Caching the response to an external web service in hapi.js - node.js

Im building a web app in hapi.js. Im pretty new to hapi.js so may not be following the framework correctly. But here is what I intend to do.
Create a hapi route which will use one of the route params to make a series of web service calls to an external host. These calls need to be done in series.
I am currently using axios to make the calls and chaining them with
.then().then() etc.
I would like to cache these responses to a redis store. I read up on the hapi caching examples of using catbox and hapi "server.methods" feature but not sure how they could be applied to a promise based call chain that I have currently. Is there something wrong with my thinking.

Catbox the caching module used by hapi does not support promises as stated here, maybe open an issue on Github or ask a question on gitter or on Github user forum to see what other users are doing.


HTTP Calls integration pattern- Making HTTP calls directly from Javascript vs Axios vs Node, which is more secure?

A novice javascript developer here!
A have a basic question on whats the best and secured way to make HTTP calls from a front application to a backend service that needs an authentication. My application is a SPA (using Vue.js) & getting data from Java services. Java services need authentication details and return sensitive user data.
I see there are a few options and I wanted to understand a better approach amongst all 3-
Making direct HTTP calls from javascript code- Concern for using this approach is, as Javascript code can also be viewed via dev tools in browser, wont it be easier for anyone to do an inspect and view all critical authentication details hence making overall integration less secure?
Making an HTTP call using Axios via Vue framework- Seems like Axios is Promise based HTTP client for the browser that lets you easily make HTTP calls without much code overhead. but is this secure? is Javascript code loaded in the browser? Or the front end code sends the request and axios makes the request from backend server where the application is hosted?
Using Node- If front end application has unique routes configured for each API call and in my application if I have a route mapping to use request module and node js backend code to make those HTTP calls, is that going to be a robust and secure way of integration?
Please let me know your thoughts and apologies if this is a dumb question!
Not dumb at all. You're just learning.
My first question to your answer 😅 will be: is your application server-side rendered or it's sap + backend?
If it's server-side rendered then I would say it's secured since Node will be sending pages with all required data. On the dev tool, you will only see static files being loaded.
However, if it's SAP, I am not sure whether there is a way to hide whatsoever you send to the server from the dev tool. The only one thing you will need to do is to make sure you encrypt whatever is sensitive to your application.

Extending existing RESTful API using Node.js

I am currently running a web service on an Apache Tomcat servlet container. The web service has a base URL and exposes my applications data using the following structure:
An HTTP GET call to a URL like the one above would return a JSON formatted string.
Though the documentation for my application describes this as a RESTful API, I am confused because I was under the impression that true RESTful APIs do not use query strings. Rather, as I understand it, a true restful API provides a uniform structure, in the form of resource endpoints.
My questions relate to how I can create a custom API to leverage the existing API using Node.js. I do not want to rewrite the application logic or database calls; I just need to know how I can create the API calls using Node.js (possibly using Express or some other framework) and let the existing API handle the request.
For example, I could write Node.js code using the Express module that has several routes, these routes would handle client requests that in turn would call the existing API (i.e. /path/to/root/[table_name]/[pk]... and return the response.
If my Apache Tomcat server is listening on port 8080, how would I deploy my Node.js server to listen on another port and then redirect requests to the existing WS URL on port 8080.
Does the Express framework support explicitly specifying a root path (such as http://localhost:3000/path/to/root/[table_name]/[pk]) as the default root path?
Finally, I know REST APIs support CRUD operations. In the case of a POST method, does Express (or Node.js) have built-in logic to handle duplicate POST requests so that duplicate records don't get created in the database.
I'm reading through different article and tutorials on REST but I think I'm missing something. Any information or advice that can take me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
there's a lot to cover here but I'll try to cover your three questions. Since you have mentioned using Express I will answer assuming that Express is the framework you are using.
If you are using Express, you can choose which port to listen to when you start the server, so you can choose any port that you like at that point (see here).
If you need to redirect a request you can do so easily with res.redirect() (see here). However, you could also call the other web service directly, retrieve the data and return it to the client instead of redirecting them if you prefer. That would require some more code to make the http requests in node.js though.
I am not 100% sure if this is the answer to your question, but there are ways to add a "base path" or namespace to all of your routes. I found this example where various namespaces are used but in your case you only need one which applies to all routes.
I don't think there is a built-in way to do this. The best I can think of is potentially creating some kind of ID for the request so that if it is sent twice you could use this to check but it's far from ideal.
I would like to add that I'm not sure where the idea that query parameters not being RESTful comes from? I think query parameters are fine because that is how you query! Otherwise you couldn't ask for the right data from your RESTful API. Let's say you have a /posts endpoint and you want to get the posts of a particular user (user ID = 1). The RESTful way to do this would be to issue a GET request to /posts?user=1.
Hope this helps!

