Azure B2C not signing out from external Identity provider - azure

I have made an Azure AD B2C policy using external identity providers. I want, that when signing out of the app, the user should also be signed out from the external identity provider he used while signup. I read this on Azure documentation here.
As, written here,
While directing the user to the end_session_endpoint will clear some of the user's single sign-on state with Azure AD B2C, it will not sign the user out of the user's social identity provider (IDP) session. If the user selects the same IDP during a subsequent sign-in, they will be reauthenticated, without entering their credentials. If a user wants to sign out of your B2C application, it does not necessarily mean they want to sign out of their Facebook account entirely. However, in the case of local accounts, the user's session will be ended properly
Is there any other way of dealing with this issue, or to do a force logout from Azure as well as from external identity providers ?

Nope. And this how it should work.
You have a wrong way of thinking. When I sign out of your app I would be veeeeery mad at you if you sign me out of Google too (for example).

This can't be done with Azure B2C. Although some people would argue that this is how it's meant to be and that keeping Social IDP's session alive is the expected behavior, I would argue that there are perfectly valid scenarios when this is not the case.
For example, for business apps that run on shared company devices. In our case, workers grab an iPhone from a locker and sign in to the app to do their job for the day. We allow them to sign in using their Social IDP credentials. At the end of their shift when they sign out and next person signs in using the same Social IDP, they will automatically get signed in as the previous user. You can see the problem, right?
I think, it would still be nice to have some way to end the Social IDP's session as well.


Multiple Sign ins in Azure AD

I've implemented SSO using SAML authentication on Asure AD in my banking application. I have a scenario where I've to let a manager/supervisor log in to approve a transaction. A regular rep would not have authority to approve, the manager would come in and physically login in (keeping the rep's session intact) and approve a transaction and then logout. Is it possible to have multiple sign ins in the same browser instance through Azure AD?
UPDATE - Per what I researched and mentioned by Carl as well, Azure AD does not support multiple users to login in an application in the same browser instance.
Yes, in the same tenant, users with different roles can perform multiple logins in the same browser. Log in to the Azure portal and you can see that accounts with different roles in the upper right corner can be switched back and forth.
These identities have already validated their credentials for this session, and have an auth token. Switching between these accounts now will not prompt you for their passwords again.
Even if two accounts are in the same domain, they cannot be logged in at the same time. Currently, only two browsers can be used for two accounts in the same domain.
SAML SSO is a form of delegated authentication. The user is authenticated at the identity provider site (eg Azure AD) which sends a SAML assertion containing user identity information to the service provider site. The service provider trusts this information and establishes a local authentication session for the user using the information contained in the SAML assertion. SAML assertions often contain the user's email address but any user identity information may be included.
You can achieve multiple sign-ins on the same browser , Kindly check this link.

ADB2C with authentication/logout not working in Blazor

When using ADB2C for authentication in a Blazor Webassembly project, the authentication/logout seems to log out and shows a page with the request to close all browsers.
Anyway if the user just uses the back button in the browser she/he is still able to access the contents and is treated as still loged-on.
So, how to get a real logout?
While directing the user to the end_session_endpoint will clear some of the user's single sign-on state with Azure AD B2C, it will not sign the user out of the user's social identity provider (IDP) session. If the user selects the same IDP during a subsequent sign-in, they will be reauthenticated, without entering their credentials. If a user wants to sign out of your B2C application, it does not necessarily mean they want to sign out of their Facebook account entirely. However, in the case of local accounts, the user's session will be ended properly.
To sign out the user, redirect the user to the end_session endpoint that is listed in the OpenID Connect metadata document(example) :
GET https://{tenant}{tenant}{policy}/oauth2/v2.0/logout?
Reference: Azure Active Directory B2C: Web sign-in with OpenID Connect

