that won't break the join semantics you could include that in the join.
why Spark cannot sort with disk spill, as Hadoop does?
Spark merge-sort join does spill to disk. Taking a look at Spark SortMergeJoinExec class, it uses ExternalAppendOnlyUnsafeRowArray which is described as:
An append-only array for UnsafeRows that strictly keeps content in an in-memory array until numRowsInMemoryBufferThreshold is reached post which it will switch to a mode which would flush to disk after numRowsSpillThreshold is met (or before if there is excessive memory consumption)
This is consistent with the experience of seeing tasks spilling to disk during a join operation from the Web UI.
why [merge-sort join] can throw OOM?
From the Spark Memory Management overview:
Spark’s shuffle operations (sortByKey, groupByKey, reduceByKey, join, etc) build a hash table within each task to perform the grouping, which can often be large. The simplest fix here is to increase the level of parallelism, so that each task’s input set is smaller.
i.e. in the case of join, increase spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to reduce the size of the partitions and the resulting hash table and correspondingly reduce the risk of OOM.

How Spark shuffle operation works?

I'm learning Spark for my project and I'm in stuck with shuffle process in Spark. I want to know how this operation works internal. I found some keywords involved in this operation: ShuffleMapStage, ShuffleMapTask, ShuffledRDD, Shuffle Write, Shuffle Read....
My questions are:
1) Why we need ShuffleMapStage? When this stage is created and how it works?
2) When ShuffledRDD's compute method is called?
3) What are Shuffle Read and Shuffle Write?
The suffle operation consist to distribute coherent data on workers (repartition) using hash function on data key (data localilty problem).
This operation involves data transfert to organise data before perform an action, reduce the number of suffle operation increase the performance.
Shuffle operation are automatically called by Spark between 2 transformation to execute a final action.
Some Spark transformation need shuffle (like Group by, Join, sort)
Some Spark transformation doesn't need shuffle (like Union, Map, Reduce, Filter, count)

How to avoid shuffles while joining DataFrames on unique keys?

I have two DataFrames A and B:
A has columns (id, info1, info2) with about 200 Million rows
B only has the column id with 1 million rows
The id column is unique in both DataFrames.
I want a new DataFrame which filters A to only include values from B.
if B was very small I know I would something along the lines of
A.filter($("id") isin B("id"))
but B is still pretty large, so not all of it can fit as a broadcast variable.
and I know I could use
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
but that wouldn't harness the uniqueness and I'm afraid will cause unnecessary shuffles.
What is the optimal method to achieve that task?
If you have not applied any partitioner on Dataframe A, May be this will help you understanding Join And Shuffle concepts.
Without Partitioner :
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
By default, this operation will hash all the keys of both dataframes, sending elements with the same key hash across the network to the same machine, and then join together the elements with the same key on that machine. Here you have to notice that both dataframes shuffle across the network.
With HashPartitioner:
Call partitionBy() when building A Dataframe, Spark will now know that it is hash-partitioned, and calls to join() on it will take advantage of this information. In particular, when we call A.join(B, Seq("id")), Spark will shuffle only the B RDD. Since B has less data than A you don't need to apply partitioner on B
val A = sc.sequenceFile[id, info1, info2]("hdfs://...")
.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100)) // Create 100 partitions
A.join(B, Seq("id"))
Reference is from Learning Spark book.
My default advice on how to optimize joins is:
Use a broadcast join if you can (From your question it seems your tables are large and a broadcast join is not an option).
One option in Spark is to perform a broadcast join (aka map-side join in hadoop world). With broadcast join, you can very effectively join a large table (fact) with relatively small tables (dimensions) by avoiding sending all data of the large table over the network.
You can use broadcast function to mark a dataset to be broadcast when used in a join operator. It uses spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold setting to control the size of a table that will be broadcast to all worker nodes when performing a join.
Use the same partitioner.
If two RDDs have the same partitioner, the join will not cause a shuffle. Note however, that the lack of a shuffle does not mean that no data will have to be moved between nodes. It's possible for two RDDs to have the same partitioner (be co-partitioned) yet have the corresponding partitions located on different nodes (not be co-located).
This situation is still better than doing a shuffle, but it's something to keep in mind. Co-location can improve performance, but is hard to guarantee.
If the data is huge and/or your clusters cannot grow such that even (2) above leads to OOM, use a two-pass approach. First, re-partition the data and persist using partitioned tables (dataframe.write.partitionBy()). Then, join sub-partitions serially in a loop, "appending" to the same final result table.
If I understand your question correctly, you want to use a broadcast join that replicates DataFrame B on every node so that the semi-join computation (i.e., using a join to filter id from DataFrame A) can compute independently on every node instead of having to communicate information back-and-forth between each other (i.e., shuffle join).
You can run join functions that explicitly call for a broadcast join to achieve what you're trying to do:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.broadcast
val joinExpr = A.col("id") === B.col("id")
val filtered_A = A.join(broadcast(B), joinExpr, "left_semi")
You can run filtered_A.explain() to verify that a broadcast join is being used.

Spark cartesian doesn't cause shuffle?

So, I tried to test on Spark operations that cause shuffling based on this stackoverflow post: LINK. However, it doesn't make sense for me when the cartesian operation doesn't cause shuffling in Spark since they need to move the partitions across the network in order to put them together locally.
How does Spark actually do its cartesian and distinct operations behind the scene??
Shuffle is an operation which is specific to RDDs of key-value pairs (RDD[(T, U)] commonly described as PairRDDs or PairwiseRDDs) and is more or less equivalent to shuffle phase in Hadoop. A goal of shuffle is to move data to specific executor based on key value and Partitioner.
There are different types of operations in Spark, which require network traffic, but don't use the same type of logic as shuffle and not always require key-value pairs. Cartesian product is one of these operations. It moves data between machines (in fact it causes much more expensive data movements) but doesn't establish relationship between keys and executors.
