Run on Schedule not an option in Azure Web Jobs anymore? - azure

I am using this - approach to create a web job and I am not able to see below screen. Is ‘Run on Schedule’ not an option anymore?
Below is the screen I am getting:
The web job works perfectly on demand but what I really need is to schedule. Any help on this would be highly appreciated.

You can add a settings.job file to your WebJob. This can include a CHRON expression that specifies when the job should run. The appropriate docs are here.
Alternatively, you can use a TimerTriggerAttribute. This is a WebJobs SDK Extension. Docs and examples for doing so are here. Note that if you use TimerTrigger, you'll need to make sure your WebJob is deployed as continuous. The TimerTrigger will wake up and call the designated methods based on the schedule that you provide.


I have Triggered Webjob which runs every midnight once, But its seems multiple instance are invoked which duplicates the task performed by them

I have a webjob as below.
I deployed it via VSTS CICD pipeline.
It should ideally run 1 instance and send only 1 email and stop after that but it runs 2 instances and sends 2 emails like below. As it is triggered job i was hoping only 1 instance would be invoked in azure.
Can anyone suggest me over this?
You can check this post which title is Why is TimerTrigger in AzureWebJob is being triggered twice?.
I’m not sure if this bug is currently fixed, you can raise a support ticket to check you logs.
Since TimerTrigger itself is in singleton mode, this error appears in your code currently. I suggest checking your code to make sure that the code is not executed twice, and then add the Singleton attribute to the method.
I'm not sure if this can solve your problem, you can try it.
You can set your webjob as Singleton.
If your Azure Web Sites site is running on multiple instances and you create a new continuous WebJob, the WebJob will run on all instances by default. (Note that a triggered WebJob will run on just one instance selected at random.)
For more details, you can check the offical document. You also can read other related posts.

What azure background process should I use?

So I am getting confused with what is the right approach to implementing code that fires on a scheduled bases within azure.
Originally we were using a standard console app that would be put in the webjob folder on deployment. I found this a bit noddy as we had logic looping and waiting for the right time to fire.
I then tried the azure webjob package, but see this has gone quiet and the master branch is currently broken! I like because it has a CRON type approach with a function.cs, but now not sure if this is being maintained.
So do people have a preference on how a background process would run, e.g. a scheduled task that would run at 2am every day against a database?
Too much choice and not enough consensus on what the right way is?
Much appreciated in advance
I can think of three options, all of which are valid and can suit your needs. Which one to choose in the end comes down to your requirement specifics and your technical expertise.
WebJobs. These are the most powerful and most difficult to build and maintain. You typically use a dedicated project template in Visual Studio to author these. You can ignore that GitHub link - that's not what you need. Make sure you have the Azure workload enabled in Visual Studio and create a WebJob project.
Azure Functions. These are a more lightweight alternative to WebJobs. There is Visual Studio tooling available for this as well but you also have the option of writing your code directly in the portal. Azure Functions will time out after some period of time, so if your job runs more more than a minute or two this might not be the best option.
Logic Apps. This is more of a power user tool with an easy to use (debatable) designer interface. But it's also incredibly powerful and you can call WebJobs or Functions if you need to from a Logic App.
I could add links but I'm sure you could find them easily enough.

Variable substitution in build pipeline

There are tons of resources online on how to replace JSON configuration files in a release pipeline like this one. I configured this. It works. However, we have multiple integration tests which reach the database too. These tests are run during build time. I haven't seen any option yet to replace config values in the build pipeline. Does it exist? Or do I really have to use this custom task (see screenshot below)?
There is an out-of-the-box task since recently by Microsoft. It's called File Transform. It's currently in preview but it works really well! Haven't had any issues whatsoever with it and it works the same as you would configure it in the release pipeline. Would recommend this any day!
Below you can see my configuration.
There is no out-of-the-box task only to replace tokens/values in files (also in the release pipline the task is Azure App Service Deploy and not only for replace json configuration).
You need to use an external extension from here or write a PowerShell script for that.

Is it possible to publish a Webjob as "Triggered" type as well as "Continuous" type

I have a console application that has been converted to a Webjob.
There are a lot of functionalities in the webjob that is required to be run once a every night(midnight).
However, there is also a specific need that the same Webjob should be continuously running to do some jobs and be able to queue the requests from multiple users.
As the most of the processes are the same I don't see the point of creating another console application as type "Continuous".
As we have a continuous delivery in azure( when there is a new commit to git the online visual studio builds and release the web app and webjobs automatically).
How can I manage to tell build or release process to create 2 webjobs from the same console application which one of those is scheduled(Triggered) and the other is "Continuous"?
While I was writing up the question, stackoverflow similar questions highlighted me this question : Azure webjob; Scheduled execution as well triggers by queue
It looks like it would be possible to use TimerTrigger in a continuous type to handle both cases.
I will try to see if that works. Please give your suggestions for this work case.
You should have a single WebJob that is continuous. You can have as many functions that are decorated with TimerTrigger or message triggers as needed to respond to events or execute on a schedule. You are definitely on the right track.

Change webjob from on demand to schedule

We have an azure webjob that was deployed as on demand. Is there a way to change this to run on a schedule without redeploying?
Not a lot of info out there on this.
I tried creating a new schedule collection like this and adding a job to run the existing webjob, but that didn't seem to work either.
I prefer to do this in the GUI portal, but if its not possible, I'll do it in powershell (if it is possible like that).
(Also, if it can only be changed by redeploying, I need to know that and it effectively answers the question)
To easily add a schedule to your triggered (on demand) webjob add a file called settings.job at the root of your webjob with this content:
{"schedule": "the schedule as a cron expression"}
Find out more about this here
Note: it'll only work properly for Standard or Premium sites and requires you to set the site as always on.
In the end the link in the original post I referenced worked. The thing that was missing for me was the understanding that creating a trigger job in scheduler will not affect the run status (on-demand or scheduled) of the web job itself. In my case it stayed "on-demand", but the schedule was in fact running it.
This should point you in the direction on how to do this via PowerShell. It looks possible to add already existing WebJobs to a scheduler.
Create a Scheduled Azure WebJob with PowerShell
