Link to history in a Chrome Extension - google-chrome-extension

I would like to link to chrome://history page in a button of an extension I'm working, but with href="chrome://history" the console says Not allowed to load local resource: chrome://history/
What can I do?
Thanks and greetings
I'm trying with this:
The button I want to trigger with the event has .btn-history class.
In content.js:
function messaging(){
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({command: "openHistory"});
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
document.getElementsByClassName('btn-history')[0].addEventListener('click', messaging);
In background.js:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {
if(command == "openHistory") {
chrome.tabs.create({'url': 'chrome://history'});
But doesn't work.

If you are using jquery, you can have a button in your html, like so:
<button id="historyBtn">History</button>
And in your javascript you can use define an event handler for the button using jquery:
chrome.tabs.create({url: "chrome://history"});
If you would like to change the currently active tab to open history, you can replace the chrome.tabs.create line in the above snippet with something like:
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function (tabs) {
chrome.tabs.update(tabs[0].id, { url: "chrome://history" });
Hope this helps :)


Chrome Extension: Check if iframe and current page has loaded

I've built an extension that loads a React-application via an iframe.
I'm passing a message from the application and listening for that message in content script to ensure application has loaded.
Here's a simplified version of what I have so far:
componentDidMount() {{isAppLoaded: true}, '*'};
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (msg, sender) {
if (msg.isPageLoaded) {
console.log('Current page has loaded!');
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if ( {
console.log('React app successfully loaded!');
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function (tabId, info) {
if (info.status === 'complete') {
chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {isPageLoaded: true});
On some websites the page loads first then the React-app and vice-versa on some other websites. This becomes more complicated with websites that have lots of embedded iframes such as LinkedIn.
What is the correct/better way to guarantee the React-app AND the page has finished loading?
Please ignore the wildcard message passing. I'm aware of its security vulnerabilities. Above code snippets are simplified version of what I have.

chrome.webRequest doesn't catch all requests

I'm writing chrome extension and I need to catch all requests from the beginning of downloading page.
I'm using chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest in background.js, and send them to content.js for logging.
But I don't see all requests. It looks like background.js start working with delay (and I missing important requests). How can I avoid it?
Here is my background.js:
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener(logURL, { urls: ["<all_urls>"] });
function logURL(requestDetails) {
chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, function(tabs) {
{ message: requestDetails.url },
function(response) {}
and content.js
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
if (request.message == "reload") {
} else {
How can I catch all request or run my background.js previously? Maybe I have made mistakes and can't find them?
If somebody will have the same mistake:
chrome.webRequest catch all requests, but content.js file inject later (after few requests).
So you should collect requests in background.js and send them after content.js injection (for example you can send a message to background.js).

How to execute a function after opening a Dialog?

I need to excute a function after opening a Dialog.
I tried with the following:
dialog: {centered: true},
title: 'Title',
uri: _url
alert("Loading Complete");
I get the alert() after the opening of dialog but before the request is complete.
How can I execute a function after loading of the Dialog and after the request is completed?
I tried with success but doesn't work:
dialog: {centered: true},
title: 'Title',
uri: _url
}).on("success", function(){
alert("Loading Complete");
If you are opening a local view / jsp of portlet using that _url, I would recommand to call that functionToBeExecuted on window.onload or jQuery document.ready in that respective jsp.
However, if not, there is still a work-arround you can try with i.e. to add delay (setTimeout) to the functionToBeExecuted as following:
Show Dialog
<script type="text/javascript">
function showDialog(){
AUI().ready(function(A) {
dialog: {centered: true},
id: 'myID',
title: 'Title',
uri: _url
setTimeout(functionToBeExecuted, 3000);
function functionToBeExecuted(){
NOTE: functionToBeExecuted is the name of the function, you desire to call.

How can I receive message from onClick event of web page using chrome extension?

