Does bash shell script leave its command history? - linux

Does bash shell script leave the history of the commands it executed, such as .bash_history?
I'm curious about it.

No, it does not:
9.1 Bash History Facilities
When the -o history option to the set builtin is enabled (see The Set Builtin), the shell provides access to the command history, the list of commands previously typed.
To get current settings, use set -o command. In interactive shells (with -i option of bash or in usual bashes from login or terminal) it prints history on. When used in scripts (bash -c 'set -o' or when you did ssh machine bash without tty allocation) it is unset: history off.
6.3.3 Interactive Shell Behavior - When the shell is running interactively, it changes its behavior in several ways.
Command history (see Bash History Facilities) and history expansion (see History Interaction) are enabled by default. Bash will save the command history to the file named by $HISTFILE when a shell with history enabled exits.
History can be enabled in script with several commands: / - set HISTFILE and (optionally) HISTTIMEFORMAT, enable with set -o history and then use history command.


How to Change my default shell on server?

I was assigned an account for log in to a remote server, and I want to change my default shell.
I tried chsh command but it says: chsh: "/public/home/{my_id}/bin/zsh" is not listed in /etc/shells.
If you don't have permission to install zsh system wide, a quick fix is to append exec ~/bin/zsh -l to ~/.bash_profile (if bash is the current shell), or an equivalent rc file for the current login shell.
zsh -l starts zsh as a login shell.
exec COMMAND replaces the current process with COMMAND, so you'll only have to type exit (or press ctrl+d) once.
~/.bash_profile is executed when bash starts as a login shell, you can still run command bash normally.
Depending what is in ~/.bash_profile (or equivalent), you may wish to avoid executing its other contents, by putting exec ~/bin/zsh -l at the start of the file (not the end), and copy/port anything important over to the zsh equivalent, $ZDOTDIR/.zprofile.
I might also do export SHELL="$HOME/bin/zsh", although I'm unsure of the full effects of setting SHELL differently to that specified for your user in /etc/passwd, to a shell not in /etc/shells, and to a shell binary in your home path.
First check all the shells available on your linux system
cat /etc/shells
Use chsh command line utility for changing a login shell with the -s or –shell option like this.
# chsh --shell /bin/sh tecmint

Unable to save history from inside a bash script

I'm writing a simple bash script but the commands within the script do not anything. However it works when I copy/paste the commands directly to the command line.
today=$(date +%B-%A-%d-%Y)
history | grep -v -E $expr > histor$today.txt
history -c
Another question: is possible to call and execute any command of the command line?
NOTE: I would like to make a script that saves my command history except the commands "clear, ls, cd" and then use crontab to save it periodically.
By default, the history facility is only enabled in interactive shells, not shells running scripts. You can put
set -o history
at the beginning of your script to enable history.
Also, each shell invocation has its own history, it's not shared between shells. So enabling history in the script will not give it access to the history of your interactive shell. So the only history that your script would find are the commands that were executed in the script after set -o history.
What you should do instead is define a function in your .bashrc.
gethist() {
history | grep -v -E 'clear|ls|cd' > $(date +'histor%B-%A-%d-%Y.txt')

What does this command do? "exec bash -l"

What does this command do?
exec bash -l
I found this command as part of a reminder text file were I wrote some instructions regarding how to create a ssh key and clone a git repo, but I wrote it a long time ago and I can't remember what it does.
exec executes a specified command, replacing the current process rather than starting a new subprocess.
If you type
bash -l
at a shell prompt, it will invoke a new shell process (the -l makes it a login shell). If you exit that shell process, you'll be back to your original shell process.
exec bash -l
means that the new shell process replaces your current shell process. It's probably slightly less resource intensive.
The reason for doing it is probably so that the new shell sets up its environment (by reading your .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.).
See the bash documentation for more information:
Bash Startup Files for how a login shell differs from a non-login shell
Bourne Shell Builtins for documentation on the exec command.
(You should be able to read the manual on your own system by typing info bash.)
This will replace your current shell with a new bash shell run as a login shell.

ssh terminal does not autocomplete or store command history

I have a virtual server with ubuntu in AWS. I have created multiple users on my server. When I ssh into the server as the root user (ubuntu), I am able to use the bash auto complete for basic commands and bash history. But when I login as a different user it does not work? Is there anything I need to do to fix this?
According to the Bash Reference Manual, §9.1: Bash History Facilities:
When the -o history option to the set builtin is enabled (see The Set Builtin), the shell provides access to the command history, the list of commands previously typed.
So, I'd try running
set -o history
and seeing if that fixes it. If it does, then you'll probably want to add that to the other users' log-in scripts.
(Note that set -o history primarily controls whether commands are added to the history, so to test it adequately, you'll want to run:
set -o history
echo foo
echo !!
to confirm that it prints echo foo.)

How can I debug the bash prompt?

I've been editing .bashrc files and other init files, and it seems that I've left behind a few code snippets or two that are causing a few errors at the prompt (e.g. file missing), but I can't find them.
How do I debug the prompt to find out what init scripts I've carelessly hacked?
Most of the shells have debug flags that show the commands being executed. Bash may even have one that shows a command before expansion of variables and after. Have you tried checking (I believe) -c -x or -X flags and see if they show the information you are looking for.
You can set them as first thing in the rc files (most global one) or just pass it down into bash command by invoking it from another shell.
In fact, if you invoke bash from another shell, you can also use script command to record everything you see and do into the file, which makes postmortem analysis so much easier.
Try invoking bash with the -x flag, then sourcing your .bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever you're using. That ought to be prolix enough to find your problem
bash -x
source .bashrc
The easiest way to get a clean initial state is to SSH into your current host, but instead of letting SSH launch your shell with default settings, you provide an explicit command which prevents .bashrc from being read.
ssh -tt localhost /bin/bash --norc
The -tt forces SSH to allocate a TTY, which is what would normally happen when you open a shell connection, but is not default when running an explicit command.
The --norc prevents bash from reading your settings file (since we want to do that ourselves).
You should now be at a bash prompt, in a clean environment. This is useful for examining what variable are set to before your .bashrc runs etc. Enable tracing and source your .bashrc:
set -x # Enable tracing
source .bashrc
Try to see where you've defined prompt - probably it in some dot file in your home directory:
grep PS1 ~/.*
You can see current value of prompt by just printing it:
echo $PS1
Check the .bash_history file in your home directory to find out what commands you have been running. If you used commands like vi filename to open the init scripts, it will find them in the command history.
