I am using express-session and I need to create a session secret.
I have read that the secret is used for hashing.
How long and what characters should this secret have?
I was thinking about a random alphanumerical string like this:
Can anyone give me advice on this?
The secret is used to sign the session id cookie, to prevent the cookie to be tampered with.
In the end, the module responsible for creating the signature is cookie-signature, which uses crypto.createHmac() using the secret as the key and the SHA256 algorithm for hashing.
I don't think there's a real upper limit to the length of the secret (other than, possibly, the maximum length of a string in Node, which I don't even think exists). I think that if it's longer than 256 bits (= 32 bytes), it will get hashed down to 32 bytes first.
There's also no limitation to which characters you put in a secret. A string of random alnum characters, say 24 to 32 bytes long, should do just fine.
I want to encrypt and decrypt strings. I'm using Nodejs crypto for this. I've read that when encrypting and decrypting it's highly recommended to use an IV. I want to store the encrypted data inside a MySQL database and decrypt it later when needed. I understand that I need the IV also for the decryption process. But what exactly is an IV and how should I store it? I read something about that an IV does not to be kept secret. Does this mean I can store it right next to the encrypted data it belongs to?
it's highly recommended to use an IV
No, it's required or you'll not get a fully secure ciphertext in most circumstances. At the very minimum, not supplying an IV for the same key and plaintext message will result in identical ciphertext, which will leak information to an adversary. In other words: encryption would be deterministic, and that's not a property that you want from a cipher. For CTR and GCM mode you may well leak all of the plaintext message though...
But what exactly is an IV ... ?
An IV just consists of binary bits. It's size and contents depend on the mode of operation (CBC/CTR/GCM). Generally it needs either to be a nonce or randomized.
CBC mode requires a randomized IV of 16 bytes; generally a cryptographically secure random number generator is used for that.
CTR mode commonly specifies both a nonce and the initial counter value within the IV of 16 bytes. So you already need to put the nonce in the left hand bytes (lowest index). This nonce may be randomized, but then it should be large enough (e.g. 12 bytes) to avoid the birthday problem.
GCM mode requires just a nonce of 12 bytes.
and how should I store it
Anyway you can store the bytes, as long as they can be retrieved or regenerated during decryption. If you need text you may need to encode it using base 64 or hexadecimals (this goes for the ciphertext as well, of course).
I read something about that an IV does not to be kept secret.
That's correct.
Does this mean I can store it right next to the encrypted data it belongs to?
Correct, quite often the IV is simply prefixed to the ciphertext; if you know the block cipher and mode of operation then the size is predetermined after all.
I am implementing a magic link/passwordless authentication.
I am sending an email with a token generated via crypto.randomBytes, when the user clicks on the link, it is redirected to the app and the token is validated to make sure it is unique.
Does the number of bytes matter, and if yes what would be a good number?
token is validated to make sure it is unique
maybe you could as well validate that it's not yet expired (define some validity to the token)
Does the number of bytes matter, and if yes what would be a good number?
In security, size does matter. It is considered as unfeasible to guess if the random output is 128 bit long (=16 bytes), or 256 bit (=32 bytes) with safe margin.
As well you may add some integrity/authentication check, such as signature or hmac, if you use simple random number generator (not from any serious crypto library) or counter
I am generating a session key to be stored in a cookie using the following function:
function getRandomKey($length=32) {
$string = '';
$characters = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)];
return $string;
If I were to generate a 1 digit key it would have:
26 lowercase + 26 uppercase + 0-10 = 62 options.
Therefore an 8 digit key would have 62^8 or 218,340,105,584,896 possible combinations.
1) Is there any rule of thumb on how many characters out I should go? The more the better, I know, but is 8 enough or should it be more like 32 characters, 64 etc.?
2) Are there any security concerns when using localStorage?
Thanks in advance!
These are two very different questions.
1) TL;DR: about 16 characters (case-sensitive) is ok for most purposes.
First, please if you can, avoid implementing session management. It is already done in many frameworks, including session id generation and more - use an existing, well-known implementation if you can, because it is not straightforward to get it right.