Webhook deployment on Lambda AWS

I am trying to deploy the Webhook Example for Google Actions found here onto Lambda AWS.
I was successful deploying and making the POST calls using ngrok. So, no problems there.
But the issue i found is it uses Express node module for POST request calls. Lambda AWS fails when the request is made to Express module. So is there a way to make the POST call successful.
I tried using Lambda-Express node module to deploy it, but it seems to have some issue as well.
Lambda AWS does not directly support an HTTP interface.
One solution would be for you to use API Gateway which would allow you to translate the HTTPS POST that AoG sends, into a call to AWS Lambda.
In your lambda you will handle the request which comes in via the standard Lambda handler:
function( event, context, callback );
instead of via Express. You would probably also want to remove Express from your code, which might sound like a lot of work, but I took a brief look at it when it was released and my impression was that the dependence on Express was minor and quite unnecessary.
The alternative would be to switch from Lambda to something HTTP based like Google App Engine which is also serverless (to a degree). I guess that might be easier but I don't know what your other factors might be.
I have come across this tutorial that explains the step by step process of connecting intent using the Lambda function.
And if you follow the Google web hook example to deploy it to Lambda, then it's a wrong direction. Completely eliminate the express usage and also the Assistant class is not necessary when Lambda deployment is necessary.

Maintaining request scope in Express/Node.js

I am using Express to expose a REST API in my Node.js application. When a REST request comes in, I extract the user information from the HTTP headers. I would like this information to be available throughout the life of this request, no matter what function I am in. An obvious but kludgy way is to pass around the user information as parameters to all function calls. Is there a better way? So far I have found the following solutions, but I am not sure if they are ready for prime time:
StrongLoop Zone Library: Docs say "The zone library and documentation are still under development: there are bugs, missing features, and limited documentation."
Continuation-Local Storage: Not sure if this is slated to be part of Node.js. This issue at the end recommends looking at StrongLoop zone.
Node.js Domains: Does not look like this actually took off.
I'm not sure if you're still looking, but a while back I built express-http-context for this very purpose. It's an express middleware that sits on top of cls-hooks (formerly continuation-local-storage).
Full disclosure: this is an npm package that I built and maintain.

Nodejs - Is there any module existing similar to request module in nodejs?

I want to make rest api calls from node server. I have currently request module in my mind.
Would you suggest any other best module for REST calls(get/post) for production practise in nodejs ??
Restify was designed specifically for serving RESTful APIs (instead of serving web pages). And it can call RESTful APIs as well.
Here is a nodeJS module called "Deployd" that will help you in creating REST APIs (get/post) in seconds, its community is very limited though. Its quite powerfull as well.
Simply install deployd, it expects nodeJS and mongoDB to be installed already. Deployd provides PHPMyAdmin like web interface through which you can create your APIs and for fine tuning work on deployd's Event API which gives you control on behavior of individual events like GET/POST/DELETE/PUT/VALIDATE etc
I'm using Sails.js to create Rest API. Very easy to use!
Sails.js automatically generates a RESTful JSON API for your app. That means you don't have to write any backend code to build simple database apps.
sudo npm -g install sails
Create app:
sails new testProject
Lift server:
cd testProject
sails lift
And you are ready!
Regarding your comment, you don't want to create a REST API, but rather consume an existing one.
I found this node module called Node-rest-client. I haven't tried it myself, but looks like this could be what you are looking for.
Allows connecting to any API REST and get results as js Object.
