So I have been working roughly all the Christmas with this, but it seems like I cant actually find a way, I just create this account because of it. So, lets go into the code.
In first stance, I wanna warning the variables and all that are in spanish, but I dont think it will be a problem.
I have been taking a lot of data, its... if I recall correctly 53 or 56 columns in my SQL table or something like. I have been recollecting data through all the app and getting it through each activity by "putExtra". This is for a project for my school, so I have to use SQLite (I would like to use firebase, being honest) so, whatever, lets go into the code, which is the important stuff.
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase BaseDeDatos) {
//Creamos instancia a nuestra clase de BD
BaseDeDatos.execSQL("create table datos_personaje (apellido text primary key, nombre text, edad int, genero text, raza text, clase text, " +
"fuerza int, destreza int, resistencia int, inteligencia int, percepcion int, voluntad int, carisma int, apariencia int, manipulacion int, " +
"pelea int, atletismo int, robar int, sigilo int, nadar int, montar int, abrirCerr int, resDolorF int, escalar int, evadir int, esquivar int, bloquear int, " +
"alerta int, supervivencia int, coherencia int, rastrear int, concentracion int, buscar int, esconderse int, resDolorM int, estrategia int, escuchar int, conGeneral int, tasar int, " +
"mentir int, empatia int, liderazgo int, intimidar int, callejeo int, comercio int, seducir int, protocolo int, convencer int, actuar int, timar int, disfraz int, " +
"tecnicasHechizos text, inventario text)");
This is the creation of the table, I would say its alright.
public void SQLiteAyuda() {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
String nombre = extras.getString("nombre");
String apellidos = extras.getString("apellidos");
int edad = extras.getInt("edad");
String genero = extras.getString("genero");
String raza = extras.getString("raza");
String clase = extras.getString("clase");
int f = extras.getInt("principalesF");
int d = extras.getInt("principalesD");
int r = extras.getInt("principalesR");
int i = extras.getInt("principalesI");
int p = extras.getInt("principalesP");
int v = extras.getInt("principalesV");
int c = extras.getInt("principalesC");
int a = extras.getInt("principalesA");
int m = extras.getInt("principalesM");
int pelea = extras.getInt("pelea");
int atletismo = extras.getInt("atletismo");
int robar = extras.getInt("robar");
int sigilo = extras.getInt("sigilo");
int nadar = extras.getInt("nadar");
int montar = extras.getInt("montar");
int abrirCerr = extras.getInt("abrircerr");
int resDolorF = extras.getInt("resdolorf");
int escalar = extras.getInt("escalar");
int evadir = extras.getInt("evadir");
int bloquear = extras.getInt("bloquear");
int esquivar = extras.getInt("esquivar");
int alerta = extras.getInt("alerta");
int supervivencia = extras.getInt("supervivencia");
int coherencia = extras.getInt("coherencia");
int rastrear = extras.getInt("rastrear");
int concentracion = extras.getInt("concentracion");
int buscar = extras.getInt("buscar");
int esconderse = extras.getInt("esconderse");
int resDolorM = extras.getInt("resDolorM");
int estrategia = extras.getInt("estrategia");
int escuchar = extras.getInt("escuchar");
int conGeneral = extras.getInt("conGeneral");
int tasar = extras.getInt("tasar");
int mentir = extras.getInt("mentir");
int empatia = extras.getInt("empatia");
int liderazgo = extras.getInt("liderazgo");
int intimidar = extras.getInt("intimidar");
int callejeo = extras.getInt("callejeo");
int comercio = extras.getInt("comercio");
int seducir = extras.getInt("seducir");
int protocolo = extras.getInt("protocolo");
int convencer = extras.getInt("convencer");
int actuar = extras.getInt("actuar");
int timar = extras.getInt("conGeneral");
int disfraz = extras.getInt("disfraz");
String poderes = extras.getString("tecnicasHechizos");
String inventario = inventarioText.getText().toString();
I get all my data in the last activity, so I can get it into the SQL table:
AdminSQLiteOpenHelper admin = new AdminSQLiteOpenHelper(this, "datos_personaje", null, 2);
SQLiteDatabase BaseDeDatos = admin.getWritableDatabase();
ContentValues datos = new ContentValues();
datos.put("nombre", nombre);
datos.put("apellido", apellidos);
datos.put("edad", edad);
datos.put("genero", genero);
datos.put("raza", r);
datos.put("clase", c);
datos.put("fuerza", f);
datos.put("destreza", d);
datos.put("resistencia", r);
datos.put("inteligencia", i);
datos.put("percepcion", p);
datos.put("voluntad", v);
datos.put("carisma", c);
datos.put("apariencia", a);
datos.put("manipulacion", m);
datos.put("pelea", pelea);
datos.put("atletismo", atletismo);
datos.put("robar", robar);
datos.put("sigilo", sigilo);
datos.put("nadar", nadar);
datos.put("montar", montar);
datos.put("abrircerr", abrirCerr);
datos.put("resdolorf", resDolorF);
datos.put("escalar", escalar);
datos.put("evadir", evadir);
datos.put("esquivar", esquivar);
datos.put("bloquear", bloquear);
datos.put("alerta", alerta);
datos.put("supervivencia", supervivencia);
datos.put("coherencia", coherencia);
datos.put("rastrear", rastrear);
datos.put("concentracion", concentracion);
datos.put("buscar", buscar);
datos.put("esconderse", esconderse);
datos.put("resDolorM", resDolorM);
datos.put("estrategia", estrategia);
datos.put("escuchar", escuchar);
datos.put("conGeneral", conGeneral);
datos.put("tasar", tasar);
datos.put("mentir", mentir);
datos.put("empatia", empatia);
datos.put("liderazgo", liderazgo);
datos.put("intimidar", intimidar);
datos.put("callejeo", callejeo);