Now, it's all about entropy. You started out right by calculating the number of possible combinations. If you take log2 of that, you get how many bits of entropy that session id has. (Well, let's not go into entropy here...)
So one case-sensitive alphanumeric character ([a-zA-Z0-9]) has log2(62)=5.9542 bits of entropy, two characters two times more, and so on.
The time required for an attacker to guess a valid session id is:
(2^b + 1) / (2 * n * s)
Where 'b' is the available bits of entropy in the session id, 'n' is the number of guesses the attacker can make every second, and 's' is the number of valid session ids in the system.
In a large, distributed web application, potentially using a botnet, an attacker may be able to make n=100000 guesses a second, and there may be s=1 million valid session ids. You want the result to be several hundred years at the very least, say 300 (15768000000 seconds). (These are totally arbitrary values.)
This gives about b=70, so you need 70 bits of entropy. If each character has 5.9542 bits of entropy as discussed above, it gives about 12 for the required session id length, but you can just round it up to 16 to make sure. :)
As a rule of thumb, it is sometimes assumed that bits of entropy in a session id is half the length (in bits) of that session id. It is mostly a reasonable approximation without any calculation. :) Even more so, because sessuion ids are sometimes actual random numbers base64 or otherwise encoded. Different encodings usually give different results though.
Also make sure to use a cryptographic random number generator, otherwise entropy is much less. Note that mt_rand() is not cryptographically random, so the code in your question is vulnerable!
2) TL;DR Yes. (I suppose you mean using local storage for storing the session id.)
The best possible place to store a session id is a httpOnly, Secure cookie without an expiration (non-persistent), because Javascript cannot access it there (for example cross-site scripting doesn't affect a victim user's session id at least), and being non-persistent, it will be removed when the user closes the browser and will not be persisted to disk (well, mostly... but that's a long story).
If you use localStorage, any XSS will directly affect the session id, which is very valuable for an attacker. Also sessions will survive closing the browser, which is slightly unexpected - user sessuions might easily be hijacked on shared computers.
Note though that this depends on the use-case and the risk you want to take. While it would definitaly not be ok for a financial application where you can access and manage very sensitive data, it can be ok for less risky applications. You can also let the user decide ("remember me", in which case you put it into localStorage), but most users are not aware of the associated risk, so they can't make an informed decision.
Also note that sessionStorage is a little better, because the session id will be removed from the browser when it is closed, but it is still available to Javascript (XSS).
I am writing a program that takes a passphrase from the user and then writes some encrypted data to file. The method that I have come up with so far is as follows:
Generate a 128-bit IV from hashing the filename and the system time, and write this to the beginning of the file.
Generate a 256-bit key from the passphrase using SHA256.
Encrypt the data (beginning with a 32-bit static signature) with this key using AES in CBC mode, and write it to file.
When decrypting, the IV is read, and then the passphrase used to generate the key in the same way, and the first 32-bits are compared against what the signature should be in order to tell if the key is valid.
However I was looking at the AES example provided in PolarSSL (the library I am using to do the hashing and encryption), and they use a much more complex method:
Generate a 128-bit IV from hashing the filename and file size, and write this to the beginning of the file.
Generate a 256-bit key from hashing (SHA256) the passphrase and the IV together 8192 times.
Initialize the HMAC with this key.
Encrypt the data with this key using AES in CBC mode, and write it to file, while updating the HMAC with each encrypted block.
Write the HMAC to the end of the file.
I get the impression that the second method is more secure, but I don't have enough knowledge to back that up, other than that it looks more complicated.
If it is more secure, what are the reasons for this?
Is appending an HMAC to the end of the file more secure than having a signature at the beginning of the encrypted data?
Does hashing 8192 times increase the security?
Note: This is an open source project so whatever method I use, it will be freely available to anyone.
The second option is more secure.
Your method, does not provide any message integrity. This means that an attacker can modify parts of the ciphertext and alter what the plain text decrypts to. So long as they don't modify anything that will alter your 32-bit static signature then you'll trust it. The HMAC on the second method provides message integrity.
