python3 DNS domain block script - string

I have a basic issue to solve, i am new to python and wish to use python3 to just grab input from a user and paste it into a specific location within a multi line string. I am not entirely sure on to achieve the specific location i am after.
What i have so far
new_domain = input("Ener domain you would like to block: ")
zone = """zone {} IN {{
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
When i run the code
Error is "KeyError: ' none;'
Do i need to escape out of the multi line string to make the {} valid parameter to place the users input?
Once i get the output formatting correct i would like to paste in multiple domains for it to have this specific output per domain i enter.
So desired output would be
Enter domain you would like to block?
zone "" IN {{
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
Thanks in advance to any help.

Ok so after some help from elsewhere i have found the below code works for anyone else interested
new_domain = input("Ener domain you would like to block: ")
print("""zone "%s" IN {
type master;
file "zones/";
allow-transfer { none; };
allow-query { my-dmz; };
};""" % new_domain)
I needed to avoid using format markers in this {} as i would have to have weird escape characters everywhere. So instead the traditional formatting option of % was used. Seems to do the trick.
Now will work on placing this in a while loop and write entries to a file as i have hundreds of domains to add :)


using bash or variables within Chef Inspec

Im new to Chef /Inspec test writing.
What Im trying to do is validate a host name/IP address within a file and match it to what is in DNS. If the IP address in file doesnt match what is in DNS, the test should fail.
describe host('') do
it { should be_resolvable }
its('ipaddress') { should include '' }
its('stdout') { should match 'ipaddress' }
the '' would be a $variable that comes from within a file
the ''' would also be a $variable that comes from within a file however should match what is in DNS
Is this even possible to do? do I need to or can I use a bash script within the inspec file that has some awk commands?
describe bash('') do
it { should be_resolvable }
its('stdout') { should match 'ipaddress' }
its('stderr') { should eq '' }
its('ipaddress') { should include '' }
Any help or guidance is much appreciated. Thank you!!

nodejs import file and use functions natively

How can I import/require a file, and then use the functions in the file natively?
Say I have file 1:
const file2 = require("./file2.js")
const text = "hello"
And in file 2 I have:
module.exports = {
I want to be able to use functions from another file as if they were in the original file, retaining the variables and objects created in the first file, is this possible?
No, the modules are separate, unless you resort to assigning your variables into the global object and hoping that you can keep track of them without going insane. Don't do that.
pass the data you need around (the best option most of the time), or
maybe add a third module containing the shared state you need and require() it from both file 1 and file 2
The regular pattern of shared context is that you create a context and share it. The most simple form of it is something like this:
//In file 1 -->
let myContext = {
text: 'hello'
//In file 2 -->
module.exports = {
JS has some inbuilt support for context. Something like this:
//In file 1 -->
let myContext = {
text: 'hello'
let print = file2.print.bind(myContext);
//In file 2 -->
module.exports = {
print: function(){
Notice the removal of the argument and changing the arrow function to a function expression.

Iterate a puppet resource collector

I am trying to develop a puppet class with a defined resource which creates the configuration for a website.
One of the things that the defined resource has to do is assign the IP address of the website to a dummy interface. Due to constraints of the project this is done with NetworkManager.
So I have to generate a file like
#IP Addresses come here
There is to be a line ipaddressX=... for every instance of the defined resource.
My problem is how do I track the number of times the defined resource has been instantiated so I can somehow increment a counter and generate the ipaddress lines.
Or for each instantiated defined resource, append the IP address to an array which I can later use to build the file
If I understand you, and I'm not certain that I do, but I think you would want to do something like this:
define mytype(
Integer $count,
) {
file { 'some_network_manager_file':
content => template(...)
And then you would have a loop:
$mystuff.each |$count, $data| {
mytype { ...:
count => $count,
Key insight here may be that the each function has some magic in it that allows you to get the index if you need it, see also this answer.
Now I think that's how it will work, without me spending time researching NetworkManager. If you provide more of your code, I may be able to update this to be more helpful.
This is less than ideal since I would prefer to have it inside the defined resource, but since I instantiate the defined resource with the data from a hash I use said hash to iterate that part.
class xxx_corp_webserver (
Hash $websites ={}
create_resources('xxx_corp_webserver::website', $websites)
# This would be nicer inside the defined class, but I did not find any other way
# Build and array with the IP addresses which are for DSR
$ipaddresses = $ | $r | {
if $r[1]['enabledsr'] {
# For each DSR address add the line
$ipaddresses.each | Integer $index , String $ipaddress | {
$num = $index+1
ensure => present,
path => '/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/dummydsr',
line => "address${num} = ${ipaddress}/32",
match => "^address.* = ${ipaddress}/32",
after => '# IP Addresses come here',
notify => Service['NetworkManager'],
require => File['/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/dummydsr'],

Ordering with creating and reading a file in Puppet

I know it is something with the catalog that is the issue, I just can't figure out how to work around it.
I have the following code and I get the following error:
class test1 {
file { '/tmp/test.txt':
ensure => present,
content => 'name=joe',
class test2 {
$test = file('/tmp/test.txt')
notify { $test: }
class test3 {
class { 'test1': } ->
class { 'test2': }
puppet apply -e "include test3"
Error: Could not find any files from test.txt at ../modules/test2/manifests/init.pp
So essentially, I am trying to read a file before it exists, and the ordering doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas how I can work around this?
Based on the description of the function you are trying to utilize it will never operate in the fashion you are trying.
Loads a file from a module and returns its contents as a string.
Affectively what this means is that the file would exist in
And would be loaded using:
file('test1/test.txt') i.e. file(<MODULENAME>/<FILENAME>)

Check a file already exists in Save As Dialog box - c++, opencascade

I want to create a .stl file for a particular shape where each face of that shape has a different patch name like face1,face 2 etc. I have done this by overriding the StlAPI_Writer and RWStl classes in opencascade. I have used file.Append method instead of file.Build method to do so.
But I have a problem when I save the .stl file in an already existing file, it appends data to the existing one which is incorrect. I want to delete the existing data in the file and append new data face by face for a given shape.
Please help me on this.
You can use this simple function:
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool FileExists(string strFilename) {
struct stat stFileInfo;
bool blnReturn;
int intStat;
// Attempt to get the file attributes
intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo);
if(intStat == 0) {
// We were able to get the file attributes
// so the file obviously exists.
blnReturn = true;
} else {
// We were not able to get the file attributes.
// This may mean that we don't have permission to
// access the folder which contains this file. If you
// need to do that level of checking, lookup the
// return values of stat which will give you
// more details on why stat failed.
blnReturn = false;
I assume you use the SaveFileDialogue class. In this case you can handle the return result of the dialogue like this:
if ( saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == ::DialogResult::OK ) {
if ( FileExist(saveFileDialog.FileName) ) {
// erase the file
// write the code using the Append function
This should work, however a easier variant must be accessible if you use something else than Append (something like Write or maybe even Append but with a parameter that specifies to rewrite the file)
