Is it possible to process payments using the square e-commerce API(php) and to prompt for ApplePay/Google wallet(/pay) on mobile devices?
Not at this time, but we are always working on new features!
I'm building an app where I want users to be able click a link to open up CashApp (as well as various other P2P payment apps), as far along in the transaction as possible. My client doesn't want the app to actually handle the payments, just for it to forward along to a place to make the payment.
So, for example, I can go to to open the Venmo app to a certain user's profile, which is basically enough for me. (anyone know how to include an amount or message in the url?)
But goes to a webpage that directs me to the App Store get the app, and doesn't even open the app on my phone if it's already downloaded.
Anyone know how to do this?
This is actually quite simple with a universal link:$username/amount
The following example will open a cash app payment of $12.50 for the user with username 'helloworld':$helloworld/12.50
To pass info to Venmo app you can use:
This is the url format for Venmo deeplinking:<USER_NAME_1>,<USER_NAME_2>...?txn=<charge|pay>¬e=<NOTE>&amount=<AMOUNT>
You can read more about the url format for Venmo Deeplinking here.
##"This is actually quite simple with a universal link:$username/amount
The following example will open a cash app payment of $12.50 for the user with username 'helloworld':$helloworld/12.50"##
I also used the same format but instead of app I used me:$username/5.00/
And when i click on the button with the as anchored:
The phone with the APP opens the payment of $5.00 with the username and the person just needs to hit send.
At this time, the ability to integrate with Cash app or accept or send Square Cash payments aren't currently available for Square’s API.
I'm using Paypal as a vendor.
My website is responsive and somehow I'd like to use the new Paypal responsive layout for my customers as well when it comes to payment.
Is there any kind of parameter I can submit in the buy now Paypal URLs so that I force the new responsive paypal layout? It seems as if there's still an A/B test ongoing on Paypal side - old none responsive layout vs. the new one.
What I found out is if your API call contains either item details or recurring payment, it uses old layout, otherwise it uses new layout.
I only see Artist, Album, and Tracks lookups in the docs. I want to display what I'm currently listening to. Is there a way to do this using the API?
Spotify does not provide this at this time. You can either get it by turning on scrobbling or accessing facebook music data.
As Thomas said Spotify does not provide such a feature 'directly'.
But there are some ways to get it work.
You have to me some more sprcific what you want to do. Web/Desktop/App
I wrote a tiny console app using an external dll
"File/Link removed" - send pm for further information!
If this is what you need just message me. It's a rly tiny application just for test purposes! Because I currently develop a overlay.
Is it possible to create a checkin by allowing a user to click on button in a html page that takes them to a share location (checkin page)?
I am thinking- something like the twitter share url?
for example-
I want this functionality in order to allow users to swipe their nfc phone on a smart tag and it loads a html page with different options
On an Android-based or iOS-based mobile device, you can use special formed URLs in order to start the Foursquare application viewing the desired venue:
The URL (e.g. can either be opened by the installed Android Foursquare App or opened by a normal browser (or other Intent receivers registered for that URL).
You can further use the URL to get to the mobile page, where you can just press "check in" or enter a shout. By checking-in via the mobile page (and not the app), you do not get points and are not able to earn Mayorships (see Foursquare support).
But you can, for example, create your own web app that accesses the Foursquare API and performs the check-in for the OAuth'ed users. By using the HTML5 Geolocation feature, you can also send the mobile device's Lat/Lon coordinates to your web app and perform valid check-ins that also count for Mayorships, etc. A good start is Foursquare's developer page:
The location API only seems to work for me when I warm up the GPS by opening Nokia Maps or Google Maps.
The Google Maps app has a status balloon which shows the number of satellites and lets the user know when the connection is active, however I have not found anything in the J2ME Location API docs which specifies how to do this.
It seems like these apps are calling some function which kick-starts the GPS. Without opening them the Location API will just time out in my app.
Use LocationListener ... :)