By hashing the key 8192 times it adds extra computational steps for someone to try and bruteforce the key. Assume a user will pick a dictionary based password. With your method an attacker must perform SHA256(someguess) and then try and decrypt. However, with the PolarSSL version, they will have to calculate SHA256(SHA256(SHA256...(SHA256(someguess))) for 8192 times. This will only slow an attacker down, but it might be enough (for now).
For what it's worth, please use an existing library. Cryptography is hard and is prone to subtle mistakes.
Currently I am using a particular scheme for securing passwords, and I think I have some points for improvement. The implementation is in Java, so I prefer to use SHA-2 512 as encryption form.
Currently I have a client-server model, so these things can happen:
Client wants to login, he sends his password with one time normal SHA-2 512 encryption over the network.
The server has the passwords stored in the database as for example SHA-2_512(SHA-2_512(password) + salt), with the inner SHA-2_512(password) being the 'encrypted' password it receives over the network.
Password checks are done server side and there is no way anything can leak out from the server, the only possible vulnerability would be if someone could read out the RAM I think.
I have these questions:
An attacker usually creates collision attacks when wanting to hack a password. However how are collision attacks sufficient? If the password needs to be used for other applications like Outlook.com, Facebook or whatever (which likely use another salt as they have nothing to do with my applications), how is a collision attack enough then? Don't you need the real password?
Does SHA-2 512 already use iteration? And even if so, should I change my encryption methods to automatically use a number of iterations plus how many iterations is preferred? I have also read about using a random number of iterations (in a range), how do I store the random factor determenistically?
Should I store system secrets for every iteration in the server code? See http://blog.mozilla.org/webappsec/2011/05/10/sha-512-w-per-user-salts-is-not-enough/ . I could store an array which would hold a static secret for every iteration, with the nth secret being for the nth iteration. Nobody can know the secrets, they are computed once (I guess as encrypting some random string), and then basically stored in the Server's RAM.
Currently I send the typed password from the client to the server as just SHA-2_512(password), should this process be improved, and if so, how? I cannot use salts, because the client does not have the salt available.
TLDR: You need to send the password using an encrypted channel, such as TLS. Consider using bcrypt for password hashing.
SHA-2 512 is not an encryption algortihm, it is a message digest algorithm. An encryption algorithm requires a key and a message to encrypt. It produces ciphertext. The important thing is that an encryption algorithm has a decryption algorithm.
ciphertext = E(key, plaintext);
plaintext = D(key, ciphertext);
A message digest takes a piece of plaintext and produces a message digest. There is no corresponding reverse mechanism to take a message digest and retrieve the original message. There is also no secret key.
digest = hash(plaintext);
If an attacker is able to access a database with hashes, the attacker can retrieve the original password by brute forcing, trying lots of guesses with the hash algorithm.
digest1 = hash(guess1);
digest2 = hash(guess2); //repeat with lots of guesses
Firstly, sending a hash over a network is not secure. It needs to be sent through some secure communications mechanism such as SSL. If an attacker can intercept the hash over the communications they may be able to work out the orignal password.
A hash collision is not the same as brute forcing the password. A hash collision is caused when two different messages produce the same message digest.
digest1 = hash(plaintext1);
digest2 = hash(plaintext2);
if ( ( plaintext1 != plaintext2 ) && ( digest1 == digest2 ) )
// hash collision
SHA-512 does not have iterations designed to prevent brute-forcing. The SHA set of algorithms are designed to be efficient. The reason for adding iterations when hashing passwords is to increase the time it takes to brute force a password. The idea being the cost to perform a legitimate login attempt and perform 100 iterations is tiny compared to an attacker who has millions of passwords, each of which requires 100 iterations. Adding more iterations helps reduce the impact of improved processor speeds (which would help an attacker try more iterations quicker).
You should make the number of iterations a configurable limit that is stored against each user. So you store the password hash, salt and iteration count for each user. This means that in the future you can increase the number of iterations to take into account increased hardware power.
Sending the SHA-2 512 in plaintext is not secure. You should send it within an encrypted channel, such as SSL.
Having said all that, SHA-2 is not designed to be a password hashing algorithm. It is designed for message validation and is to be efficient. Consider using a purpose built password hashing algorithm. One example is bcrypt. It is designed to be computationally difficult and has salt and iterations built in.