Get wrong parameter from get method in nodejs - node.js

I'm trying to send get method request and want to pass value in URL.
Like my api look like
app.get('/api/getlocation/:customerName', customer.getlocation);
For call this I wrote in postman
For test
var customerName = req.params.customerName;
console.log('name', customerName); // =kumbhani
It returns name with = sign - I want only kumbhani

The colon character in the path in Express has a special meaning: whatever you put in the URL after getLocation/ will be put in req.params.customerName.
This means in Postman, you should actually call this URL:
→ See related question.


How do you get the response as a string using the http_url_get method in rpg

Good day,
I am trying to consume a get method on a server hosted locally.
rc = http_url_get('http://sss:13013/cgi-bi/sendms?'
+ 'username=cous&pas'
+ 'to=' + vCell + '&text=' + %TRIM(vSMSText):
I am using a library called HTTPAPI its from
I am trying to figure out how to get the response of the call as a string.
The Variable rc contains a integer response code but no response, I am assuming it gets downloaded to the /tmp/httptest.html parameter specified. But I want it as a string as I want to process the response as a string. I do not know if there is a extra parameter that I can use to store the result of the call.
I have tried the http_string method but I get an error that the method is undefined, I think the my client is using an old version of the HTTPAPI lib.
Is it possible to use the http_url_get function to return the response as a string?.
if you want to get a string response, use Klement's HTTP_req(). It is flexible enough to get a file or a string (and use a file or a string to send a request). You can play with *omit to select the way you can make a GET (on other actions).

Body is not getting parsed in GET method

I am using mockoon for API simulation. I created 2 routes there with method GET and its body contains(responds with) JSON object. I noticed that my express app is not able to parse one of the routes. But the route that has JSON object in body which contains ARRAY is getting parsed. I tested both routes with Express(by console.log) and in chrome browser(I have JSON formatter extension) and it is behaving the same meaning response that does not contain ARRAY is not getting parsed but the response with array is getting parsed(behaving normally). Let me show the screenshots:
Express(by console.log):
With array:
Without array:
Chrome(JSON Formatter extension):
With array(extension is able to parse):
Without array(extension is not able to parse):
I tried adding Header(Content-Type: application/json) to the route in mockoon. But still, I am not aware of what is going on here. Someone please explain
The express code:
const iabs_client = await axios.get(
Here is the route created in Mockoon(without array inside JSON):
P.S mockoon is a program that creates endpoints in localhost, useful for API simulation when developing front-end without having backend yet
The trailing comma after "something" is not valid JSON. Edit your Mockoon body to remove the comma and it should work.

Bodyparser behavior after second question mark

I wrote a simple API which will return request.query as a response.
The behavior is little different than what I am expecting.
redirectto -- I am getting the only name as part of response redirectto param.
id -- I am getting an array in response.
Why is this behaviour?
Query parameters that contain reserved characters should be URL encoded or they will fail to parse correctly.
The properly encoded URL should look something like this:

Get params using ExpressJS

I'd like to get a specific param using ExpressJS with "#" instead of "?" in the url...
My URL :
I'd like to get "access_token" and "req.params.access_token" doesn't work...
Short answer: you can't.
Longer answer: fragment identifiers (that's the part after the #) are supposed to be evaluated on the client and are not supposed to be sent to server. Your express app has no way of knowing them.
You could try to convert them to query parameters or path variables (i.e. by handling fragment identifier change in javascript) to make them visible server-side.

how to get URI as parameters in NodeJS

How can i get the URI and use it as params in nodejs. I am using express.
I want to get "/param1/param2/param3/paramN".
This is my current code:
app.get("/getParams/:params", test.params);
You can access the full path as one param, or you can access each segment as a separate param. To get as one param:
app.get('/mysvc/:input(*)', function(req, res)
// ...
Notice the route which says everything (regex match of *) after /mysvc/ will be mapped to the input reques param. Then you can reference it via req.params
In this example, a request to /mysvc/foo/bar will output foo/bar
If you want to get each segment as a separate param then:
access via req.params.param1, req.params.param2, etc...
In express parameters are available in the req object req.params.parameterName so in your case you can access it within the route like this req.params.params.
The params that you can access from the handler depends upon the route definitions. If you route is like
then you can access them as
