Not able to run nodejs project on google app engine - node.js

I have just started google app engine with nodejs. I have created a local project that works fine on my machine. And If I hit
it returns a json object.
I have deployed the same project on google app engine using
gcloud app deploy
Now when I hit
it is showing
Error: Server Error
The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.
Please try again in 30 seconds.
I have checked the logs on server
Load controllers from path '/app/app/services' non recursive.
Up and running on port 7000
Loading controller 'UserService.js'.
No error on the server side. What is this issue? Am I missing something?
Here is the project that I have deployed

Your app must listen to 8080, not 7000 or any else port.
See this.
Listening to port 8080
The App Engine front end will route incoming requests to the appropriate module on port 8080. You must be sure that your application code is listening on 8080.


Issue accessing my loopback API on Heroku

I have created a fullstack app - Loopback is being used as the backend API and React as frontend app.
I was expecting to host my app on Heroku. I can successfully start the app (hosted on port 3000) and the client React is correctly displayed. However, when I try to send request to the API using this url http://localhost:3000/api/, I receive this error message :
DOMException: Failed to execute 'open' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Invalid URL
Any ideas?
Your app won't be running on port 3000 when it's deployed to Heroku - you need to use the random port that it's assigned. Also, your React front end should then use instead of localhost:3000. The React code is running on the client computer so it needs to make the request over the internet.
Because Heroku generate random port number, it's necessary to create 2 app: front end client and back end API.

Google App Engine 502 (Bad Gateway) with NodeJS

I have a full web application using NodeJS, MongoDB (Mongoose as the driver) and ExpressJS.
The project works perfectly on my local machine. Today I decided to move everything to production. I'm using Google App Engine to host my application, and Compose (formally MongoHQ) to host my database.
App Engine servers my application perfectly, although my API does not seem to work. My API is served from, and each request (GET, POST, DELETE and PUT) all returns a 502 (Bad Gateway) error.
I tried running my application on my local machine while connected to my remote MongoDB database and that worked perfectly fine. So it must be a problem with App Engine or NodeJS, not with MongoDB.
I have tried checking all error logs within Google Cloud, although there are no errors.
Why is App Engine/NodeJS serving my application's static content perfectly fine, although not allowing any requests to my API?
just make sure that your server listens on 8080 port
502 Bad Gateway is usually an error on the Nginx side. Unfortunately those logs are not surfaced to Cloud Logging, yet.
A lot of times the problem is that your HTTP packets are too big for the buffers or something similar. The way you can see the nginx log is something like this:
Use just 1 VM. This isn't strictly necessary, but a lot of times it makes it easier to debug your application if you know that your requests on the one machine. You can accomplish this by adding this to your app.yaml:
instances: 1
then re-deploy
Switch the VM from "Google owned" to self-managed. This can be done in the Cloud Console. Go to Compute Engine, instances, click on the instance name that matches the App Engine version, and you should see an option to switch it to self-managed.
gcloud compute ssh <instance name> to SSH to the machine
docker ps to see your running containers. Look for the container named nginx and grab its id.
Once you have a container ID, you should be able to docker exec -it <container id> -- cat /var/log/nginx/error.log. You might want to ls that whole log directory.
You will likely see an error there which will be a bigger hint as to what's going wrong.
I know this is way more complicated than it should be :-\ If you have any problems with the steps above, leave a comment. If you do find an error and you're not sure what to do with it, also leave a comment.
I had the same problem, I was getting "nginx 502 bad gateway" error on GAE standard environment. There are many reasons for this but I finally got it working. Try these:
1) Run the app on the correct port. Google will set the PORT environment variable. I was running on port 8080, in the stackdriver logs I was getting this warning:
App is listening on port 8080. We recommend your app listen on the
port defined by the PORT environment variable to take advantage of an
NGINX layer on port 8080.
The code below gets the port from environment, if PORT is set otherwise defaults to 8080:
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;
2) Go to google cloud console -> logging -> logs viewer. Select Google App Engine and then your service from the down and check you logs. Are you getting the requests at all or does it look like the requests do not react to your server. In my case, I was not getting them even after I fixed the port:
2020-03-02 21:50:07 backend[20200302t232314] Server listening on port
8081! 2020-03-02 21:50:08 backend[20200302t232314] "GET /create-user
HTTP/1.1" 502
Fix any error if it looks like your application is failing to start, throwing exceptions etc..
3) Don't pass an IP when you are running your server. It seems Google runs the app at a pre-defined IP address and do not want you to modify it:
4) Don't try to run on https! Google is running an nginx server in front of your app and it is handling the SSL and redirects to your app over http. You can use the environment variable NODE_ENV(it is set to "production" in GAE environment) to run on http on production and https elsewhere, like this:
let https = require('https');
let http = require('http');
if (process.env.NODE_ENV == "production") {
http.createServer(app).listen(PORT, function () {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}!`)
} else {
key: fs.readFileSync('host.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('host.cert')
}, app).listen(PORT, function () {
console.log(`Server listening on port ${PORT}!`)
5) I didn't need to set any handlers in my yaml file, it might be causing errors for you if you have incorrect configuration. My yaml file is pretty straightforward:
runtime: nodejs12
env: standard
instance_class: F1

How do I run multiple instances of Swaggerize on the same host?

