Building Cayenne Expressions for EXISTS subqueries - subquery

I have the following optional, to-many relationship: PackingSlip <->> LineItem
I need to match all the PackingSlip instances that do not have any related LineItem instances with an qtyOrdered > qtyShipped.
What makes the most sense to me would be to write an expression along the lines of:
Which I would expect to generate SQL along the lines of:
SELECT, ... FROM packing_slip t0
SELECT * FROM line_item t1
WHERE t1.packing_slip_id =
AND t1.qty_ordered < t1.qty_shipped
Obviously, I've made up the containsMatch(Expression) method. Since such a thing does not exist (currently), what is the best way of accomplishing this in Cayenne 4.0?

While I am not a big fan of EJBQLQuery, it can actually help here:
String ejbql =
"SELECT ps FROM PackingSlip ps " +
"(SELECT li FROM LineItem li WHERE li " +
"MEMBER OF ps.lineItems AND li.qtyOdered < li.qtyShipped)";
EJBQLQuery query = new EJBQLQuery(ejbql);
List<PackingSlip> objects = context.performQuery(query);
As well as SQLSelect query.


Problems with the BQL "IN<>" statement

The requirement I have is to get a list of all discount codes defined in an instance and which ones a particular customer is currently assigned to, in the case given CustomerID=28. I further have to include only discount codes that naturally will be applicable to customers. There are only 3 of these; "Customer", "Customer and Item", "Customer and Item price Class". These are ARDiscount.ApplicableTo containing "CU", "CP","CI"
Select a.CompanyID, a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID, b.ApplicableTo, c.CustomerID
From DiscountSequence a
Join ARDiscount b On a.CompanyID = b.CompanyID and a.DiscountID = b.DiscountID
Left Outer Join DiscountCustomer c On a.CompanyID = c.CompanyID
And a.DiscountID = c.DiscountID
And a.DiscountSequenceID = c.DiscountSequenceID
And (IsNull(c.CustomerID,0) = 0 OR c.CustomerID = 72)
Where a.CompanyID = 2
And b.ApplicableTo In ('CU','CP','CI')
Order By a.DiscountID, a.DiscountSequenceID
I created data view delegate to return the 4 columns I need to display and in the view I created
to read the data like the SQL query above I used the BQL "IN<>" statement like this. The method was taken directlty from a blog post found here :
Object[] applicableTovalues = new String[] { "CP","CI","CU" }; // Customer and Price Class // Customer and Item// Customer
var Results = PXSelectJoin<DiscountSequence
, InnerJoin<ARDiscount, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<ARDiscount.discountID>>
, LeftJoin<DiscountCustomer, On<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountID>,
And<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID, Equal<DiscountCustomer.discountSequenceID>,
And<Where<DiscountCustomer.customerID, Equal<Current<Customer.bAccountID>>,
Or<DiscountCustomer.customerID, IsNull>>>>>>>
, Where<DiscountSequence.discountID, IsNotNull
, And<ARDiscount.applicableTo, In<Required<ARDiscount.applicableTo>>>>
, OrderBy<Asc<DiscountSequence.discountID, Asc<DiscountSequence.discountSequenceID>>>
>.Select(Base, applicableTovalues);
The problem is that the resulting SQL server select statement caught with TRACE only includes the first of the three IN values (''CU'') leaving (CI and CU) out.
I was expecting all three values in the IN statement like this : AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CP'', ''CI'', ''CU'')
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID], [DiscountSequence].[LineCntr],
[DiscountCustomer].[CreatedDateTime], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedByScreenID], [DiscountCustomer].[LastModifiedDateTime]
FROM [DiscountSequence] [DiscountSequence] INNER JOIN [ARDiscount] [ARDiscount] ON ( [ARDiscount].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [ARDiscount].[DiscountID]
LEFT JOIN [DiscountCustomer] [DiscountCustomer] ON ( [DiscountCustomer].[CompanyID] = 2) AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountID]
AND [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID] = [DiscountCustomer].[DiscountSequenceID] AND ( [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] = #P0 OR [DiscountCustomer].[CustomerID] IS NULL )
WHERE ( [DiscountSequence].[CompanyID] = 2)
AND ( [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID] IS NOT NULL
AND [ARDiscount].[ApplicableTo] IN ( ''CU''))
ORDER BY [DiscountSequence].[DiscountID], [DiscountSequence].[DiscountSequenceID]
OPTION(OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN) /* AR.30.30.00 */',N'#P0 int',#P0=39
The issue is passing the array into the 'params' parameter. It thinks that you are passing a list of parameters into the bql query instead of a single array as a parameter.
If you cast it as follows it should work:
.Select(Base, (object)applicableTovalues);