I want to catch click event from injected script on all tabs of chrome browser.
like below method
event.js is main javascript and test.js is injected js.
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, changeInfo) {
if (changeInfo.status === 'complete') {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(tabId, { file: 'test.js'}, function(){
var fragment = create('<div onClick="sendMessage to my extension">Hellow</div>');
document.body.insertBefore(fragment, document.body.childNodes[0]);
how can I receive message from other website to my extenstion?
Is it impossible?
Thanks for reading.
Assuming you are properly injecting test.js as a content script (e.g. by declaring the appropriate properties in your manifest.json), you need to make the following modifications:
In event.js add:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(msg, sender) {
console.log('Tab with ID ' + + ' sent a message:\n' + msg.text);
In test.js replace your code with:
var mydiv = document.createElement('div');
mydiv.textContent = 'Hello';
mydiv.addEventListener('click', function() {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ text: 'Someone clicked my DIV !' });
document.body.insertBefore(mydiv, document.body.childNodes[0]);

Translating JavaScript bookmark into Chrome browser action extension

I want to create a Chrome extension with a browser action onClicked which provides the same functionality as the following bookmark:
javascript:(function(){if(!window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr)window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr=function(ur){if(ur.error)alert(ur.error);if(};var r=document.getElementById('urlFormRequest');if(r)r.parentNode.removeChild(r);r=document.createElement('script');'urlFormRequest';r.type='text/javascript';r.src=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&callback=page2rss_bookmark_urlr';document.body.appendChild(r);})();
However, I struggle to correctly translate the javascript code of the bookmark into the logic of a Chrome extension. I thought the best to is to to put the exact code of the bookmark into a separate script create_feed_url.js and execute it in background.js. My background.js:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
// Run the bookmark code
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "create_feed_url.js"});
// Open a new tab for a valid url resulting from create_feed_url.js
var feed_url = "" + tab.url;
chrome.tabs.create({"url": feed_url});
Yet the code in create_feed_url.js somewhat runs not sucessfully. There is no feed URL generated, resulting in a non existing value for feed_url.
My questions:
Could you please help me to find out why I cannot just put the code of the bookmark into create_feed_url.js and run it?
Is this approach of executeScript recommendable in my case or is there a better way translating a bookmark into an extension?
I solved it with a workaround calling the URL that generates the new feed in a new tab before closing it and finally jumping to the tab with the final RSS feed URL. This solution does not require create_feed_url.js but relies completely on background.js:
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
// Original bookmark JS code
//(function(){if(!window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr)window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr=function(ur){if(ur.error)alert(ur.error);if(};var r=document.getElementById('urlFormRequest');if(r)r.parentNode.removeChild(r);r=document.createElement('script');'urlFormRequest';r.type='text/javascript';r.src=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&callback=page2rss_bookmark_urlr';document.body.appendChild(r);})();
var create_feed_url = "" + encodeURIComponent(tab.url); //+ "&callback=page2rss_bookmark_urlr"
var feed_url = "" + tab.url;
chrome.tabs.create({"url": create_feed_url, active: false}, function(tab) {
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: 'wait'});
setTimeout(function() {
chrome.tabs.remove(, function(tab) {
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: ''});
}, 5000);
setTimeout(function() {
chrome.tabs.create({"url": feed_url, active: true}, function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function( tabId , info ) {
if ( info.status == "complete" ) {
chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: 'done', tabId: tabId});
}); }
, 1000);
Based on Rob's comment above of using a content script approach I tried to implement it. However, clicking on the browser icon does not trigger the content script create_feed_url.js through content_script.js. I tried to debug the code but neither the Developer Tools nor the inspect element tool show any error.
chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {
chrome.tabs.executeScript(null, {file: "content_script.js"});
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = chrome.extension.getURL("create_feed_url.js");
s.onload = function() {
(function(){if(!window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr)window.page2rss_bookmark_urlr=function(ur){if(ur.error)alert(ur.error);if(};var r=document.getElementById('urlFormRequest');if(r)r.parentNode.removeChild(r);r=document.createElement('script');'urlFormRequest';r.type='text/javascript';r.src='//'+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&callback=page2rss_bookmark_urlr';document.body.appendChild(r);})();
"permissions": [
"tabs", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"
"background" : {
"scripts": ["background.js"],
"persistent": false
"web_accessible_resources": ["create_feed_url.js"],
"browser_action" :
"default_icon" : "rss-19.png",
"default_title" : "Create RSS feed for this page"
"manifest_version": 2
