Live call transfer by using asterisk - linux

i want to transfer a call from first executive to second executive when customer call to first executive by mistake? How first executive can map customer to second executive by pressing a key by using asterisk technology?

Default transfer is *2. For exact code check features.conf
You also have dialplan Transfer application you can map on any other extension.
You have Transfer ami command usable via asterisk managment interface(AMI)

The question is a bit vague, but since you put freepbx on the tags, I suppose you are using freepbx generated dialplan.
If I understand well, when a certain inbound context calls executive1 you want
1) them to be automagically redirected on executive2 before executive1 answers
2) executive1 answers, realizes that call is wrong and blind-transfers call to executive2 pressing a single button (= DTMF).
CASE 1 - Automatic redirection
Edit your /etc/asterisk/extension_custom.conf
[your inbound context]
exten => <executive 1 number>,Goto(your inbound context, executive2 number, 1)
You can find the name of your inbound context in the freepbx automatic generated dialplan, or in the freepbx GUI
CASE2 - In call transfer
Refer to this post to define a new feature code for in-call transfer. Unfortunately your feature code will be likely some #digit
Associate the application
Goto(your inbound context, executive2 number, 1)
to the feature code
Hope this will help.


Best way to validate DICOM connection request with pynetdicom

What is the preferred way to validate requested DICOM connection against a list of known hosts?
I can connect to the EVT_CONN_OPEN event. But in that, the element is always empty (b'').
I see from a TCP network analysis, that the name is transmitted. So, where is it?
What is the right way to validate the requesting host?
You could try using EVT_REQUESTED instead, it gets triggered after an association request is received/sent and the AE title information should be available at that point. Unfortunately EVT_CONN_OPEN is triggered on TCP connection which occurs prior to the association request.
If you don't like the host's details you can use the handler to send an association rejection message using event.assoc.acse.send_reject() or abort with event.assoc.abort().
If you're only interested in validating against the AE title you can use the AE.require_calling_aet property to restrict associations to those with matching AE titles.
For the benefit of anyone else looking this up, the correct stage to look this up is in the EVT_REQUESTED event. However you will likely find the details aren't filled in (they are populated AFTER the handler has been called).
So if you want to locate the callers AE in EVT_REQUESTED, you need to locate the A_ASSOCIATE primitive and read them from there. So for example in your handler you can do this to reject remotes:
def handle_request(event):
req_title = event.assoc.requestor.primitive.calling_ae_title.decode('ascii')
if req_title != 'MyAET':
event.assoc.acse.send_reject(0x01, 0x01, 0x03)
At least for 1.5.7.

Where to put outside-aggregate validation?

I've got a question regarding outside-aggregate validation.
In our domain partner can place orders that contain certain products (1).
Once order is placed (2) he can mark it as paid (3) in our system.
Once order is marked as paid (4) we assign licences to products in external library service (5).
Once we know licences are assigned (6) we close entire saga.
Here's a small drawing illustrating the process:
At this moment besides commands, command handlers and events there are two domain classes that are involved in entire process:
Order aggregate containing business logic
Order saga coordinating entire process and assigning licences
Now, there is one invariant that is not modelled in this process yet - before we mark order as paid we have to check if user does not already have particular licence assigned. We get this from library service as well.
Where would you put this validation? Command handler? Wrap Order in some domain service? Pass some validator to Order constructor?
class Order
public function __construct(OrderValidator $validator)
if (!$validator->isValid($this)) {
throw new \DomainException();
// else proceed
class OrderValidator
private $libraryServiceClient;
public function isValid(Order $order)
// check licence using $libraryServiceClient
As far as I understood the problem is in step 3 (Mark order as payed). In this step we need a user (let's call it payer) that marks the order as payed. So when creating this payer object (using factory maybe) we need to know if he is allowed to mark an order as payed. In order to get this information a call should be made to the external library.
What I suggest is to have an application service that have ->markOrderAsPayed($orderId, $payerUserId)
This method will make a call to 2 domain services. One for getting the payer and one for marking the order as payed.
$payer = $this->payerService->getPayer($payerUserId);
$this->orderService->payOrder($orderId, $payer);
In the getPayer() function you should make a call to the external library to know how many licences the payer have.
I hope this will be helpful, it is just based on what I understood from the questions and comments.

Spring Integration:Is there a way to aggregate from "all" messages in a channel?

