Azure Resource Manager - Convert value to 'lower' - azure

I was recently using ARM templates to deploy multiple resources into Azure. While deploying Storage accounts, I ran into an issue which was due to some constraints put up by Azure like
Name of Storage Account should not contain upper case letters
Its max length should be 24.
I want this name from the user and can handle the 2nd issue using the "maxLength" property on 'parameters'. But for lower case, there is no such property in 'parameters' also I'm unable to find any function which will convert the user entered value to lower case.
What I expect:
Method to convert the user entered value in lower case.
Any other method to suit my use case.
Thanks in advance.

You should look at the string function reference of the ARM templates.
you need to create a variable (or just add those functions to the name input, like so:
"name": "[toLower(parameters('Name'))]"
or add a substring method, something like this:
"variables": {
"storageAccountName": "[tolower(concat('sawithsse', substring(parameters('storageAccountType'), 0, 2), uniqueString(subscription().id, resourceGroup().id)))]"


Can I pull data from an existingAzure Storage Account table using ARM Templates?

I have an existing Azure Storage Account which has a table. This table has a few details that I would be needing to use in my mainTemplate.json ARM file. Can I pull these values directly in the ARM Template.
[concat(reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts',parameters('storageAccountName'))).primaryEndpoints.table, parameters('tableName'))]
I have been using the above statement in the outputs section and it returns me the table uri. Can I get the values inside that table by any way?
As suggested by Silent By referring this link
Try with using DeploymentScriptOutputs
The script takes one parameter, and output the parameter value. DeploymentScriptOutputs is used for storing outputs.
"outputs": {
"result": {
"value": "[reference('runPowerShellInlineWithOutput').outputs.text]",
"type": "string"
In the outputs section, the value line shows how to access the stored values. Write-Output is used for debugging purpose. To learn how to access the output file, see Monitor and troubleshoot deployment scripts
Thank you #silent for your suggestion

Azure availability zone ARM A parameter syntax

I am attempting to add availability zone into my VM arm template.
Majority of times I don't want the VM to be in a zone as it is a single VM.
So in my ARM template, I have defined the zone section as:
"[if(greaterOrEquals(parameters('availabilityZone'), 1),parameters('availabilityZone'),json('null'))]"
this works fine if I set a value of 1 or higher but fails if I leave as blank.
failed validation with message: 'The zone(s) '' for resource
'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/XXX' is not supported.
if I remove the if condition then hard code in the blank it works:
"zones": "",
I appreciate your help in advance.
we found the following solution that worked:
Please try something like this, if your parameter doesn't contain then it will pass the empty value,
"zones": "[if(empty(parameters('availabilityZone')),'', parameters('availabilityZone'))]",

Azure : How to write path to get a file from a time series partitioned folder using the Azure logic apps

I am trying to retrieve a csv file from the Azure blob storage using the logic apps.
I set the azure storage explorer path in the parameters and in the get blob content action I am using that parameter.
In the Parameters I have set the value as:
So during the run time this path should form as:
but during the execution action is getting failed with the following error message
"status": 400,
"message": "The specifed resource name contains invalid characters.\r\nclientRequestId: 1e2791be-8efd-413d-831e-7e2cd89278ba",
"error": {
"message": "The specifed resource name contains invalid characters."
"source": ""
So my question is: How to write path to get data from the time series partitioned path.
The response of the Joy Wang was partially correct.
The Parameters in logic apps will treat values as a String only and will not be able to identify any functions such as concat().
The correct way to use the concat function is to use the expressions.
And my solution to the problem is:
You should not use that in the parameters, when you use this line concat('Directory1/','Year=',string(int(substring(utcNow(),0,4))),'/Month=',string(int(substring(utcnow(),5,2))),'/Day=',string(int(substring(utcnow(),8,2))),'/myfile.csv') in the parameters, its type is String, it will be recognized as String by logic app, then the function will not take effect.
And you need to include the container name in the concat(), also, no need to use string(int()), because utcNow() and substring() both return the String.
To fix the issue, use the line below directly in the Blob option, my container name is container1.
As mentioned in #Stark's answer, if you want to drop the leading 0 from the left.
You can convert it from string to int, then convert it back to string.

Is there any possibility for adding thousand separator inside an Azure Logic App Expression?

Is there any possibility for adding thousand separator inside an Azure Logic App Expression?
I'm creating an Azure Logic App which sends an JSON to an REST Service. The JSON is build inside the Logic App with a Compose. The Data for the JSON comes from different REST Services.
The Services deliver me numbers like "13251", "11231543.3" etc.
I need to transform and send the numbers with thousand separator like "13.251", "11,231,543.3" etc.
My code looks like:
"Item": {
"nr": "#{body('current')?['nr']}",
"amount": "#{body('current')?['amount']}",
So I basically need something like: .ToString("#,##0.00")
"13251" => "13.251"
"11231543.3" => "11,231,543.3"
Thanks for your help!
You cannot send numbers with thousand separators in Json, since it will invalidate the Json.
Consider this Json:
"age": 123,456.0
This will be seen as:
"age": 123,
Which is invalid Json.
If you wish to format it as a string: there doesn't seem to be a conversion available to format numbers. There are several format-enabled conversions for DateTime.
More info: Reference guide to using functions in expressions for Azure Logic Apps and Microsoft Flow
You might want to try the Execute JavaScript code action for this. Sample:
enter image description here
Hope this Helps!
It can be achieved in logic app, but it's complicated. We can use "Math functions" in logic app(div and mod) and we also need to use "String functions", "if condition", "until" and initialize some variables. I achieved it by the actions and methods I mentioned above but it's too complicated. I think it is easy for us to do it by add additional code in azure function.

Is it possible to generate a unique BlobOutput name from an Azure WebJobs QueueInput item?

I have a continuous Azure WebJob that is running off of a QueueInput, generating a report, and outputting a file to a BlobOutput. This job will run for differing sets of data, each requiring a unique output file. (The number of inputs is guaranteed to scale significantly over time, so I cannot write a single job per input.) I would like to be able to run this off of a QueueInput, but I cannot find a way to set the output based on the QueueInput value, or any value except for a blob input name.
As an example, this is basically what I want to do, though it is invalid code and will fail.
public static void Job([QueueInput("inputqueue")] InputItem input, [BlobOutput("fileoutput/{input.Name}")] Stream output)
//job work here
I know I could do something similar if I used BlobInput instead of QueueInput, but I would prefer to use a queue for this job. Am I missing something or is generating a unique output from a QueueInput just not possible?
There are two alternatives:
Use IBInder to generate the blob name. Like shown in these samples
Have an autogenerated in the queue message object and bind the blob name to that property. See here (the BlobNameFromQueueMessage method) how to bind a queue message property to a blob name
Found the solution at Advanced bindings with the Windows Azure Web Jobs SDK via Curah's Complete List of Web Jobs Tutorials and Videos.
Quote for posterity:
One approach is to use the IBinder interface to bind the output blob and specify the name that equals the order id. The better and simpler approach (SimpleBatch) is to bind the blob name placeholder to the queue message properties:
public static void ProcessOrder(
[QueueInput("orders")] Order newOrder,
[BlobOutput("invoices/{OrderId}")] TextWriter invoice)
// Code that creates the invoice
The {OrderId} placeholder from the blob name gets its value from the OrderId property of the newOrder object. For example, newOrder is (JSON): {"CustomerName":"Victor","OrderId":"abc42"} then the output blob name is “invoices/abc42″. The placeholder is case-sensitive.
So, you can reference individual properties from the QueueInput object in the BlobOutput string and they will be populated correctly.
