Inserting array into postgresql - node.js

I want to insert an array of id's to a file, but while creating a table I used int, and it has the reference of another table now how can I store array value to the specific field?
I understand that the columns have to be the same type and I also saw that some tried to tackle this foreign key on array issue already:
also i tried ELEMENT according to this doc but no success. please someone help me here
db.query('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS departments_users(_id SERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY,user_id int REFERENCES companyUser ON DELETE CASCADE,department_id int REFERENCES departments ON DELETE CASCADE)');
exports.addCompanyUser = function(data, callback) {
db.query('INSERT INTO departments_users(user_id,department_id) VALUES($1,$2) RETURNING *', [companyuseraccess.rows[0]._id, data.department]).then(function(departments_users) {

You dont have any field with ARRAY dataType so essentially you cannot insert array into the field. If you wish to put in array in a field change its data type to ARRAY first and then you can
INSERT INTO "some_table" ("id","array_field","some_text_field")
VALUES (1,ARRAY['value1','value2']::TEXT[],'active') RETURNING *
Hope this helps. Let me know if i can help further


bigQuery: PartialFailureError on table insert

I'm trying to insert data row to bigQuery table as follows:
await bigqueryClient
But I get a PartialFailureError when deploying the cloud function.
The table schem has a name (string) and campaigns (record/repeated) fields which I created manually from the console.
platform_name STRING NULLABLE
reporting_id STRING NULLABLE
And the data I'm inserting is an object like this:
const row = {
hotel_name: hotel_name,//string
campaigns: {
platform_id: item.platform_id,//int
platform_name: item.platform_name,//string
reporting_id: item.reporting_id,//string
The errors logged don't give much clue about the issue.
These errors suck. The actual info about what went wrong can be found in the errors property on the PartialFailureError. In we reformat the error to make this easier using:
According to my test it seems that there are 2 errors here. First is that you have campaign_id in schema while id in JSON.
2nd thing is related with format of REPEATED mode data in JSON. The documentation mentions following:
. Notice that the addresses column contains an array of values (indicated by [ ]). The multiple addresses in the array are the repeated data. The multiple fields within each address are the nested data.
It's not so straight in mentioned document (probably can be found somewhere else) however when you use REPEATED mode you should use brackets [].
I tested it shortly on my side and it seems that it should work like this:
const row = {
hotel_name: hotel_name,//string
campaigns: [ {
platform_id: item.platform_id,//int
platform_name: item.platform_name,//string
reporting_id: item.reporting_id,//string
}, ]

Specifying that a column should just be inserted not upserted

I have some data i want to insert via insertGraph
ala ModelName
problem is I have a guard with allowInsert that specifies which columns should be populated. I have a column holding a foreign key to another table. I don't want this column to be populated. I keep getting trying to upsert an unallowed relation. I'm at a loss on how to specify that foreignId shouldn't be populated.
My code looks like this with the allowInsert guard
.allowInsert([subrelation2.[columnToPopulate1, columnToPopulate2]])
P.s. I've tried specifying foreignId in the allowInsert condition to no avail. Specifying relation2.* allows the insertion. But I want to retain the sanity checks
Seems like you are specifying columns of the relation2 model, instead of subrelations. Is columnToPopulate1 a subrelation of the Model of relation2? By the name looks like a column of the model, which is wrong.
I think that you want to use a relations to insert two columns in the 'relation2' model. Something like:
let data = {
modelNameColumn: 'value',
relation2: {
columnToPopulate1: 'value',
columnToPopulate2: 'value',
await ModelName
In allowInsert method you can only specify which relations are allowed to be inserted, but cant define which columns.
In case you want to remove the posibility of a column to be updated, you can use a beforeUpdate() trigger:
class Model2 extends Model {
async $beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext) {
await super.$beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext);
if (this.columnName) throw new Error('columnName shouldnt be updated')

Getting index of the resultset

Is there a way to get the index of the results within an aql query?
Something like
FOR user IN Users sort user.age DESC RETURN {id:user._id, order:{index?}}
If you want to enumerate the result set and store these numbers in an attribute order, then this is possible with the following AQL query:
LET sorted_ids = (
FOR user IN Users
SORT user.age DESC
RETURN user._key
FOR i IN 0..LENGTH(sorted_ids)-1
UPDATE sorted_ids[i] WITH { order: i+1 } IN Users
A subquery is used to sort users by age and return an array of document keys. Then a loop over a numeric range from the first to the last index of the that array is used to iterate over its elements, which gives you the desired order value (minus 1) as variable i. The current array element is a document key, which is used to update the user document with an order attribute.
Above query can be useful for a one-off computation of an order attribute. If your data changes a lot, then it will quickly become stale however, and you may want to move this to the client-side.
For a related discussion see AQL: Counter / enumerator
If I understand your question correctly - and feel free to correct me, this is what you're looking for:
FOR user IN Users
SORT user.age DESC
id: user._id,
order: user._key
The _key is the primary key in ArangoDB.
If however, you're looking for example data entered (in chronological order) then you will have to have to set the key on your inserts and/or create a date / time object and filter using that.
Upon doing some research, I believe this link might be of use to you for AI the keys:

Getting the values and column names of an INSERT object in the Java Cassandra Driver

I have a Insert object created as follows:
Insert insert = QueryBuilder.insertInto("demo", "users");
insert.value("name", name);
insert.value("sport", "test");
insert.value("years", 2);
insert.value("vegetarian", true);
Somewhere else in my code, I need to get the list of names and values associated with this INSERT object. When I debug the code I can see two "values" and "names" ArrayLists that contain the information I need, however they are private and I cannot access them.
While insert.getObject(0); gets the object from the values ArrayList, I can't map the value to a column name. Furthermore insert.getValues(ProtocolVersion.V4, CodecRegistry.DEFAULT_INSTANCE); seems to serialize the objects and put them into a ByteBuffer which is not desirable.
I recommend to use the PreparedStatement & BoundStatement instead of simple Insert. First, you can get better performance if you're inserting a lot of data. And second - you'll be able to get a list of variables defined in prepared statement, together with associated values

Azure DocumentDB: order by and filter by DateTime

I have the following query:
WHERE c.DateTime >= "2017-03-20T10:07:17.9894476+01:00" AND c.DateTime <= "2017-03-22T10:07:17.9904464+01:00"
So as you can see I have a WHERE condition for a property with the type DateTimeand I want to sort my result by the same one.
The query ends with the following error:
Order-by item requires a range index to be defined on the corresponding index path.
I have absolutely no idea what this error message is about :(
Has anybody any idea?
You can also do one thing that don't require indexing explicitly. Azure documentBD is providing indexing on numbers field by default so you can store the date in long format. Because you are already converting date to string, you can also convert date to long an store, then you can implement range query.
I think I found a possible solution, thanks for pointing out the issue with the index.
As stated in the following article I changed the index for the datatype string to RangeIndex, to allow range queries:
DocumentCollection collection = new DocumentCollection { Id = "orders" };
collection.IndexingPolicy = new IndexingPolicy(new RangeIndex(DataType.String) { Precision = -1 });
await client.CreateDocumentCollectionAsync("/dbs/orderdb", collection);
And it seems to work! If there are any undesired side effects I will let you know.