I want to write a batch which reads website access log files(csv file)from a path every day and do some analysis using spring integration.
this is the simplified version of the input csv file.
The access number per source ip and path is to be calculated after some filtering logic.
I made a input channel whose payload is the parsed log line,and a filter is applied,and finally an aggregator to calculate the final result.
The problem is what should be the right group release stragety,the default release stragety(SequenceSizeReleaseStrategy) does not work.
Also any of other spring integraion out of box release
MessageCountReleaseStrategy, MethodInvokingReleaseStrategy,
SequenceSizeReleaseStrategy, TimeoutCountSequenceSizeReleaseStrategy)
does not seem to fit my needs.
Or Spring integration assumed that a channel carries a message stream where there is no concept of "ending of message" and is not suitalbe for my problem here ?
You can write a custom ReleaseStrategy if you have some way to tell when the group is complete. It is consulted each time a message is added to the group.
Or, you can use a group-timeout to release a partial group after some time when no messages arrived.

When can we get access to nest autoaway status?

Let me stress that I am not a programmer but I like messing around with things. I've been using #ifttt and #nest for years and recently started using #smartthings to do cool things in my house.
I wanted to power off devices such as my lights and water heater based on leaving my house. Rather than having this depend on one device such as a phone or keyfoob, I wanted to use the nest "auto-away" feature.
Auto-away doesn't appear to be exposed to #ifttt or #smartthings. I've asked #nestsupport and they told me to come here :-o.
Does anyone from nest developer team know when developers and other products will be able to consume this from he nest device? Its a real shame that after several years this isn't exposed yet. Not only that but it could be an additional selling point to integrate and turn on/off items in your house.
I'm not from the Nest developer team, but I've played around with the Nest API in the past, and use it to plot my energy usage.
The 'auto away' information is already accessible in the API, and looks to be used in a number of IFTTT recipes:
Within the (JSON) data received back in the API, the 'auto away' status is accessible via;
This is set as a boolean (0 or 1).
If you like messing around with code, and know any PHP, then this PHP class for the Nest API is very useful at grabbing all information etc;
Auto-Away is and always has been readable
There are a few ways you could go about doing this, but if you're writing up a SmartApp just for your own uses, I'd suggest piggybacking off of one of the existing device types for the Nest on SmartThings. As a quick example, I'll use the one that I use:
After line 96, this is to expose the status to any SmartApp you may write:
attribute "temperatureUnit", "string"
attribute "humiditySetpoint", "number"
attribute "autoAwayStatus", "number" // New Line
Now, you'll want to take care of getting the data in the existing poll() method, currently starting at line 459.
After line 480, to update the attribute
sendEvent(name: 'humidity', value: humidity)
sendEvent(name: 'humiditySetpoint', value: humiditySetpoint, unit: Humidity)
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatFanMode', value: fanMode)
sendEvent(name: 'thermostatMode', value: temperatureType)
sendEvent(name: 'autoAwayStatus', value: data.shared.auto_away) // New Line
This will expose a numerical value for the auto_away status.
-1 = Auto Away Not Enabled
0 = Auto Away Off
1 = Auto Away On
Then, in your SmartApp you write, where you include an input of type thermostat like this:
section("Choose thermostat... ") {
input "thermostat", "capability.thermostat"
You will be able to access the Auto Away status by referring to
From anywhere in your code where you can do something like
if (thermostat.autoAwayStatus == 1) {
// Turn off everything