Single-Sign Out on Azure AD B2C

I have a 2 application using a single AD B2C tenant. I want to logout the user from both websites when the user signs out to either one of them. I'm using email for local accounts.
In AAD, there is a LogoutUrl registered on each application which receives a GET request to users currently signed in to. Source
I wonder if there is workaround for AD B2C like in AAD.
PS: I am using this repo as reference.
Azure AD B2C doesn't support Single Log Out and we weren't able to find a workaround.
I've understood that in B2C scenarios Microsoft has assumed that IdPs are "social-media" type and considered it is not of end-users interest to be logged out of Facebook when they log out of some service to which they've authenticated via Twitter. Makes sense in that scenario.
However, in government-provided IdP scenarios it is usually a hard requirement to be able to support SLO.
We considered it to be more of a limitation by-design in B2C than technical, so we moved to using another authentication service provider that supports SLO. Apparently a wise choice as I haven't at least heard anything regarding SLO and Azure B2C as of today.
According to the documentation that is possible:
When you redirect the user to the Azure AD B2C sign-out endpoint (for
both OAuth2 and SAML protocols), Azure AD B2C clears the user's
session from the browser. However, the user might still be signed in
to other applications that use Azure AD B2C for authentication. To
enable those applications to sign the user out simultaneously, Azure
AD B2C sends an HTTP GET request to the registered LogoutUrl of all
the applications that the user is currently signed in to.
Applications must respond to this request by clearing any session that
identifies the user and returning a 200 response. If you want to
support single sign-out in your application, you must implement a
LogoutUrl in your application's code.
The suggested answer was from 3 years ago.
Please have a read here.
Apparently, B2C does support single sign out, but I could not get it to work despite following the steps and I'm looking for answers on SO.

Azure AD B2C - Sign out a user from all sessions

I have 3 websites using a single B2C tenant. I have been asked to set it up so that when a user signs out of one website, sign out of them all.
Likewise if their account is deleted.
I thought that I would have to introduce a call to Azure on every request to determine if the user is still logged in, but as far as I can see, there isn't a Graph API endpoint that would allow me to determine the user status.
Am I thinking about this the wrong way? Is there a way to do this easily using B2C, Graph API, the Active Directory client etc.?
Maybe there is an option when setting up the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions for example.
According the description on Azure Document:
While directing the user to the end_session_endpoint will clear some of the user's single sign-on state with Azure AD B2C, it will not sign the user out of the user's social identity provider (IDP) session. If the user selects the same IDP during a subsequent sign-in, they will be reauthenticated, without entering their credentials. If a user wants to sign out of your B2C application, it does not necessarily mean they want to sign out of their Facebook account entirely. However, in the case of local accounts, the user's session will be ended properly.
So you can directly use the end_session_endpoint. You can find it in the metadata document for the b2c_1_sign_in policy endpoint, e.g.:
You can refer to Azure Active Directory B2C: Web sign-in with OpenID Connect for more info.
Any further concern, please feel free to let me know.
I might be late. But if that helps. A.c to docs
When you redirect the user to the Azure AD B2C sign-out endpoint (for both OAuth2 and SAML protocols), Azure AD B2C clears the user's session from the browser. However, the user might still be signed in to other applications that use Azure AD B2C for authentication. To enable those applications to sign the user out simultaneously, Azure AD B2C sends an HTTP GET request to the registered LogoutUrl of all the applications that the user is currently signed in to.
Applications must respond to this request by clearing any session that identifies the user and returning a 200 response. If you want to support single sign-out in your application, you must implement a LogoutUrl in your application's code.
This is called single sign out .
Please refer to
Microsoft has an API for this by now. I link to the following blog, as the documentation is currently wrong.
microsoft developer blog: revokeSignInSessions & invalidateAllRefreshTokens
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Azure AD with prompt=none shows Bad Request when user is logged in into another tenant

We have an application that supports seamless login with our Azure AD tenant account via OpenID Connect implicit flow. If user is authorized to access the app providing Azure AD issued evidence - access will be granted automatically, otherwise we show regular application login screen.
Every time when user authentication is required we redirect the user to the Azure AD login page ( specifying prompt=none.
Respecting the ODIC specification such flag should have the following effect.
The Authorization Server MUST NOT display any authentication or
consent user interface pages. An error is returned if an End-User is
not already authenticated or the Client does not have pre-configured
consent for the requested Claims or does not fulfill other conditions
for processing the request. The error code will typically be
login_required, interaction_required. This can be used as a method to
check for existing authentication and/or consent.
It generally works as expected, however, there is a case where Azure AD login page will show an error screen to the End User and it happens when User logged into another Azure AD tenant.
User account '...' from identity provider
'' does
not exist in tenant '...' and cannot access the
application '...' in that tenant. The
account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first.
Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory
user account.
The questions are:
Does not it violate the ODIC specification?
How to properly handle such cases in seamless for users fashion? (app is not in charge of what is going on after redirect to Azure AD).
Though I also agree that this is a violation of the spec, can I offer a workaround?
I believe you can try specifying domain_hint or login_hint parameter as well to help the system determine valid session. Hope it would give you the right answer regardless of which session user is signed in at the moment.
Yes, this is a violation of the OIDC spec. We have created a bug.
If the error is only occurring because the STS is selecting the wrong session, you could use login_hint or domain_hint to help the STS select the right session.
Yes, that is in violation of the spec and defeats the purpose of prompt=none since the the application can't keep control of the user experience anymore. #vibronet may be able to set the record straight on MS side.