So I'm trying to build a simple PaaS for Node apps ( and I'm getting some really strange behaviour.
Basically - you can run BasePlatform on your host and it starts up a proxy server on port 8080 using http-proxy and an instance of Swaggerize-express on port 8180. Initially it proxies all requests on port 8080 through to 8180 which is the API to install new apps.
You can upload an app and specify a domain name that has its DNS pointing at the same host (localhost for purpose of testing) and based on that domain it will proxy requests through to the app that is running on an alternate port.
So I created a second swaggerize-express app and uploaded it in to BasePlatform running on port 8005. However when I try and view the Swagger JSON that is automatically generated (http://localhost:8005/api/v1/api-docs) for the app running on port 8005 I get the JSON for the default app running on port 8180.
If I start the app independently and hit port 8005 I get the correct JSON.
I'm not understanding how a node process running on one port of my host is interferring with the node process running on the other and am looking for some insight.
Note - this is me trying to hit the installed app's json directly on the port that it was started on. If I try viewing it on port 8080 (via the proxy) I get the same behaviour. My static routes that aren't automatically being handled by Swaggerize are working as expected - there only seems to be crossover between the swaggerize handled routes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Figured it out!
I implicitly left the current working directory as that of the parent process (BasePlatform) when launching the child process:
const fork = require('child_process').fork;
app.locals.settings.deployedProcesses[oldAppId+'-'+latestDeployId] = fork('./deployments/'+oldAppId+'-'+latestDeployId+'/server.js');
In doing so the Swaggerize router of the child process was picking up the swagger.yaml file of the parent process (because it was stuck in the parent's current working directory) instead of its own.
I revised it to set the current working directory to that of the child process:
const fork = require('child_process').fork;
app.locals.settings.deployedProcesses[oldAppId+'-'+latestDeployId] = fork('server.js',[],{
cwd: './deployments/'+oldAppId+'-'+latestDeployId

GCloud VM error: Error from HTTP-over-RPC proxy: No response

I'm trying to deploy a node.js app to a python Google Appengine application. The Node.js app is a custom runtime module, hosted in a Google Compute Engine VM.
I'm able to test it in localhost without any errors, but when I deploy to AppEngine and load a webpage, I get:
Error from HTTP-over-RPC proxy: No response
Has anyone else experienced this?
This error means that your app isn't responding to proxied requests.
The way that Managed VMs work is that your app runs inside a Docker container on a Google Compute Engine VM. This VM also runs a proxy that will direct external traffic on the appropriate port to the Docker container running your app. This error message indicates that there was no response from your app.
One possible cause is that your app is listening on the wrong port: are you respecting the $PORT environment variable?
You should also take a look at your application logs:<project>/appengine/logs
Take a look at the node.js "Hello World" app for an basic example with the ports correctly configured. Here's a relevant excerpt:
var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || '8080',
function() {
console.log('App listening at http://%s:%s',
console.log("Press Ctrl+C to quit.");

How to deploy a node.js application on windows azure?

I am building windows azure application which is primarily based on .NET, but I also have to build a server using node.js hence i need to deploy a server and use this url to connect in my .NET application.
I followed all the steps listed here . And I am able to get the running on my local but when i deploy to cloud, it doesnt start. Please find below a code snippet for
var app = require('express')()
, server = require('http').createServer(app)
, io = require('').listen(server, { origins: '*:*' });
When i hosted it in my local emulator, was pointing to this in my browser
But showed "Cannot GET /" on the browser, which is an indicative that the server is running on that url.
But when i deploy the same to cloud, i get the same as the screenshot on the url where the cloud service is hosted but on port 4001 where the server should have started it says page cannot be displayed.
Please let me know if you need to see any other files like web.config etc.
I have been stuck on this issue from forever and its really crucial for my project, any suggestions or ideas would be deeply appreciated.
The important part that you are missing from the sample is setting of the port number
var port = process.env.port || 1337;
when you are running inside of the Azure environment (even emulated) the ports are assigned for you, the port environment variable will tell you where. 4001 is likely not the assigned port.
The 1337 would only be used if you are running by executing
node server.js
from the command line