datos.put("comercio", comercio);
datos.put("seducir", seducir);
datos.put("protocolo", protocolo);
datos.put("convencer", convencer);
datos.put("actuar", actuar);
datos.put("timar", timar);
datos.put("disfraz", disfraz);
datos.put("tecnicasHechizos", poderes);
datos.put("inventario", inventario);
BaseDeDatos.insert("datos_personaje", null, datos);
And the debugger shows me the next output:
E/SQLiteLog: (1)
E/SQLiteDatabase: Error inserting table datos_personaje has no column named coherencia (Sqlite code 1): , while compiling: INSERT INTO datos_personaje(esconderse,sigilo,protocolo,resdolorf,carisma,genero,destreza,inventario,escalar,alerta,liderazgo,raza,rastrear,escuchar,inteligencia,pelea,edad,disfraz,abrircerr,buscar,manipulacion,comercio,evadir,nadar,actuar,resDolorM,bloquear,conGeneral,resistencia,coherencia,mentir,apariencia,estrategia,tasar,montar,esquivar,robar,nombre,fuerza,clase,supervivencia,atletismo,callejeo,apellido,intimidar,timar,tecnicasHechizos,concentracion,voluntad,percepcion,seducir,convencer,empatia) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), (OS error - 2:No such file or directory)
Im using the followin script/function (named getQuarter) to get a last day of current quarter:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)/3 * 3 + 2);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
return cal.getTime();
And Im calling this function in my trigger which supposed to set this date every time when certain events occurs:
setAttribute('EffectiveDate', adf.util.getQuarter(today()))
But then the following error occurs when the trigger should start working:
Exception in expression "util" global function getQuarter2(java.util.Date) : groovy.lang.MissingMethodException : No signature of method: java.util.GregorianCalendar.set() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.math.BigDecimal) values: [2, 5] Possible solutions: set(int, int), get(int), set(int, int, int), set(java.util.Map), next(), isSet(int)
I figured out it needs the type GregorianCalendar converted to Integer, but how Im supposed to do this in my script? Any ideas?
You can cast the values to int:
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime(new Date());
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH as int, (cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)/3 * 3 + 2) as int);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH as int, (cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) as int);
If you're on Java 8, can I suggest you us the new java.time classes?
Given todays date:
def date =
You can calculate the last day of the quarter by:
int quarter = YearMonth.from(date).get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR)
LocalDate lastDayOfQuater = date.withMonth(quarter * 3).with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth())
How to call the below method def to pass only interactionId, transactionId, awResponseFile, testMethodName and expectedNumberOfConsumers?
method def
void verifyPersistence(String interactionId, String transactionId,
File rawResponseFile, String testMethodName,
int expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponseRaws=1,
String dsProductName=datasourceSpec[''],
int expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponses=1,
int expectedNumberOfConsumers=1,
int expectedNumberOfAddresses=1 )
method call
verifyPersistence interactionId.persistedVersion(), transactionId,
results, testName.methodName, expectedNumberOfConsumers:8
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: verifyPersistence() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap, java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String) values: [[expectedNumberOfConsumers:8], 3130001030065, 10003000000890059, C:\results, multiple consumers contracts]
Possible solutions:
verifyPersistence(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String),
verifyPersistence(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String, int),
verifyPersistence(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String),
verifyPersistence(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, int), verifyPersistence(java.lang.String, java.lang.String,, java.lang.String, int, java.lang.String, int, int)
at HitmultipleconsumersPersistSpec.groovy:151)
When you include a map entry (key:value), they get automatically collected, put into a hashmap and passed as the first parameter. Groovy, right now, doesn't have named parameters. For that specific case, i think you are better using a map for that method:
def verifyPersistence(Map map) {
String interactionId = map.interactionId
String transactionId = map.transactionId
File rawResponseFile = map.rawResponseFile
String testMethodName = map.testMethodName
int expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponseRaws = map.expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponseRaws ?: 1
String dsProductName = map.dsProductName ?: datasourceSpec['']
int expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponses = map.expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponses ?: 1
int expectedNumberOfConsumers = map.expectedNumberOfConsumers ?: 1
int expectedNumberOfAddresses = map.expectedNumberOfAddresses ?: 1
interactionId : interactionId.persistedVersion(),
transactionId : transactionId,
rawResponseFile : results,
expectedNumberOfDatasourceProductResponseRaws : 14,
You obviously don't need to assign every parameter to a variable, you can simply use the map.field syntax. If you want it to be type checked, then i think you are better using an object to encapsulate the parameters.