Nested subquery in FOR ALL ENTRIES

Consultant sent me this code example, here is something he expects to get
SELECT m1~vbeln_im m1~vbelp_im m1~mblnr smbln
FROM mseg AS m1
INNER JOIN mseg AS m2 ON m1~mblnr = m2~smbln
AND m1~mjahr = m2~sjahr
AND m1~zeile = m2~smblp
AND m2~bwart = '102'
AND 0 = ( select SUM( ( CASE
when SHKZG = 'S' THEN 1
when SHKZG = 'H' THEN -1
else 0
into lt_mseg-summ
from mseg
VBELN_IM = m1~vbeln_im
and VBELP_IM = m1~vbelp_im
The problem is I don't see how that should work in current syntax. I think about deriving internal select and using it as condition to main one, but is there a proper way to write this nested construction?
As i get it, if nested statement = 0, then main query executes. The problem here is the case inside nested statement. Is it even possible in ABAP? And in my opinion this check could be used outside from main SQL query.
Any suggestions are welcome.
the logic that you were given is part of Native/Open SQL and has some shortcomings that you need to be aware of.
the statement you are showing has to be placed between EXEC SQL and ENDEXEC.
the logic is platform dependent.
there is no syntax checking performed between the EXEC and ENDEXEC
the execution of this bypasses the database buffering process, so its slower
To me, I would investigate a better way to capture the data that performs better outside of open/native sql.
If you want to move forward with this type of logic, below are a couple of links which should be helpful. There is an example select using a nested select with a case statement.
Test Program
Example Logic
This is probably what you need, it works at least since ABAP 750.
FROM vbfa
INTO TABLE #DATA(lt_vbfa).
DATA(rt_vbeln) = VALUE range_vbeln_va_tab( FOR GROUPS val OF <line> IN lt_vbfa GROUP BY ( low = <line>-vbeln ) WITHOUT MEMBERS ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = val-low ) ).
SELECT m1~vbeln_im, m1~vbelp_im, m1~mblnr, m2~smbln
FROM mseg AS m1
JOIN mseg AS m2
ON m1~mblnr = m2~smbln
AND m1~mjahr = m2~sjahr
AND m1~zeile = m2~smblp
WHERE m2~bwart = '102'
AND m1~vbeln_im IN ( SELECT vbelv FROM vbfa WHERE vbelv IN #rt_vbeln )
GROUP BY m1~vbeln_im, m1~vbelp_im, m1~mblnr, m2~smbln
HAVING SUM( CASE m1~shkzg WHEN 'H' THEN 1 WHEN 'S' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END * m1~menge ) = 0.
Yes, aggregating and FOR ALL ENTRIES is impossible in one SELECT, but you can trick the system with range and subquery. Also you don't need three joins for summarizing reversed docs, your SUM subquery is redundant here.
If you need to select documents not only by delivery number but also by position this will be more complicated for sure.