Postfix and save to sent mail dir

I know this might be a dummy question or a question that comes from lack of knowledge, but I hope someone can still answer it. I did try to read a lot of Postfix documentation but found no answer to this. I don't even know if it's a Postfix specific or mail servers general question.
So I have a mail server, just a clean Postfix install that delivers email.
I've defined my users and connected with IMAP and SMTP using Thunderbird.
When I went to Thunderbird account settings and disabled "place a copy", Postfix did not put a copy of the sent message in the user .Sent folder.
However, I've also connected my Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo mail and disabled the "place a copy" and still have a copy in the sent items folder.
So in this case there are 2 options:
Something is wrong with my Postfix configuration
Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo put a copy in their sent folder as a different process on the server side
Just for the record, having searched around for a how to, and not finding one, I am posting it here:
The only (easy) way I've found to save sent emails is the sender_bcc solution (with it's attendant faults):
I am using postfix / dovecot / sieve / mysql virtual boxes
In /etc/postfix/ add:
sender_bcc_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/
Create file /etc/postfix/
user = (database user)
password = (database password)
hosts =
dbname = (database databasename)
query = SELECT CONCAT_WS('',LEFT('%s', LOCATE('#', '%s')-1),'+sent#',SUBSTRING('%s', LOCATE('#', '%s')+1)) AS destination FROM virtual_users WHERE email='%s' AND autosent=1
You'll note in my query, I've added a (tinyint default 0) column to my virtual_users table so I can turn on/off this automatic sent items feature per user. This query takes the sender email address that postfix gives it, splits it in half at the # sign, and adds +sent to the address so it looks like sender+sent#domain.tld. This allows sieve in the next step to pick it up and drop it straight to sent items.
In /etc/dovecot/sieve/default.sieve add:
require ["fileinto", "mailbox", "envelope", "subaddress","imap4flags"];
if envelope :detail "to" "sent" {
addflag "\\Seen";
fileinto :create "Sent";
Also helpful to modify /etc/dovecot/conf.d/15-mailboxes.conf and add the auto subscribe to sent (and junk and trash and others for that matter):
mailbox Sent {
special_use = \Sent
auto = subscribe
I think that is all (I'm posting this the next day after doing it, so I think I got it all...)
Postfix itself does not place copies of sent messages anywhere; it receives messages and delivers them to the recipient. Saving sent messages to your own mailbox is the responsibility of your user agent (Thunderbird, in your case).
It's important to understand that Postfix (and other traditional Unix SMTP servers) don't have a "user" concept. Yes, if so configured it's possible to authenticate by supplying a username and a password, but Postfix doesn't use this identity information.
That said, it's not impossible to configure Postfix to do what you expected – sender_bcc_maps can be used to add a recipient to messages sent by you, and by adding yourself and using a filter in your mail client (or mail delivery agent like procmail) you can make sure that messages sent by you end up in the Sent folder.
I am running a Installation with automatic copies created by sender_bcc_maps. It's working fine. You have to check the sender, otherwise everyone can create sent mails in foreign sent folders.
I have solved it with two virtual domains. One for the user and one for the copy.
But there is a big problem with sender_bcc_maps. All bcc senders will be deleted in the sent copy. You cannot see anymore, who got a blind copy of this mail.
As 'ego2dot0' said above, you don't need any MDA filters (sieve etc.) to do this. It can be done using Postfix alone, although it took me a while to figure out how to do it.
You have to use sender_bcc_maps AND virtual_mailbox_maps features together.
You have to use a virtual domain dedicated specially for copies to self. If your actual domain is "your.domain.tld", you can use eg. subdomain "copyself.your.domain.tld". This subdomain does not have to actually exist, ie. be defined in the DNS (moreover, it's better that it isn't defined, so nobody accidentally sends mail to it from outside). It is a purely virtual domain that is recognized only by Postfix.
1) Configure sender_bcc_maps to BCC mail coming from user#your.domain.tld to user#copyself.your.domain.tld. You can do it for only a few selected users using a regular "hash" type map, or you can do it for all users at once using PCRE type map and regular expressions.
2) You have to define your virtual domain in virtual_mailbox_domains, like this:
3) Configure virtual_mailbox_maps so that the destination mailbox for address "user#copyself.your.domain.tld" is the actual "Sent" mailbox of the user "user". For example (assumed that you are using regular system users and Maildir format - like in my case) the path to "Sent" mailbox for user "user" will be "/home/user/Maildir/.Sent". So, you can define common part of the path as virtual_mailbox_base, eg.
and then in the virtual mailbox map enter the rest of the path like this:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld user/Maildir/.Sent/
(the trailing / is important to indicate the Maildir format).
Again, you can use PCRE type map to do this for all users.
4) To properly save mail to the mailbox, Postfix need to also know the proper UID and GID for the particular user, so you have to use virtual_uid_maps and virtual_gid_maps parameters as well. If you are using virtual users, it's probably enough to define "static" type maps specifying a single UID and GID of the system user that owns all the virtual mailboxes. However, if you are using system users like me, you need the proper actual UID and GID for any user. If you have only a few users, you can use a regular "hash" type map, with entries like these:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld 2001
or you can try to setup a pipeline with "pipemap" map type, that uses some PCRE maps and "unix:passwd.byname" map to obtain the UIDs and GIDs for all users (I haven't done this part, as my Postfix installation is compiled without "pipemap" type support).
So to sum everything up, use something like this:
In /etc/postfix/ file, add the following lines:
/etc/postfix/sender_bcc contains a bunch of lines like:
user#your.domain.tld user#copyself.your.domain.tld
/etc/postfix/copyself contains - respectively - lines like:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld user/Maildir/.Sent/
/etc/postfix/copyself_uids and /etc/postfix/copyself_gids contain - respectively - lines like:
user#copyself.your.domain.tld 2001
I have done this on my server and it works great for me.
