How do I get spectacle-code-slide working on Windows? - node.js

I have installed Node on a Windows 10 machine. Then did npm install spectacle from the node command prompt. Finally downloaded the spectacle-code-slide zip file. Moved into the folder, did npm install and npm start. I get the following:
npm ERR: missing script: start.
Obviously, I am missing something. What is it? Note: I am a complete noob!
Edit: I tried the process outlined here without success.

This error means that you don't have start script in your package.json. Read about scripts here.
When you run npm instal spectacle you install spectacle as a package into node_modules folder. So you don't have any scripts in your package.json except those you add there yourself.
I've actually never used spectacle, but I suppose you better use their spectacle-boilerplate (instead of doing npm instal spectacle). You need to clone (via git) or download that repository locally. And then you will have their package.json with start script in it.


Issue cloning every repository

I have been cloning repositories with node and MongoDB but I always run into issues running npm install when I cd into the folder directory.
It has to be me because I happens every time. What am I missing?
Seems like npm install is the 3rd step after 1: git clone "repository link", 2: cd in clone folder.
Please guide me in the right direction.
Thanks a ton
You can run npm install from a directory where package.json file is located since this is the one which holds all the info regarding packages.
So just try to make it sure that the directory from where you are firing npm install command, have package.json file.
Apart from this, just check if you have npm installed. Run npm -v

'npm EER! code 1' When installing dependencies using `npm install --production`

I am using flightplan to deploy my node.js application to my server. I run the command fly production in my CLI to deploy my app to the server. It does rsync fine, but when it comes to installing dependencies, I get the following error:
I made sure that I have sudo privileges on my server for this user and npm is definitely installed as it gives the version number when I run the command npm -von my server. I have tried to run npm install --production myself on the server as the deploy script does and I get the same error, meaning it is something to do with installing dependencies. Potentially, it could be because in my flightplan.js, when it runs the command git ls-files to get the files to copy across. it includes all the node_modules even though i've made sure that node_modules is in the .gitingore file.
Does anyone have experience with flightplan npm module/or know why my npm install isn't working on my server?
(I edited out my server IP address from the picture)
Thanks in advance!
I found that if I removed the node_modules folder by running command rm -rf node_modules/ then committed this to github, then re-ran npm install and then my call to fly production worked successfully.

What is the 'npm' command and how can I use it?

What is npm?
Whenever I browse through some project they ask me to run npm command, something like this
npm install -g node-windows
I went through some blog posts to learn about npm and I installed Node.js. However, when I run the above code in Node.js, I get the following errors:
When I browsed further, I came to know that the windows user can run the command from the cmd prompt window, but when I do that I get some output like this:
Which just generate a text file nothing else.
My questions:
How can I get started with the AngularJS2?
How can I run an npm command?
Do I require a command prompt to run the npm command (in Windows), or I can just use Node.js?
When I use the command npm install in my command prompt, I get the following output:
How to get started with the angularJS2
Follow this link and set up the project by following instructions
How to run a npm command
npm stands for Node Package Manager, and therefore you need Node.js installed before you can run npm commands.
Follow this and install the latest version. And restart the command prompt.
Do I require a command prompt to run npm commands (in Windows), or can I just use Node.js?
Yes, you need to run npm commands from the command line (in Windows).
E.g., npm install
You get the warning because there is no package.json file present where you are running the command.
ENOENT stands for Error NO ENTrey
Navigate to the project folder using the following command and then run npm install
cd <projectpath>
The AngularJS 2 website has everything you need to be covered. Their quickstart guide alongside with the quickseed zip file helps a lot.
But, in case you missed some points:
yes, you will need npm/NodeJS. So, download the latest distribution and have a clean installation of it.
you can execute the npm command with its parameters from within the Windows cmd.
the quickseed ZIP file contains all the files you need to see a live and quick example running locally. Unzip it on your workplace and navigate to it using the windows cmd. When inside the root folder of the unzipped package, execute npm install and right after it npm start.
Take the learning path. Step by step, all your questions will be answered.
You need to use an admin prompt for global installation (-g).

npm install in a specific local folder

I'm currently trying to execute the command npm install to get all dependencies and modules necessary to run my package.json.
The problem is that I don't have Internet access to fetch from the internet, so I have downloaded the node_modules on a different PC and copy-paste it on my local folder that contains all. If I tried to run npm install without arguments, it's still trying to fetch from internet and fails.
I have read their documentation and apparently they have listed few npm install that takes different arguments, but still, I'm unable to install from the folder already downloaded.
I've tried to do npm install node_modules on the path that contains the package.json, but nothing. I'm running on windows 7.
If someone has an approach to specifying the local node_modules and just install all modules inside, I'll appreciate.
You probably should use npm-link...
From the docs:
Go to the node_modules directory, and, inside each package, run npm-link:
$ cd node_modules
$ cd package-name
$ npm link
$ cd ..
In the directory of your project which needs the local modules:
$ npm link package-name

Making "sudo npm install --save-dev gulp" in Maverics nothing's happens

I'm trying to test Gulp and I find this problem.
I installed Gulp globally with: sudo npm install -g gulp.
Then I was created the folder: mkdir my-gulp
cd my-gulp
And the I try to do this: sudo npm install --save-dev gulp
It seems work fine, no errors, but my folder my-gulp continues empty.
I can see in console, this line:
gulp#3.8.6 ../../node_modules/gulp
And I thinkig the problem is here "../../", I think it must be "gulp#3.8.6 node_modules/gulp"
What do you think? Maybe is something about $PATH?
First, you should never run npm via sudo for local packages. (In fact, you shouldn't run it as root ever, but that's a different, more complex issue to solve.)
Second, you need to initialize NPM before you can install packages. It sounds like you didn't do this.
There's two ways:
If you have an existing package.json, which contains the required information about a project, you can copy it into your folder, then edit in a text editor of your choice to get started. If the package.json includes existing dependencies, you can either remove them, or run npm i in the folder to install them.
If you are starting fresh, run npm init to set up a new package.
Once you have a valid package.json, you can install packages into your application.
As to why you are seeing ../../gulp, I'm guessing you have a package.json further up the file tree somewhere.