Grails search mechanism

For my website, i need to do a search mechanism, in which some of the entry field would be: Country, City, Between Dates (with or without year field), Keywords, etc etc.
My problem is, the user must decide what they wanna search for. For example, if they want to introduce just date, or date and city, or city and keyword.. etc. I dont really know how to do that, i mean, i know how to search for one thing at a time, but i'm not sure how can do this all-in-one.
a) Would i need like something like this: (if-else, if-else) and than write the code for each combination, or there is an easier way to do that?
b )Bytheway, my search mechanism is done the folowing way (i'v never done a search mechanism before, so i dont know if it is the best aproach, would apreciate some comments here also and suggestions):
class book{
String a
String b
Date z
String allAttributesTogether() {
a + b + c + ... + z
then in my controller, i do a double for statment and cross-match the introduced words for the search and the result of allAttributesTogether().
Thanks in advanced, VA
Check out the filter pane plugin.
When you say "search", comes to my mind search engines. But I think you are asking about querying the database, right?
If you are talking about search mechanisms, search engines are a great tool. You can take a look at Lucene, Compass, and ElasticSearch (ES) to name a few. Compass and ES are based on lucene, but are much higher in the abstraction level (easier to use).
I have been using ElasticSearch with great satisfaction.
If you are talking about querying the database, then you can just build a HQL query dynamically. The method bellow should be in a Controller, as it uses the params attribute. It is not tested ok?
List allAttributesTogether() {
def query = " select book from Book book "
def queryParams = [:]
def needsAnd = false
if(params.a || params.b || params.z ){
query += " where "
query += " book.a = :a "
queryParams['a'] = params.a
needsAnd = true
if(needsAnd) query += " and "
query += " book.b = :b "
queryParams['b'] = params.b
needsAnd = true
if(needsAnd) query += " and "
query += " book.z = :z "
queryParams['z'] = params.z
return Book.executeQuery(query, queryParams)
There is also the alternative of using Criteria builder. You can also use "if" to add clauses to your Criteria clauses.

Subsonic:Selfjoin query need

I want to construct the query which is going to be used in .net. Below you can see the sql query, any one can give me the equivalent subsonic query
a2.AccountID AS BID,
a2.AccountName AS Brand
Account a
INNER JOIN Account a2 ON a.ParentID = a2.AccountID
a.AccountTypeID = 6
Please help me.
SubSonic 2 or 3?
With SubSonic you always have a nice backdoor.
It's called InlineQuery in 2.x and CodingHorror in 3.x
var result = DB.Query().ExecuteReader("SELECT DISTINCT
a2.AccountID AS BID,
a2.AccountName AS Brand
FROM Account a
INNER JOIN Account a2 ON a.ParentID = a2.AccountID
WHERE a.AccountTypeID = ?accounttypeid
ORDER BY Brand", 6);
If you want to stay with the fluent interface because of the syntax checking and the sql conversion. Here is another approach I could think of (SubSonic 2.2)
DataTable result = DB.Select(
"a1." + Account.Columns.AccountId + " as BID",
"a2." + Account.Columns.AccountName + " as Brand")
.From(Account.Schema.QualifiedName + " a1")
.InnerJoin(Account.Schema.QualifiedName + " a2",
"a2." + Account.Columns.account_id,
"a1", "a1." + Account.Columns.parent_id)
.Where("a1." + Account.Columns.AccountTypeId).IsEqualTo(6)
.OrderAsc("a2." + Account.Columns.AccountName)
But I never did this and I haven't verified it. But maybe it works.

linq to entity Contains() and nested queries

i've a trouble with linq, i'll explain on example :
i have a database table called Employee which got FirstName and LastName columns,
and a method to search employees which gets a nameList list as argument, the elements in this list are names formatted like this one "Fred Burn", or this1 "Grim Reaper",
already tryed these approaches with no luck =[
//just all employees
var allData = from emp in Context.Employee select emp;
var test1 = from emp in allData
where(emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName).Contains
("" + ((from n in nameList select n).FirstOrDefault()))
select emp;
var test2 = (from emp in allData
where (emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName)
== ((from n in nameList select n).FirstOrDefault())
select emp);
var test3 = from emp in allData
where (from n in nameList select n).Contains
(emp.FirstName + " " + emp.LastName)
select emp;
first and second queries give : {"Unable to create a constant value of type 'Closure type'. Only primitive types ('such as Int32, String, and Guid') are supported in this context."} exceptionand third : {"LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean Contains[String](System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[System.String], System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression."}
would be glad to hear your suggestions :)
Thank You!
yea i know it's possible to split names in list and compare them separately, but still curious why wont these queries work.
I assume nameList in this case is an in memory collection and that you are trying to use the LINQ to SQL trick creating a SQL "IN" clause inside of the Entity Framework. Unfortunately, EF doesn't support this syntax (yet). Depending on the number of records you are trying to match, you may be able to run separate queries for each child you are desiring. Alternatively, you could build an entitysql query using concatenation to append the multiple items from the nameList as separate OR clauses in the WHERE operation.
